SB45,1367,24 8(bm) In determining under par. (b) whether commitment shall be for
9institutional care or for supervised release, the court may consider, without
10limitation because of enumeration, the nature and circumstances of the behavior
11that was the basis of the allegation in the petition under s. 980.02 (2) (a), the person's
12mental history and present mental condition, where the person will live, how the
13person will support himself or herself, and what arrangements are available to
14ensure that the person has access to and will participate in necessary treatment,
15including pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical
16equivalent of an antiandrogen if the person is a serious child sex offender. In deciding
17whether to order supervised release of person who is a serious child sex offender, the
18court may not consider, as a factor in making its decision, that the person is a proper
19subject for pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical
20equivalent of an antiandrogen or that the person is willing to participate in
21pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical equivalent of an
22antiandrogen. The department shall arrange for control, care and treatment of the
23person in the least restrictive manner consistent with the requirements of the person
24and in accordance with the court's commitment order.
SB45, s. 3225 25Section 3225. 980.06 (2) (bt) of the statutes is created to read:
1980.06 (2) (bt) If a court determines under par. (b) that it is substantially
2probable that the person will engage in acts of sexual violence unless he or she
3resides in a facility with a level of security comparable to that of a secure mental
4health unit or facility specified in s. 980.065, but the person establishes that it is
5likely that the daily cost of supervised release under a plan providing for the person
6to reside in a secure facility would not exceed the daily cost of institutional care for
7the person, then the court may withhold final determination of the commitment
8order and order the department to prepare a supervised release plan under par. (c).
9After preparation of a supervised release plan ordered under this paragraph, the
10proceedings shall continue as provided under pars. (cm), (cr), (cs) and (ct), as
SB45, s. 3226 12Section 3226. 980.06 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1369,213 980.06 (2) (c) If the court finds under par. (b) that the person is appropriate for
14supervised release or orders preparation of a supervised release plan under par. (bt),
15the court shall notify the department. The department and the county department
16under s. 51.42 in the county of residence of the person, as determined under s.
17980.105, shall prepare a plan that identifies the treatment and services, if any, that
18the person will receive in the community. If the county department of the person's
19county of residence declines to prepare a plan, the department may arrange for
20another county to prepare the plan if that county agrees to prepare the plan and if
21the person will be living in that county. If the department is unable to arrange for
22another county to prepare a plan, the court shall designate a county department to
23prepare the plan, order the county department to prepare the plan and place the
24person on supervised release in that county, except that the court may not so
25designate the county department in any county where there is a facility in which

1persons committed to institutional care under this chapter are placed, unless that
2county is also the person's county of residence.
SB45,1369,14 3(cg) The plan prepared under par. (c) shall address the person's need, if any, for
4supervision, counseling, medication, community support services, residential
5services, vocational services, and alcohol or other drug abuse treatment. If the
6person is a serious child sex offender, the plan shall address the person's need for
7pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical equivalent of an
8antiandrogen. The department may contract with a county department, under s.
951.42 (3) (aw) 1. d., with another public agency or with a private agency to provide
10the treatment and services identified in the plan.
The plan shall specify who will be
11responsible for providing the treatment and services identified in the plan. If the
12plan was ordered to be prepared under par. (bt), the plan shall include information
13concerning the daily cost of supervised release under the plan and the daily cost of
14institutional care for the person.
