AB710, s. 110 6Section 110 . 66.0423 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
AB710,82,77 66.0423 (1) In this section:
AB710,82,128 (a) "Sale of merchandise" includes a sale in which the personal services
9rendered upon or in connection with the merchandise constitutes the greatest part
10of value for the price received, but does not include a farm auction sale conducted by
11or for a resident farmer of personal property used on the farm or the sale of produce
12or other perishable products at retail or wholesale by a resident of this state.
AB710,82,1513 (b) "Transient merchant" means a person who engages in the sale of
14merchandise at any place in this state temporarily and who does not intend to
15become and does not become a permanent merchant of that place.
Note: Incorporates a definition from s. 130.065 (1m), 1987 stats., into the
current statute regarding the regulation of transient merchants. See Section
251 of this bill.
AB710, s. 111 16Section 111. 66.0425 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
AB710,82,1717 66.0425 (10) A privilege may be granted only as provided in this section.
AB710, s. 112 18Section 112. 66.0435 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
AB710,82,2119 66.0435 (10) The powers conferred on licensing authorities by this section are
20in addition to all other grants of authority and are limited only by the express
21language of this section.
Note: Restates a provision of s. 66.058 (2) (b) that is deleted by Section 158 .
AB710, s. 113
1Section 113. 66.044 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0609, and 66.0609 (1) to
2(4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB710,83,93 66.0609 (1) The governing body of any a village or of any a city of the 2nd, 3rd
4or 4th class may by ordinance enact an alternative system of approving financial
5claims against the municipal treasury other than claims subject to s. 893.80. The
6ordinance shall provide that payments may be made from the city or village treasury
7after the comptroller or clerk of the city or village audits and approves each claim as
8a proper charge against the treasury, and endorses his or her approval on the claim
9after having determined that all of the following conditions have been complied with:
AB710,83,1110 (a) That funds are available therefor for the claim pursuant to the budget
11approved by the governing body.
AB710,83,1312 (b) That the item or service covered by such the claim has been duly authorized
13by the proper official, department head or board or commission.
AB710,83,1514 (c) That the item or service has been actually supplied or rendered in
15conformity with such the authorization described in par. (b).
AB710,83,1816 (d) That the claim is just and valid pursuant to law. The comptroller or clerk
17may require the submission of such proof and evidence to support the foregoing claim
18as in that officer's discretion may be deemed the officer considers necessary.
AB710,83,21 19(2) Such The ordinance under sub. (1) shall require that the clerk or
20comptroller shall file with the governing body not less than monthly a list of the
21claims approved, showing the date paid, name of claimant, purpose and amount.
AB710,83,25 22(3) The ordinance under sub. (1) shall provide require that the governing body
23of the city or village shall authorize obtain an annual detailed audit of its financial
24transactions and accounts by a public accountant licensed under ch. 442 and
25designated by the governing body.
1(4) Such The system shall be under sub. (1) is operative only if the comptroller
2or clerk is covered by a fidelity bond of not less than $5,000 in villages and cities of
3the fourth
4th class cities, of not less than $10,000 in cities of the third 3rd class cities,
4and of not less than $20,000 in cities of the second 2nd class cities.
AB710, s. 114 5Section 114. 66.045 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0425 and amended to
AB710,84,10 766.0425 Privileges in streets. (1) Privilege for In this section, "privilege"
8means the authority to place
an obstruction or excavation beyond the a lot line, or
9within a highway in any a town, village, or city, other than by general ordinance
10affecting the whole public, shall be granted only as provided in this section.
AB710,84,25 11(2) Application therefor shall be made A person may apply to the a town or
board or the common council, and the of a city for a privilege. A privilege shall
13may be granted only on condition that by its acceptance if the applicant shall become
14primarily liable
assumes primary liability for damages to person or property by
15reason of the granting of the privilege, be is obligated to remove the same an
