Corporate income and franchise taxes: apportioning formula revised -  AB74
Corporate income tax deduction revised re compensation paid to an employe or officer -  AB161
Corporate income tax deduction revised re compensation paid to an employe or officer -  SB289
Corporation, insurance company and financial organization income tax formula revision re sales and premium factors; air carriers and pipeline companies provision  - AB735
Day care center for children of employes: corporate income and franchise tax credits created -  AB393
Day care costs: individual and corporate income and franchise tax credits created -  SB199
Development zones credit used to offset income from development zone activity [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1708g, 1742g, 1755g, 9343 (22d)] -  AB133
Development zones program: tax credits for job creation [Sec. 1709, 1743, 1756, 3001-3005, 9310 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: credit for environmental remediation does not have to include job creation, 3004m, 3005m] -  AB133
Development zones program: tax credits for job creation [Sec. 1709, 1743, 1756, 3001-3005, 9310 (1)]  - SB45
Development zones tax credit: certification for target group members [Sec. 1708, 1742, 1755, 9343 (2)]  - AB133
Development zones tax credit: certification for target group members [Sec. 1708, 1742, 1755, 9343 (2)]  - SB45
Education credit to businesses and corporations that pay certain tuitions re income and franchise taxes  - AB244
Endangered resources program and damage claims funding from additional contributions by corporations on tax returns and use of special plate fees [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 306m, 594k, 1748b, 9343 (2g)] -  AB133
Energy efficient equipment purchases: income and franchise tax credits created -  SB462
Foreign corporation activity that does not create nexus [Sec. 1723, 9343 (18); original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored and revised, 1722yc, 9343 (22dd)] -  AB133
Foreign corporation activity that does not create nexus [Sec. 1723, 9343 (18)] -  SB45
Information technology training: individual income, corporate income and franchise tax credits created  - AB844
Lottery prize assignment; all income realized from sale or redemption of tickets to be allocated to state, includes nonresidents; use of prize as loan security; voluntary assignment [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1674v, 1682pd, 1685c, 1722yb, ym, 1738t, 1748Lm, Ln, yb, ym, 1749p, 1753d, m, 3023t, 3025m, p-pp, 9343 (23cm)] - AB133
Productivity enhancement training tax credit created -  SB394
Solar energy system to heat water or rooftop photovoltaic solar energy system purchase: income and franchise tax credit created -  SB463
Tobacco product advertising costs: corporations may not deduct from income and franchise taxes - AB404
Unitary business combined tax returns [Sec. 1724-1728, 1739, 1741, 1747, 1749, 1754, 1760, 1789, 9343 (17); original bill only] -  AB133
Unitary business combined tax returns [Sec. 1724-1728, 1739, 1741, 1747, 1749, 1754, 1760, 1789, 9343 (17)]  - SB45
correctional officerCorrectional officer, see Police
corrections, department ofCorrections, Department of
Aftercare services for juveniles: Corr.Dept funding [Sec. 365, 2700, 2709] -  AB133
Aftercare services for juveniles: Corr.Dept funding [Sec. 365, 2700, 2709] -  SB45
AODA intervention and treatment services: DHFS and Corr.Dept duties re program funding  - AB533
Appropriation lapse to general fund [Sec. 9211 (1); original bill only] -  AB133
Appropriation lapse to general fund [Sec. 9211 (1)] -  SB45
Assistant DA position to develop and operate restorative justice programs in certain counties; Corr.Dept and LAB duties; report required; sunset provision -  AB533
Child abuse and neglect reports: disclosure to certain departments and agencies for investigation of correctional community placement violations [A.Amdt.2: agency changed to person and ``services to subject of placement" added; S.Amdt.1: extended supervision added to definition]  - AB144
Computer recycling by Corr.Dept: appropriation created [Sec. 363; original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored, 362z, 9111 (6e)] - AB133
Computer recycling by Corr.Dept: appropriation created [Sec. 363] -  SB45
Corr.Dept and counties may contract with religious organizations re delinquency and crime prevention and rehabilitation of offenders; nondiscrimination provisions  - AB533
Corr.Dept employes at state prisons or secured correctional facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  AB832
Corr.Dept employes at state prisons or secured correctional facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  SB368
Corr.Dept may lease correctional facilities subject to JCF approval -  AB544
Corr.Dept. may lease correctional facilities subject to JCF approval -  SB262
Correctional facilities: confinement of prisoners outside this state restricted and leasing and construction of private facilities - AB539
Correctional facilities construction by private persons; state lease and prevailing wage provisions; increase in beds applied to returning prisoners from out-of-state facilities [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 3e, f, h, 649g, 2030m, 2033m, 2353s, 2698s-2699m, 3191d-g, 9111 (4xt), 9311 (4xt); Conf.Amdt.1: alternatives to state construction, provision re bed increase removed, 3d, deletes 3e, f, 649g, 2698s-2699m, 9111 (4xt), 9311 (4xt)] -  AB133
Correctional facility provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1022m, 2695m-2698m, 2718, 3261m, 9107 (7)]  - AB133
Corrective sanctions purchase of services funding [Sec. 3176] - AB133
Corrective sanctions purchase of services funding [Sec. 3176] - SB45
Crime victim services: PR-S appropriation for Corr.Dept [Sec. 361, 496; original bill only] -  AB133
