AB967, s. 62 6Section 62. 70.11 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
7amended to read:
AB967,21,228 70.11 (2) Municipal property and property of certain districts, exception.
9Property owned by any county, city, village, town, school district, technical college
10district, public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, metropolitan
11sewerage district, municipal water district created under s. 198.22, joint local water
12authority created under s. 66.0735, family care district under s. 46.2895 or town
13sanitary district; lands belonging to cities of any other state used for public parks;
14land tax-deeded to any county or city before January 2; but any residence located
15upon property owned by the county for park purposes which that is rented out by the
16county for a nonpark purpose shall not be exempt from taxation. Except as to land
17acquired under s. 59.84 (2) (d), this exemption shall not apply to land conveyed after
18August 17, 1961, to any such governmental unit or for its benefit while the grantor
19or others for his or her benefit are permitted to occupy the land or part thereof in
20consideration for the conveyance. Leasing the property exempt under this
21subsection, regardless of the lessee and the use of the leasehold income, does not
22render that property taxable.
Note: The underscored comma was inserted by 1999 Wis. Act 9 without being
shown as underscored. The change was intended. Replaces "which" with "that" to correct
AB967, s. 63
1Section 63. 71.14 (3m) (a) (intro.) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin
2Act 9
, is amended to read:
AB967,22,53 71.14 (3m) (a) (intro.) Subject to par. (b) and except as provided in sub. (2) and
4s. 71.04 (1) (b) 2., only the following trusts, or portions of trusts, which that become
5irrevocable on or after October 29, 1999, are resident of this state:
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 64 6Section 64. 73.03 (28m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB967,22,87 73.03 (28m) To enter into contracts for data base database and data processing
8services for audits of occasional sales of motor vehicles.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB967, s. 65 9Section 65. 79.10 (10) (c) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 5,
10is amended to read:
AB967,22,1511 79.10 (10) (c) If a person who is certified under par. (a) to claim the credit under
12sub. (9) (bm) becomes ineligible for the credit under sub. (9) (bm), that person shall,
13within 30 days of becoming ineligible, notify the treasurer of the county in which the
14property is located or, if the property is located in a city that collects taxes under s.
1574.87, with the treasurer of the city in which the property is located.
Note: Deletes unnecessary word.
AB967, s. 66 16Section 66. 84.30 (3) (c) 1. and 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin
17Act 9
, are amended to read:
AB967,22,2018 84.30 (3) (c) 1. Signs which that contain, include or are illuminated by any
19flashing, intermittent or moving light or lights are prohibited, except electronic signs
20permitted by rule of the department.
AB967,23,321 2. Signs which that are not effectively shielded as to prevent beams or rays of
22light from being directed at any portion of the traveled ways of the interstate or

1federal-aid primary highway and which that are of such intensity or brilliance as to
2cause glare or to impair the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle, or which that
3otherwise interfere with any driver's operation of a motor vehicle, are prohibited.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 67 4Section 67. 85.105 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB967,23,12 585.105 Sale of motor vehicle records. Notwithstanding s. 343.24 (2m), the
6department may contract with a person to periodically furnish that person with any
7records on computer tape or other electronic media that contain information from
8files of motor vehicle accidents or uniform traffic citations and which that were
9produced for or developed by the department for purposes related to maintenance of
10the operating record file data base database. The department and the person
11desiring to contract with the department shall make a good faith effort to negotiate
12the purchase price for the records to be provided under this section.
Note: Corrects spelling. Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 68 13Section 68. 85.12 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB967,23,1814 85.12 (1) The department shall administer a statewide public safety radio
15management program. From the appropriations under s. 20.395 (5) (dk) and (dq),
16the department may provide statewide tower site management, public safety
17frequency management, public safety data base database administration and
18planning services related to statewide public safety radio management.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB967, s. 69 19Section 69. 85.53 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
20amended to read:
185.53 (3) Grants under this section shall be paid from the appropriation under
2s. 20.395 (5) (jr). The amount of a grant may not exceed 80% of the amount expended
3by an eligible applicant for services related to the program.
