SB45,1090,14 14(8) Exceptions. This section does not apply to any of the following:
SB45,1090,1815 (a) Liabilities secured by certain short-term federal obligations. A liability that
16is secured by not less than a like amount of direct obligations of the United States
17which will mature not more than 18 months after the date on which such liabilities
18to the universal bank are entered into.
SB45,1090,2219 (b) Certain federal and state obligations or guaranteed obligations. A liability
20that is a direct obligation of the United States or this state, or an obligation of any
21governmental agency of the United States or this state, that is fully and
22unconditionally guaranteed by the United States or this state.
SB45,1090,2423 (c) Commodity Credit Corporation liabilities. A liability in the form of a note,
24debenture or certificate of interest of the Commodity Credit Corporation.
1(d) Discounting bills of exchange or business or commercial paper. A liability
2created by the discounting of bills of exchange drawn in good faith against actually
3existing values or the discounting of commercial or business paper actually owned
4by the person negotiating the same.
SB45,1091,105 (e) Certain other federal or federally guaranteed obligations. In obligations of,
6or obligations that are fully guaranteed by, the United States and in obligations of
7any federal reserve bank, federal home loan bank, the Student Loan Marketing
8Association, the Government National Mortgage Association, the Federal National
9Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the
10Export-Import Bank of Washington or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
SB45,1091,24 11(9) Additional authority. (a) In general. In addition to the authority granted
12under subs. (1) to (8), and except as provided in par. (b), a universal bank may lend
13under this subsection, through the universal bank or subsidiary of the universal
14bank, to all borrowers from the universal bank and all of its subsidiaries, an
15aggregate amount not to exceed 20% of the universal bank's capital. Neither a
16universal bank nor any subsidiary of the universal bank may lend to any borrower,
17under this subsection and any other law or rule, an amount that would result in an
18aggregate amount for all loans to that borrower that exceeds 20% of the universal
19bank's capital. A universal bank or its subsidiary may take an equity position or
20other form of interest as security in a project funded through such loans. Every
21transaction by a universal bank or its subsidiary under this subsection shall require
22prior approval by the governing board of the universal bank or its subsidiary,
23respectively. Such loans are not subject to s. 221.0326 or to classification as losses,
24for a period of 3 years from the date of each loan except as provided in par. (b).
1(b) Suspension of additional authority. The division may suspend authority
2established under this subsection and, in such case, may specify how an outstanding
3loan shall be treated by the universal bank or its subsidiary. Among the factors that
4the division may consider in suspending authority under this subsection are the
5universal bank's capital adequacy, asset quality, earnings quantity, earnings quality,
6adequacy of liquidity and sensitivity to market risk and the ability of the universal
7bank's management.
SB45,1092,15 8222.0405 Investment powers. (1) Investment securities. Except as
9provided in subs. (3) to (8), a universal bank may purchase, sell, underwrite and hold
10investment securities, consistent with safe and sound banking practices, up to 100%
11of the universal bank's capital. A universal bank shall not invest greater than 20%
12of the universal bank's capital in the investment securities of one obligor or issuer.
13In this subsection, "investment securities" includes commercial paper, banker's
14acceptances, marketable securities in the form of bonds, notes, debentures and
15similar instruments that are regarded as investment securities.
SB45,1092,19 16(2) Equity securities. Except as provided in subs. (3) to (8), a universal bank
17may purchase, sell, underwrite and hold equity securities, consistent with safe and
18sound banking practices, up to 20% of capital or, if approved by the division in
19writing, a greater percentage of capital.
SB45,1093,8 20(3) Housing activities. With the prior written consent of the division, a
21universal bank may invest in the initial purchase and development, or the purchase
22or commitment to purchase after completion, of home sites and housing for sale or
23rental, including projects for the reconstruction, rehabilitation or rebuilding of
24residential properties to meet the minimum standards of health and occupancy
25prescribed for a local governmental unit, the provision of accommodations for retail

1stores, shops and other community services that are reasonably incident to that
2housing, or in the stock of a corporation that owns one or more of those projects and
3that is wholly owned by one or more financial institutions. The total investment in
4any one project may not exceed 15% of the universal bank's capital, nor may the
5aggregate investment under this subsection exceed 50% of capital. A universal bank
6may not make an investment under this subsection unless it is in compliance with
7the capital requirements set by the division under s. 222.0305 (1) and with the capital
8maintenance requirements of its deposit insurance corporation.