SB45,1370,16 15(cm) 2. The plan prepared under par. (c) shall be presented to the court for its
within 21 days after the court finding finds that the person is appropriate
17for supervised release under par. (b) or orders preparation of the plan under par. (bt),
18unless the department, county department and person to be released request
19additional time to develop the plan. If the county department of the person's county
20of residence declines to prepare a plan, the department may arrange for another
21county to prepare the plan if that county agrees to prepare the plan and if the person
22will be living in that county. If the department is unable to arrange for another
23county to prepare a plan, the court shall designate a county department to prepare
24the plan, order the county department to prepare the plan and place the person on
25supervised release in that county, except that the court may not so designate the

1county department in any county where there is a facility in which persons are
2detained or evaluated under s. 980.04 or in which persons committed to institutional
3care under this chapter are placed, unless that county is also the person's county of
The court shall hold a hearing on the plan within 30 days after the plan
5is presented to the court, unless the department, county department and person to
6be released agree to a later hearing date. At least 10 days before the hearing under
7this subdivision, the court shall give written notice of the hearing to the person to be
8released, the district attorney or department of justice, whichever is applicable, the
9department, the county department that prepared the plan, the chief executive
10officer of the county in which the person would reside under the plan and the chief
11executive officer of the city, village or town in which the person would reside under
12the plan. The person, the district attorney or the attorney general, whichever is
13applicable, and any chief executive officer who receives notice of the hearing, or the
14chief executive officer's designee, may present evidence at the hearing. The county
15department that prepared the plan and the department may, and upon request of the
16court shall, present evidence at the hearing.
SB45, s. 3227 17Section 3227. 980.06 (2) (cm) 1. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1370,2018 980.06 (2) (cm) 1. In this paragraph, "chief executive officer" means a mayor,
19city manager, village president, town chairperson, county executive or chairperson
20of the county board of supervisors.
SB45, s. 3228 21Section 3228. 980.06 (2) (cr), (cs), (ct), (cu) and (cv) of the statutes are created
22to read:
SB45,1371,823 980.06 (2) (cr) Based on the provisions of the plan and on the evidence
24presented at the hearing under par. (cm) 2., the court shall determine whether the
25plan provides adequate treatment and services to the person and adequate

1protection to the community. If the court finds that the plan does not provide
2adequate treatment and services to the person or adequate protection to the
3community, the court shall issue a written decision and order disapproving the plan
4and shall proceed under par. (cs). If the court finds that the plan provides either
5adequate treatment and services to the person or adequate protection to the
6community, the court shall, except as provided in par. (ct), issue a written decision
7and order approving the plan and placing the person on supervised release in the
8county that prepared the plan.
SB45,1371,139 (cs) If the court disapproves a supervised release plan under par. (cr), it shall
10order the department and the county department that prepared the plan to revise
11the plan and present it to the court by a date specified by the court. The court shall
12hold a hearing on the revised plan and make a determination as to whether to
13approve or disapprove the plan as provided under pars. (cm) 2. and (cr).
SB45,1371,2314 (ct) If a supervised release plan that satisfies the criteria under par. (cr) was
15ordered to be prepared under par. (bt), the court may approve the plan and order the
16person placed on supervised release under par. (cr) only if, based on the provisions
17of the plan and on the evidence presented at the hearing under par. (cm) 2., the court
18determines that the daily cost of supervised release would not exceed the daily cost
19of institutional care. If the daily cost of supervised release would exceed the daily
20cost of institutional care, the court shall disapprove the supervised release plan and
21order the person to be placed in institutional care. The court may not order a
22supervised released plan disapproved under this paragraph to be revised under par.
1(cu) If the court approves a supervised release plan under par. (cr), the court
2shall send a copy of its decision and order approving the plan to the chief executive
3officers who received notice of the hearing on the plan under par. (cm) 2.
SB45,1372,94 (cv) The county department that prepared the plan and the department shall
5implement a plan approved by the court under par. (cr). In implementing the plan,
6the department may contract with a county department, under s. 51.42 (3) (aw) 1.
7d., with another public agency or with a private agency to provide the treatment and
8services identified in the plan. The department may request the court to make such
9orders as are necessary to ensure implementation of the plan.
SB45, s. 3229 10Section 3229. 980.06 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1373,1411 980.06 (2) (d) An order for supervised release places the person in the custody
12and control of the department. The department shall arrange for control, care and
13treatment of the person in the least restrictive manner consistent with the
14requirements of the person and in accordance with the plan for supervised release
15approved by the court under par. (cr) or s. 980.08 (5) (d), whichever is applicable.
