AB700-engrossed, s. 148 15Section 148. 8.10 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,71,1816 8.10 (6) (a) For state offices; municipal judges, if they are elected under s.
17755.01 (4);
or seats on a metropolitan sewerage commission, if the commissioners are
18elected under s. 66.23 (11) (am), in the office of the board.
AB700-engrossed, s. 149 19Section 149. 8.10 (6) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB700-engrossed,71,2220 8.10 (6) (bm) For municipal judge, if the judge is elected under s. 755.01 (4), in
21the office of the county clerk or board of election commissioners of the county having
22the largest portion of the population in the jurisdiction served by the judge.
AB700-engrossed, s. 150 23Section 150. 8.12 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,72,324 8.12 (2) Ballots. The form of the official ballots shall be prescribed by the
25board under s. 5.60 (8). The ballot shall provide to an elector the opportunity to vote

1for an uninstructed delegation to represent this state at the presidential nominating
2convention of his or her party, or to write in the name of a candidate for the
3presidential nomination of his or her party
AB700-engrossed, s. 150m 4Section 150m. 8.15 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,72,185 8.15 (4) (a) The affidavit certification of a qualified elector stating his or her
6residence with street and number, if any, shall appear at the bottom of each
7nomination paper, stating he or she personally circulated the nomination paper and
8personally obtained each of the signatures; he or she knows they are electors of the
9ward, aldermanic district, municipality or county, as the nomination papers require;
10he or she knows they signed the paper with full knowledge of its content; he or she
11knows their respective residences given; he or she knows each signer signed on the
12date stated opposite his or her name; and, that he or she, the affiant circulator,
13resides within the district which the candidate named therein will represent, if
14elected; that he or she intends to support the candidate; and that he or she is aware
15that falsifying the affidavit certification is punishable under ss. s. 12.13 (3) (a) and
16946.32 (1) (a)
, Wis. stats. The affidavit certification may be made by the candidate
17or any qualified elector. The nomination papers are valid with or without the seal
18of the officer who administers the oath.
AB700-engrossed, s. 151 19Section 151. 8.17 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,73,1120 8.17 (1) (a) Political parties qualifying for a separate ballot under s. 5.62 (1) (b)
21or (2) shall elect their party committeemen and committeewomen at the September
as provided under sub. (5) (b). The function of committeemen and
23committeewomen is to represent their neighborhoods in the structure of a political
24party. Committeemen and committeewomen shall act as liaison representatives
25between their parties and the residents of the election districts in which they serve.

1Activities of committeemen and committeewomen shall include, but not be limited
2to, voter identification; assistance in voter registration drives; increasing voter
3participation in political parties; polling and other methods of passing information
4from residents to political parties and elected public officials; and dissemination of
5information from public officials to residents. For assistance in those and other
6activities of interest to a political party, each committeeman and committeewoman
7may appoint a captain to engage in these activities in each ward, if the election
8district served by the committeeman or committeewoman includes more than one
9ward. In an election district which includes more than one ward, the committeeman
10or committeewoman shall coordinate the activities of the ward captains in promoting
11the interests of his or her party.
AB700-engrossed, s. 152 12Section 152. 8.17 (2), (3) and (4) (a) and (b) of the statutes are repealed.
AB700-engrossed, s. 153 13Section 153. 8.17 (4) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 8.17 (4) and amended
14to read:
AB700-engrossed,73,1715 8.17 (4) The term of office of each elected or appointed committeeman or
16committeewoman shall end on the date of the meeting held under sub. (5) (b)
17following each September primary.
AB700-engrossed, s. 154 18Section 154. 8.17 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,74,919 8.17 (5) (b) A combined meeting of the county committee and members in good
20standing of the party in the county shall be held no sooner than 15 days after the
21September primary and no later than April 1 of the following year. At this meeting,
22the party committeemen or committeewomen and the county committee offices of
23chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary and treasurer shall be filled by election by
24the incumbent committeemen, committeewomen and other party members present
25and voting, each of whom is entitled to one vote. At this meeting, the county

1committee shall elect the members of the congressional district committee as
2provided in sub. (6) (b), (c) and (d). The secretary of the county committee shall give
3at least 7 days' written notice of the meeting to party and committee members.