SB45,1093,20 9(4) Profit-participation projects. A universal bank may take equity positions
10in profit-participation projects, including projects funded through loans from the
11universal bank, in an aggregate amount not to exceed 20% of capital. The division
12may suspend the investment authority under this subsection. If the division
13suspends the investment authority under this subsection, the division may specify
14how outstanding investments under this subsection shall be treated by the universal
15bank or its subsidiary. Among the factors that the division may consider in
16suspending authority under this subsection are the universal bank's capital
17adequacy, asset quality, earnings quantity, earnings quality, adequacy of liquidity
18and sensitivity to market risk and the ability of the universal bank's management.
19This subsection does not authorize a universal bank, directly or indirectly through
20a subsidiary, to engage in the business of underwriting insurance.
SB45,1093,23 21(5) Debt investments. A universal bank may invest in bonds, notes, obligations
22and liabilities described under s. 222.0403 (3) to (7), subject to the limitations under
23those subsections.
SB45,1093,25 24(6) Certain liabilities. This section does not limit investment in the
25liabilities described in s. 222.0403 (8).
1(7) Certain investments. A universal bank may invest without limitation in
2any of the following:
SB45,1094,53 (a) Business development corporations. Stocks or obligations of a corporation
4organized for business development by this state or by the United States or by an
5agency of this state or the United States.
SB45,1094,76 (b) Urban renewal investment corporations. Obligations of an urban renewal
7investment corporation organized under the laws of this state or of the United States.
SB45,1094,128 (c) Certain bank insurance companies. An equity interest in an insurance
9company or an insurance holding company organized to provide insurance for
10universal banks and for persons affiliated with universal banks, solely to the extent
11that this ownership is a prerequisite to obtaining directors' and officers' insurance
12or blanket bond insurance for the universal bank through the company.
SB45,1094,1613 (d) Certain remote service unit corporations. Shares of stock, whether
14purchased or otherwise acquired, in a corporation acquiring, placing and operating
15remote service units under s. 214.04 (21) or 215.13 (46) or bank communications
16terminals under s. 221.0303 (2).
SB45,1094,1817 (e) Service corporations. Equity or debt securities or instruments of a service
18corporation subsidiary of the universal bank.
SB45,1094,1919 (f) Federal funds. Advances of federal funds.
SB45,1094,2320 (g) Certain risk management financial products. With the prior written
21approval of the division, financial futures transactions, financial options
22transactions, forward commitments or other financial products for the purpose of
23reducing, hedging or otherwise managing its interest rate risk exposure.
SB45,1094,2524 (h) Certain fiduciaries. A subsidiary organized to exercise corporate fiduciary
25powers under ch. 112.
1(i) Agricultural credit corporations. An agricultural credit corporation. Unless
2a universal bank owns at least 80% of the stock of the agricultural credit corporation,
3a universal bank may not invest more than 20% of the universal bank's capital in the
4agricultural credit corporation.
SB45,1095,75 (j) Deposit accounts and insured obligations. Deposit accounts or insured
6obligations of any financial institution, the accounts of which are insured by a deposit
7insurance corporation.
SB45,1095,138 (k) Certain federal obligations. Obligations of, or obligations that are fully
9guaranteed by, the United States and stocks or obligations of any federal reserve
10bank, federal home loan bank, the Student Loan Marketing Association, the
11Government National Mortgage Association, the Federal National Mortgage
12Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation or the Federal Deposit
13Insurance Corporation.
SB45,1095,1414 (L) Other investments. Any other investment authorized by the division.
SB45,1095,17 15(8) Investments in other financial institutions. In addition to the authority
16granted under ss. 222.0307 and 222.0409, and subject to the limitations of sub. (2),
17a universal bank may invest in other financial institutions.