16person on supervised release is subject to the conditions set by the court and to the
17rules of the department. Before a person is placed on supervised release by the court
18under this section, the court shall so notify the municipal police department and
19county sheriff for the municipality and county in which the person will be residing.
20The notification requirement under this paragraph does not apply if a municipal
21police department or county sheriff submits to the court a written statement waiving
22the right to be notified. If the department alleges that a released person has violated
23any condition or rule, or that the safety of others requires that supervised release be
24revoked, he or she may be taken into custody under the rules of the department. The
25department shall submit a statement showing probable cause of the detention and

1a petition to revoke the order for supervised release to the committing court and the
2regional office of the state public defender responsible for handling cases in the
3county where the committing court is located within 48 hours after the detention.
4The court shall hear the petition within 30 days, unless the hearing or time deadline
5is waived by the detained person. Pending the revocation hearing, the department
6may detain the person in a jail or in a hospital, center or facility specified by s. 51.15
7(2). The state has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that any
8rule or condition of release has been violated, or that the safety of others requires that
9supervised release be revoked. If the court determines after hearing that any rule
10or condition of release has been violated, or that the safety of others requires that
11supervised release be revoked, it may revoke the order for supervised release and
12order that the released person be placed in an appropriate institution until the
13person is discharged from the commitment under s. 980.09 or until again placed on
14supervised release under s. 980.08.
SB45, s. 3230 15Section 3230. 980.065 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1373,2016 980.065 (1m) The department may shall place a person committed to
17institutional care under s. 980.06 (2) (b) or (ct) at a mental health unit or facility,
18including a
the secure mental health unit or facility at established under s. 46.055,
19the Wisconsin resource center established under s. 46.056 or a secure mental health
20unit or facility provided by the department of corrections under sub. (2).
SB45, s. 3231 21Section 3231. 980.065 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1374,322 980.065 (2) The department may contract with the department of corrections
23for the provision of a secure mental health unit or facility for persons committed to
24institutional care under s. 980.06 (2) (b) or (ct). The department shall operate a
25secure mental health unit or facility provided by the department of corrections under

1this subsection and shall promulgate rules governing the custody and discipline of
2persons placed by the department in the secure mental health unit or facility
3provided by the department of corrections under this subsection.
SB45, s. 3232 4Section 3232. 980.07 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1374,155 980.07 (1) If a person has been committed under s. 980.06 and has not been
6discharged under s. 980.09, the department shall conduct an examination of his or
7her mental condition within 6 months after an initial commitment under s. 980.06
8and again thereafter at least once each 12 months for the purpose of determining
9whether the person has made sufficient progress to be entitled to transfer to a less
10restrictive facility, to
for the court to consider whether the person should be placed
supervised release or to discharge discharged. At the time of a reexamination
12under this section, the person who has been committed may retain or , if he or she is
13indigent and so requests,
seek to have the court may appoint a qualified expert or a
14professional person to examine him or her
an examiner as provided under s. 980.03
SB45, s. 3233 16Section 3233. 980.08 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1375,317 980.08 (3) Within 20 days after receipt of the petition, the court shall appoint
18one or more examiners having the specialized knowledge determined by the court to
19be appropriate, who shall examine the person and furnish a written report of the
20examination to the court within 30 days after appointment. The examiners shall
21have reasonable access to the person for purposes of examination and to the person's
22past and present treatment records, as defined in s. 51.30 (1) (b), and patient health
23care records, as provided under s. 146.82 (2) (c). If any such examiner believes that
24the person is appropriate for supervised release under the criterion specified in sub.
25(4) (a)
, the examiner shall report on the type of treatment and services that the

1person may need while in the community on supervised release. The county shall
2pay the costs of an examiner appointed under this subsection as provided under s.
351.20 (18) (a).
