Child abuse and neglect determinations: appeal procedures established, disclosure of certain information to general public in fatality or near fatality cases and child abuse citizen review panel access to certain confidential records [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.1: rule-making authority added] - AB778
Child abuse and neglect determinations: appeal procedures established, disclosure of certain information to general public in fatality or near fatality cases and child abuse citizen review panel access to certain confidential records  - AB895
Child abuse and neglect determinations: appeal procedures established, disclosure of certain information to general public in fatality or near fatality cases and child abuse citizen review panel access to certain confidential records  - SB420
Child abuse and neglect prevention program in DHFS expanded -  AB731
Child abuse and neglect prevention program in DHFS expanded -  SB315
Child abuse and neglect reports: disclosure to certain departments and agencies for investigation of correctional community placement violations [A.Amdt.2: agency changed to person and ``services to subject of placement" added; S.Amdt.1: extended supervision added to definition]  - AB144
Child care services: DWD to provide loans re start-up or expansion; block grant moneys for day care center licensing and programs for foster parents in Milwaukee county [Sec. 1210-1212, 1245-1247; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, loans removed, 1211d, 1245d, deletes 1210-1212, 1245]  - AB133
Child care services: DWD to provide loans re start-up or expansion; block grant moneys for day care center licensing and programs for foster parents in Milwaukee county [Sec. 1210-1212, 1245-1247] -  SB45
Child welfare services: DHFS to oversee program to develop capacity of Indian tribes to provide  - AB835
CHIPS and certain juveniles re safe return to or removal from the home: abandonment, chronic abuse and torture defined; cooperation between agency and county for alternative permanent placement; opportunity for substitute care provider to be heard at hearings revised -  AB647
CHIPS and certain juveniles re safe return to or removal from the home: abandonment, chronic abuse and torture defined; cooperation between agency and county for alternative permanent placement; opportunity for substitute care provider to be heard at hearings revised -  SB345
Death or serious condition of child re abuse or neglect: disclosure of information to news media and public permitted [Sec. 1196-1198; original bill only] - AB133
Death or serious condition of child re abuse or neglect: disclosure of information to news media and public permitted [Sec. 1196-1198] -  SB45
Food pantry grants created - SB353
Food pantry grants created [Sec. 17, 24, 91, 9123 (2)] -  SB357
Juveniles in need of protection: court and DHFS duties [Sec. 3121, 3122; original bill only] - AB133
Juveniles in need of protection: court and DHFS duties [Sec. 3121, 3122] -  SB45
Kinship care program administration [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9123 (11g); Conf.Amdt.1: revised and renumbered 9123 (11t)]  - AB133
Managed care for foster children: DHFS to request federal waiver [Sec. 1427; original bill only]  - AB133
Managed care for foster children: DHFS to request federal waiver [Sec. 1427] -  SB45
Neighborhood organization incubator grant program established in DHFS -  AB533
Prevention coordination council created in DHFS re children, youth and families; planning grant program provided; report required -  AB493
Services for children and families: funding re sales and use taxes collected by out-of-state direct marketers [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 390d, 1104g, 1815g] -  AB133
State adoption center funding [Sec. 392, 1135-1139, 1191, 1192, 2043] -  AB133
State adoption center funding [Sec. 392, 1135-1139, 1191, 1192, 2043] -  SB45
Statewide automated child welfare information system created [Sec. 996, 1023, 1091, 9423 (3); A.Sub.Amdt.1: DHFS recovery of funds re county noncompliance of implementation, 1091d, deletes 1091] -  AB133
Statewide automated child welfare information system created [Sec. 996, 1023, 1091, 9423 (3)] - SB45
Substitute care parent records: disclosure provisions created -  AB688
Substitute care parent records: disclosure provisions created -  AB895
