AB519,30,21 21301.371 Definitions. In this section and ss. 301.372 to 301.378:
AB519,30,23 22(1) "Division" means the division of hearings and appeals in the department
23of administration.
AB519,30,24 24(2) "Political subdivision of this state" means a city, village, town or county.
AB519,30,25 25(3) "Security breach" means one of the following:
1(a) A violation of s. 946.42 (3) by a person committed to a private prison by a
2sending jurisdiction.
AB519,31,43 (b) A disturbance at a private prison that places any person at imminent risk
4of great bodily harm, as defined in s. 939.22 (14).
AB519,31,8 5(4) "Sending jurisdiction" means the United States or one of its political
6subdivisions or a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band that contracts
7with a private prison operator to confine persons in a private prison for the
8commission of a crime.
AB519, s. 84 9Section 84. 301.372 of the statutes is created to read:
AB519,31,14 10301.372 Private prison construction. No person may commence the
11construction of a private prison or the conversion of an existing building into a
12private prison without paying the license fee and any application fee set under 1999
13Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 151 (3), and obtaining a private prison
14construction license under s. 301.378.
AB519, s. 85 15Section 85. 301.372 of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this
16act), is amended to read:
AB519,31,21 17301.372 Private prison construction. No person may commence the
18construction of a private prison or the conversion of an existing building into a
19private prison without paying the license fee and any application fee set under 1999
20Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section151 (3),
s. 301.379 and obtaining a private prison
21construction license under s. 301.378.
AB519, s. 86 22Section 86. 301.373 of the statutes is created to read:
AB519,31,24 23301.373 Private prison operation. No person may operate a private prison
24unless the person complies with all of the following requirements:
1(1) Compliance with license and applicable laws. A private prison operator
2shall maintain a private prison operating license and operate and maintain the
3private prison in a manner consistent with the operating license. A private prison
4operator shall comply with all laws relating to the design, construction and operation
5of the private prison, all rules promulgated by the department, all orders issued by
6the department under sub. (10) (a) 1. a. and all orders issued by the division.
AB519,32,15 7(2) Insurance, indemnification and financial status reports. (a) A private
8prison operator shall periodically provide the department satisfactory proof of
9insurance or self-insurance in the form, manner and frequency required by the
10department. The insurance shall be in an amount sufficient, as determined by the
11department, to indemnify this state and its officers and employes and political
12subdivisions of this state and their officers and employes for any expenses, property
13damage, losses, liability, costs or attorney fees arising from acts or omissions of the
14private prison operator, prison employes or inmates in relation to the operation of the
15private prison.
AB519,32,2016 (b) A private prison operator shall indemnify and hold harmless this state and
17its officers and employes and political subdivisions of this state and their officers and
18employes for any expenses, property damage, losses, liability, costs or attorney fees
19arising from acts or omissions of the private prison operator, prison employes or
20inmates in relation to the operation of the private prison.
AB519,32,2221 (c) A private prison operator shall submit to the department financial status
22reports in the form and manner required by the department.
AB519,33,2 23(3) Private prison employes. (a) A private prison operator may not assign a
24person responsibility for supervising or disciplining inmates until the person has
25completed a training program approved or provided by the department. If the

1department provides the training, the private prison operator shall pay a reasonable
2fee, which the department shall set by rule.
AB519,33,53 (b) A private prison operator may not employ a person at a private prison until
4the department of justice has completed a criminal history record search for the
AB519,33,86 (c) Notwithstanding s. 111.322, a private prison operator may not employ a
7person who has been convicted of a felony in this state or a violation of the law of
8another jurisdiction which, if committed in this state, would have been a felony.
AB519,33,11 9(4) Security classification at private prisons. A private prison operator may
10not confine an inmate who would have a maximum security classification under the
11department's security classification system.
AB519,33,16 12(5) Limits on subcontracting. A private prison operator may not subcontract
13with a person for the provision of goods or services on prison grounds without the
14prior written approval of the department. As a condition of its approval, the
15department may subject the subcontractor to any requirement of this section and s.
16301.376 or to any department rule.
AB519,33,22 17(6) Inmate leave. A private prison operator may not permit an inmate to leave
18the prison grounds during the time of the inmate's commitment to the private prison
19unless otherwise ordered by a court, unless approved in writing by the department
20or unless the inmate requires medical care unavailable within the private prison.
21The department shall promulgate rules regarding security for inmates permitted to
22leave the prison grounds under this subsection.
AB519,34,4 23(7) Required plans; notice. A private prison operator shall have written plans,
24subject to department approval, regarding responding to security breaches,
25providing medical care to inmates outside of the private prison and transporting