SB45, s. 3234 4Section 3234. 980.08 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 980.08 (4) (a) and
5amended to read:
SB45,1375,146 980.08 (4) (a) The court, without a jury, shall hear the petition within 30 days
7after the report of the court-appointed examiner is filed with the court, unless the
8petitioner waives this time limit. Expenses of proceedings under this subsection
9shall be paid as provided under s. 51.20 (18) (b), (c) and (d). The court shall grant the
10petition unless the state proves by clear and convincing evidence that the person is
11still a sexually violent persons and that it is still substantially probable that the
12person will engage in acts of sexual violence if the person is not continued in
13institutional care
does not reside in a facility with a level of security comparable to
14a secure mental health unit or facility under s. 980.065
SB45,1376,3 15(b) In making a decision under this subsection par. (a), the court may consider,
16without limitation because of enumeration, the nature and circumstances of the
17behavior that was the basis of the allegation in the petition under s. 980.02 (2) (a),
18the person's mental history and present mental condition, where the person will live,
19how the person will support himself or herself and what arrangements are available
20to ensure that the person has access to and will participate in necessary treatment,
21including pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical
22equivalent of an antiandrogen if the person is a serious child sex offender. A decision
23under this subsection paragraph on a petition filed by a person who is a serious child
24sex offender may not be made based on the fact that the person is a proper subject
25for pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical equivalent of

1an antiandrogen or on the fact that the person is willing to participate in
2pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical equivalent of an
SB45, s. 3235 4Section 3235. 980.08 (4) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1376,155 980.08 (4) (c) If a court determines under par. (a) that the person is still a
6sexually violent person and that it is substantially probable that the person will
7engage in acts of sexual violence unless he or she resides in a facility with a level of
8security comparable to that of a secure mental health unit or facility specified in s.
9980.065, but the person establishes that it is likely that the daily cost of supervised
10release under a plan providing for the person to reside in a secure facility would not
11exceed the daily cost of institutional care for the person, then the court may withhold
12final determination of the person's petition and order the department to prepare a
13supervised release plan under sub. (5) (a). After preparation of a supervised release
14plan ordered under this paragraph, the proceedings shall continue as provided under
15sub. (5) (c), (d), (de) and (dm), as appropriate.
SB45, s. 3236 16Section 3236. 980.08 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 980.08 (5) (a) and
17amended to read:
SB45,1377,718 980.08 (5) (a) If the court finds under sub. (4) (a) that the person is appropriate
19for supervised release or orders preparation of a supervised release plan under sub.
20(4) (c)
, the court shall notify the department. The department and the county
21department under s. 51.42 in the county of residence of the person, as determined
22under s. 980.105, shall prepare a plan that identifies the treatment and services, if
23any, that the person will receive in the community. If the county department of the
24person's county of residence declines to prepare a plan, the department may arrange
25for another county to prepare the plan if that county agrees to prepare the plan and

1if the person will be living in that county. If the department is unable to arrange for
2another county to prepare a plan, the court shall designate a county department to
3prepare the plan, order the county department to prepare the plan and place the
4person on supervised release in that county, except that the court may not so
5designate the county department in any county where there is a facility in which
6persons committed to institutional care under this chapter are placed, unless that
7county is also the person's county of residence.
SB45,1377,19 8(b) The plan prepared under par. (a) shall address the person's need, if any, for
9supervision, counseling, medication, community support services, residential
10services, vocational services, and alcohol or other drug abuse treatment. If the
11person is a serious child sex offender, the plan shall address the person's need for
12pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical equivalent of an
13antiandrogen. The department may contract with a county department, under s.
1451.42 (3) (aw) 1. d., with another public agency or with a private agency to provide
15the treatment and services identified in the plan.
The plan shall specify who will be
16responsible for providing the treatment and services identified in the plan. If the
17plan was ordered to be prepared under sub. (4) (c), the plan shall include information
18concerning the daily cost of supervised release under the plan and the daily cost of
19institutional care for the person.
SB45,1378,20 20(c) 2. The plan prepared under par. (a) shall be presented to the court for its
within 60 days after the court finding finds that the person is appropriate
22for supervised release under sub. (4) (a) or orders preparation of the plan under sub.
