HIRSP changes re persons age 65, temporomandibular disorders, drugs for HIV treatment, medicare and deductible coverage [Sec. 2256-2261, 2269-2277, 9323 (4); A.Sub.Amdt.1: nonlapsible trust fund created, prescription drug coverage, 386b, 415g, 417c, 418c, 433d, 697d, 717d, 2255m, 2258d, f, 2259f, r, 2260c-p, 2261f-2268m, 2276m-2278g, 9323 (12z), deletes 2271-2276; Conf.Amdt.1: subsidy eligibility, JCF duty re adjustment for inflation, 2277m-t]  - AB133
HIRSP changes re persons age 65, temporomandibular disorders, drugs for HIV treatment, medicare and deductible coverage [Sec. 2256-2261, 2269-2277, 9323 (4)]  - SB45
Immunizations for children: health insurance policy coverage required -  SB136
Immunizations for children: health insurance policy coverage required [Sec. 68, 69, 125, 126, 186, 203, 247, 248, 361, 366, 9326, 9426] -  SB357
Indian health program funding re grants to tribal health centers and Badger care premiums for Native Americans [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 1476d, 2241c, 9123 (6tt), (6tu)]  - AB133
Infertility diagnosis and treatment: insurance coverage required; collective bargaining provision - AB565
MA purchase plan for certain eligible persons created; DHFS to request federal waiver [Sec. 1042, 1361, 1440, 9123 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: eligibility and cap provisions, state share of MA payments, 1041m, 9223 (1w)] -  AB133
MA purchase plan for certain eligible persons created; DHFS to request federal waiver [Sec. 1042, 1361, 1440, 9123 (2)] - SB45
MA reimbursement rate for in-home personal care services increased; applicability of individual income tax deduction for certain medical care insurance policy re AB-456 delayed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: personal care shortage areas and reimbursement for certain losses, rule-making authority]  - AB942
Managed care for foster children: DHFS to request federal waiver [Sec. 1427; original bill only]  - AB133
Managed care for foster children: DHFS to request federal waiver [Sec. 1427] -  SB45
Managed care point-of-service coverage option required [Sec. 2037, 3036, 9326 (1), 9426 (2); original bill only]  - AB133
Managed care point-of-service coverage option required [Sec. 2037, 3036, 9326 (1), 9426 (2)] - SB45
Medical care insurance paid by certain persons: individual income tax deduction created -  AB456
Medical care insurance paid by certain persons: individual income tax deduction created -  AB798
Medical care insurance paid by certain persons: individual income tax deduction created -  SB218
Medical or surgical service or procedure integral to another service or procedure: prohibiting health insurer from denying payment -  AB655
Medicare premium payment using accumulated unused sick leave and certain health insurance premium credits  - AB512
Medicare supplement policy: individual income tax deduction created -  AB848
Medicare supplement policy: individual income tax deduction created -  SB458
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: health insurance coverage requirements revised  - AB793
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: health insurance coverage requirements revised  - SB308
Point-of-service option plan created [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 940d, 2037c, 3036c-p, 9126 (4g), 9326 (4g), 9426 (4g)] -  AB133
Prescription order revision to ensure quantity of drug or device to January 31, 2000 permitted; insurance coverage required - AB451
Private employer health care coverage: DETF to design, establish and administer plan, sunset provided; board created, report required -  AB63
Private employer health care coverage: DETF to design, establish and administer plan, sunset provided; board created, report required -  SB1
Private employer health care coverage program and board created; coverage mandates; audit, report and grant provisions; toll-free telephone [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4m, r, 14p, r, 28fc, fd, 591gb-gy, 930wb-931c, 944ym, yr, 9115 (1g), (3), 9415 (1g)] -  AB133
Small employer health insurance purchasing pool: OCI grant to private entity; written agreement and report requirements [Sec. 223, 224, 9126 (1), 9426 (1); original bill only]  - AB133
Small employer health insurance purchasing pool: OCI grant to private entity; written agreement and report requirements [Sec. 223, 224, 9126 (1), 9426 (1)] -  SB45
Smoking cessation treatment and medications: health insurance coverage required -  AB264
Smoking cessation treatment and medications: health insurance coverage required -  SB115
SSN use as patient or health insurance ID number prohibited - AB213
Unified application process re MA, Badger care, food stamp, school lunch, and WIC programs [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9157 (3e)] -  AB133
insurance _ life and accidentInsurance — Life and accident, see also Insurance — State
Domestic or child abuse victims: certain insurance coverage practices prohibited [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, written reason for denial provided] -  AB392
Domestic or child abuse victims: certain insurance coverage practices prohibited -  SB369
Insurance revisions re insurer liquidation and the security fund, mutual insurance holding company, certified capital investment credit and miscellaneous statute changes  - AB551
Life insurance policy proceeds assigned to funeral director or establishment operator: OCI authority eliminated; nonforfeiture benefits provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, multipremium funeral policy created] - AB538
Life insurance policy proceeds assigned to funeral director or establishment operator: OCI authority eliminated; nonforfeiture benefits provision -  SB257
insurance _ miscellaneousInsurance — Miscellaneous