1inmates to and from the private prison. A private prison operator shall provide
2written notice to the department if a private prison inmate is returned to the sending
3jurisdiction, is admitted to a state treatment facility, as defined in s. 51.01 (15), or
AB519,34,6 5(8) Designation of medical director. A private prison operator shall designate
6a licensed physician to act as the prison's medical director.
AB519,34,15 7(9) Payments by private prison operator. (a) A private prison operator shall
8pay the fee for its private prison operating license and any application fee set under
91999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 151 (3), all forfeitures, attorney fees, costs
10and other sanctions imposed under sub. (10), and all charges for which
11reimbursement or indemnification is required under this paragraph or par. (b) or
12sub. (2) (b). The private prison operator shall reimburse this state, the political
13subdivisions of this state and any local educational agency, as defined in s. 115.76
14(10), for expenses they incur in connection with providing health, mental health or
15educational services to inmates of private prisons.
AB519,35,216 (b) A private prison operator shall reimburse the state and the political
17subdivisions of this state for all court costs incurred in connection with any judicial
18or administrative proceeding involving the care and treatment of inmates of private
19prisons if the state or the political subdivision is not a party to the proceeding or is
20a prevailing party in the proceeding and the costs are not reimbursed by one of the
21parties to the proceeding. If the state, a political subdivision of this state, or a local
22educational agency, as defined in s. 115.76 (10), is a prevailing party in such a
23proceeding, the private prison shall also reimburse the state, the political
24subdivision of this state or the local educational agency for attorney fees and all other

1expenses incurred in connection with such a proceeding, if the attorney fees and
2other expenses are not reimbursed by any other party to the proceeding.
AB519,35,10 3(10) Enforcement. (a) 1. The department may investigate violations of the
4terms of a private prison construction license or a private prison operating license,
5this section, s. 301.374 or 301.376, a department rule or an order issued by the
6department under this subd. 1. b. and statements made in an application for a
7private prison construction or operating license or for removal of a license. If the
8department determines that a violation has occurred or that a person issued a
9private prison construction or operating license made a material misstatement in an
10application for a license or for renewal of a license, it may do one of the following:
AB519,35,1111 a. File a petition with the division seeking appropriate relief.
AB519,35,1412 b. With the agreement of the person who committed the violation or who made
13the misstatement, enter an order providing an appropriate remedy for the violation
14or the misstatement.
AB519,35,2315 2. If the division determines that a person has violated the terms of a private
16prison construction license or a private prison operating license, this section, s.
17301.374 or 301.376, a department rule or an order issued by the department under
18subd. 1. b. or the continued licensing of a person who made a material misstatement
19in an application for a license or for renewal of a license or that a person issued a
20private prison construction or operating license made a material misstatement in an
21application for a license or for renewal of a license, the person shall forfeit not less
22than $100 nor more than $100,000 per violation or misstatement. Each day of
23continued violation constitutes a separate offense.
AB519,36,624 3. If the division determines that a violation of the terms of a private prison
25construction license or a private prison operating license, this section, s. 301.374 or