23(4) (c)
, unless the department, county department and person to be released request
24additional time to develop the plan. If the county department of the person's county
25of residence declines to prepare a plan, the department may arrange for another

1county to prepare the plan if that county agrees to prepare the plan and if the person
2will be living in that county. If the department is unable to arrange for another
3county to prepare a plan, the court shall designate a county department to prepare
4the plan, order the county department to prepare the plan and place the person on
5supervised release in that county, except that the court may not so designate the
6county department in any county where there is a facility in which persons
7committed to institutional care under this chapter are placed unless that county is
8also the person's county of residence.
The court shall hold a hearing on the plan
9within 30 days after the plan is presented to the court, unless the department, county
10department and person to be released agree to a later hearing date. At least 10 days
11before the hearing under this subdivision, the court shall give written notice of the
12hearing to the person to be released, the district attorney or department of justice,
13whichever is applicable, the department, the county department that prepared the
14plan, the chief executive officer of the county in which the person would reside under
15the plan and the chief executive officer of the city, village or town in which the person
16would reside under the plan. The person, the district attorney or the attorney
17general, whichever is applicable, and any chief executive officer who receives notice
18of the hearing, or the chief executive officer's designee, may present evidence at the
19hearing. The county department that prepared the plan and the department may,
20and upon request of the court shall, present evidence at the hearing.
SB45, s. 3237 21Section 3237. 980.08 (5) (c) 1. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1378,2422 980.08 (5) (c) 1. In this paragraph, "chief executive officer" means a mayor, city
23manager, village president, town chairperson, county executive or chairperson of the
24county board of supervisors.
SB45, s. 3238
1Section 3238. 980.08 (5) (d), (de), (dm), (ds) and (e) of the statutes are created
2to read:
SB45,1379,123 980.08 (5) (d) Based on the provisions of the plan and on the evidence presented
4at the hearing under par. (c) 2., the court shall determine whether the plan provides
5adequate treatment and services to the person and adequate protection to the
6community. If the court finds that the plan does not provide either adequate
7treatment and services to the person or adequate protection to the community, the
8court shall issue a written decision and order disapproving the plan and shall
9proceed under par. (de). If the court finds that the plan provides adequate treatment
10and services to the person and adequate protection to the community, the court shall,
11except as provided in par. (dm), issue a written decision and order approving the plan
12and placing the person on supervised release in the county that prepared the plan.
SB45,1379,1713 (de) If the court disapproves a supervised release plan under par. (d), it shall
14order the department and the county department that prepared the plan to revise
15the plan and present it to the court by a date specified by the court. The court shall
16hold a hearing on the revised plan and make a determination as to whether to
17approve or disapprove the plan as provided under pars. (c) 2. and (d).
SB45,1380,218 (dm) If a supervised release plan that satisfies the criteria under par. (d) was
19ordered to be prepared under sub. (4) (c), the court may approve the plan and order
20the person placed on supervised release under par. (d) only if, based on the provisions
21of the plan and on the evidence presented at the hearing under par. (c) 2., the court
22determines that the daily cost of supervised release would not exceed the daily cost
23of institutional care. If the daily cost of supervised release would exceed the daily
24cost of institutional care, the court shall disapprove the supervised release plan and
25deny the person's petition for supervised release. The court may not order a

1supervised released plan disapproved under this paragraph to be revised under par.
SB45,1380,53 (ds) If the court approves a supervised release plan under par. (d), the court
4shall send a copy of its decision and order approving the plan to the chief executive
5officers who received notice of the hearing on the plan under par. (c) 2.
SB45,1380,116 (e) The county department that prepared the plan and the department shall
7implement a plan approved by the court under par. (d). In implementing the plan,
8the department may contract with a county department, under s. 51.42 (3) (aw) 1.
9d., with another public agency or with a private agency to provide the treatment and
10services identified in the plan. The department may request the court to make such
11orders as are necessary to ensure implementation of the plan.
SB45, s. 3239 12Section 3239. 980.12 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1380,1613 980.12 (1) The Except as provided in ss. 980.03 (4) and 980.08 (3), the
14department shall pay from the appropriations under s. 20.435 (2) (a) and (bm) for all
15costs relating to the evaluation, treatment and care of persons evaluated or
16committed under this chapter.