Bonding or general liability insurance required re lead hazard reduction, lead managment activity or asbestos abatement in certain cases -  AB741
Domestic or child abuse victims: certain insurance coverage practices prohibited [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, written reason for denial provided] -  AB392
Domestic or child abuse victims: certain insurance coverage practices prohibited -  SB369
Dry cleaner environmental response program revisions re eligibility, remedial action, reimburseable costs, license and solvent fee for closed facility, insurance claims, fund reimbursement and immediate action activities [Sec. 332, 711, 716, 2615-2643, 2645, 2646; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, insurance claims, action revisions, 1818d-h, 2569r, 2636g, 2641g, m, 2645m, p, 2681k, 2682m, 9343 (23w), deletes 2623-2626, 2630, 2633, 2635, 2645; Conf.Amdt.1: insurance claim revisions, deletes 2628, 2642]  - AB133
Dry cleaner environmental response program revisions re eligibility, remedial action, reimburseable costs, license and solvent fee for closed facility, insurance claims, fund reimbursement and immediate action activities [Sec. 332, 711, 716, 2615-2643, 2645, 2646] -  SB45
Long-term care on a self-insured basis: GIB required to offer [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 938d-939m, 944e-i; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1] -  AB133
PECFA site cleanup bid: fee to cover cost of insurance authorized [Sec. 714, 1981; original bill only]  - AB133
PECFA site cleanup bid: fee to cover cost of insurance authorized [Sec. 714, 1981] -  SB45
insurance _ motor vehicleInsurance — Motor vehicle
Financial responsibility for motor vehicle operation: assurance and proof of coverage required - SB31
Motor carriers re single-state registration system: statutes clarified; liability insurance requirement revised  - AB56
Motor vehicle accident: recovery of noneconomic damages revised re lack of insurance, revoked license, OWI conviction or BAC test refusal -  AB436
Motor vehicle insurance policy rates set re certain federal metropolitan statistical area -  SB160
Motor vehicle insurance revision re authorization to use nonoriginal manufacturer replacement parts  - AB153
Motor vehicle insurance revision re authorization to use nonoriginal manufacturer replacement parts  - SB63
Motor vehicle provisions revised re registration and titling, proof of financial responsibility, VIN placement, the term ``station wagon", passing vehicle within 100 feet of certain intersections and bicycle and pedestrian facilities program grants; statutory provisions renumbered (remedial legislation)  - AB444
Motor vehicle purchased to replace stolen vehicle: sales or use tax revised re insurance settlement  - SB266
insurance _ mutualInsurance — Mutual
Insurance revisions re insurer liquidation and the security fund, mutual insurance holding company, certified capital investment credit and miscellaneous statute changes  - AB551
Mutual holding companies: OCI may charge fee for filing annual report [Sec. 3029] -  AB133
Mutual holding companies: OCI may charge fee for filing annual report [Sec. 3029] -  SB45
insurance _ policyInsurance — Policy
Classes of insurance policy forms: Commissioner may exempt by rule from prior filing and approval [Sec. 3038-3043, 3045] - AB133
Classes of insurance policy forms: Commissioner may exempt by rule from prior filing and approval [Sec. 3038-3043, 3045] - SB45
Insurance policy cancellation: grounds for required on first page of policy -  AB27
insurance _ stateInsurance — State
Sick leave credits of state employes: time limit to purchase state group health insurance eliminated - SB187
State life insurance fund: policy limit increased -  AB158
State life insurance fund: policy limit increased -  SB24
insurance _ taxationInsurance — Taxation
Corporate and franchise tax revision re sales and premium factor [Sec. 1675-1682, 1729-1738, 1745, 1746, 1750-1753, 1758, 1759, 9443 (7); A.Sub.Amdt.1: phase in single sales factor apportionment, adopt recommendations re moving property, insurance companies and financial institutions, 1673b, m, p, r, 1674m, 1675b-d, 1681-1682r, 1710d, 1719d, 1722b, be, c, ce, 1729b-d, 1735-1736d, 1738g-r, 1744b, 1746d, 1750, 1751, 1752d, 1757b, 1759d, 1764q, s, 9443 (7to), deletes 1746, 1750, 1751, 1759, 9443 (7); Conf.Amdt.1: adds 9343 (22fd), deletes all sections except 1682] -  AB133
Corporate and franchise tax revision re sales and premium factor [Sec. 1675-1682, 1729-1738, 1745, 1746, 1750-1753, 1758, 1759, 9443 (7)] -  SB45
Federal interest reimbursement calculation and lapse [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 79e, 613g, 9101 (19f), 9201 (2f)]  - AB133
Interest income re deposits in financial institutions: individual income tax exemption created -  AB73
Interest rate of licensed lender: maximum set -  SB96
Property tax payment: governing body may create ordinance to subject late payments to interest only  - AB89
internal revenueInternal revenue, see Income tax
international relationsInternational relations
Burma: restricting state procurement of materials or contractual services with persons doing business in or with government of - SB431
Comm. Dept. export plan and economic development programs, activities, grants or loans, and financial assistance programs revised, report required; statewide economic goals and sister state program created -  SB393
Cyprus situation: United Nations' efforts for peaceful resolution supported -  AJR59
Cyprus situation: United Nations' efforts for peaceful resolution supported -  AR12
Debt cancellation for poorest nations of the world: U.S. Congress and President urged to support federal legislation - AJR99
Euro currency conversion re European contracts [Sec. 3114; original bill only] -  AB133