16obstruction or excavation
upon 10 days' notice by the state or the municipality and
17waive waives the right to contest in any manner the validity of this section or the
18amount of compensation charged and that the. The grantor of the privilege may
19require the
applicant to file such a bond as the board or council require, not exceeding
20that does not exceed $10,000 running ; that runs to the town, village, or city, and such
to 3rd parties as that may be injured, to secure; and that secures the
22performance of these the conditions . But if specified in this subsection. If there is
23no established lot line and the application is accompanied by a blue print, the town
24or village
board or the common council of the city may make such impose any
25conditions as they deem on the privilege that it considers advisable.
1(3) Compensation for the special a privilege shall be paid into the general fund
2and shall be fixed, in towns by the chairperson, in villages by the president, and in
3cities by a board consisting of the board or commissioner of public works, city
4attorney and mayor
by the governing body of a city, village or town or by the designee
5of the governing body
Note: Amends sub. (3) regarding compensation for the municipal award of a
privilege. Current law states that compensation is determined by specified
municipal officers. Section 66.0425 (3) now provides that compensation will be
determined by the governing body of a city, village or town or by the designee of
the governing body.
AB710,85,9 6(4) The holder of such special a privilege shall be is not entitled to no damages
7for removal of the an obstruction or excavation, and if the holder shall does not
8remove the same obstruction or excavation upon due notice, it shall be removed at
9the holder's expense.
AB710,85,11 10(5) Third parties whose rights are interfered with by the granting of such a
11privilege shall have a right of action against the holder of the special privilege only.
AB710,85,20 12(6) Subsections (1) to (5) do not apply to telecommunications carriers, as
13defined in s. 196.01 (8m), telecommunications utilities, as defined in s. 196.01 (10),
14alternative telecommunications utilities, as defined in s. 196.01 (1d), public service
15corporations, or to cooperative associations organized under ch. 185 to render or
16furnish telecommunications service, gas, light, heat or power, but such the carriers,
17utilities, corporations and associations shall secure a permit from the proper official
18for temporary obstructions or excavation excavations in a highway and shall be are
19liable for all injuries to person or property thereby caused by the obstructions or
1(7) This section does not apply to such an obstruction or excavation that is in
for not longer less than 3 months 90 days, and for which a permit has been
3granted by the proper official.
AB710,86,6 4(8) Obstruction This section applies to an obstruction or excavation by a city,
5village or town in any street, alley, or public place belonging to any other
6municipality is included in this section.
AB710,86,11 7(9) Anyone causing any obstruction or excavation to Any person who violates
8this section may
be made contrary to subs. (1) to (8) shall be liable to a fine of fined
9not less than $25 and not nor more than $500, or to imprisonment in the county jail
10imprisoned for not less than 10 days nor more than 6 months, or to both such fine and
AB710, s. 115 12Section 115 . 66.046 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0429, and 66.0429 (1)
13and (3) (a), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB710,86,2014 66.0429 (1) The governing body of a city, village or town may set aside streets
15or roads that are not a part of any federal, state or county trunk highway system for
16the safety of children in coasting or other play activities, and may obstruct or
17barricade such the streets or roads to safeguard the children from accidents. The
18governing body of the city, village or town shall may erect and maintain thereon on
19the streets or roads
barriers or barricades, lights, or warning signs therefor and shall
20is not be liable for any damage caused thereby by the erection or maintenance.
AB710,87,2 21(3) (a) The governing body of a city may monitor or limit access to streets that
22are not part of any federal, state or county trunk highway system or connecting
23highway, as described in s. 84.02 (11), for the purposes of security or public safety.
24The governing body of a city may authorize gates or security stations, or both, to be
25erected and maintained to monitor traffic or limit access on such these streets. The

