Criminal sentence may run concurrent with or consecutive to juvenile disposition order -  SB47
Death caused by law enforcement officer: inquest revisions -  AB302
Depositions taken by certain persons: prohibitions expanded re contracts with person financially interested in the action - SB284
Discovery procedure in implied consent hearing [Sec. 2748, 2749, 9350 (6); original bill only]  - AB133
Discovery procedure in implied consent hearing [Sec. 2748, 2749, 9350 (6)] -  SB45
DOJ authorized to prosecute certain criminal cases re firearms  - SB425
Expunction of court records of certain dismissed misdemeanor charges: procedure created -  AB923
Felony offenses against children: release of arrestee revised -  AB109
Flunitrazepam: controlled substance schedule and penalties revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, forfeiture provision; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ketamine added]  - AB185
Harassment temporary restraining order or injunction: person required to pay court fees revised [A.Amdt.2: child abuse and vulnerable adult provisions added]  - AB671
Homicide cases: plea and verdict of guilty but mentally ill created -  AB516
Litigation brought by prisoners: limit on requests for interrogatories, production of documents or admissions modified  - AB784
Municipal court revisions re hearings by telephone or audiovideo, prosecutor signing summons and service by private servers [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3073m, 3075m, 3078g]  - AB133
Musical recordings with explicit lyric warnings: sale or distribution to or purchase by person under age 18 prohibited; forfeiture, defense to prosecution and ordinance provisions  - SB167
Personal information of children: disclosure prohibitions created; injunction provision -  AB549
Personal injury action: court authority to allow inspection of relevant medical and other records revised  - AB401
Personal injury action: court authority to allow inspection of relevant medical and other records revised  - SB201
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns and villages -  AB396
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns and villages -  SB162
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in 1st class city -  AB179
Sentencing by court: factors to be considered revised -  AB84
Sexual exploitation of a child: knowledge of child's age revised; affirmative defense eliminated - AB207
Sexual exploitation of a child re photos, recordings and reproductions: knowledge of child's age revised; defense provisions - SB83
Sexually violent person commitment proceeding revisions -  AB777
Sexually violent person commitment proceeding revisions -  SB388
Sexually violent person: commitment proceeding revisions; penalty for escape; sentence enhancement for repeat serious sex or violent crimes; sex offender registration requirements - SB404
Structured settlement payment right: conditions for transfer created -  SB298
Substituted service on OCI: waiting period on default judgment revised (remedial legislation) - AB385
Trial for persons charged with certain crimes: location modified  - AB636
Victim may provide statement to judge who is setting conditions of release for person charged with a felony  - AB866
court_appointed special advocate _casa_Court-appointed special advocate (CASA), see Juvenile court
covenant marriageCovenant marriage, see Marriage
cranberryCranberry, see Farm produce
crane, sandhillCrane, Sandhill, see Bird
creditCredit, see also Agricultural credit
Credential fee payment to DORL: license cancellation for nonpayment of debit or credit card; certain outdated references eliminated [Sec. 2826, 2827, 2912-2915, 2922]  - AB133
Credential fee payment to DORL: license cancellation for nonpayment of debit or credit card; certain outdated references eliminated [Sec. 2826, 2827, 2912-2915, 2922]  - SB45
Credit card records: prohibition on selling information; exceptions and DOJ provisions -  AB101
Credit reporting agency: free written disclosure report to consumer upon request required -  AB289
Disposal of records containing personal information [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3113n, 9458 (5g)]  - AB133
Licensed lender law and Wisconsin consumer act revisions -  AB686
Open-end credit plans: deceptive preapproval practices prohibited -  SB169
Open-end credit plans: permissible fees modified re convenience user fees -  AB112
Taxation revisions re DOR authority to reduce taxes and penalties, spouse's tax liability for joint income tax return, extension on tax withholding report filed by employers, sales and use tax refunds and scope of exemptions, rounding dollar amounts on certain tax forms and accepting credit cards to pay taxes - AB634