Crime victim services: PR-S appropriation for Corr.Dept [Sec. 361, 496] -  SB45
Death (by lethal injection) or life imprisonment for first-degree intentional homicide of child under age 16; parole and extended supervision eligibility revised - SB153
Investment board prohibited from investing in certain private prisons -  SB379
Medical condition and history of prisoners in jail or house of correction: Corr.Dept to develop standardized form, required for transfer of prisoners in certain counties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, requirements established, specific counties provision removed] -  AB795
Milwaukee AODA treatment facility: Corr.Dept may contract with nonprofit community-based organizations to operate inmate rehabilitation programs - AB533
New production bakery for Corr.Dept: DOA to study [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (18i)] - AB133
New state correctional institutions established in Milwaukee, New Lisbon and Redgranite [Sec. 2695, 2697, 2698, 2718; original bill only] -  AB133
New state correctional institutions established in Milwaukee, New Lisbon and Redgranite [Sec. 2695, 2697, 2698, 2718]  - SB45
OJA funds: DOA to allocate certain moneys to Corr.Dept and DOJ [Sec. 9101 (10), (11); original bill only]  - AB133
OJA funds: DOA to allocate certain moneys to Corr.Dept and DOJ [Sec. 9101 (10), (11)] -  SB45
Parole, probation and extended supervision effectiveness: Corr.Dept required to improve in certain counties [Sec. 268, 269, 9111] -  SB357
Prairie du Chien facility: operation as state prison for young adult male offenders extended [Sec. 359, 3261]  - AB133
Prairie du Chien facility: operation as state prison for young adult male offenders extended [Sec. 359, 3261]  - SB45
Prison impact assessment: Director of state courts to prepare for certain bills and bill drafts; report required  - SB120
Prison revolving fund revision [Sec. 2711] -  AB133
Prison revolving fund revision [Sec. 2711] -  SB45
Prisoner access to personal information: Corr.Dept may not enter into a contract that would allow  - AB31
Prisoner access to personal information re data entry or telemarketing services prohibited in Corr.Dept contracts; disclosure requirements re telephone solicitation and toll-free numbers - SB178
Prisoner confinement in another state: Corr.Dept authority eliminated; withdrawal from interstate corrections compact  - AB295
Prisoner confinement in another state: Corr.Dept authority eliminated; withdrawal from interstate corrections compact  - SB138
Prisoner confinement in another state: report on out-of-state transfers required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9111 (3z); deleted by Conf.Amdt.1] -  AB133
Prisoner confinement in this state: Corr.Dept may contract with private persons -  AB176
Prisoner placement criteria and medical service revisions -  SB277
Private business employment program and contracting revisions; profitability report required; sunset provided [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 359g, r, 361m, 2029y, 2718e-v, y, 9111 (2d), 9411 (5d)] -  AB133
Private business prison employment program eliminated; Corr.Dept directed to terminate contracts  - AB595
Private prisons constructed and operated in this state to confine inmates from another state: conditions established  - AB519
Privately constructed correctional facilities: Corr.Dept leasing restricted -  SB277
Privately constructed correctional facility leasing by Corr.Dept; prisoner placement criteria and medical service; fiscal estimates for crime bills; 1997 WisAct 283 effective date changed - SB277
Probation, parole and extended supervision field office: notification requirements re plans to establish  - AB527
Probation, parole or extended supervision agent positions increased and purchase of goods, care and services for persons on parole or probation re Milwaukee county  - AB722
Probation, parole or extended supervision agents with duty to locate absconders: concealed weapon provisions; Corr.Dept requirements specified -  AB743
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, property offenses, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated [Criminal penalties study committee recommended legislation] - AB465
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, property offenses, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated [Criminal penalties study committee recommended legislation] - SB237
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, property offenses, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision and life imprisonment; court-ordered drug treatment option; sentencing decision provisions; Sentencing commission recreated [includes Criminal penalties study committee recommended legislation] [for section numbers, see entry under ``Sentences and penalties"] -  SB357
Serious juvenile offender appropriation made biennial [Sec. 364; A.Sub.Amdt.1: transfer of unencumbered balance, 364d, deletes 364] -  AB133
Serious juvenile offender appropriation made biennial [Sec. 364] -  SB45
Sex offender registration law revisions, Corr.Dept to establish Internet registry information site and lie detector test provision - AB597
Sex offender registration law revisions, Corr.Dept to establish Internet registry information site, lie detector test provision and notice prior to sale or rental of real property [A.Amdt.4: duty to disclose information and immunity for providing notice revised] -  AB613
Sex offender registry information: Corr.Dept to provide to certain public and private schools - AB466
Sexually violent person: commitment proceeding revisions; penalty for escape; sentence enhancement for repeat serious sex or violent crimes; sex offender registration requirements - SB404
Substitute care parent records: disclosure provisions created -  AB688