1301.376, a department rule or an order issued by the department under subd. 1. b.
2or the continued licensing of a person who made a material misstatement in an
3application for a license or for renewal of a license may jeopardize public safety or
4the health or safety of prison staff or inmates, the division shall order the person to
5remedy the violation or the misstatement by a specific date or deny, limit, suspend
6or revoke the prison's operating license or both.
AB519,36,137 (b) If the department has reason to believe that any person is violating the
8terms of a private prison construction license or a private prison operating license,
9this section, s. 301.374 or 301.376, a department or an order issued by the
10department under par. (a) 1. b. rule, the department, the attorney general or the
11district attorney of the proper county may, in addition to any other remedies, bring
12an action in the name and on behalf of this state to enjoin the person from committing
13the violation.
AB519,36,1714 (c) If the department is the prevailing party in any proceeding under this
15subsection, the person against whom the proceeding was brought shall pay all costs
16incurred and all attorneys' fees expended by the department in connection with its
17investigation and the proceedings.
AB519, s. 87 18Section 87. 301.373 (9) (a) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
19.... (this act), is amended to read:
AB519,37,320 301.373 (9) Payments by private prison operator. (a) A private prison operator
21shall pay the fee for its private prison operating license and any application fee set
22under 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section151 (3 ) s. 301.379, all forfeitures,
23attorney fees, costs and other sanctions imposed under sub. (10), and all charges for
24which reimbursement or indemnification is required under this paragraph or par. (b)
25or sub. (2) (b). The private prison operator shall reimburse this state, the political

1subdivisions of this state and any local educational agency, as defined in s. 115.76
2(10), for expenses they incur in connection with providing health, mental health or
3educational services to inmates of private prisons.
AB519, s. 88 4Section 88. 301.374 of the statutes is created to read:
AB519,37,11 5301.374 Private prison contracts. No private prison may accept an inmate
6except pursuant to a written contract meeting the requirements of this section. The
7contract shall contain provisions regarding delivery and retaking of inmates and any
8other matters necessary and appropriate to fix the obligations, responsibilities and
9rights of the sending jurisdiction and the private prison operator. The contract shall
10be subject to final approval by the department and shall contain substantially the
11following provisions:
AB519,37,17 12(1) The department shall be a third party beneficiary under the contract. If the
13department assumes responsibility for the operation of the private prison under s.
14301.378 (8), the department will assume the rights of the private prison operator
15under the contract, but no provisions of the contract, other than the obligation to
16provide care and treatment to inmates, shall be enforceable against the department.
17The department may assign its rights under the contract to any other person.
AB519,38,2 18(2) Neither the sending jurisdiction nor the private prison operator may bring
19an inmate into this state without prior written notice to the department. The
20sending jurisdiction and the private prison operator shall provide the department of
21justice and the department of corrections all information requested regarding
22inmates confined or to be confined in a private prison. The department may direct
23the return of any inmate to the sending jurisdiction for any reason. The sending
24jurisdiction shall also resume physical custody of an inmate if the private prison
25operator returns the inmate to the sending jurisdiction because of a change in its

1licensed capacity under s. 301.378 (6) or upon the termination of the contract
2applicable to the inmate.
AB519,38,6 3(4) The courts of the sending jurisdiction shall exercise concurrent jurisdiction
4over claims brought by inmates of private prisons regarding the conditions of
5confinement or under the laws or regulations of the sending jurisdiction. The
6sending jurisdiction shall provide a venue for such claims.
AB519,38,13 7(5) If an inmate of a private prison files an action or special proceeding in this
8state which, if filed by a prisoner, as defined in s. 806.025 (1), who committed an
9offense after September 1, 1998, would subject the prisoner to sanctions under s.
10807.15, or if an inmate of a private prison testifies falsely or otherwise knowingly
11offers false evidence or provides false information to a court of this state, the sending
12jurisdiction shall impose sanctions on the inmate of a private prison substantially
13similar to the sanctions to which the prisoner would be subject under s. 807.15.
AB519,38,16 14(6) Any provision of the contract that is in conflict with or inconsistent with
15Wisconsin law or any order issued by or decision of either the department or the
16division shall be void.
AB519, s. 89 17Section 89. 301.376 of the statutes is created to read:
AB519,38,22 18301.376 Security and emergencies. (1) Use of firearms and force at
19private prisons.
(a) The department shall promulgate rules regarding the
20possession of firearms and the use of force by private prison employes. No person
21may carry a firearm or use force at a private prison except in accordance with
22department rules.
AB519,39,223 (b) If a security breach occurs or if a prison employe discharges a firearm, the
24private prison operator shall immediately notify the department, the sheriff of the
25county in which the security breach or discharge has occurred and the local law

