SB45, s. 2395 12Section 2395. 234.93 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1116,1513 234.93 (1) (f) To be used for guaranteeing loans under s. 234.83 (4) (am) and
14paying interest subsidies under s. 234.83 (5), moneys appropriated to the authority
15under s. 20.490 (5) (kp).
SB45, s. 2396 16Section 2396. 234.93 (4) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1116,2117 234.93 (4) (a) 2. To fund guarantees under all of the programs guaranteed by
18funds from the Wisconsin development reserve fund, except for the program under
19s. 234.935, 1997 stats., at a ratio of $1 of reserve funding to $4.50 of total outstanding
20principal and outstanding guaranteed principal that the authority may guarantee
21under all of those programs.
SB45, s. 2397 22Section 2397. 234.93 (4) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1116,2523 234.93 (4) (a) 3. To fund guarantees under the program under s. 234.935, 1997
at a ratio of $1 of reserve funding to $4 of total principal and outstanding
25guaranteed principal that the authority may guarantee under that program.
SB45, s. 2398
1Section 2398. 234.935 of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2399 2Section 2399. 236.16 (3) (d) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1117,143 236.16 (3) (d) (intro.) All of the owners of all of the land adjacent to a public
4access established under par. (a) to an inland lake, as defined in s. 30.92 (1) (bk), may
5petition the city, village, town or county that owns the public access to construct
6shoreline erosion control measures. Subject to par. (e), the city, village, town or
7county shall construct the requested shoreline erosion control measures or request
8the department of natural resources to determine the need for shoreline erosion
9control measures. Upon receipt of a request under this paragraph from a city, village,
10town or county, the department of natural resources shall follow the procedures in
11s. 30.02 (3) and (4) sub. (3m). Subject to par. (e), the city, village, town or county shall
12construct shoreline erosion control measures as required by the department of
13natural resources if the department of natural resources determines all of the
SB45, s. 2400 15Section 2400. 236.16 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1118,416 236.16 (3m) Notice and hearing requirements. (a) Upon receipt of a request
17for a determination under sub. (3) (d), the department of natural resources shall
18either order a public hearing or provide notice stating that it will proceed on the
19request without a hearing if, within 30 days after the publication of the notice, no
20request for a hearing concerning the determination under sub. (3) (d) is received. The
21department of natural resources shall provide the notice to the clerk of each
22municipality in which the proposed shoreline erosion control measures are located
23and to any other person required by law to receive notice. The department of natural
24resources may provide notice to other persons as it considers appropriate. The
25department of natural resources shall provide a copy of the notice to the city, village,

1town or county that requested the determination. The city, village, town or county
2shall publish it as a class 1 notice under ch. 985 in a newspaper designated by the
3department that is likely to give notice in the area affected. The city, village, town
4or county shall file proof of publication with the department of natural resources.
SB45,1118,85 (b) If the department of natural resources orders a public hearing, the division
6of hearings and appeals shall mail a written notice at least 10 days before the hearing
7to each person given a copy of the notice under par. (a) and to each person requesting
8the hearing.
SB45,1118,139 (c) The city, village, town or county requesting the determination shall publish
10a class 1 notice under ch. 985 of the public hearing in a newspaper designated by the
11department of natural resources that is likely to give notice in the area affected. The
12city, village, town or county shall file proof of publication under this paragraph with
13the hearing examiner at or prior to the hearing.
SB45, s. 2401 14Section 2401. 252.07 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 252.07 (1m) and
15amended to read:
SB45,1118,2116 252.07 (1m) Tuberculosis is a communicable disease caused by mycobacterium
17tuberculosis and is
Infectious tuberculosis and suspect tuberculosis are subject to the
18reporting requirements specified in s. 252.05. Any laboratory that performs a test
19receives a specimen for tuberculosis testing shall report all positive results obtained
20by any appropriate procedure, including a procedure performed by an out-of-state
to the local health officer and to the department.
SB45, s. 2402 22Section 2402. 252.07 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1118,2323 252.07 (1g) In this section:
SB45,1119,224 (a) "Infectious tuberculosis" means tuberculosis disease of the respiratory
25tract, capable of producing infection or disease in others as demonstrated by the