SB45,1095,21 18(9) Investments through subsidiaries. A universal bank may make
19investments under this section, directly or indirectly through a subsidiary, unless
20the division determines that an investment shall be made through a subsidiary with
21appropriate safeguards to limit the risk exposure of the universal bank.
SB45,1095,24 22222.0407 Universal bank purchase of its own stock. (1) In general. A
23universal bank may hold or purchase not more than 10% of its capital stock, notes
24or debentures, except as provided in sub. (2) or (3).
1(2) Division approval. A universal bank may hold or purchase more than 10%
2of its capital stock, notes or debentures, if approved by the division.
SB45,1096,14 3(3) Additional authority. A universal bank may hold or purchase more than
410% of its capital stock, notes or debentures if the purchase is necessary to prevent
5loss upon a debt previously contracted in good faith. Stock, notes or debentures held
6or purchased under this subsection may not be held by the universal bank for more
7than 6 months if the stock, notes or debentures can be sold for the amount of the claim
8of the universal bank against the holder of the debt previously contracted. The
9universal bank shall either sell the stock, notes or debentures within 12 months of
10acquisition under this subsection or shall cancel the stock, notes or debentures.
11Cancellation of the stock, notes or debentures reduces the amount of the universal
12bank's capital stock, notes or debentures. If the reduction reduces the universal
13bank's capital below the minimum level required by the division, the universal bank
14shall increase its capital to the amount required by the division.
SB45,1096,20 15(4) Loans secured by capital, surplus or deposits. A universal bank may not
16loan any part of its capital, surplus or deposits on its own capital stock, notes or
17debentures as collateral security, except that a universal bank may make a loan
18secured by its own capital stock, notes or debentures to the same extent that the
19universal bank may make a loan secured by the capital stock, notes and debentures
20of a holding company for the universal bank.
SB45,1096,25 21222.0409 Stock in bank-owned banks. With the approval of the division,
22a universal bank may acquire and hold stock in one or more banks chartered under
23s. 221.1202 or national banks chartered under 12 USC 27 (b) or in one or more
24holding companies wholly owning such a bank. Aggregate investments under this
25section may not exceed 10% of the universal bank's capital.
1222.0411 General deposit powers. (1) In general. A universal bank may
2set eligibility requirements for, and establish the types and terms of, deposits that
3the universal bank solicits and accepts. The terms set under this subsection may
4include minimum and maximum amounts that the universal bank may accept and
5the frequency and computation method of paying interest.
SB45,1097,8 6(2) Pledge of security for deposits. Subject to the limitations of s. 221.0324
7that are applicable to banks, a universal bank may pledge its assets as security for
SB45,1097,11 9(3) Securitization of assets. With the approval of the division, a universal
10bank may securitize its assets for sale to the public. The division may establish
11procedures governing the exercise of authority granted under this subsection.
SB45,1097,25 12(4) Safe deposit powers. A universal bank may take and receive, from any
13individual or corporation for safekeeping and storage, gold and silver plate, jewelry,
14money, stocks, securities, and other valuables or personal property; and rent out the
15use of safes or other receptacles upon its premises upon such compensation as may
16be agreed upon. A universal bank has a lien for its charges on any property taken
17or received by it for safekeeping. If the lien is not paid within 2 years from the date
18the lien accrues, or if property is not called for by the person depositing the property,
19or by his or her representative or assignee, within 2 years from the date the lien
20accrues, the universal bank may sell the property at public auction. A universal bank
21shall provide the same notice for a sale under this subsection that is required by law
22for sales of personal property on execution. After retaining from the proceeds of the
23sale all of the liens and charges due the bank and the reasonable expenses of the sale,
24the universal bank shall pay the balance to the person depositing the property, or to
25his or her representative or assignee.
1222.0413 Other service and incidental activity powers. (1) Necessary
2or convenient powers.
Unless otherwise prohibited or limited by this chapter, a
3universal bank may exercise all powers necessary or convenient to effect the
4purposes for which the universal bank is organized or to further the businesses in
5which the universal bank is lawfully engaged.