1enforcement agency for the city, village or town in which the security breach or
2discharge has occurred.
AB519,39,10 3(2) Transporting inmates. The department shall promulgate rules regarding
4the transportation of inmates to and from private prisons. No person may transport
5an inmate to or from a private prison except in accordance with department rules.
6If a person transporting an inmate between a sending jurisdiction and a private
7prison discharges a firearm or if a person he or she is transporting escapes or causes
8death or serious bodily harm, he or she shall immediately notify the department, the
9sheriff of the county in which the incident occurs and the local law enforcement
10agency for the city, village or town in which the incident occurs.
AB519, s. 90 11Section 90. 301.378 of the statutes is created to read:
AB519,39,19 12301.378 Private prison licensing. (1) Application procedures. A person
13seeking a private prison construction license or a private prison operating license
14shall apply in the manner prescribed by the department. After applying for a license,
15the person shall cooperate fully with all reasonable requests of the department. The
16department may hold public hearings as part of its review of an application. The
17department may not issue a license unless the applicant complies with all applicable
18laws and department rules and pays the license fee and any application fee as set by
19the department.
AB519,39,25 20(2) Inspection of private prison. As part of its review of an application for a
21private prison operating license, the department shall inspect the private prison
22with respect to public, inmate and prison staff safety, sanitation, adequacy and
23fitness for use as a prison and report any deficiency found to the applicant. The
24department may condition the issuance of a license on the applicant remedying the
1(3) Security level and capacity. Each operating license shall set the security
2levels at which the private prison may operate and the maximum number of inmates
3to be confined there. The department's determinations regarding security level and
4capacity shall be based on its review and investigation of the application for an
5operating license.
AB519,40,7 6(4) Nontransferability. Licenses issued by the department under this section
7are not transferable.
AB519,40,11 8(5) Renewal of private prison operating licenses. A private prison operating
9license shall be valid for one year, unless the department establishes a shorter term.
10The renewal of a private prison operating license is subject to the same requirements
11as those applicable to the initial issuance of such a license.
AB519,40,15 12(6) Changes in licensed capacity. If the department reduces the number of
13inmates that a private prison may hold under its operating license, the private prison
14operator shall return inmates in excess of that number to the relevant sending
15jurisdictions within the time set by the department.
AB519,40,19 16(7) Appeals. Any person aggrieved by a decision by the department under this
17section may appeal the order as a contested case under ch. 227 by filing with the
18division a request for a hearing within 30 days after the date of the department's
19written decision.
AB519,41,3 20(8) Department takeover of private prison. If the division suspends or revokes
21a private prison operating license or if the private prison operating license is not
22renewed, the department shall assume responsibility for the operation of the prison.
23If the department assumes responsibility for the operation of the prison for any
24reason, the private prison operator shall be liable to the department for all costs
25incurred by the department in managing or hiring another person to manage the