Substitute care parent records: disclosure provisions created -  SB339
Sudden infant death syndrome prevention training required for day care center license; W-2 provision  - AB222
WIC supplemental food program: council created, duties defined; study of electronic benefits transfer systems [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 34b, 2435q, 9123 (8d)]  - AB133
health and family services, department of _ correctionsHealth and family services, Department of — Corrections
Conditional release violation after being found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect: time limit to submit probable cause for detention statement and petition to revoke release revised -  AB825
Conditional release violation after being found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect: time limit to submit probable cause for detention statement and petition to revoke release revised -  SB440
Sexually violent person commitment proceeding revisions -  AB777
Sexually violent person commitment proceeding revisions -  SB388
Sexually violent person: commitment proceeding revisions; penalty for escape; sentence enhancement for repeat serious sex or violent crimes; sex offender registration requirements - SB404
Sexually violent person law: statutory rights changes -  AB809
Sexually violent person law: statutory rights changes -  SB395
Sexually violent persons: payment for certain examinations re commitment proceedings; supervised release procedures [Sec. 387, 388, 995, 1001,1003, 1565, 3214, 3215, 3221, 3223-3239, 9323 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, escape prevention and capture of escaped persons, 387g-388m, 1002j, 2689m, 2717j, 3198m, 3206k, 3223c-3231m, 3232p, 3234m-3238t, 3239d, deletes 387, 388, 3214, 3215, 3223-3231, 3234-3238] - AB133
Sexually violent persons: payment for certain examinations re commitment proceedings; supervised release procedures [Sec. 387, 388, 995, 1001,1003, 1565, 3214, 3215, 3221, 3223-3239, 9323 (2)] -  SB45
Supplemental appropriations re compensation of certain Corr. Dept and DHFS employes [Sec. 614, 615, 618, 619, 9101 (18), 9401 (5)] -  AB133
Supplemental appropriations re compensation of certain Corr. Dept and DHFS employes [Sec. 614, 615, 618, 619, 9101 (18), 9401 (5)] -  SB45
health and family services, department of _ healthHealth and family services, Department of — Health
AIDS and HIV life care prevention grants funding; grant for African American AIDS task force of the Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin, Inc. [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 418g, 2432g-j] - AB133
Anthrax immunization for certain persons: DHFS to provide -  AB25
AODA intervention and treatment services: DHFS and Corr.Dept duties re program funding  - AB533
Badger care program expanded to cover any eligible child under age 19; DHFS authorized to adjust income level [Sec. 1465-1476; A.Sub.Amdt.1: outreach mailing for certain families, eligibility re certain continuation coverage, 1470d, 1476f; Conf.Amdt.1: continuation coverage restriction removed]  - AB133
Badger care program expanded to cover any eligible child under age 19; DHFS authorized to adjust income level [Sec. 1465-1476] -  SB45
Badger care program funding: JCF authorized to supplement; reimbursement rate provision; appropriation changed from annual to biennial -  AB916
Badger care program re HMOs: independent actuarial firm audit re reimbursement rates; MA program services must be separate contract; LAB duty set -  SB438
Birth and developmental outcome monitoring program replaced with birth defect prevention and surveillance system; State laboratory of hygiene, medical service and counseling provisions; Council on birth defect prevention and surveillance created - AB579
Birth and developmental outcome monitoring program replaced with birth defect prevention and surveillance system; State laboratory of hygiene, medical service and counseling provisions; Council on birth defect prevention and surveillance created [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, State laboratory of hygiene provision deleted; S.Amdt.2: biennial report from the Council required] -  SB290
Bonding or general liability insurance required re lead hazard reduction, lead managment activity or asbestos abatement in certain cases -  AB741
Cigarette and tobacco products: disclosure of ingredients to DHFS; AG provisions -  AB282