1presence of acid-fast bacilli in the sputum or bronchial secretions or by chest
2radiograph and clinical findings.
SB45,1119,43 (b) "Isolate" means a population of mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria that
4has been obtained in pure culture medium.
SB45,1119,75 (c) "Isolation" means the separation from other persons of a person with
6infectious tuberculosis in a place and under conditions that prevent the transmission
7of the infection.
SB45,1119,118 (d) "Suspect tuberculosis" means an illness marked by symptoms and
9laboratory tests that may be indicative of tuberculosis, such as a prolonged cough,
10prolonged fever, hemoptysis, compatible roentgenographic findings or other
11appropriate medical imaging findings.
SB45, s. 2403 12Section 2403. 252.07 (1p) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1119,1513 252.07 (1p) Any laboratory that performs primary culture for mycobacteria
14shall also perform organism identification for mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
15using an approved rapid testing procedure specified by the department by rule.
SB45, s. 2404 16Section 2404. 252.07 (1t) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1119,2017 252.07 (1t) Any laboratory that identifies mycobacterium tuberculosis shall
18ensure that antimicrobial drug susceptibility tests are performed on the initial
19isolate. The laboratory shall report the results of these tests to the local health officer
20and the department.
SB45, s. 2405 21Section 2405. 252.07 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1120,222 252.07 (2) The department shall identify groups at risk for contracting or
23transmitting mycobacterium tuberculosis and shall recommend the protocol for
24screening members of those groups. If necessary to prevent or control the
25transmission of mycobacterium tuberculosis, the department may promulgate rules

1that require screening of members of specific groups that are at risk for contracting
2or transmitting mycobacterium tuberculosis.
SB45, s. 2406 3Section 2406. 252.07 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2407 4Section 2407. 252.07 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1120,95 252.07 (5) Upon report of any person under sub. (1) (1m) or (1t), the local health
6officer shall at once investigate and make and enforce the necessary orders. If any
7person does not voluntarily comply with any order made by the local health officer
8with respect to that person, the local health officer or the department may order a
9medical evaluation, directly observed therapy or home isolation of that person.
SB45, s. 2408 10Section 2408. 252.07 (7) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2409 11Section 2409. 252.07 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1120,1412 252.07 (8) (a) The department or a local health officer may order the
13confinement to a facility of an individual who has a confirmed diagnosis of infectious
14tuberculosis or suspect tuberculosis if all of the following conditions are met:
SB45,1120,1615 1. The department or local health officer notifies a court in writing of the
SB45,1120,1917 2. The department or local health officer provides to the court a written
18statement from a physician that the individual has infectious tuberculosis or suspect
SB45,1120,2320 3. The department or local health officer provides to the court evidence that the
21individual has refused to follow a prescribed treatment regimen or, in the case of an
22individual with suspect tuberculosis, has refused to undergo a medical examination
23to confirm whether the individual has infectious tuberculosis.
SB45,1121,324 4. In the case of an individual with a confirmed diagnosis of infectious
25tuberculosis, the department or local health officer determines that the individual

1poses an imminent and substantial threat to himself or herself or to the public
2health. The department or local health officer shall provide to the court a written
3statement of that determination.
SB45,1121,84 (b) If the department or local health officer orders the confinement of an
5individual under this subsection, a law enforcement officer, or other person
6authorized by the local public health officer, shall transport the individual, if
7necessary, to a facility that the department or local health officer determines will
8meet the individual's need for medical evaluation, isolation and treatment.
SB45,1121,119 (c) No individual may be confined under this subsection for more than 72 hours,
10excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, without a court hearing under
11sub. (9) to determine whether the confinement should continue.
SB45, s. 2410 12Section 2410. 252.07 (9) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1121,1813 252.07 (9) (a) The department or a local health officer may petition any court
14for a hearing to determine whether an individual with infectious or suspect
15tuberculosis should be confined for longer than 72 hours in a facility where proper
16care and treatment will be provided and spread of the disease will be prevented. The
17department or local health officer shall include in the petition documentation that
18demonstrates all of the following:
SB45,1121,2119 1. That the individual named in the petition has infectious tuberculosis; that
20the individual has noninfectious tuberculosis but is at high risk of developing
21infectious tuberculosis; or that the individual has suspect tuberculosis.
SB45,1121,2422 2. That the individual has failed to comply with the prescribed treatment
23regimen or with any rules promulgated by the department under sub. (11); or that
24the disease is resistant to the medication prescribed to the individual.
13. That all other reasonable means of achieving voluntary compliance with
2treatment have been exhausted and no less restrictive alternative exists; or that no
3other medication to treat the resistant disease is available.
SB45,1122,54 4. That the individual poses an imminent and substantial threat to himself or
5herself or to the public health.
SB45,1122,86 (b) The department or local health officer shall give the individual written
7notice of a hearing at least 48 hours before a scheduled hearing is to be held. Notice
8of the hearing shall include all of the following information:
SB45,1122,99 1. The date, time and place of the hearing.
SB45,1122,1110 2. The grounds, and underlying facts, upon which confinement of the individual
11is being sought.
SB45,1122,1212 3. An explanation of the individual's rights specified under par. (d).
SB45,1122,1313 4. The proposed actions to be taken and the reasons for each action.
SB45,1122,1914 (c) If the court orders confinement of an individual under this subsection, the
15individual shall remain confined until the department or local health officer, with the
16concurrence of a treating physician, determines that treatment is complete or that
17the individual is no longer a substantial threat to himself or herself or to the public
18health. If the individual is to be confined for more than 6 months, the court shall
19review the confinement every 6 months.
SB45,1123,520 (d) An individual who is the subject of a petition for a hearing under this
21subsection has the right to appear at the hearing, the right to present evidence and
22cross-examine witnesses and the right to be represented by adversary counsel. At
23the time of the filing of the petition the court shall assure that the individual who is
24the subject of the petition is represented by adversary counsel. If the individual
25claims or appears to be indigent, the court shall refer the individual to the authority

1for indigency determinations specified under s. 977.07 (1). If the individual is a child,
2the court shall refer that child to the state public defender who shall appoint counsel
3for the child without a determination of indigency, as provided in s. 48.23 (4). Unless
4good cause is shown, a hearing under this subsection may be conducted by telephone
5or live audiovisual means, if available.
SB45,1123,86 (e) An order issued by the court under this subsection may be appealed as a
7matter of right. An appeal shall be heard within 30 days after the appeal is filed.
8An appeal does not stay the order.
SB45, s. 2411 9Section 2411. 252.07 (11) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1123,1410 252.07 (11) The department may promulgate any rules necessary for the
11administration and enforcement of this section, including, if necessary to prevent or
12control the transmission of mycobacterium tuberculosis, rules that require screening
13of members of specific groups that are at risk for contracting or transmitting
14mycobacterium tuberculosis.
SB45, s. 2412 15Section 2412. 252.073 of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2413 16Section 2413. 252.076 of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2414 17Section 2414. 252.08 (1) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2415 18Section 2415. 252.08 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2416 19Section 2416. 252.08 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 252.07 (10) and
20amended to read:
SB45,1124,221 252.07 (10) Inpatient care for isolated pulmonary tuberculosis patients, and
22inpatient care exceeding 30 days for other pulmonary tuberculosis patients, who are
23not eligible for federal medicare benefits, for medical assistance under subch. V IV
24of ch. 49 or for health care services funded by a relief block grant under subch. II of
25ch. 49 may be reimbursed if provided by a facility contracted by the department. If

1the patient has private health insurance, the state shall pay the difference between
2health insurance payments and total charges.
SB45, s. 2417 3Section 2417. 252.08 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2418 4Section 2418. 252.08 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2419 5Section 2419. 252.08 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2420 6Section 2420. 252.09 of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2421 7Section 2421. 252.10 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1125,58 252.10 (1) Counties with populations of more than 25,000 may establish and
9maintain public health dispensaries and, where necessary, branches of the
A local health department may request from the department
11certification to establish and maintain a public health dispensary
for the diagnosis
12and treatment of persons suffering from or suspected of having mycobacterium
13tuberculosis or other pulmonary diseases. Two or more counties local health
may jointly establish, operate and maintain public health dispensaries
15in order to serve a total population of not less than 25,000. Counties. The department
16shall certify a local health department to establish and maintain a public health
17dispensary if the local health department meets the standards established by the
18department by rule. The department of health and family services may withhold,
19suspend or revoke a certification if the local health department fails to comply with
20any rules promulgated by the department. The department shall provide the local
21health department with reasonable notice of the decision to withhold, suspend or
22revoke certification. The department shall offer the local health department an
23opportunity to comply with the rules and an opportunity for a fair hearing. Certified
24local health departments
may contract with each other for public health dispensary
25services. The department and department of revenue shall be notified of the

1establishment of public health dispensaries and any contracts pertaining to the
If the provider of those services fails to comply, the department may
3suspend or revoke the local health department's certification.
The department may
4establish, operate and maintain public health dispensaries and branches in areas of
5the state where local authorities have not provided public health dispensaries.
SB45, s. 2422 6Section 2422. 252.10 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2423 7Section 2423. 252.10 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2424 8Section 2424. 252.10 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1125,129 252.10 (6) (a) The state shall credit or reimburse each dispensary on an annual
10or quarterly basis for the operation of public health dispensaries established and
11maintained in accordance with this section and rules promulgated by the
SB45, s. 2425 13Section 2425. 252.10 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1126,214 252.10 (6) (b) The state department shall determine by rule the reimbursement
15for each visit rate under par. (a) for services as ordered by a physician shall be $6 or
16a greater amount prescribed in rules promulgated by the department. If an X-ray
17is taken, an additional $6 or any greater amount prescribed in rules promulgated by
18the department will be credited. Any X-ray taken outside a facility under this
19section or outside a facility approved under s. 252.08 on individuals who have a
20significant reaction to a test for mycobacterium tuberculosis shall qualify for state
21aid in the same manner as an X-ray taken inside a facility, and the X-ray shall take
22the place of the first X-ray eligible for reimbursement as part of a case finding and
23preventive program under par. (e). The administration and reading of the test for
24mycobacterium tuberculosis for diagnostic purposes shall be considered one visit.
25Tests for mycobacterium tuberculosis given in school programs, employment health