4Individuals elected as county committee officers or as congressional district
5committee members may be, but are not required to be, committeemen or
6committeewomen. They are required to be party members in good standing. Their
7The terms of committeemen and committeewomen, county committee officers and
8congressional district committee members
begin during the meeting immediately
9upon completion and verification of the voting for each office.
AB700-engrossed, s. 155 10Section 155. 8.17 (5) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB700-engrossed,74,1511 8.17 (5) (bm) A county committee may require that candidates for party
12committeemen and committeewomen file nomination papers with the county
13committee prior to the combined meeting under par. (b). The form, content and
14circulation and filing deadlines of the nomination papers shall be established by the
15county committee.
AB700-engrossed, s. 155p 16Section 155p. 8.20 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,74,1817 8.20 (3) The affidavit certification of an elector under s. 8.15 (4) (a) shall be
18appended to each nomination paper.
AB700-engrossed, s. 156 19Section 156. 8.20 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,75,420 8.20 (9) Persons nominated by nomination papers without a recognized
21political party designation shall be placed on the official ballot at the general election
22and at any partisan election to the right or below the recognized political party
23candidates in their own column or row designated "Independent". At the September
24primary, persons nominated for state office by nomination papers without a
25recognized political party designation shall be placed on a separate ballot or, if a

1consolidated paper ballot under s. 5.655 (2), an electronic voting system or voting
2machines are used, in a column or
row on the voting machine designated
3"Independent". If the candidate's name already appears under a recognized political
4party it may not be listed on the independent ballot, column or row.
AB700-engrossed, s. 157 5Section 157. 8.21 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,76,8 68.21 Declaration of candidacy. Each candidate, except a candidate for
7presidential elector under s. 8.20 (2) (d), shall file a declaration of candidacy, no later
8than the latest time provided for filing nomination papers under s. 8.10 (2) (a), 8.15
9(1), 8.17 (2), 8.20 (8) (a) or 8.50 (3) (a), or the time provided under s. 8.16 (2) or 8.35
10(2) (c). A candidate shall file the declaration with the officer or agency with which
11nomination papers are filed for the office which the candidate seeks, or if nomination
12papers are not required, with the clerk or board of election commissioners of the
13jurisdiction in which the candidate seeks office. The declaration shall be sworn to
14before any officer authorized to administer oaths. The declaration shall contain the
15name of the candidate in the form specified under s. 8.10 (2) (b) for candidates for
16nonpartisan office or s. 8.15 (5) (a) or 8.20 (2) (a) for candidates for partisan office,
17and shall state that the signer is a candidate for a named office, that he or she meets
18or will at the time he or she assumes office meet applicable age, citizenship, residency
19or voting qualification requirements, if any, prescribed by the constitutions and laws
20of the United States and of this state, and that he or she will otherwise qualify for
21office if nominated and elected. The declaration shall include the candidate's name
22in the form in which it will appear on the ballot. Each candidate for state and local
23office shall include in the declaration a statement that he or she has not been
24convicted of any infamous crime for which he or she has not been pardoned and a list
25of all felony convictions for which he or she has not been pardoned. In addition, each

1candidate for state or local office shall include in the declaration a statement that
2discloses his or her municipality of residence for voting purposes, and the street and
3number, if any, on which the candidate resides. The declaration is valid with or
4without the seal of the officer who administers the oath. A candidate for state or local
5office shall file an amended declaration under oath with the same officer or agency
6if any information contained in the declaration changes at any time after the original
7declaration is filed and before the candidate assumes office or is defeated for election
8or nomination.