Cigarette and tobacco products: disclosure of ingredients to DHFS; AG provisions -  SB22
Cigarette or tobacco product sold or gifted to minors: expansion re agencies authorized to conduct investigations of compliance with prohibitions; license application provision  - AB868
Cigarette or tobacco product sold or gifted to minors: investigation of compliance with prohibitions; survey provision [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2033p, 2165mr-p, 2353sm, 2485g-L, 3072g, 3176m-t] - AB133
Cigarette or tobacco product sold or gifted to minors: 1999 WisAct 9 provisions re investigation of compliance with prohibitions eliminated; restores deleted provisions  - SB334
Claims information released to DHFS: written consent of patient required -  AB371
Cooperative Indian health projects: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 430, 583, 2241, 9423 (8)]  - AB133
Cooperative Indian health projects: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 430, 583, 2241, 9423 (8)]  - SB45
Critical access hospitals: DHFS to distribute supplements of MA moneys [Sec. 1382-1384] -  AB133
Critical access hospitals: DHFS to distribute supplements of MA moneys [Sec. 1382-1384] -  SB45
DHFS public health programs: consolidated contracts permitted, JCF passive review [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 999m, 9323 (11m)] -  AB133
Do-not-resuscitate bracelet revisions; specifications re commercial vendor [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2283m-r]  - AB133
Emergency medical services fees and forfeitures [Sec. 2242-2250, 9123 (4); original bill only]  - AB133
Emergency medical services fees and forfeitures [Sec. 2242-2250, 9123 (4)] -  SB45
First responder certification revised -  AB521
Food and meat code revisions [Sec. 1947, 1949, 1950, 2356, 9404 (4), (5); original bill only]  - AB133
Food and meat code revisions [Sec. 1947, 1949, 1950, 2356, 9404 (4), (5)] -  SB45
Health care data collection: DHFS to submit proposal to support [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9123 (8x); Conf.Amdt.1: DETF and Insurance commissioner to participate, memorandum of understanding, DOA and JCF duties, renumbered 9123 (8mx)]  - AB133
Health care information, Board on: membership revised and independent review board created - SB249
Health care information confidentiality; Independent review board created [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 30g, r, 2253r, 2280b-kx, p-r, 2283g-k, 9123 (12g)]  - AB133
Health care information data purchasers: rereleasing individual data elements prohibition eliminated  - AB917
Health care records: uniform fees charged for certified duplicates revised; patient authority to copy records re statement of informed consent -  SB195
Health insurance coverage information obtained from insurers: DHFS may share with DWD; confidentiality provided [Sec. 1442; original bill only] -  AB133
Health insurance coverage information obtained from insurers: DHFS may share with DWD; confidentiality provided [Sec. 1442] -  SB45
HIRSP changes re persons age 65, temporomandibular disorders, drugs for HIV treatment, medicare and deductible coverage [Sec. 2256-2261, 2269-2277, 9323 (4); A.Sub.Amdt.1: nonlapsible trust fund created, prescription drug coverage, 386b, 415g, 417c, 418c, 433d, 697d, 717d, 2255m, 2258d, f, 2259f, r, 2260c-p, 2261f-2268m, 2276m-2278g, 9323 (12z), deletes 2271-2276; Conf.Amdt.1: subsidy eligibility, JCF duty re adjustment for inflation, 2277m-t]  - AB133
HIRSP changes re persons age 65, temporomandibular disorders, drugs for HIV treatment, medicare and deductible coverage [Sec. 2256-2261, 2269-2277, 9323 (4)]  - SB45
HIRSP coverage of out-of-state physician services: MA provider certification requirement revised; chiropractor provision - AB414
HIRSP premium rates for coverage of persons eligible for medicare revised -  AB759
HIRSP premium rates for coverage of persons eligible for medicare revised -  SB417
HIRSP eligibility: DHFS to make adjustments to income requirements annually -  AB193
Home health agency license renewal fee revision [Sec. 1529] - AB133
Home health agency license renewal fee revision [Sec. 1529] - SB45
Huntington's disease: DHFS to provide report [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9123 (8t)] -  AB133
Hyperbaric chambers: regulations and training requirements; Comm.Dept and DHFS duties specified  - AB876