SB421,55,88 (Signature of Notarial Officer)
SB421,55,99 (Seal, if any)
SB421,55,1010 (Title)
SB421,55,1111 [My commission is permanent or expires: .... ]
SB421,55,1515 ....
SB421,55,1616 (Name of Agent)
SB421,55,1717 ....
SB421,55,1818 (Signature of Agent)
SB421,55,2019 This document was drafted by .... (signature of person preparing the
Note: Drafting records for 1997 Wis. Act 253 indicate that the witness portion of
this form was not properly formatted in double columns and that "Witness" was to be a
heading and was not to be followed by dot leaders. "By" is changed to "Signature" for
SB421, s. 132 21Section 132. 251.02 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
22is amended to read:
1251.02 (1) In counties with a population of less than 500,000, the county board
2shall establish a county health department that meets the requirements of this
3chapter. The county health department shall serve all areas of the county that are
4not served by a city health department that was established prior to
5January 1, 1994, by a town or village health department established under sub. (3m)
6or by a multiple municipal local health department established under sub. (3r). No
7city health department may be established after January 1, 1994, but a city-county
8health department may be established after that date.
Note: Conforms the language in this subsection with the language of s. 251.02 (3r).
SB421, s. 133 9Section 133. 251.04 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
10is amended to read:
SB421,56,1811 251.04 (1) A city or county board of health shall govern each local health
12department other than a local health department as authorized in s. 251.02 (3m) and
13(3r) and a city or county board of health or a board of health for a local health
14department as authorized in s. 251.02 (3m) and (3r) shall assure the enforcement of
15state public health statutes and public health rules of the department as prescribed
16for a Level I local health department. A local board of health may contract or
17subcontract to provide public health services. The contractor's staff shall meet the
18appropriate qualifications for positions in a Level I local health department.
Note: 1999 Wis. Act 9 inserted the underscored language without showing it as
underscored. The change was intended.
SB421, s. 134 19Section 134. 251.125 of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
20amended to read:
SB421,57,2 21251.125 Village health department, how financed. If a village health
22department is established under s. 251.02 (2) or (3m) or if a multiple municipal local
23health department is established under s. 251.01 251.02 (3r) by the governing body

1of a village in concert with the governing body of another village or a city or town, the
2village board shall appropriate funds for the operation of the department.
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 251.01 (3r). Section 251.02 (3r)
relates to the establishment of local health departments.
SB421, s. 135 3Section 135. 252.08 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: The remainder of s. 252.08 was renumbered or repealed by 1999 Wis. Act 9.
SB421, s. 136 4Section 136. 253.115 (1) (a) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB421,57,86 253.115 (1) (a) "Hearing loss" means an inability in one or both ears to detect
7sounds at 30 decibels hearing level or greater in the frequency region of 500 to 4,000
8hertz, which that affects speech recognition and auditory comprehension.
Note: Replaces ", which" with "that" to correct grammar.
SB421, s. 137 9Section 137. 254.916 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes, as created by 1999
10Wisconsin Act 9
, is renumbered 254.916 (3) (intro.).
Note: Corrects numbering.
SB421, s. 138 11Section 138. 254.916 (11) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
12is amended to read:
SB421,57,1813 254.916 (11) The department shall hold a hearing under ch. 227 if any
14interested person, in lieu of proceeding under ch. 68, appeals to the department
15alleging that the person making an investigation of the appellant has a financial
16interest in a regulated cigarette and tobacco product retailer, tobacco vending
17machine operator, tobacco vending machine premises or tobacco vending machine
18which that may interfere with his or her ability to properly take that action.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
SB421, s. 139 19Section 139. 281.68 (1r) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
1281.68 (1r) (a) Prevent pollution from entering into lakes or into natural lake
Note: 1999 Wis. Act 9 inserted "or" without showing it as underscored. The change
was intended.
SB421, s. 140 3Section 140. 281.69 (6) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
4is amended to read:
SB421,58,95 281.69 (6) Lake classification technical assistance contracts. A nonprofit
6corporation receiving a lake classification technical assistance contract shall use the
7grant money provided under the contract to provide educational and technical
8assistance to local units of government and lake management organizations that will
9participate in a lake classification project.
Note: 1999 Wisconsin Act 9 amended this section by replacing "technical
assistance grant" with "technical assistance contract" but did not make the corresponding
change to the later use of the term "grant". Act 9 also omitted the phrase "use the grant
to" without showing it as stricken. This bill restores the unintentionally omitted
language and amends the subsection to reflect the term change.