AB700-engrossed, s. 158 9Section 158. 8.35 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,76,2310 8.35 (2) (a) If a vacancy occurs after nomination due to the death of a candidate
11of a recognized political party for a partisan office, other than party committeeman
12or committeewoman,
the vacancy may be filled by the chairperson of the committee
13of the proper political party under s. 7.38 (3), or the personal campaign committee,
14if any, in the case of independent candidates. Similar vacancies in nominations of
15candidates for nonpartisan local offices may be filled by the candidate's personal
16campaign committee or, if the candidate had none, by the body which governs the
17local governmental unit in which the deceased person was a candidate for office. The
18chairperson, chief officer of the committee, or clerk of the body making an
19appointment shall file a certificate of appointment with the official or agency with
20whom declarations of candidacy for the office are filed. For purposes of this
21paragraph, the official or agency need not recognize members of a personal campaign
22committee whose names were not filed under s. 11.05 prior to the death of the
AB700-engrossed, s. 159 24Section 159. 8.35 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
18.35 (2) (d) If the ballots have been prepared, the committees or body filling the
2vacancy shall supply stickers as provided under s. 7.38 (3) (c). No vacancy in a
3nomination occurs prior to the time of the primary election for an office, unless no
4primary is required for the office for which the nomination is made.
AB700-engrossed, s. 160 5Section 160. 8.37 of the statutes is created to read:
AB700-engrossed,77,12 68.37 Filing of referenda petitions or questions. Unless otherwise required
7by law, all proposed constitutional amendments and any other measure or question
8that is to be submitted to a vote of the people, or any petitions requesting that a
9measure or question be submitted to a vote of the people, if applicable, shall be filed
10with the official or agency responsible for preparing the ballots for the election no
11later than 42 days prior to the election at which the amendment, measure or question
12will appear on the ballot.
AB700-engrossed, s. 160e 13Section 160e. 8.40 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,78,214 8.40 (2) The affidavit certification of a qualified elector stating his or her
15residence with street and number, if any, shall appear at the bottom of each separate
16sheet of each petition specified in sub. (1), stating that the affiant he or she personally
17circulated the petition and personally obtained each of the signatures; that the
18affiant circulator knows that they are electors of the jurisdiction or district in which
19the petition is circulated; that the affiant circulator knows that they signed the paper
20with full knowledge of its content; that the affiant circulator knows their respective
21residences given; that the affiant circulator knows that each signer signed on the
22date stated opposite his or her name; that the affiant circulator resides within the
23jurisdiction or district in which the petition is circulated; and that the affiant
24circulator is aware that falsifying the affidavit certification is punishable under ss.

1s. 12.13 (3) (a) and 946.32 (1) (a). The petition is valid with or without the seal of the
2officer who administers the oath
AB700-engrossed, s. 161 3Section 161. 8.50 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,78,234 8.50 (1) (a) When there is to be a special election, the special election for county
5clerk shall be ordered by the sheriff; the special election for any other county office
6shall be ordered by the county clerk except as provided in s. 17.21 (5); the special
7election for school board member in a school district organized under ch. 119 shall
8be ordered by the school board; the special election for municipal judge shall be
9ordered by the mayor, president or chairperson of the municipality, except in 1st class
10cities, or if the judge is elected under s. 755.01 (4) jointly by the mayors, presidents
11or chairpersons of all municipalities served by the judge
; and all other special
12elections shall be ordered by the governor. When the governor or attorney general
13issues the order, it shall be filed and recorded in the office of the board. When the
14county clerk or sheriff issues the order, it shall be filed and recorded in the office of
15the county clerk. When the county executive issues the order, it shall be filed in the
16office of the county board of election commissioners. When the school board of a
17school district organized under ch. 119 issues the order, it shall be filed and recorded
18in the office of the city board of election commissioners. When the mayor, president
19or chairperson issues the order, it shall be filed in the office of the municipal clerk or
20city board of election commissioners. If a municipal judge is elected under s. 755.01
21(4), the order shall be filed in the office of the county clerk or board of election
22commissioners of the county having the largest portion of the population of the
23jurisdiction served by the judge.