Note: 1999 Wis. Act 9 deleted the underscored period without showing it as
stricken. No change was intended.
AB967, s. 70 4Section 70. 92.14 (4) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: All of the other parts of s. 92.14 (4) were either repealed or renumbered by
1999 Wis. Act 9.
AB967, s. 71 5Section 71. 97.42 (12) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB967,24,66 97.42 (12) (title) Substantial or repeated violations.
Note: The other subsections in s. 97.42 have titles.
AB967, s. 72 7Section 72. 101.143 (1) (hm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB967,24,128 101.143 (1) (hm) "Terminal" means a petroleum product storage system that
9is itself connected to a pipeline facility, as defined in 49 USC Appendix 2001 (4) 60101
or is one of a number of connected petroleum product storage systems at least
11one of which is connected to a pipeline facility, as defined in 49 USC Appendix 2001
60101 (18).
Note: 49 USC Appendix 2001 (4) was codified as 49 USC 60101 (18).
AB967, s. 73 13Section 73. 101.143 (11) (intro.) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin
14Act 9
, is amended to read:
AB967,24,2015 101.143 (11) Reports. (intro.) No later than each January 1 and July 1, the
16department of commerce and the department of natural resources shall submit the
17to the governor, to the joint legislative audit committee, to the joint committee on
18finance and to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature, under s.
1913.172 (3), a report on the program under this section. The departments shall
20include all of the following information in the report:
Note: Inserts correct word.
AB967, s. 74
1Section 74. 101.9204 (1) (g) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,25,73 101.9204 (1) (g) If the mobile home is a used mobile home which that was last
4previously titled in another jurisdiction, the applicant shall furnish any certificate
5of ownership issued by the other jurisdiction and a statement, in the form prescribed
6by the the department,
pertaining to the title history and ownership of the mobile
7home, such statement to be in the form that the department prescribes.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar. Moves and rephrases
clause for improved clarity and readability.
AB967, s. 75 8Section 75. 101.9205 (2) (c) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,25,1110 101.9205 (2) (c) In any other manner which that the department determines
11to be desirable.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 76 12Section 76. 101.9206 (1) (e) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,25,1514 101.9206 (1) (e) Any other data which that the department considers pertinent
15and desirable.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 77 16Section 77. 101.9206 (3) (b) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin
17Acts 9
and 53, is amended to read:
AB967,26,1218 101.9206 (3) (b) 2. The applicant has filed with the department a bond in the
19form prescribed by the department and executed by the applicant, and either
20accompanied by the deposit of cash with the department or also executed by a person
21authorized to conduct a surety business in this state. The bond shall be in an amount
22equal to 1.5 times the value of the manufactured home as determined by the

1department and conditioned to indemnify any prior owner and secured party and any
2subsequent purchaser of the manufactured home or person acquiring any security
3interest in it, and their respective successors in interest, against any expense, loss
4or damage, including reasonable attorney fees, by reason of the issuance of the
5certificate of title of for the manufactured home or on account of any defect in or
6undisclosed security interest upon the right, title and interest of the applicant in and
7to the manufactured home. Any such interested person has a right of action to
8recover on the bond for any breach of its conditions, but the aggregate liability of the
9surety to all persons shall not exceed the amount of the bond. The bond, and any
10deposit accompanying it, shall be returned at the end of 5 years or prior thereto if,
11apart from this section, a nondistinctive certificate of title could then be issued for
12the manufactured home.
Note: Replaces "of" with "for" in order to make terminology consistent throughout
ch. 101.