Taxation revisions re DOR authority to reduce taxes and penalties, spouse's tax liability for joint income tax return, extension on tax withholding report filed by employers, sales and use tax refunds and scope of exemptions, rounding dollar amounts on certain tax forms and accepting credit cards to pay taxes - SB346
Unclaimed property law changes: definition of intangible property expanded re credit [Sec. 2307, 2308, 9151 (1); original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored and revised, 2303st, su, 9351 (1g)] - AB133
Unclaimed property law changes: definition of intangible property expanded re credit [Sec. 2307, 2308, 9151 (1)]  - SB45
W-2 agency budgeting and financial planning services; allocation for credit services in Milwaukee eliminated [Sec. 1221, 1287, 9357 (5); A.Sub.Amdt.1: economic support allocations, Milwaukee provision removed, 1278g, deletes 1287; Conf.Amdt.1: Milwaukee restored] - AB133
W-2 agency budgeting and financial planning services; allocation for credit services in Milwaukee eliminated [Sec. 1221, 1287, 9357 (5)] -  SB45
credit cardCredit card, see Credit
credit unionCredit union, see also Financial institution
Credit union revisions; false reports or statements about a credit union made a crime; exemption from certain business statutes - AB573
Credit union revisions; false reports or statements about a credit union made a crime; exemption from certain business statutes - SB274
Absconding without paying: prohibitions expanded to cover gasoline and diesel fuel; suspension of operating privileges - AB946
Alcohol beverages provided to underage persons: criminal liablity for injury or death expanded  - AB887
Anhydrous ammonia theft with intent to use in manufacture of controlled substance or analog: crime created  - AB765
Battery against sports official: felony crime created -  AB399
Battery to member of citizen crime prevention organization: crime created -  AB374
Battery to member of citizen crime prevention organization: crime created -  SB183
Bodily substances placed in edibles: prohibition created -  AB132
Burglary of dwelling: maximum prison term revised -  AB37
Cemetery and religiously significant property: maximum imprisonment for criminal damage to increased  - AB121
Civil disorders: prohibiting certain weapon or technique training or instruction for use in -  AB280
Civil disorders re instruction in weapons or techniques capable of causing injury or death: crime created  - SB311
Computer crime penalties increased - AB214
Computer used with intent to commit sex offense against a child: crime created -  AB733
Conference committee on AB-465 and SB-237 created -  SJR26
Conference committee on AB-465 and SB-237 created and floorperiod commenced in October 1999 extended  - SJR29
Conservation warden authority expanded re trespass, shooting caged or staked wild animals and arrests under misdemeanor warrants -  AB491
Corr.Dept and counties may contract with religious organizations re delinquency and crime prevention and rehabilitation of offenders; nondiscrimination provisions  - AB533
Court ordered contributions by offenders to crime prevention organizations modified -  AB387
Crime bill fiscal estimate revisions -  SB277
Crime prevention and justice measures re assistant DA positions for restorative justice programs, nondiscrimination against religious organizations and inmate rehabilitation in certain Milwaukee facility; Office of government-sectarian facilitation created; neighborhood organization incubator grant program established; AODA funding -  AB533
Crime prevention organizations: procedures re court ordered contributions revised; prosecutor provision  - AB211
Death threat prohibition created - AB773
Delinquency adjudications used to determine penalty enhancers for persistent repeaters -  AB87
DOJ authorized to prosecute certain criminal cases re firearms  - SB425
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: exception re conviction of felony, misdemeanor or other offense and not pardoned -  SB238
Expunction of court records of certain dismissed misdemeanor charges: procedure created -  AB923
Firearm possession prohibited re persons convicted of certain serious misdemeanors -  AB476
Firearm possession prohibited re persons convicted of certain serious misdemeanors -  SB236
Flags of the U.S. and Wisconsin: penalties created re damage to or destruction of; penalty enhancer for hate violations  - AB79
Flags of the U.S. and Wisconsin: penalties created re damage to or destruction of; penalty enhancer for hate violations  - SB16
Laser pointer directed at law enforcement officer: prohibition created -  AB209
Laser pointer use restrictions created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, correctional and law enforcement officers provision] - AB154