AB700-engrossed, s. 162 24Section 162. 8.50 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
18.50 (1) (b) Notice of any special election shall be given upon the filing of the
2order under par. (a) by publication in a newspaper under ch. 985. If the special
3election concerns a national or state office, the board shall give notice as soon as
4possible to the county clerks. Upon receipt of notice from the board, or when the
5special election is for a county office or a municipal judgeship under s. 755.01 (4), the
6county clerk shall give notice as soon as possible to all the municipal clerks of all
7municipalities in which electors are eligible to vote in the election
and publish one
8type A notice for all offices to be voted upon within the county as provided in s. 10.06
9(2) (n) and (3) (f).
AB700-engrossed, s. 163 10Section 163. 8.50 (4) (fm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,79,1911 8.50 (4) (fm) A permanent vacancy in the office of municipal judge may be filled
12by temporary appointment of the municipal governing body, or, if the judge is elected
13under s. 755.01 (4), jointly by the governing bodies of all municipalities served by the
. The office shall then be permanently filled by special election, held
15concurrently with the next spring election following the occurrence of the vacancy,
16except that a vacancy occurring during the period after December 1 and on or before
17the date of the spring election shall be filled at the 2nd succeeding spring election,
18and no such election may be held after the expiration of the term of office nor at the
19time of holding the regular election for the office.
AB700-engrossed, s. 164 20Section 164. 9.01 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,80,2421 9.01 (1) (a) Any candidate voted for at any election or any elector who voted
22upon any referendum question at any election may request a recount. The petitioner
23shall file a verified petition or petitions accompanied by the fee prescribed in par.
24(ag), if any, with the proper clerk or body under par. (ar) not earlier than the time of
25completion of the canvass and not later than 5 p.m. on the 3rd business day following

1the last meeting day of the municipal or county board of canvassers determining the
2election for that office or on that referendum question or, if more than one board of
3canvassers makes the determination not later than 5 p.m. on the 3rd business day
4following the last meeting day of the last board of canvassers which makes a
5determination. If the chairperson of the board or chairperson's designee makes the
6determination for the office or the referendum question, the petitioner shall file the
7petition not earlier than the last meeting day of the last county board of canvassers
8to make a statement in the election or referendum and not later than 5 p.m. on the
93rd business day following the day on which the elections board receives the last
10statement from a county board of canvassers for the election or referendum. Each
11verified petition shall state that at the election the petitioner was a candidate for the
12office in question or that he or she voted on the referendum question in issue; that
13the petitioner is informed and believes that a mistake or fraud has been committed
14in a specified ward or municipality in the counting and return of the votes cast for
15the office or upon the question; or shall specify any other defect, irregularity or
16illegality in the conduct of the election. The petition shall specify each ward, or each
17municipality where no wards exist, in which a recount is desired. If a recount is
18requested for all wards within a jurisdiction, each ward need not be specified. The
19petition may be amended to include information discovered as a result of the
20investigation of the board of canvassers or the chairperson of the board or
21chairperson's designee
after the filing of the petition, if the petitioner moves to
22amend the petition as soon as possible after the petitioner discovered or reasonably
23should have discovered the information which is the subject of the amendment and
24the petitioner was unable to include information in the original petition.
AB700-engrossed, s. 165 25Section 165. 9.01 (1) (ar) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
19.01 (1) (ar) 3. Upon receipt of a valid petition, the clerk shall thereupon notify
2the proper board of canvassers. Upon receipt of a valid petition by the board, the
3board shall promptly by certified mail or other expeditious means order the proper
4county boards of canvassers to commence the recount. County boards of canvassers
5shall convene no later than 9 a.m. on the day following receipt of an order and may
6adjourn for not more than one day at a time until the recount is completed in the
7county, except that the board may permit extension of the time for adjournment.
8Returns from a recount ordered by the board shall be transmitted to the office of the
9board as soon as possible, but in no case later than 13 days from the date of the order
10of the board directing the recount. The chairperson of the board or the chairperson's
may not make a determination in any election if a recount is pending before
12any county board of canvassers in that election. The chairperson of the board or the
13chairperson's designee
need not recount actual ballots, but shall verify the returns
14of the county boards of canvassers in making his or her determinations.