SB45,1098,15 6(2) Reasonably related powers. (a) Subject to any applicable state or federal
7regulatory or licensing requirements, a universal bank may engage, directly or
8indirectly through a subsidiary, in activities reasonably related or incident to the
9purposes of the universal bank. Activities reasonably related or incident to the
10purposes of the universal bank are those activities that are part of the business of
11financial institutions, or closely related to the business of financial institutions, or
12convenient and useful to the business of financial institutions, or reasonably related
13or incident to the operation of financial institutions or are financial in nature.
14Activities that are reasonably related or incident to the purposes of a universal bank
15include the following:
SB45,1098,1616 1. Business and professional services.
SB45,1098,1717 2. Data processing.
SB45,1098,1818 3. Courier and messenger services.
SB45,1098,1919 4. Credit-related activities.
SB45,1098,2020 5. Consumer services.
SB45,1098,2121 6. Real estate-related services, including real estate brokerage services.
SB45,1098,2222 7. Insurance and related services, other than insurance underwriting.
SB45,1098,2323 8. Securities brokerage.
SB45,1098,2424 9. Investment advice.
SB45,1098,2525 10. Securities and bond underwriting.
111. Mutual fund activities.
SB45,1099,22 12. Financial consulting.
SB45,1099,33 13. Tax planning and preparation.
SB45,1099,44 14. Community development and charitable activities.
SB45,1099,55 15. Debt cancellation contracts.
SB45,1099,76 16. Any activities reasonably related or incident to activities under subds. 1.
7to 15.
SB45,1099,158 (b) An activity that is authorized by statute or regulation for financial
9institutions to engage in as of the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts
10date], is an activity that is reasonably related to or incident to the purposes of a
11universal bank. An activity permitted under the Bank Holding Company Act is an
12activity that is reasonably related to or incident to the purposes of a universal bank.
13The list of activities reasonably related or incident to the purposes of a universal
14bank may be expanded by the division. Any additional activity approved by the
15division shall be authorized for all universal banks.
SB45,1099,18 16(3) Notice requirement. A universal bank shall give 60 days' prior written
17notice to the division of the universal bank's intention to engage in an activity under
18this section.
SB45,1099,25 19(4) Standards for denial. The division may deny the authority of a universal
20bank to engage in an activity under this section, other than those activities described
21in sub. (2) (a) 1. to 16., if the division determines that the activity is not an activity
22reasonably related or incident to the purposes of a universal bank, that the financial
23institution is not well-capitalized or adequately capitalized, that the financial
24institution is the subject of an enforcement action or that the financial institution
25does not have satisfactory management expertise for the proposed activity.
1(5) Insurance intermediation. A universal bank, or an officer or salaried
2employe of a universal bank, may obtain a license as an insurance intermediary, if
3otherwise qualified. A universal bank may not, directly or indirectly through a
4subsidiary, engage in the business of underwriting insurance.
SB45,1100,6 5(6) Other activities approved by the division. A universal bank may engage
6in any other activity that is approved by rule of the division.
SB45,1100,10 7(7) Activities provided through a subsidiary. A universal bank may engage
8in activities under this section, directly or indirectly through a subsidiary, unless the
9division determines that an activity must be conducted through a subsidiary with
10appropriate safeguards to limit the risk exposure of the universal bank.
SB45,1100,16 11(8) Limitations on investments through subsidiaries. The amount of the
12investment in any one subsidiary that engages in an activity under this section may
13not exceed 20% of capital or, if approved by the division, a higher percentage
14authorized by the division. The aggregate investment in all subsidiaries that engage
15in an activity under this subsection may not exceed 50% of capital or, if approved by
16the division, a higher percentage authorized by the division.
SB45,1100,19 17(9) Ownership of subsidiaries. A subsidiary that engages in an activity under
18this section may be owned jointly, with one or more other financial institutions,
19individuals or entities.