SB45, s. 3240 17Section 3240. 985.01 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 985.01 (1m).
SB45, s. 3241 18Section 3241. 985.01 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1380,2019 985.01 (1g) "Governing body" has the meaning given in s. 345.05 (1) (b) and
20includes a family care district board under s. 46.2895.
SB45, s. 3242 21Section 3242. 985.01 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1380,2422 985.01 (3) "Municipality" has the meaning in s. 345.05 (1) (c) and "governing
23body" the meaning in s. 345.05 (1) (b) with reference to such municipality
24a family care district under s. 46.2895
SB45, s. 3243 25Section 3243. 992.21 of the statutes is created to read:
1992.21 Actions by division of savings and loan validated. Any action
2taken by the division of savings and loan between July 1, 1996, and the effective date
3of this section .... [revisor inserts date], under the name of the division of savings
4institutions has the same force and effect in all respects as if the action had been
5taken under the name of the division of savings and loan.
SB45, s. 3244 6Section 3244. Laws of 1929, chapter 151, section 1 is amended to read:
SB45,1381,197 [Laws of 1929, chapter 151] Section 1. All the right, title and interest of the
8state of Wisconsin in the lands hereinafter described, whether any part or parcel
9thereof may be, at the time of the passage and publication of this act, dry or
10submerged under the waters of Lake Michigan are hereby ceded, granted and
11confirmed to the city of Milwaukee, a municipal corporation, for the purpose of
12improving, filling, and utilizing the same for public park purposes or in aid of
13navigation and the fisheries, in any manner the said city may deem expedient, and
14particularly for the purpose of. Such land may also be used for the purpose of
15establishing and maintaining thereon breakwaters, bulkheads, piers, wharves,
16warehouses, transfer sheds, railway tracks, airports, and other harbor facilities,
17together with such other uses not inconsistent with the improvement of navigation
18and fisheries in Lake Michigan, and the navigable waters tributary thereto, as said
19city may deem expedient.
SB45, s. 3245 20Section 3245. Laws of 1929, chapter 151, section 3 is amended to read:
SB45,1382,821 [Laws of 1929, chapter 151] Section 3. The said grantee, the city of Milwaukee,
22shall not convey any portion or the whole of the lands so granted, ceded and
23confirmed, and described in section 2 of this act, to any other party, either by
24warranty deed, quit claim, or in any other manner, except that it may convey to the
25government of the United States such portion thereof as may be desirable for the

1promotion of navigation; and it may also convey said lands to any harbor district or
2other public corporation that may hereafter be organized, under any law of this state,
3for public park purposes or for the purpose of maintaining and operating a public
4port; and it may further lease for limited terms not exceeding thirty years, such
5particular parcels or portions thereof as the board of harbor commissioners may
6deem expedient, to parties desiring to employ such leased portions and parcels for
7public park purposes or
in the maintaining, operating or using of any harbor facilities
SB45, s. 3246 9Section 3246. Laws of 1929, chapter 151, section 4 is amended to read:
SB45,1382,1610 [Laws of 1929, chapter 151] Section 4. Whenever the said city of Milwaukee
11shall convey or attempt to convey the whole or any portion of the lands hereby
12granted, ceded or confirmed, to any other party except as herein provided, or shall
13use said lands or any part thereof for purposes permanently inconsistent with their
14use for public park purposes or for the promotion of navigation and the fisheries, such
15land, or any part thereof so conveyed or attempted to be conveyed, or used
16inconsistently as hereinabove stated, shall revert to the state of Wisconsin.
SB45, s. 3247 17Section 3247. Laws of 1973, chapter 76, section 1 is amended to read:
SB45,1383,618 [Laws of 1973, chapter 76] Section 1. All the right, title and interest of the state
19of Wisconsin in the lands hereinafter described, whether any part or parcel thereof
20may be, at the time of the passage and publication of this act, dry or submerged under
21the waters of Lake Michigan are hereby ceded, granted and confirmed to the city of
22Milwaukee, a municipal corporation, for the purpose of improving, filling, and
23utilizing the same for public park purposes or in aid of navigation and the fisheries
24and in addition for such further and other use which the board of harbor
25commissioners of the city of Milwaukee may deem appropriate and expedient and

1which the common council approves by resolution. Such land shall may also be used
2for the purpose of establishing and maintaining thereon breakwaters, bulkheads,
3piers, wharves, warehouses, transfer sheds, railway tracks, airports, and other
4harbor facilities, together with such other uses not inconsistent with the
5improvement of navigation and fisheries in Lake Michigan, and the navigable
6waters tributary thereto, as the city may deem expedient.
SB45, s. 3248 7Section 3248. Laws of 1973, chapter 76, section 3 is amended to read:
SB45,1383,208 [Laws of 1973, chapter 76] Section 3. The city of Milwaukee, shall not convey
9any portion or the whole of the lands so granted, ceded and confirmed, and described
10in Section 2 of this act, to any other party, either by warranty deed, quit claim, or
11in any other manner, except that it may convey to the government of the United
12States such portion thereof as may be desirable for the promotion of navigation; and
13it may also convey lands to any harbor district or other public corporation that may
14hereafter be organized, under any law of this state, for public park purposes or for
15the purpose of maintaining and operating a public port; and it may further lease for
16an initial term not exceeding 30 years, such particular parcels or portions thereof as
17the board of harbor commissioners considers advisable, to parties desiring to employ
18such leased portions and parcels for public park purposes or in a manner determined
19by the board of harbor commissioners to be for the best interests of port and harbor
SB45, s. 3249 21Section 3249. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 5 is repealed.
SB45, s. 3250 22Section 3250. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 12 is repealed.
SB45, s. 3251 23Section 3251. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 14 is repealed.
SB45, s. 3252 24Section 3252. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 16 is repealed.
SB45, s. 3253 25Section 3253. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 20 is repealed.
SB45, s. 3254
1Section 3254. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 22 is repealed.
SB45, s. 3255 2Section 3255. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 24 is repealed.
SB45, s. 3256 3Section 3256. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 28 is repealed.
SB45, s. 3257 4Section 3257. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 30 is repealed.
SB45, s. 3258 5Section 3258. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 30h is repealed.
SB45, s. 3259 6Section 3259. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 32 is repealed.
SB45, s. 3260 7Section 3260. 1995 Wisconsin Act 292, section 37 (1) is repealed.
SB45, s. 3261 8Section 3261 . 1997 Wisconsin Act 4, section 4 (1) (a), as last affected by 1997
9Wisconsin Act 27
, section 5510s, is amended to read:
SB45,1384,1710[1997 Wisconsin Act 4] Section 4 (1) (a) Notwithstanding 1995 Wisconsin Act
, section 9126 (23) and (26v), the department of corrections may, from July 1, 1997,
12until July 1, 1999 2001, operate the juvenile secured correctional facility, as defined
13in section 938.02 (15m) of the statutes,
authorized under 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
14section 9126 (26v), as a state prison named in section 302.01 of the statutes, as
15affected by this act, for the placement of prisoners, as defined in section 301.01 (2)
16of the statutes, who are not more than 21 years of age and who are not violent
17offenders, as determined by the department of corrections.
SB45, s. 3262 18Section 3262. 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9410 (5g) is amended to read:
SB45,1384,2419[1997 Wisconsin Act 27] Section 9410 (5g) Elimination of recycling market
20development board.
The treatment of sections 15.07 (1) (b) 19., 15.155 (2), 16.72 (7)
Section 119d), 20.143 (1) (L) (by Section 200d), (st) (by Section 204d) and (tm)
22(by Section 205d), 20.923 (4) (a) 4q., 36.25 (30g), 560.031 (by Section 4338c), (2), (3)
23and (4), 560.09 (5) and 560.65 (4) (a) and subchapter III of chapter 287 (by Section
243620m) of the statutes takes effect on June 30, 2001.