AB700-engrossed, s. 166m 15Section 166m. 9.01 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,81,2416 9.01 (1) (b) 2. The board of canvassers shall then examine the absentee ballot
17envelopes. Any defective absentee ballot envelopes shall be laid aside, properly
18marked and carefully preserved. The number of voters shall be reduced by the
19number of ballot envelopes set aside under this subdivision. An absentee ballot
20envelope is defective only if it is neither sworn nor witnessed, if it is not signed by
21the voter or, if the affidavit supporting the absentee ballot envelope has such a
22number of technical errors that the board of canvassers is doubtful of the legal effect
23of the affidavit or, if the ballot was voted by facsimile transmission or electronic mail,
24if the certificate or affidavit required to accompany the ballot is missing
AB700-engrossed, s. 167 25Section 167. 9.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
19.01 (2) Notice to candidates. When the recount concerns an election for an
2office, the clerk or body with whom the petition is filed shall promptly prepare a copy
3of the petition for delivery to each opposing candidate for the same office whose name
4appears on the ballot. In a recount proceeding for a partisan primary, the clerk or
5body shall prepare a copy of the petition for delivery to each opposing candidate for
6the same party nomination for the same office, to each opposing candidate for the
7party nomination of each other party for the same office and to each independent
8candidate qualifying to have his or her name placed on the ballot for the succeeding
9election. The A candidate or agent designated by a candidate may personally accept
10delivery of a copy of the petition. Upon such delivery, the clerk or body shall require
11the candidate or agent to sign a receipt therefor. If a candidate or agent does not
12personally accept delivery, the
clerk or body shall then promptly deliver the copies
13of the petition to the sheriff, who shall promptly deliver the copies of the petition to
14each candidate at the address given on the candidate's nomination papers, without
15fee, in the manner provided for service of a summons in civil actions.
AB700-engrossed, s. 168 16Section 168. 9.01 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,83,417 9.01 (5) (a) The board of canvassers or the chairperson of the board or the
18chairperson's designee
shall keep complete minutes of all proceedings before the
19board of canvassers or the chairperson or designee. The minutes shall include a
20record of objections and offers of evidence. If the board of canvassers or the
21chairperson or chairperson's designee receives exhibits from any party, the board of
22canvassers or the chairperson or designee shall number and preserve the exhibits.
23The board of canvassers or the chairperson or chairperson's designee shall make
24specific findings of fact with respect to any irregularity raised in the petition or
25discovered during the recount. Any member of the board of canvassers or the

1chairperson or chairperson's designee may administer oaths, certify official acts and
2issue subpoenas for purposes of this section. Witness fees shall be paid by the county.
3In the case of proceedings before the chairperson of the board or chairperson's
, witness fees shall be paid by the board.
AB700-engrossed, s. 169 5Section 169. 9.01 (5) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB700-engrossed,83,166 9.01 (5) (bm) Upon the completion of its proceedings, a board of canvassers
7shall deliver to the board one copy of the minutes of the proceedings kept under par.
8(a). In addition, in the case of a recount of an election for state or national office, for
9each candidate whose name appears on the ballot for that office under the name of
10a political party, the board of canvassers shall deliver one copy of the minutes to the
11chief officer, if any, who is named in any registration statement filed under s. 11.05
12(1) by the state committee of that political party, and in the case of a recount of an
13election for county office, for each candidate whose name appears on the ballot for
14that office under the name of a political party, the board of canvassers shall deliver
15one copy of the minutes to the chief officer, if any, who is named in any registration
16statement filed under s. 11.05 (1) by the county committee of that political party.
AB700-engrossed, s. 170 17Section 170. 9.01 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,84,518 9.01 (5) (c) If the recount is made by a municipal or county board of canvassers
19and the result is required to be reported to a county board of canvassers or to the
20chairperson of the board or the chairperson's designee, the board of canvassers
21making the initial recount shall immediately certify the results to the county board
22of canvassers or to the chairperson of the board or designee. If a county board of
23canvassers receives such results, it shall then convene not later than 9 a.m. on the
24next business day following receipt to examine the returns and determine the
25results. If the chairperson of the board or the chairperson's designee receives such

1results, the chairperson or designee shall publicly examine the returns and
2determine the results not later than 9 a.m. on the 3rd business day following receipt,
3but if that day is earlier than the latest day permitted for that election under s. 7.70
4(3) (a), the chairperson of the board or designee may examine the returns and
5determine the results not later than the day specified in s. 7.70 (3) (a).
AB700-engrossed, s. 171 6Section 171. 9.01 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,84,217 9.01 (6) (a) Within 5 business days after completion of the recount
8determination by the board of canvassers in all counties concerned, or within 5
9business days after completion of the recount determination by the chairperson of
10the board or the chairperson's designee whenever a determination is made by the
11chairperson or designee, any candidate, or any elector when for a referendum,
12aggrieved by the recount may appeal to circuit court. The appeal shall commence by
13serving a written notice of appeal on the other candidates and persons who filed a
14written notice of appearance before each board of canvassers whose decision is
15appealed, or in the case of a statewide recount, before the chairperson of the board
16or the chairperson's designee. The appellant shall also serve notice on the board if
17the chairperson of the board or the chairperson's designee is responsible for
18determining the election. The appellant shall serve the notice by certified mail or in
19person. The appellant shall file the notice with the clerk of circuit court together with
20an undertaking and surety in the amount approved by the court, conditioned upon
21the payment of all costs taxed against the appellant.
AB700-engrossed, s. 172 22Section 172. 9.01 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,85,823 9.01 (7) Court procedures; costs. (a) The court with whom an appeal is filed
24shall forthwith issue an order directing each affected county or municipal clerk or
25board to transmit immediately all ballots, papers and records affecting the appeal

1to the clerk of court or to impound and secure such ballots, papers and records, or
2both. The order shall fix a place and a time for the hearing within 5 days of the order
3either in open court, at chambers or before a referee.
The order shall be served upon
4each affected county or municipal clerk or board and all other candidates and persons
5who filed a written notice of appearance before any board of canvassers involved in
6the recount. A reference may be ordered upon any question. At the assigned time
7and place, the matter shall be summarily heard and determined and costs taxed as
8in other civil actions.
AB700-engrossed,85,249 (b) The appeal shall be heard by a judge without a jury. Within 10 days after
10Promptly following the filing of an appeal is filed, the court shall hold a scheduling
11conference for the purpose of adopting procedures that will permit the court to
12determine the matter as expeditiously as possible. Within the time ordered by the
13court, the
appellant shall file a complaint enumerating with specificity every alleged
14irregularity, defect, mistake or fraud committed during the recount. The appellant
15shall file a copy of the complaint with each person who is entitled to receive a copy
16of the order under par. (a). The Within the time ordered by the court shall promptly
17require an answer from
, the other parties to the appeal. The court shall hold a
18hearing on the matter within 15 days of the date that the answer is filed
shall file
19an answer. Within the time ordered by the court, the parties to the appeal shall
20provide the court with any other information ordered by the court. At the time and
21place ordered by the court, the matter shall be summarily heard and determined and
22costs shall be taxed as in other civil actions
. Those provisions of chs. 801 to 806 which
23are inconsistent with a prompt and expeditious hearing do not apply to appeals
24under this section.