SB421, s. 141 10Section 141. 289.645 (4) (c) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB421,58,1412 289.645 (4) (c) Waste generated by an organization described in par. (b) which
13that is commingled with waste generated by a person other than an organization
14described in par. (b) is subject to the fee.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
SB421, s. 142 15Section 142. 292.15 (2) (at) 3. of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB421,59,217 292.15 (2) (at) 3. The voluntary party obtains and maintains insurance to cover
18the costs of complying with s. 292.11 (3) with respect to a hazardous substance
19discharges that occurred before the investigation under subd. 1. is completed and
20that are discovered in the course of conducting a cleanup of the property, the

1insurance complies with rules promulgated by the department and the insurance
2names the voluntary party and this state as insureds.
Note: Deletes unnecessary "a."
SB421, s. 143 3Section 143. 292.15 (2) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB421,59,85 292.15 (2) (c) Prohibition on action. The department of justice may not
6commence an action under 42 USC 9607 against any voluntary party meeting the
7criteria of this subsection to recover costs for which the voluntary party is exempt
8under pars. (a), (ac) (ae), (ag), (am), (at) and (b).
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 292.15 (2) (ac). Section 292.15 (2)
(ae) relates to exemptions for voluntary parties.
SB421, s. 144 9Section 144. 292.15 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
10is amended to read:
SB421,59,1811 292.15 (3) Successors and assigns. An exemption provided in sub. (2) applies
12to any successor or assignee of the voluntary party if the successor or assignee
13complies with the provisions of sub. (2) (a) 4. and 5. or (ae) 3m., 4. and 5. and, if
14applicable, sub. (2) (ag) 4. or (am) as though the successor or assignee were the
15voluntary party except that the exemption in sub. (2) does not apply if the successor
16or assignee knows that a certificate under sub. (2) (a) 3., (ae) 3., (ag) 12. 2. or (am)
17was obtained by any of the means or under any of the circumstances specified in sub.
18(2) (a) 6.
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 292.15 (2) (ag) 12. Section 292.15
(2) (ag) 2. relates to certificates of completion.
SB421, s. 145 19Section 145. 292.65 (8) (e) 3am. of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin
20Act 9
, is renumbered 292.65 (8) (e) 3. am.
Note: Confirms renumbering by the revisor under s. 13.93 (1) (b). 1999 Wis. Act
treated s. 292.65 (8) (e) 3. a. to c., but the period was omitted in each case.
SB421, s. 146
1Section 146. 292.65 (8) (e) 3ar. of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin
2Act 9
, is renumbered 292.65 (8) (e) 3. ar.
Note: Confirms renumbering by the revisor under s. 13.93 (1) (b). 1999 Wis. Act
treated s. 292.65 (8) (e) 3. a. to c., but the period was omitted in each case.
SB421, s. 147 3Section 147. 292.65 (8m) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
4is amended to read:
SB421,60,135 292.65 (8m) Reimbursement of insurance proceeds. If, after the owner or
6operator receives an award under this section, the owner or operator receives
7payment from an insurance company arising out of a claim for payment of any
8eligible costs, the owner or operator shall pay to the department the amount by which
9the insurance payment exceeds the sum of the deductible and the amount by which
10the amount calculated under par. sub. (8) (e) exceeds the maximum award under par.
11sub. (8) (f), but not more than the amount of the award received. The amounts
12collected by the department under this subsection shall be deposited in the dry
13cleaner environmental response fund.
Note: Corrects cross-references. Section 292.65 (8m) is not separated into
paragraphs. Section 292.15 (8) (e) relates to calculation of the deductible and sub. (8) (f)
provides the maximum award.
SB421, s. 148 14Section 148. 301.08 (1) (b) 4. of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB421,60,2216 301.08 (1) (b) 4. Contract with not more than 5 counties or with not more than
175 consortia of counties for the operation of not more than 5 secured group homes for
18the placement of juveniles who have been convicted under s. 938.183 or adjudicated
19delinquent under s. 983.183 938.183 or 938.34 (4m). The contract shall specify that
20the county or counties operating a secured group home must comply with all rules
21of the department that are applicable to the treatment of juveniles who are placed
22in a secured correctional facility.

Note: Corrects cross-reference consistent with the remainder of s. 301.08 (1) (b).
There is no s. 983.183.