SB45,1100,21 20222.0415 Trust powers. Subject to rules of the division, a universal bank may
21exercise trust powers in accordance with s. 221.0316.
SB45, s. 2347 22Section 2347. 223.105 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1101,423 223.105 (3) (a) To assure compliance with such rules as may be established
24under s. 220.04 (7) the division of banking, the office of credit unions and the division
25of savings and loan institutions shall, at least once every 18 months, examine the

1fiduciary operations of each organization which is under its respective jurisdiction
2and is subject to examination under sub. (2). If a particular organization subject to
3examination under sub. (2) is not otherwise under the jurisdiction of one of the
4foregoing agencies, such examination shall be conducted by the division of banking.
SB45, s. 2348 5Section 2348. 223.105 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1101,156 223.105 (4) Notice of fiduciary operation. Except for those organizations
7licensed under ch. 221 or this chapter, any organization engaged in fiduciary
8operations as defined in this section shall, as required by rule, notify the division of
9banking, the office of credit unions or the division of savings and loan institutions of
10that fact, directing the notice to the agency then exercising regulatory authority over
11the organization or, if there is none, to the division of banking. Any organization
12which intends to engage in fiduciary operations shall, prior to engaging in such
13operations, notify the appropriate agency of this intention. The notifications
14required under this subsection shall be on forms and contain information required
15by the rules promulgated by the division of banking.
SB45, s. 2349 16Section 2349. 223.105 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1101,2317 223.105 (5) Enforcement remedy. The division of banking or the division of
18savings and loan institutions or office of credit unions shall upon the failure of such
19organization to submit notifications or reports required under this section or
20otherwise to comply with the provisions of this section, or rules established by the
21division of banking under s. 220.04 (7), upon due notice, order such defaulting
22organization to cease and desist from engaging in fiduciary activities and may apply
23to the appropriate court for enforcement of such order.
SB45, s. 2350 24Section 2350. 223.105 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
1223.105 (6) Sunset. Except for an organization regulated by the office of credit
2unions or the division of savings and loan institutions or an organization authorized
3by the division of banking to operate as a bank or trust company under ch. 221 or this
4chapter, an organization may not begin activity as a fiduciary operation under this
5section after May 12, 1992. An organization engaged in fiduciary operations under
6this section on May 12, 1992, may continue to engage in fiduciary operations after
7that date.
SB45, s. 2351 8Section 2351. 224.30 (1) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1102,99 224.30 (1) (title) Definition.
SB45, s. 2352 10Section 2352. 224.30 (2) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1102,1111 224.30 (2) (title) Electronic forms and signatures.
SB45, s. 2353 12Section 2353. 224.30 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1102,1513 224.30 (3) Access and use of computer databases and systems. The
14department may charge members of the public a fee for accessing or using the
15department's databases or computer systems.
SB45, s. 2354 16Section 2354. 227.01 (13) (zL) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1102,1817 227.01 (13) (zL) Prescribes conditions of participation and terms of
18reimbursement of providers under s. 49.45 (2) (a) 9.
SB45, s. 2355 19Section 2355. 227.01 (13) (zm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1102,2220 227.01 (13) (zm) Establishes guidelines for the determination of medical
21necessity and appropriateness for the granting of prior authorization for medical
22assistance coverage of services under s. 49.46 or 49.47.
SB45, s. 2356 23Section 2356. 227.14 (1s) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1103,324 227.14 (1s) Exception; preparation of certain rules based on federal food
Notwithstanding sub. (1), if the department of agriculture, trade and

1consumer protection or the department of health and family services prepares a
2proposed rule based on the model food code published by the federal food and drug
3administration, the proposed rule may be in the format of the model food code.
SB45, s. 2357 4Section 2357. 227.52 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1103,55 227.52 (5) Decisions of the division of savings and loan institutions.
SB45, s. 2358 6Section 2358. 227.53 (1) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1103,107 227.53 (1) (b) 4. The savings and loan review board, the division of savings and
institutions, except if the petitioner is the division of savings and loan
9institutions, the prevailing parties before the savings and loan review board shall be
10the named respondents.