AB700-engrossed, s. 173 25Section 173. 9.01 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
19.01 (8) Scope of review. Unless the court finds a ground for setting aside or
2modifying the determination of the board of canvassers or the chairperson of the
3board or chairperson's designee, it shall affirm the determination. The court shall
4separately treat disputed issues of procedure, interpretations of law and findings of
5fact. The court may not receive evidence not offered to the board of canvassers or the
6chairperson or chairperson's designee except for evidence that was unavailable to a
7party exercising due diligence at the time of the recount or newly discovered evidence
8that could not with due diligence have been obtained during the recount, and except
9that the court may receive evidence not offered at an earlier time because a party was
10not represented by counsel in all or part of a recount proceeding. A party who fails
11to object or fails to offer evidence of a defect or irregularity during the recount waives
12the right to object or offer evidence before the court except in the case of evidence that
13was unavailable to a party exercising due diligence at the time of the recount or
14newly discovered evidence that could not with due diligence have been obtained
15during the recount or evidence received by the court due to unavailability of counsel
16during the recount. The court shall set aside or modify the determination if it finds
17that the board of canvassers or the chairperson or chairperson's designee has
18erroneously interpreted a provision of law and a correct interpretation compels a
19particular action. If the determination depends on any fact found by the board of
20canvassers or the chairperson or chairperson's designee, the court may not
21substitute its judgment for that of the board of canvassers or the chairperson or
as to the weight of the evidence on any disputed finding of fact. The court
23shall set aside the determination if it finds that the determination depends on any
24finding of fact that is not supported by substantial evidence.
AB700-engrossed, s. 173d 25Section 173d. 9.10 (2) (em) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
19.10 (2) (em) 1. The petition sheet circulator fails to sign the affidavit
2certification of circulator.
AB700-engrossed, s. 173f 3Section 173f. 9.10 (2) (em) 3. of the statutes is repealed.
AB700-engrossed, s. 173h 4Section 173h. 9.10 (2) (n) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,87,65 9.10 (2) (n) No signature may be stricken if the individual administering the
6affidavit of
circulator does not fails to date the jurat certification of circulator.
AB700-engrossed, s. 173j 7Section 173j. 9.10 (2) (r) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,87,98 9.10 (2) (r) 4. Failure of the circulator to sign an affidavit the certification of
AB700-engrossed, s. 174 10Section 174. 10.02 (3) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,87,2111 10.02 (3) (b) 1. If an elector wishes to vote for all candidates nominated by any
12party, the elector shall make a cross (7) in the circle or depress the lever or button
13under next to the party designation printed shown at the top of the ballot. Unless
14a name has been erased or crossed out, another name written in, a cross made to the
next to the name of a candidate for the same office in another column or a sticker
16applied, a cross in the circle next to a party designation at the top of the column is
17a vote for all the party's candidates listed in the column. If an elector does not wish
18to vote for all the candidates nominated by one party, the elector shall make a cross
19(7) in the square at the right of next to or separately depress the levers or buttons
20next to each candidate's name for whom he or she intends to vote, or shall insert or
21write in the name of a candidate.
AB700-engrossed, s. 175 22Section 175. 10.02 (3) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,88,223 10.02 (3) (b) 2. At a special partisan primary, the elector shall select the party
24ballot of his or her choice and shall make a cross (7) in the square at the right of next
or depress the lever or button next to the candidate's name for each office for whom

1the elector intends to vote, or shall insert or write in the name of the elector's choice
2for a candidate.
AB700-engrossed, s. 176 3Section 176. 10.02 (3) (b) 2m. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,88,124 10.02 (3) (b) 2m. At the September primary, the elector shall select the party
5ballot of his or her choice or the ballot containing the names of the independent
6candidates for state office, and make a cross (7) in the square at the right of next to
7or depress the lever or button next to the candidate's name for each office for whom
8the elector intends to vote or insert or write in the name of the elector's choice for a
9party candidate, if any. In order to qualify for participation in the Wisconsin election
10campaign fund, a candidate for state office at the September primary, other than a
11candidate for district attorney, must receive at least 6% of all votes cast on all ballots
12for the office for which he or she is a candidate, in addition to other requirements.
AB700-engrossed, s. 177 13Section 177. 10.02 (3) (b) 3. and 4., (c) and (d) of the statutes are amended to
AB700-engrossed,88,2015 10.02 (3) (b) 3. When casting a presidential preference vote, the elector shall
16select the party ballot of his or her choice and make a cross (7) in the square at the
17right of
next to or depress the button or lever next to the candidate's name for whom
18he or she intends to vote or shall, in the alternative, make a cross (7) in the square
19at the right of
next to or depress the button or lever next to the words "Uninstructed
20delegation", or shall write in the name of his or her choice for a candidate.
AB700-engrossed,88,2421 4. At a nonpartisan primary, the elector shall make a cross (7) in the square
22at the right of
next to or depress the button or lever next to the candidate's name for
23each office for whom he or she intends to vote, or insert or write in the name of his
24or her choice for a candidate.
1(c) In presidential elections, unless the elector wishes to vote for all candidates
2nominated by any party,
the elector shall make a cross (7) in the square at the right
next to or depress the button or lever next to the set of candidates for president and
4vice president for whom he or she intends to vote. The A vote shall be counted for
5all the candidates for president and vice president is a vote for the presidential
6electors of those candidates.
AB700-engrossed,89,97 (d) On referenda questions, the elector shall make a cross (7) in the square at
8the right of
next to or depress the button or lever next to the answer which he or she
9intends to give.
AB700-engrossed, s. 178 10Section 178. 10.06 (2) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,89,1411 10.06 (2) (h) On the first last Tuesday in June May preceding a September
12primary and general election, the county clerk shall publish a type A notice based on
13the notice received from the board for all national and state offices to be filled at the
14election by any electors voting in the county and incorporating county offices.
AB700-engrossed, s. 179 15Section 179. 10.06 (4) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,89,1816 10.06 (4) (i) On the day preceding any referendum other than a state, county
17or municipal referendum, the clerk of the jurisdiction which calls the referendum
18shall publish type B and, C and D notices.
AB700-engrossed, s. 180 19Section 180. 11.02 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,89,2420 11.02 (3) The Except as provided in sub. (3e), the "filing officer" for each
21candidate for local office and for each committee which or individual who is acting
22in support of or in opposition to any candidate for local office, but not any candidate
23for state office, is the clerk of the most populous jurisdiction for which any candidate
24who is supported or opposed seeks office.
AB700-engrossed, s. 181 25Section 181. 11.02 (3e) of the statutes is created to read:
111.02 (3e) The "filing officer" for each candidate for municipal judge elected
2under s. 755.01 (4) and for each committee which or individual who is acting in
3support of or in opposition to such a candidate, but not any candidate for state office,
4is the county clerk or board of election commissioners of the county having the largest
5portion of the population in the jurisdiction served by the judge.
AB700-engrossed, s. 182 6Section 182. 11.03 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,90,97 11.03 (1) Elections for the positions of presidential elector, and convention
8delegate and party committeeman or committeewoman are not subject to ss. 11.05
9to 11.23 and 11.26 to 11.29.
AB700-engrossed, s. 183 10Section 183. 11.60 (4) and (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB700-engrossed,90,2311 11.60 (4) Actions under this section arising out of an election for state office or
12a statewide referendum may be brought by the board or by the district attorney of
13the county where the violation is alleged to have occurred, except as specified in s.
1411.38. Actions under this section arising out of an election for local office or a local
15referendum may be brought by the district attorney of the county where the violation
16is alleged to have occurred. Actions under this section arising out of an election for
17county office or a county referendum may be brought by the county board of election
18commissioners of the county wherein the violation is alleged to have occurred.
If a
19violation concerns a district attorney or circuit judge or candidate for such offices, the
20action shall be brought by the attorney general. If a violation concerns the attorney
21general or a candidate for such office, the governor may appoint special counsel
22under s. 14.11 (2) to bring suit in behalf of the state. The counsel shall be independent
23of the attorney general and need not be a state employe at the time of appointment.
AB700-engrossed,91,4 24(5) Any elector may file a verified petition with the board, the county board of
25election commissioners
or the appropriate district attorney or both with more than

1one of them
where the their authority is concurrent under sub. (4), requesting that
2civil action under this chapter be brought against any person, committee or group.
3The petition shall allege such facts as are within the knowledge of the petitioner to
4show probable cause that a violation of this chapter has occurred.