SB421, s. 149 1Section 149. 342.12 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB421,61,202 342.12 (3) (b) The applicant has filed with the department a bond in the form
3prescribed by the department and executed by the applicant, and either
4accompanied by the deposit of cash with the department or also executed by a person
5authorized to conduct a surety business in this state. The bond shall be in an amount
6equal to one and one-half times the value of the vehicle as determined by the
7department and conditioned to indemnify any prior owner and secured party and any
8subsequent purchaser of the vehicle or person acquiring any security interest in it,
9and their respective successors in interest, against any expense, loss or damage,
10including reasonable attorney fees, by reason of the issuance of the certificate of title
11of for the vehicle or on account of any defect in or undisclosed security interest upon
12the right, title and interest of the applicant in and to the vehicle. Any such interested
13person has a right of action to recover on the bond for any breach of its conditions,
14but the aggregate liability of the surety to all persons shall not exceed the amount
15of the bond. The bond, and any deposit accompanying it, shall be returned at the end
16of 5 years or prior thereto if, apart from this section, a nondistinctive certificate of
17title could then be issued for the vehicle, or if the vehicle is no longer registered in
18this state and the currently valid certificate of title is surrendered to the department,
19unless the department has been notified of the pendency of an action to recover on
20the bond.
Note: Replaces "of" with "for" in order to make terminology consistent throughout
ch. 342.
SB421, s. 150 21Section 150. 342.282 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1342.282 (2) The department issues a certificate of title of for the vehicle under
2this chapter.
Note: Replaces "of" with "for" in order to make terminology consistent throughout
ch. 342.
SB421, s. 151 3Section 151. 342.283 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB421,62,9 4342.283 Distinctive certificate. If the department is not satisfied that there
5are no undisclosed security interests, created before June 1, 1966, in a previously
6certificated vehicle, it shall, unless the applicant fulfills the requirements of s. 342.12
7(3), issue a distinctive certificate of title of for the vehicle containing the legend "This
8vehicle may be subject to an undisclosed security interest" and any other information
9the department prescribes.
Note: Replaces "of" with "for" in order to make terminology consistent throughout
ch. 342.
SB421, s. 152 10Section 152. 343.085 (2m) (a) 2. of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin
11Act 9
, is amended to read:
SB421,62,1512 343.085 (2m) (a) 2. Between the hours of 12 midnight and 5 a.m., unless the
13licensee's parent or guardian, or a person who meets the requirements under s.
14343.07 (1) (a), occupies the seat beside the licensee, or unless the licensee is traveling
15between his or her place of residence, school or and place of employment.
Note: Corrects sentence agreement problem.
SB421, s. 153 16Section 153. The treatment of 343.085 (3) of the statutes by 1997 Wisconsin
17Act 84
is not repealed by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9. Both treatments stand.
Note: There are no conflicts of substance.
SB421, s. 154 18Section 154. The treatment of 343.085 (5) of the statutes by 1997 Wisconsin
19Act 84
is not repealed by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9. Both treatments stand.
Note: There are no conflicts of substance.
SB421, s. 155 20Section 155. 343.24 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
1343.24 (2m) If the department, in maintaining a computerized operating
2record system, makes copies of its operating record file data base database, or a
3portion thereof, on computer tape or other electronic media, copies of the tape or
4media may be furnished to any person on request. The department may also furnish
5to any person upon request records on computer tape or other electronic media that
6contain information from files of uniform traffic citations or motor vehicle accidents
7and which that were produced for or developed by the department for purposes
8related to maintenance of the operating record file data base database. The
9department shall charge a fee of $3 for each file of vehicle operators' records
10contained in the tape or media. The department shall charge a fee of not more than
11$3 for each file of uniform traffic citations or motor vehicle accidents contained in the
12tape or media. Nothing in this subsection requires the department to produce
13records of particular files or data in a particular format except as those records or
14data are made by the department for its purposes.
Note: Corrects spelling. Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
SB421, s. 156 15Section 156. The treatment of 343.32 (2) (c) of the statutes by 1997 Wisconsin
16Act 84
is not repealed by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9. Both treatments stand.
Note: There are no conflicts of substance.
SB421, s. 157 17Section 157. The treatment of 345.47 (1) (b) of the statutes by 1997 Wisconsin
18Act 84
is not repealed by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9. Both treatments stand.
Note: There are no conflicts of substance.
SB421, s. 158 19Section 158. 348.26 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB421,64,220 348.26 (1m) Telephone call-in procedure. The department shall develop and
21implement a telephone call-in procedure for permits issued under this section. The
22telephone call-in procedure for permits may not be utilized until permit information

1is computerized to ensure inquiry capability into the data base database for
2enforcement purposes.
Note: Corrects spelling.
SB421, s. 159 3Section 159. 409.302 (1) (g) and (h) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB421,64,54 409.302 (1) (g) An assignment for the benefit of all the creditors of the
5transferor, and subsequent transfers by the assignee thereunder; or
SB421,64,76 (h) A security interest in investment property which is perfected without filing
7under s. 409.115 or 409.116; or.
Note: Amends the structure of s. 409.302 (1) to reflect the renumbering of s.
409.302 (1) (i) to s. 409.302 (3) (e) by 1999 Wis. Act 9.
SB421, s. 160 8Section 160. 409.313 (4) (c) and (d) of the statutes are amended to read: