Loaded firearm within easy access of child: law revised -  SB234
MA eligibility: asset requirements for children under age 19 and pregnant women eliminated -  AB883
MA eligibility: asset requirements for children under age 19 and pregnant women eliminated -  SB461
Managed care for children in out-of-home care in Milwaukee county: DHFS to develop pilot program to address needs of; federal waiver provision [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9123 (13c)] -  AB133
Mental health act: distinction between minors over and under 14 years of age eliminated -  AB411
Mental health act: distinction between minors over and under 14 years of age eliminated -  SB212
Mental health act: distinction between minors over and under 14 years of age eliminated; parent or guardian may consent to have minor tested for drugs or alcohol - AB480
Musical recordings with explicit lyric warnings: sale or distribution to or purchase by person under age 18 prohibited; forfeiture, defense to prosecution and ordinance provisions  - SB167
Personal flotation device re boats required for passengers 10 years old or younger -  AB175
Personal flotation device re boats required for underage passengers; warning for first violation - AB195
Personal information of children: disclosure prohibitions created; injunction provision -  AB549
Personally identifiable information of minors: state agencies may not sell or rent re solicitation purposes  - SB260
Prevention coordination council created in DHFS re children, youth and families; planning grant program provided; report required -  AB493
Prisoner access to financial information, SSN or identity of a minor re data entry or telemarketing: Corr.Dept contracts restricted [Sec. 2689, 9311 (1)] - AB133
Prisoner access to financial information, SSN or identity of a minor re data entry or telemarketing: Corr.Dept contracts restricted -  AB182
Prisoner access to financial information, SSN or identity of a minor re data entry or telemarketing: Corr.Dept contracts restricted [Sec. 2689, 9311 (1)] - SB45
Serious crime conviction: prohibition from being licensed to operate or employed by certain facilities that provide direct care or treatment services to clients expanded to include mayhem and certain property crimes -  AB913
SSI supplemental payment for dependent children [Sec. 1484, 9423 (6); Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: SSI caretaker supplement eligibility re grandchild, 1483t-1484c, 9123 (13e), deletes 1484] -  AB133
SSI supplemental payment for dependent children [Sec. 1484, 9423 (6)] -  SB45
Substitute care parent records: disclosure provisions created -  AB688
Substitute care parent records: disclosure provisions created -  AB895
Substitute care parent records: disclosure provisions created -  SB339
Synar compliance checks re illegal tobacco sales to underage persons: DOA to submit proposed legislation to LRB [Sec. 9101 (16), 9401 (6); original bill only]  - AB133
Synar compliance checks re illegal tobacco sales to underage persons: DOA to submit proposed legislation to LRB [Sec. 9101 (16), 9401 (6)] -  SB45
TANF allocations re programs and support for low-income children and youth revised and expanded [Sec. 466, 474, 475, 1213, 1277, 1279-1286, 1289-1291, 1293-1302, 1305-1313, 1315-1327, 1360, 9157 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 1279-1286, 1289-1291, 1293-1302, 1305-1313, 1315-1327] -  AB133
TANF allocations re programs and support for low-income children and youth revised and expanded [Sec. 466, 474, 475, 1213, 1277, 1279-1286, 1289-1291, 1293-1302, 1305-1313, 1315-1327, 1360, 9157 (1)] -  SB45
Tribal authority to conduct rehabilitation reviews for persons otherwise not permitted to be employed at, contract with or reside at certain care facilities; report and registry revisions re nonclient residents 10 years of age or older  - AB823
Uniform foster care rates [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1148g, 9423 (10v)] -  AB133
Appeals of substantiated findings of child abuse or neglect: procedure created [Sec. 1193, 1194; original bill only]  - AB133
Appeals of substantiated findings of child abuse or neglect: procedure created [Sec. 1193, 1194] - SB45
Brighter futures initiative program for youth created [Sec. 395, 396, 652, 1094, 1108, 1122, 1123, 1126, 1128, 1573, 9423 (4); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, tribal adolescent services provision, 397m, 1123d-p, 1124g-k, 1125g, r, 1128d-t, 1129g-r, 9423 (4w), deletes 1123, 1128, 9423 (4)]  - AB133
Brighter futures initiative program for youth created [Sec. 395, 396, 652, 1094, 1108, 1122, 1123, 1126, 1128, 1573, 9423 (4)] - SB45
CASA program: recognition authority revised, memorandum of understanding; juvenile court, reporting child abuse or neglect and civil liability immunity provisions  - AB532
CASA program: recognition authority revised, memorandum of understanding; juvenile court, reporting child abuse or neglect and civil liability immunity provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, juveniles in need of protection provisions removed; S.Amdt.1: confidentiality provision revised]  - SB106
Child abuse and neglect determinations: appeal procedures established, disclosure of certain information to general public in fatality or near fatality cases and child abuse citizen review panel access to certain confidential records [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.1: rule-making authority added] - AB778
Child abuse and neglect determinations: appeal procedures established, disclosure of certain information to general public in fatality or near fatality cases and child abuse citizen review panel access to certain confidential records  - AB895
Child abuse and neglect determinations: appeal procedures established, disclosure of certain information to general public in fatality or near fatality cases and child abuse citizen review panel access to certain confidential records  - SB420
Child abuse and neglect prevention program in DHFS expanded -  AB731
Child abuse and neglect prevention program in DHFS expanded -  SB315
Child abuse and neglect report disclosure; consent decrees [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1131h, 1195m, 9309 (6g), 9323 (14g)] -  AB133
Child abuse and neglect reports: disclosure to certain departments and agencies for investigation of correctional community placement violations [A.Amdt.2: agency changed to person and ``services to subject of placement" added; S.Amdt.1: extended supervision added to definition]  - AB144
Child abuse citizen review panel access to certain confidential records [Sec. 1195; original bill only]  - AB133
Child abuse citizen review panel access to certain confidential records [Sec. 1195] -  SB45
Children first funding revision [Sec. 1359] -  AB133
Children first funding revision [Sec. 1359] -  SB45
``Children first" vehicle registration plates renamed ``celebrate children" [Sec. 369, 1199, 1200, 2729; A.Sub.Amdt.1: use of moneys by Child abuse and neglect prevention board, 369d, 1199d, 1200d, deletes 369, 1199, 1200; Conf.Amdt.1: application to be forwarded to DOT special license plate unit, fee prohibited, 2726v] -  AB133
``Children first" vehicle registration plates renamed ``celebrate children" [Sec. 369, 1199, 1200, 2729]  - SB45
CHIPS and certain juveniles re safe return to or removal from the home: abandonment, chronic abuse and torture defined; cooperation between agency and county for alternative permanent placement; opportunity for substitute care provider to be heard at hearings revised -  AB647
CHIPS and certain juveniles re safe return to or removal from the home: abandonment, chronic abuse and torture defined; cooperation between agency and county for alternative permanent placement; opportunity for substitute care provider to be heard at hearings revised -  SB345
Computer used with intent to commit sex offense against a child: crime created -  AB733
Computerized communication systems including the Internet: threatening a child and transmitting personal information of a child to induce or encourage certain crimes prohibited  - AB548
Death or serious condition of child re abuse or neglect: disclosure of information to news media and public permitted [Sec. 1196-1198; original bill only] - AB133
Death or serious condition of child re abuse or neglect: disclosure of information to news media and public permitted [Sec. 1196-1198] -  SB45
Domestic abuse committed in the presence of a child prohibited  - SB219
Domestic abuse incident: penalty enhancement provided re certain felony battery crimes -  AB169
Domestic or child abuse victims: certain insurance coverage practices prohibited [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, written reason for denial provided] -  AB392
Domestic or child abuse victims: certain insurance coverage practices prohibited -  SB369
Felony offenses against children: release of arrestee revised -  AB109
Harassment temporary restraining order or injunction: person required to pay court fees revised [A.Amdt.2: child abuse and vulnerable adult provisions added]  - AB671
Injury caused by incest: civil action to recover damages expanded to include sexual assault of a child and time limit increased -  SB304
Internet access prohibited or restricted for certain child sex offenders on parole, probation or supervised or conditional release -  AB95
Internet access prohibited or restricted for certain child sex offenders on parole, probation or supervised or conditional release -  SB65
Self-mutilation by a child: felony crime created for inducing or causing -  SB213
Serious sex crimes: minimum prison sentence set; probation restricted -  AB271
Serious sex crimes: minimum prison sentence set; probation restricted -  SB82
Serious sex offender fleeing to this state to avoid prosecution in another jurisdiction: penalty and penalty enhancer created - SB29
Sexual assault: time limit on prosecution of certain crimes eliminated -  AB497
Sexual exploitation of a child: knowledge of child's age revised; affirmative defense eliminated - AB207
Sexual exploitation of a child re photos, recordings and reproductions: knowledge of child's age revised; defense provisions - SB83
W-2 revisions re domestic abuse issues training program for employes and exception to establishing paternity re risk of emotional or physical harm; must advise applicants of options - AB924
children _ adoptionChildren — Adoption
Adoption services appropriation for children with special needs under DHFS guardianship [Sec. 391, 399; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, special needs adoption placements and permanency planning, 391d, 399d, 1131g-s, 1148m, p, 1159d-1160g, 1189p, 1192g-m, 3044j, 3197j, 9323 (12g), (12h), deletes 391, 399; Conf.Amdt.1: contracting with private adoption agencies, 391g, 399g, deletes 391d, 399d] - AB133
Adoption services appropriation for children with special needs under DHFS guardianship [Sec. 391, 399]  - SB45
Adoptive placement of child: prohibiting denial or delay because approved family is outside the county where the child is located -  AB821
Adoptive placement of child: prohibiting denial or delay because approved family is outside the county where the child is located -  AB895
Adoptive placement of child: prohibiting denial or delay because approved family is outside the county where the child is located -  SB418
Child abuse and neglect report disclosure; consent decrees [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1131h, 1195m, 9309 (6g), 9323 (14g)] -  AB133
CHIPS and certain juveniles re safe return to or removal from the home: abandonment, chronic abuse and torture defined; cooperation between agency and county for alternative permanent placement; opportunity for substitute care provider to be heard at hearings revised -  AB647
CHIPS and certain juveniles re safe return to or removal from the home: abandonment, chronic abuse and torture defined; cooperation between agency and county for alternative permanent placement; opportunity for substitute care provider to be heard at hearings revised -  SB345
Relative by adoption: certain definitions and statute references revised to include -  AB610
State adoption center funding [Sec. 392, 1135-1139, 1191, 1192, 2043] -  AB133
State adoption center funding [Sec. 392, 1135-1139, 1191, 1192, 2043] -  SB45
TPR or adoption actions: exemption from court filing fees [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3095n, p, 9309 (1w), (1x)]  - AB133
Uniform adoption act created - AB526
children _ delinquentChildren — Delinquent, see Juvenile delinquency
Actions affecting the family: revisions re custody, physical placement, paternity, guardian ad litem, divorce, legal residence of minor child and mediation procedure  - SB107
Badger care program expanded to cover any eligible child under age 19; DHFS authorized to adjust income level [Sec. 1465-1476; A.Sub.Amdt.1: outreach mailing for certain families, eligibility re certain continuation coverage, 1470d, 1476f; Conf.Amdt.1: continuation coverage restriction removed]  - AB133