SB45, s. 3263 25Section 3263. 1997 Wisconsin Act 84, section 168 (intro.) is amended to read:
1[1997 Wisconsin Act 84] Section 168. Effective dates. (intro.) This act takes
2effect on the date stated in the notice published by the secretary of transportation
3in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under section 85.515 of the statutes, as
4created by this act, or on the first day of the 25th month beginning after publication
5May 1, 2001, whichever is earlier, except as follows:
SB45, s. 3264 6Section 3264. 1997 Wisconsin Act 154, section 3 (1) is amended to read:
SB45,1385,257[1997 Wisconsin Act 154] Section 3 (1) Statewide trauma care system; report.
8The department of health and family services and the statewide trauma advisory
9council shall prepare a joint report on the development and implementation of a
10statewide trauma care system. The report shall make recommendations on issues
11that need to be resolved in developing and implementing the system, including
12minimum services in rendering patient care; transport protocols; area trauma
13advisory councils and plans; development of a method to classify hospitals as to their
14respective emergency care capabilities and methods to make the resulting
15information available for public use; improving the communications systems
16between hospitals and prehospital elements of the trauma care system; development
17of a statewide trauma registry, including a data system to measure the effectiveness
18of trauma care and to develop ways to promote ongoing quality improvement; triage;
19interfacility transfers; enhancing the training and education of health care
20personnel involved in the provision of trauma care services; and monitoring
21adherence to rules. Not later than January 1, 2000 2001, the department and the
22statewide trauma advisory council shall submit the report to the legislature in the
23manner provided under section 13.172 (2) of the statutes, to the joint committee on
24finance of the legislature as provided in subsection (2), to the governor and to the
25emergency medical services board.
SB45, s. 3265
1Section 3265. 1997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 4x is repealed.
SB45, s. 3266 2Section 3266. 1997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 48h is repealed.
SB45, s. 3267 3Section 3267. 1997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 9101 (1z) (b), (c) (intro.), (d) 1.,
4(g) (intro.) and (h) are amended to read:
SB45,1386,115[1997 Wisconsin Act 237] Section 9101 (1z) (b) Purpose of grants. From the
6appropriation under section 20.505 (4) (1) (fm) of the statutes, as created by this act,
7the national and community service board department of administration shall
8award grants, in the amounts specified in paragraph (c), to countywide consortiums
9to assist those countywide consortiums in coordinating and documenting progress
10within their counties toward reaching the goal of providing the 5 fundamental
11resources to underserved youth.
SB45,1386,1812 (c) Amount of grants. (intro.) The national and community service board
13department of administration shall determine the amount of a grant awarded under
14paragraph (b) based on the number of underserved youth who are to receive the 5
15fundamental resources as a result of the countywide consortium's efforts under
16paragraph (f). The national and community service board department of
shall award the following amounts based on the following numbers
18of underserved youth targeted by a countywide consortium:
SB45,1386,2219 (d) 1. The national and community service board department of administration
20may award a grant under paragraph (b) only to a countywide consortium that agrees
21to match the grant, in cash, in an amount this is not less than 200% of the grant
22amount received.
SB45,1387,423 (g) Fiscal agent; reporting. (intro.) Each countywide consortium that applies
24for a grant under paragraph (b) shall identify a fiscal agent who shall receive,
25manage and account for the grant moneys awarded under paragraph (b) and the

1matching funds committed under paragraph (d) 1. and who shall provide to the
2national and community service board department of administration the following
3reports detailing the progress of the countywide consortium in accomplishing the
4tasks specified in paragraph (f):
SB45,1387,115 (h) Capacity building. The national and community service board department
6of administration
may expend any moneys in the appropriation account under
7section 20.505 (4) (1) (fm) of the statutes, as created by this act, that are not awarded
8as grants under paragraph (b) to build the capacity of individuals, public agencies,
9nonprofit organizations and other persons to provide the 5 fundamental resources
10to underserved youth by contracting for the provision of the training and technical
11assistance specified in paragraph (f) 4.