1restriction of access to streets that is authorized under this subsection may does not
2affect a city's eligibility for state transportation aids.
AB710, s. 116 3Section 116. 66.047 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0831 and amended to
AB710,88,4 566.0831 Interference with public service structure. No A contractor
6having with a contract for any work upon, over, along or under any a public street
7or highway shall may not interfere with, destroy or disturb the structures of any a
8public utility as defined under s. 196.01 (5), and, including a telecommunications
9carrier as defined in s. 196.01 (8m), encountered in the performance of such the work
10so as to interrupt, impair or affect in a manner that interrupts, impairs or affects the
11public service for which such the structures may be used, without first procuring
12obtaining written authority from the commissioner of public works, or other properly
appropriate authority. It shall, however, be the duty of every A public
14utility, whenever a if given reasonable notice by the contractor of the need for
15temporary protection of, or a temporary change in, its the utility's structures, located
16upon, over, along or under the surface of any public street or highway is deemed

17determined by the commissioner of public works, or other such duly constituted
18appropriate authority, to be reasonably necessary to enable the accomplishment of
work, to so shall temporarily protect or change its said structures; provided,
20that such contractor shall give reasonable notice of such required temporary
21protection or temporary change to the public utility, and
located upon, over, along or
22under the surface of a public street or highway. The contractor
shall pay or assure
23to the public utility the reasonable cost thereof, except when of the temporary
24structure or change, unless
the public utility is properly otherwise liable therefor
25under the law, but in all cases where such
. If work is done by or for the state or by

1or for any county, city, village, town sanitary district, metropolitan sewerage district
2created under ss. 66.20 to 66.26 200.01 to 200.15 or 66.88 to 66.918 200.21 to 200.65
3or town, the cost of such the temporary protection or temporary change shall be borne
4by the public utility.
AB710, s. 117 5Section 117. 66.048 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0915, and 66.0915 (1),
6(2), (3) (title), (a), (c) and (d) and (4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB710,88,257 66.0915 (1) Viaducts, private Private viaducts in cities, villages and towns.
8The privilege of erecting a viaduct above a public street, road or alley, for the purpose
9of connecting buildings on each side thereof, may be granted by the city council,
10village board or town board upon the written petition of the owners of all the frontage
11of the lots and lands abutting upon the portion thereof sought to be connected, and
12the owners of more than one-half of the frontage of the lots and lands abutting upon
13that portion of the remainder thereof which that lies within 2,650 feet from the ends
14of the portion proposed to be so connected. Whenever any of the lots or lands
If a lot or land is owned by the state, or by a county, city, village or town,
16or by a minor or incompetent person, or the title thereof to the lot or land is held in
17trust, as to all lots and lands so owned or held, said the petition may be signed by the
18governor, the chairperson of the county board, the mayor of the city, the president of
19the board of trustees of the village, the chairperson of the town board, the guardian
20of the minor or incompetent person, or the trustee, respectively, and the signature
21of any a private corporation may be made by its president, secretary or other
22principal officer or managing agent. Written notice stating when and where the
23petition will be acted upon, and describing the location of the proposed viaduct, shall
24be given by the city council, village board or town board by publication of a class 3
25notice, under ch. 985.
1(2) Viaducts, removal Removal of private viaducts . A viaduct in any a city,
2village or town may be discontinued by the city council, village board or town board,
3upon written petition of the owners of more than one-half of the frontage of the lots
4and lands abutting on the street or road approaching on each end of such the viaduct,
5which lies within 2,650 feet from the ends of such the viaduct. Whenever any of the
6lots or lands aforesaid
If a lot or land is owned by the state, or by a county, city, village
7or town, or by a minor or incompetent person, or the title thereof to the lot or land
8is held in trust, as to all lots and lands so owned or held, said the petition may be
9signed by the governor, the chairperson of the county board, the mayor of the city, the
10president of the board of trustees of the village, the chairperson of the town board,
11the guardian of the minor or incompetent person, or the trustee, respectively, and the
12signature of any a private corporation may be made by its president, secretary or
13other principal officer or managing agent. Written notice stating when and where
14the petition will be acted upon, and stating what viaduct is proposed to be
15discontinued, shall be given by the city council, village board or town board by
16publication of a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, not less than one year before the day
17fixed for the hearing and a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, within the 30 days before
18the date of the hearing.
AB710,90,2 19(3) (title) Lease of space over public places by cities, villages and towns. (a)
20Any A city, village or town may lease space over any street, road, alley or other public
21place in the city, village or town which is more than 12 feet above the level of the
22street, road, alley or other public place for any term not exceeding 99 years to the
23person who owns the fee in the property on both sides of the portion of the street, road,
24alley or other public place to be so leased, whenever if the governing body of the city,
25village or town is of the opinion determines that such the place is not needed for