1programs, community preventive and case finding programs are not reimbursable
2as a clinic visit
SB45, s. 2426 3Section 2426. 252.10 (6) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2427 4Section 2427. 252.10 (6) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2428 5Section 2428. 252.10 (6) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2429 6Section 2429. 252.10 (6) (f) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2430 7Section 2430. 252.10 (6) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1126,108 252.10 (6) (g) The reimbursement by the state under pars. (a) to (f) and (b) shall
9apply only to funds that the department allocates for the reimbursement under the
10appropriation under s. 20.435 (5) (e).
SB45, s. 2431 11Section 2431. 252.10 (7) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 156,
12is amended to read:
SB45,1126,2213 252.10 (7) Drugs necessary for the treatment of mycobacterium tuberculosis
14shall be purchased by the department from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (5) (e)
15and dispensed to patients through the public health dispensaries or through health
16care providers, as defined in s. 146.81 (1), other than massage therapists or
17bodyworkers issued a license of registration under subch. X of ch. 440, social workers,
18marriage and family therapists or professional counselors certified under ch. 457,
19speech-language pathologists or audiologists licensed under subch. II of ch. 459,
20speech and language pathologists licensed by the department of public instruction
21or dietitians certified under subch. V of ch. 448
, local health departments, physicians
22or advanced practice nurse prescribers
SB45, s. 2432 23Section 2432. 252.10 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1127,424 252.10 (9) Public health dispensaries shall maintain such records as are
25required by the department to enable them to carry out their responsibilities

1designated in this section and in rules promulgated by the department. Records
2shall be submitted annually to the department as soon as possible after the close of
3each fiscal year and not later than August 15 following
may be audited by the
SB45, s. 2433 5Section 2433. 252.14 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1127,116 252.14 (1) (d) "Inpatient health care facility" means a hospital, nursing home,
7community-based residential facility, county home, county mental health complex,
8tuberculosis sanatorium
or other place licensed or approved by the department
9under ss. s. 49.70, 49.71, 49.72, 50.02, 50.03, 50.35, 51.08, or 51.09 , 58.06, 252.073
10and 252.076
or a facility under s. 45.365, 48.62, 51.05, 51.06, 233.40, 233.41, 233.42
11or 252.10.
SB45, s. 2434 12Section 2434. 252.15 (1) (ab) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1127,1913 252.15 (1) (ab) "Affected person" means an emergency medical technician, first
14responder, fire fighter, peace officer, correctional officer, person who is employed at
15a secured correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), or at a secured child
16caring institution, as defined in s. 938.02 (15g), or a secured group home, as defined
17in s. 938.02 (15p)
, state patrol officer, jailer or keeper of a jail or person designated
18with custodial authority by the jailer or keeper, health care provider, employe of a
19health care provider or staff member of a state crime laboratory.
SB45, s. 2435 20Section 2435. 252.15 (2) (a) 7. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1128,1321 252.15 (2) (a) 7. a. If all of the conditions under subd. 7. ai. to c. are met, an
22emergency medical technician, first responder, fire fighter, peace officer, correctional
23officer, person who is employed at a secured correctional facility, as defined in s.
24938.02 (15m), or at a secured child caring institution, as defined in s. 938.02 (15g),
25or a secured group home, as defined in s. 938.02 (15p)
, state patrol officer, jailer or

1keeper of a jail or person designated with custodial authority by the jailer or keeper
2who, during the course of providing care or services to an individual; or a peace
3officer, correctional officer, state patrol officer, jailer or keeper of a jail or person
4designated with custodial authority by the jailer or keeper who, while searching or
5arresting an individual or while controlling or transferring an individual in custody;
6or a health care provider or an employe of a health care provider who, during the
7course of providing care or treatment to an individual or handling or processing
8specimens of body fluids or tissues of an individual; or a staff member of a state crime
9laboratory who, during the course of handling or processing specimens of body fluids
10or tissues of an individual; is significantly exposed to the individual may subject the
11individual's blood to a test or a series of tests for the presence of HIV, antigen or
12nonantigenic products of HIV or an antibody to HIV and may receive disclosure of
13the results.