1private prison, in addition to forfeitures, attorney fees, costs and other sanctions
2imposed under s. 301.373 (10) and any charges for which reimbursement is required
3under s. 301.373 (2) (b) or (9) (a) or (b).
AB519, s. 91 4Section 91. 301.379 of the statutes is created to read:
AB519,41,6 5301.379 License fee determination. The department shall include all of the
6following with each biennial budget request that it makes under s. 16.42:
AB519,41,10 7(1) A recalculation of all costs the department includes in the budget request
8that are attributable to the review of applications for and issuance of private prison
9construction licenses, the review of applications for and issuance and renewals of
10private prison operating licenses and the supervision of private prisons.
AB519,41,24 11(2) The fees to be charged for private prison construction licenses and private
12prison operating licenses, which shall reflect the approximate costs of the
13department that are attributable to its review of applications, its issuance of licenses
14and its regulation of private prisons. The department may recommend separate fees
15for an initial private prison operating license and for the renewal of a private prison
16operating license. The department may recommend variable fees for operating
17licenses based on the size of the prison and the costs that the department has
18incurred or anticipates it will incur in licensing or supervising individual licensees.
19The department may recommend a separate application fee to be paid upon the
20application for a private prison construction license or a private prison operating
21license or both, to cover its approximate costs of reviewing such applications. If the
22department imposes a separate application fee for either type of license, the
23department shall not consider the costs of reviewing applications in determining the
24relevant license fee.
AB519, s. 92 25Section 92. 302.01 of the statutes is amended to read:
1302.01 State prisons named and defined listed. The penitentiary
2institution at Waupun is named "Waupun Correctional Institution". The
3correctional treatment center at Waupun is named "Dodge Correctional Institution".
4The penitentiary institution at Green Bay is named "Green Bay Correctional
5Institution". The medium/maximum penitentiary institution at Portage is named
6"Columbia Correctional Institution". The medium security institution at Oshkosh
7is named "Oshkosh Correctional Institution". The medium security penitentiary
8institution near Fox Lake is named "Fox Lake Correctional Institution". The
9penitentiary institution at Taycheedah is named "Taycheedah Correctional
10Institution". The medium security penitentiary institution at Plymouth is named
11"Kettle Moraine Correctional Institution". The penitentiary institution at the
12village of Sturtevant in Racine county is named "Racine Correctional Institution".
13The medium security penitentiary institution at Racine is named "Racine Youthful
14Offender Correctional Facility". The resource facility at Oshkosh is named
15"Wisconsin Resource Center". The institutions named in this section, the
16correctional institution authorized under s. 301.16 (1n), correctional institution
17authorized under 1997 Wisconsin Act 4, section 4 (1) (a), correctional institution
18authorized under s. 301.046 (1), correctional institution authorized under s. 301.048
19(4) (b), minimum security correctional institutions authorized under s. 301.13, and
20state-local shared correctional facilities when established under s. 301.14, and any
21correctional institution that the department operates under s. 301.378 (8)
are state
AB519, s. 93 23Section 93. 302.02 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1302.02 (5) (a) Service of process may be made on the warden or superintendent
2of any prison named in s. 302.01 or a private prison as upon any other resident of this
AB519, s. 94 4Section 94. 302.02 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB519,43,85 302.02 (5) (b) Except as provided in par. (a), service of process within any such
6state or private prison on any officer or employe or inmate thereof shall be made by
7the warden or superintendent or some person appointed by the warden or
8superintendent to serve process.
AB519, s. 95 9Section 95. 302.055 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB519,43,14 10302.055 Transfer of inmates to resource center. The department may
11transfer an inmate from a prison, jail or other criminal detention facility, other than
12a private prison,
to the Wisconsin resource center if there is reason to believe that
13the inmate is in need of individualized care. The inmate is entitled to a transfer
14hearing by the department on the transfer to the Wisconsin resource center.
AB519, s. 96 15Section 96. 302.07 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB519,43,22 16302.07 Maintenance of order. The warden or superintendent shall maintain
17order, enforce obedience, suppress riots and prevent escapes. For such purposes the
18warden or superintendent of a state prison may command the aid of the officers of
19the institution and of persons outside of the prison; and any person who fails to obey
20such command shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than
21one year or by a fine not exceeding $500. The warden or superintendent of a state
may adopt proper means to capture escaped inmates.
AB519, s. 97 23Section 97. 302.09 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB519,44,2 24302.09 Labor and communications. Inmates of a state prison shall be
25employed as provided in ch. 303. Communication shall not be allowed between