AB967, s. 78 13Section 78. 101.9208 (1) (b) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,26,2115 101.9208 (1) (b) Upon filing an application under sub. (1) par. (a) or (4) (d)
16before the first day of the 2nd month beginning after September 1, 2000, an
17environmental impact fee of $5, by the person filing the application. Upon filing an
18application under sub. (1) par. (a) or (4) (d) on or after September 1, 2000, an
19environmental impact fee of $6, by the person filing the application. All moneys
20collected under this subsection shall be credited to the environmental fund for
21environmental management.
Note: Corrects cross-references.
AB967, s. 79 22Section 79. 101.9208 (1) (h) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
1101.9208 (1) (h) For processing applications for certificates of title which that
2have a special handling request for fast service, a fee established by the department
3by rule, which fee shall approximate the cost to the department for providing this
4special handling service to persons so requesting.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 80 5Section 80. 101.921 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Acts
and 53, is amended to read:
AB967,28,8 7101.921 Transfer to or from dealer. (1) (a) Except as provided in par. (b),
8if a manufactured home dealer acquires a manufactured home and holds it for resale
9or accepts a manufactured home for sale on consignment, the manufactured home
10dealer may not submit to the department the certificate of title or application for
11certificate of title naming the manufactured home dealer as owner of the
12manufactured home. Upon transferring the manufactured home to another person,
13the manufactured home dealer shall immediately give the transferee, on a form
14prescribed by the department, a receipt for all title, security interest and sales tax
15moneys paid to the manufactured home dealer for transmittal to the department
16when required. The manufactured home dealer shall promptly execute the
17assignment and warranty of title, showing the name and address of the transferee
18and of any secured party holding a security interest created or reserved at the time
19of the resale or sale on consignment, in the spaces provided therefor on the certificate
20or as the department prescribes. Within 7 business days following the sale or
21transfer, the manufactured home dealer shall mail or deliver the certificate or
22application for certificate to the department with the transferee's application for a
23new certificate. A nonresident who purchases a manufactured home from a
24manufactured home dealer in this state may not, unless otherwise authorized by rule

1of the department, apply for a certificate of title issued for the manufactured home
2in this state unless the manufactured home dealer determines that a certificate of
3title is necessary to protect the interests of a secured party. The manufactured home
4dealer is responsible for determining whether a certificate of title and perfection of
5security interest is required. The manufactured home dealer is liable for any
6damages incurred by the department or any secured party for the manufactured
7home dealer's failure to perfect a security interest which that the manufactured
8home dealer had knowledge of at the time of sale.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 81 9Section 81. 101.9211 (4) (b) 1. (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1999
10Wisconsin Acts 9
and 53, is amended to read:
AB967,28,1411 101.9211 (4) (b) 1. (intro.) The department shall transfer the decedent's
12interest in any manufactured home to his or her surviving spouse upon receipt of the
13title executed by the surviving spouse and a statement by the spouse which shall
that states all of the following:
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" and replaces the passive voice with active voice
to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 82 15Section 82. 101.9212 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Acts
and 53, is amended to read:
AB967,28,1917 101.9212 (3) The department shall retain for 5 years a record of every
18surrendered certificate of title, the record to be maintained so as to permit the tracing
19of title of for the manufactured home designated therein.
Note: Replaces "of" with "for" in order to make terminology consistent throughout
ch. 101.
AB967, s. 83 20Section 83. 101.9213 (7) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Acts
and 53, is amended to read:
1101.9213 (7) If a manufactured home is subject to a security interest when
2brought into this state, s. 409.103 (1), (2) and (3) states the rules which that apply
3to determine the validity and perfection of the security interest in this state.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 84 4Section 84. 101.9216 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Acts
and 53, is amended to read:
AB967,29,166 101.9216 (1) Within one month, or within 10 days following written demand
7by the debtor, after there is no outstanding obligation and no commitment to make
8advances, incur obligations or otherwise give value, secured by the security interest
9in a manufactured home under any security agreement between the owner and the
10secured party, the secured party shall execute and deliver to the owner, as the
11department prescribes, a release of the security interest in the form and manner
12prescribed by the department and a notice to the owner stating in no less than
1310-point boldface type the owner's obligation under sub. (2). If the secured party
14fails to execute and deliver the release and notice of the owner's obligation as
15required by this subsection, the secured party is liable to the owner for $25 and for
16any loss caused to the owner by the failure.
Note: Inserts commas to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 85 17Section 85. 101.9217 (3) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
18is amended to read:
AB967,29,2119 101.9217 (3) Any secured party who fails to disclose information under sub. (1)
20shall be liable for any loss caused to the owner thereby by the failure to disclose
Note: Inserts missing article. Inserts the specific reference for clarity.
AB967, s. 86
1Section 86. 101.9218 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Acts
and 53, is amended to read:
AB967,30,83 101.9218 (1) Method of perfecting exclusive. Except as provided in sub. (2),
4the method provided in ss. 101.921 to 101.9217 of perfecting and giving notice of
5security interests subject to ss. 101.921 to 101.9217 is exclusive. Security interests
6subject to ss. 101.921 to 101.9217 are exempt from the provisions of law which that
7otherwise require or relate to the filing of instruments creating or evidencing
8security interests.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 87 9Section 87. 101.9219 (3) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Acts
and 53, is amended to read:
AB967,31,511 101.9219 (3) (b) The applicant has filed with the department a bond in the form
12prescribed by the department and executed by the applicant, and either
13accompanied by the deposit of cash with the department or also executed by a person
14authorized to conduct a surety business in this state. The bond shall be in an amount
15equal to 1.5 times the value of the manufactured home as determined by the
16department and conditioned to indemnify any prior owner and secured party and any
17subsequent purchaser of the manufactured home or person acquiring any security
18interest in it, and their respective successors in interest, against any expense, loss
19or damage, including reasonable attorney fees, by reason of the issuance of the
20certificate of title of for the manufactured home or on account of any defect in or
21undisclosed security interest upon the right, title and interest of the applicant in and
22to the manufactured home. Any such interested person has a right of action to
23recover on the bond for any breach of its conditions, but the aggregate liability of the
24surety to all persons shall not exceed the amount of the bond. The bond, and any

1deposit accompanying it, shall be returned at the end of 5 years or prior thereto if,
2apart from this section, a nondistinctive certificate of title could then be issued for
3the manufactured home, or if the currently valid certificate of title for the
4manufactured home is surrendered to the department, unless the department has
5been notified of the pendency of an action to recover on the bond.
Note: Replaces "of" with "for" in order to make terminology consistent throughout
ch. 101.
AB967, s. 88 6Section 88. 101.922 (4) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
7amended to read:
AB967,31,98 101.922 (4) The department may seize and impound any certificate of title
9which that has been suspended or revoked.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB967, s. 89 10Section 89. 101.9222 (2) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Acts
and 53, is amended to read:
AB967,31,1312 101.9222 (2) (b) The department of commerce issues a certificate of title of for
13the manufactured home under this chapter.
Note: Replaces "of" with "for" in order to make terminology consistent throughout
ch. 101. Deletes unnecessary "of commerce"; "department" is defined in s. 101.01 (1m)
as being the Department of Commerce.
AB967, s. 90 14Section 90. 101.9222 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Acts
and 53, is amended to read:
AB967,32,216 101.9222 (3) If the department is not satisfied that there are no undisclosed
17security interests, created before July 1, 2000, in a previously certificated
18manufactured home, the department shall, unless the applicant fulfills the
19requirements of s. 101.9219 (3), issue a distinctive certificate of title of for the
20manufactured home containing the legend "This manufactured home may be subject

1to an undisclosed security interest" and any other information that the department
Note: Replaces "of" with "for" in order to make terminology consistent throughout
ch. 101.
AB967, s. 91 3Section 91. 101.951 (6) (k) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB967,32,65 101.951 (6) (k) Having indulged in any unconscionable practice relating to said
6the business of selling manufactured homes to a consumer or to the retail market.