1street, road, alley or other public purpose, and that the public interest will be served
2by such leasing.
AB710,90,83 (c) The lease shall be signed on behalf of the city, village or town by the mayor,
4village president or town board chairperson and shall be attested by the city, village
5or town clerk under the corporate seal. The lease shall also be executed by the lessee
6in such a manner as necessary to bind that binds the lessee. After being duly
7executed and acknowledged the lease shall be recorded in the office of the register
8of deeds of the county in which is located the leased premises are located.
AB710,90,169 (d) If, in the judgment of such governing body, determines that the public
10interest requires that any building erected in the leased space be removed so that a
11street, road, alley or public place may be restored to its original condition, the lessor
12city, village or town may condemn the lessee's interest in the leased space by
13proceeding under ch. 32. After payment of such any damages as may be fixed in the
14condemnation proceedings, the city, village or town may remove all buildings or other
15structures from the leased space and restore the buildings adjoining the leased space
16to their original condition.
AB710,91,2 17(4) Sale or lease of space over or below public place. (a) Any A city, village
18or town may sell or lease the space over or below ground level of any street, road, alley
19or public place or municipally owned real estate or below ground level thereof to any
20person, if the governing body determines by resolution and states the reasons that
21such the action is in the best public interest and states the reasons therefor and the
22prospective purchaser or lessee has provided for the removal and relocation expense
23for any facilities devoted to a public use where such relocation is necessary for the
24purposes of the purchaser or lessee. Leases shall be granted by ordinance and shall
25not exceed 99 years in length. No lease shall may be granted nor or use authorized

1hereunder which substantially interferes with the public purpose for which the
2surface of the land is used.
AB710,91,103 (b) Leases A lease shall specify purposes for which the leased space is to be used.
4If the purpose is to erect in the space a building or a structure attached to the lot, the
5lease shall contain a reasonably accurate description of the building to be erected and
6of the manner in which it shall be imposed will impose upon or around the lot. The
7lease shall also provide for use by the lessee of such those areas of the real estate as
8that are essential for ingress and egress to the leased space, for the support of the
9building or other structures to be erected and for the connection of essential public
10or private utilities to the building or structure.
AB710,91,1311 (c) Any building erected in the space leased shall be operated, as far as
12practicable, separately from the municipal use. Such The structure shall conform
13to all state and municipal regulations.
AB710,91,1514 (d) Any leases A lease under this subsection shall be is subject to sub. (3) (c) and
AB710, s. 118 16Section 118. 66.0485 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0141.
AB710, s. 119 17Section 119. 66.049 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0405 and amended to
AB710,92,4 1966.0405 Removal of rubbish. Cities, villages and towns may cause the
20removal of
remove ashes, garbage, and rubbish from such classes of places therein
21in the city, village or town as the board or council shall direct directs. The removal
22may be from all such of the places or from those whose owners or occupants desire
23the service. Districts may be created and removal provided for certain of them
24districts only, and different regulations may be applied to each removal district or
25class of property
. The cost of removal may be provided for funded by special

1assessment against the property served, by general tax upon the property of the
2respective districts, or by general tax upon the property of the city, village or town.
3If a city, village or town contracts for ash, garbage or rubbish removal service, it may
4contract with one or more service providers.
Note: Amended to expressly authorize contracting with one or more service
providers for removal of ash, garbage or rubbish. Express authority is extended
in order to mitigate possible antitrust issues if the city, village or town
determines that the service can best be provided by one service provider.
AB710, s. 120 5Section 120 . 66.0495 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 30.13 (5m) (title).
AB710, s. 121 6Section 121. 66.0495 (1) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB710, s. 122 7Section 122. 66.0495 (1) (a) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB710, s. 123 8Section 123. 66.0495 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 30.13 (5m) (a) 1. and
9amended to read:
AB710,92,1310 30.13 (5m) (a) 1. The governing body of a city, village or town or a designated
11officer may order the owner of a wharf or pier which constitutes an unlawful
12obstruction of navigable waters under s. 30.13 sub. (4) to remove that portion of the
13wharf or pier which constitutes an unlawful obstruction.
AB710, s. 124 14Section 124. 66.0495 (1) (b) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB710, s. 125 15Section 125. 66.0495 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 30.13 (5m) (a) 2.
AB710, s. 126 16Section 126. 66.0495 (1) (d) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB710, s. 127 17Section 127. 66.0495 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 30.13 (5m) (a) 3. and
18amended to read:
AB710,93,219 30.13 (5m) (a) 3. An order under this subsection paragraph shall be served
20upon the owner or person responsible in the manner provided for the service of a
21summons in circuit court. If the owner or person responsible cannot be found, the
22order may be served by posting it on the wharf or pier and by publishing it as a class
233 notice under ch. 985. The order shall specify the action to be taken and the time

1within which it shall be complied with. At least 50 days must be allowed for
AB710, s. 128 3Section 128. 66.0495 (2) (title) and (a) (title) of the statutes are repealed.
AB710, s. 129 4Section 129. 66.0495 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 30.13 (5m) (b) 1. and
5amended to read:
AB710,93,206 30.13 (5m) (b) 1. If the owner or person responsible fails to comply with an order
7issued under sub. (1) par. (a), the governing body of a city, village or town or a
8designated officer may cause the wharf or pier to be removed through any available
9public agency or by a contract or arrangement by a private person. The cost of the
10removal may be charged against the real estate on which or adjacent to which the
11wharf or pier is located, constitutes a lien against that real estate and may be
12assessed and collected as a special tax. The governing body of the city, village or town
13or the designated officer may sell any salvage or valuable material resulting from the
14removal at the highest price obtainable. The governing body of the city, village or
15town or the designated officer shall remit the net proceeds of any sale, after
16deducting the expense of the removal, to the circuit court for use of the person
17entitled to the proceeds subject to the order of the court. The governing body of the
18city, village or town or the designated officer shall submit a report on any sale to the
19circuit court which shall include items of expense and the amount deducted. If there
20are no net proceeds, the report shall state that fact.
AB710, s. 130 21Section 130. 66.0495 (2) (b) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB710, s. 131 22Section 131. 66.0495 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 30.13 (5m) (b) 2. and
23amended to read:
AB710,94,424 30.13 (5m) (b) 2. If the owner or person responsible fails to comply with an order
25issued under sub. (1) par. (a), the governing body of a city, village or town or a

1designated officer may commence an action in circuit court for a court order requiring
2the person to comply with the order issued under sub. (1) par. (a). The court shall
3give the hearing on this action precedence over other matters on the court's calendar.
4Costs may be assessed in the discretion of the court
and may assess costs.
AB710, s. 132 5Section 132. 66.0495 (3) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB710, s. 133 6Section 133 . 66.0495 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 30.13 (5m) (c) and
7amended to read:
AB710,94,228 30.13 (5m) (c) A person affected by an order issued under sub. (1) par. (a) may
9apply to circuit court within 30 days after service of the order for a restraining order
10prohibiting the governing body of the city, village or town or the designated officer
11from removing the wharf or pier. The court shall conduct a hearing on the action
12within 20 days after application. The court shall give this hearing precedence over
13other matters on the court's calendar. The court shall determine whether the order
14issued under sub. (1) par. (a) is reasonable. If the court finds that the order issued
15under sub. (1) par. (a) is unreasonable, it shall issue a restraining order or modify it
16as the circumstances require and the governing body of the city, village or town or
17the designated officer may not issue another order under sub. (1) par. (a) with respect
18to the wharf or pier unless its condition is substantially changed. Costs may be
19assessed in the discretion of the
The court may assess costs. The remedy provided
20under this subsection paragraph is exclusive and no person affected by an order
21issued under sub. (1) par. (a) may recover damages for the removal of a wharf or pier
22under this section.
AB710, s. 134 23Section 134 . 66.05 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0413 (title) and
24amended to read:
AB710,94,25 2566.0413 (title) Razing buildings; excavations.
AB710, s. 135
1Section 135 . 66.05 (1g) and (1m) (a) of the statutes are repealed.
Note: The repealed provisions are restated as s. 66.0413 (1) (a), (b) and (d) and
the first sentence of par. (f). See Sections 98 to 102 of the bill.
AB710, s. 136 2Section 136. 66.05 (1m) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0413 (1) (c) and
3amended to read:
AB710,95,124 66.0413 (1) (c) Reasonableness of repair; presumption. Except as provided in
5sub. (9) (3), if a municipal governing body, building inspector of buildings or
6designated officer determines that the cost of such repairs of a building described in
7par. (b) 1.
would exceed 50 per cent 50% of the assessed value of such the building
8divided by the ratio of the assessed value to the recommended value as last published
9by the department of revenue for the municipality within which such the building
10is located, such the repairs shall be are presumed unreasonable and it shall be
11presumed for the purposes of this section that such building is a public nuisance
12purposes of par. (b) 1
AB710, s. 137 13Section 137. 66.05 (1m) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0413 (1) (L) 1. and
14amended to read:
AB710,95,1615 66.0413 (1) (L) 1. Acts of municipal authorities under this section shall
16subsection do not increase the liability of an insurer.
AB710, s. 138 17Section 138. 66.05 (1m) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0413 (1) (e) and
18amended to read:
AB710,96,219 66.0413 (1) (e) Effect of recording order. If a raze order issued under par. (a)
20(b) is recorded with the register of deeds in the county in which the building is located,
21the order is considered to have been served, as of the date the raze order is recorded,
22on any person claiming an interest in the building or the real estate as a result of a

1conveyance from the owner of record unless the conveyance was recorded before the
2recording of the raze order.
AB710, s. 139 3Section 139 . 66.05 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0413 (1) (f) and
4amended to read:
AB710,96,205 66.0413 (1) (f) Failure to comply with order; razing building. An order under
6par. (b) shall specify the time within which the owner of the building is required to
7comply with the order and shall specify repairs, if any.
If the owner fails or refuses
8to comply within the time prescribed, the building inspector of buildings or other
9designated officer may cause such building or part thereof to be razed and removed
10and may restore the site to a dust-free and erosion-free condition either
proceed to
11raze the building
through any available public agency or by contract or arrangement
12with private persons, or closed to secure the building and, if necessary, the property
13on which the building is located
if unfit for human habitation, occupancy or use. The
14cost of such razing, removal and restoration of the site to a dust-free and erosion-free
or closing securing the building may be charged in full or in part against
16the real estate upon which such the building is located, and if that cost is so charged
17it is a lien upon such the real estate and may be assessed and collected as a special
18tax. Any portion of the cost charged against the real estate that is not reimbursed
19under s. 632.103 (2) from funds withheld from an insurance settlement may be
20assessed and collected as a special tax.
Note: 1. The first sentence is from s. 66.05 (1m) (a), repealed by Section 135 .
2. Clarifies that an option upon failure to comply with an order is to secure the
building and, if necessary, the property on which the building is located. The
new language more accurately reflects current practice.
AB710,97,14 21(j) Sale of salvage. When any building has been ordered razed and removed and
22If an order to raze a building has been issued to restore the site to a dust-free and
23erosion-free condition
, the governing body or other designated officer under said the

1contract or arrangement aforesaid to raze the building may sell the salvage and
2valuable materials at the highest price obtainable. The net proceeds of such the sale,
3after deducting the expenses of such razing, removal and restoration of the site to a
4dust-free and erosion-free condition
the building, shall be promptly remitted to the
5circuit court with a report of such the sale or transaction, including the items of
6expense and the amounts deducted, for the use of the any person who may be entitled
7thereto to the net proceeds, subject to the order of the court. If there remains no
8surplus to be turned over to the court, the report shall so state. If the building or part
9thereof is insanitary and unfit for human habitation, occupancy or use, and is not in
10danger of structural collapse the building inspector shall post a placard on the
11premises containing the following words: "This Building Cannot Be Used for Human
12Habitation, Occupancy or Use". And it is the duty of the building inspector or other
13designated officer to prohibit the use of the building for human habitation, occupancy
14or use until the necessary repairs have been made.
Note: The last 2 sentences are restated as s. 66.0413 (1) (br) 1. See Section
AB710, s. 140 15Section 140. 66.05 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0413 (1) (g) and
16amended to read:
AB710,98,317 66.0413 (1) (g) Court order to comply. Any A municipality, building inspector
18of buildings or designated officer may, in his, her or its official capacity, commence
19and prosecute an action in circuit court for an order of the court requiring the owner
20to comply with an order to raze or remove any a building or part thereof issued under
21this section subsection if the owner fails or refuses to do so within the time prescribed
22in the order, or for an order of the court requiring any person occupying a building
23whose occupancy has been prohibited under this section subsection to vacate the

1premises, or any combination of the court orders. Hearing A hearing on such actions
2under this paragraph shall be given preference. Costs shall be Court costs are in the
3discretion of the court.
Note: Clarifies that the costs referred to are court costs, not the cost of razing
or securing a building.
AB710, s. 141 4Section 141. 66.05 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0413 (1) (br) 2. and
5amended to read:
AB710,98,96 66.0413 (1) (br) 2. Any person who rents, leases or occupies a building which
7has been condemned for human habitation, occupancy or use under subd. 1. shall be
8fined not less than $5 nor more than $50 or imprisoned not more than 30 days for each
9week of such the violation, or both.