1inmates and any person outside the prison except as prescribed by the prison
AB519, s. 98 3Section 98. 302.095 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB519,44,144 302.095 (2) Any officer or other person who delivers or procures to be delivered
5or has in his or her possession with intent to deliver to any inmate confined in a jail
6or state prison, or who deposits or conceals in or about a jail or prison, or the precincts
7of a jail or prison, or in any vehicle going into the premises belonging to a jail or
8prison, any article or thing whatever, with intent that any inmate confined in the jail
9or prison shall obtain or receive the same, or who receives from any inmate any
10article or thing whatever with intent to convey the same out of a jail or prison,
11contrary to the rules or regulations and without the knowledge or permission of the
12sheriff or other keeper of the jail, in the case of a jail, or of the warden or
13superintendent of the prison, in the case of a prison, shall be imprisoned for not more
14than 2 years or fined not more than $500.
AB519, s. 99 15Section 99. 302.095 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 283
16and 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB519,45,217 302.095 (2) Any officer or other person who delivers or procures to be delivered
18or has in his or her possession with intent to deliver to any inmate confined in a jail
19or prison, or who deposits or conceals in or about a jail or prison, or the precincts of
20a jail or prison, or in any vehicle going into the premises belonging to a jail or prison,
21any article or thing whatever, with intent that any inmate confined in the jail or
22prison shall obtain or receive the same, or who receives from any inmate any article
23or thing whatever with intent to convey the same out of a jail or prison, contrary to
24the rules or regulations and without the knowledge or permission of the sheriff or
25other keeper of the jail, in the case of a jail, or of the warden or superintendent of the

1prison, in the case of a prison, shall be imprisoned for not more than 3 years or fined
2not more than $500.
AB519, s. 100 3Section 100. 302.11 (11) of the statutes is created to read:
AB519,45,44 302.11 (11) This section does not apply to an inmate of a private prison.
AB519, s. 101 5Section 101. 302.12 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB519,45,106 302.12 (1) The department may provide by rule for the payment of money to
7inmates of a state prison. The rate may vary for different prisoners in accordance
8with the pecuniary value of the work performed, willingness, and good behavior. The
9payment of money to inmates working in the prison industries shall be governed by
10s. 303.01 (4).
AB519, s. 102 11Section 102. 302.13 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB519,45,17 12302.13 Preservation of property an inmate brings to prison. The
13department shall preserve money and effects, except clothes, in the possession of an
14inmate when admitted to the a state prison and, subject to the crime victim and
15witness assistance surcharge under s. 973.045 (4) and the deoxyribonucleic acid
16analysis surcharge under s. 973.046, shall restore the money and effects to the
17inmate when discharged.
AB519, s. 103 18Section 103. 302.14 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB519,46,2 19302.14 Property of deceased inmates, parolees, probationers or
20persons on extended supervision, disposition.
When an inmate of a state
21prison, a parolee of an institution a state prison, a person on extended supervision
22or a person on probation to the department dies leaving an estate of $150 or less in
23the trust of the warden, superintendent or secretary, the warden, superintendent or
24secretary shall try to determine whether or not the estate is to be probated. If probate
25proceedings are not commenced within 90 days, the warden, superintendent or

1secretary shall turn over the money or securities to the nearest of kin as evidenced
2by the records of the institution and the department.
AB519, s. 104 3Section 104. 302.18 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB519,46,54 302.18 (1) Inmates of a state prison may be transferred and retransferred to
5another prison by the department.
AB519, s. 105 6Section 105. 302.27 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB519,46,16 7302.27 Contracts for temporary housing for or detention of prisoners.
8The department may contract with local governments for temporary housing or
9detention in county jails or county houses of correction for persons sentenced to
10imprisonment in state prisons or to the intensive sanctions program. The
11department may contract with local governments for temporary housing or
12detention in county jails or county houses of correction for persons confined in a
13private prison, if the department assumes responsibility for the operation of the
14private prison under s. 301.378 (8).
The rate under any such contract may not exceed
15$60 per person per day. Nothing in this section limits the authority of the department
16to place persons in jails under s. 301.048 (3) (a) 1.
AB519, s. 106 17Section 106. 302.386 (5) (e) of the statutes is created to read: