PECFA site cleanup bid: fee to cover cost of insurance authorized [Sec. 714, 1981; original bill only]  - AB133
PECFA site cleanup bid: fee to cover cost of insurance authorized [Sec. 714, 1981] -  SB45
PECFA standards for categorizing sites; maximum payments for certain sites [Sec. 1983-1985, 1988-1990, 1996-1998, 9110 (3), 9310 (5), 9410 (9); original bill only]  - AB133
PECFA standards for categorizing sites; maximum payments for certain sites [Sec. 1983-1985, 1988-1990, 1996-1998, 9110 (3), 9310 (5), 9410 (9)] -  SB45
Petroleum product testing: Comm.Dept may contract for [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1972c, 2303r] - AB133
Petroleum storage remedial actions: Comm.Dept report on recommendations to reduce interest costs [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9110 (3yw)] -  AB133
Underground home heating oil storage tank regulations revised [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1975m]  - AB133
Underground petroleum storage tank discharge: lender-liability exemption [Sec. 2606-2609] -  AB133
Underground petroleum storage tank discharge: lender-liability exemption [Sec. 2606-2609] -  SB45
petroleum storage environmental cleanup program _pecfa_Petroleum storage environmental cleanup program (PECFA), see Petroleum
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded re health care provider refusal to participate in certain activities including abortion and assisted suicide; exemption from liability; examining boards provision -  AB324
Pharmacy participation in MA re low-income, elderly prescription drug costs: income level revised; preferred drugs identified; reimbursement rates specified; DHFS duties set  - AB870
Prescription drug assistance for elderly: program created; fraud and JCF provisions -  AB745
Prescription drug assistance for elderly: program created; fraud and JCF provisions -  SB377
Prescription drug assistance for elderly: program created; report required -  AB705
Prescription drug charges for low-income, elderly MA beneficiaries: income eligibility revised; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract provision; report required -  SB476
Prescription drug charges for low-income medicare beneficiaries: criteria created; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract provisions; report required - AB815
Prescription drug for elderly persons: entitlement program created -  SB335
Prescription drug for elderly persons: entitlement program created [Sec. 25, 26, 114, 9123 (1), 9228]  - SB357
pheasantPheasant, see Game bird
physically disabledPhysically disabled, see Handicapped
BOALTC survey re physicians who voluntarily accept assignment for payment of medicare; release of information by representative of long-term care ombusman (remedial legislation) - SB155
Crossbow hunting permit for person unable to use bow and arrow: medical certification procedure revised  - SB148
Duty disability benefits for protective occupation participants under WRS: periodic physical examinations required  - AB245
HIRSP coverage of out-of-state physician services: MA provider certification requirement revised; chiropractor provision - AB414
Managed care plan revisions re appealing decision of internal grievance panel, referral to specialist provider and damages for denial of benefits -  AB520
Managed care plan revisions re appealing decision of internal grievance panel, referral to specialist provider and damages for denial of benefits -  SB258
MEB to make certain information about physicians available to the public; health care providers allowed to correct health care information collected by DHFS -  SB318
Medication for purpose of ending life: certain individuals permitted to make written requests for  - AB297
Medication for purpose of ending life: certain individuals permitted to make written requests for  - SB124
Nonresident physicians license created -  AB541
Physician, podiatrist and optometrist continuing education requirement revisions (remedial legislation)  - SB389
Physician prescribing antibiotic drug for STD to one patient for use by another: civil liability immunity created  - AB98
Psychiatric residents in DHFS: unclassified positions eliminated [Sec. 649, 2363] -  AB133
Psychiatric residents in DHFS: unclassified positions eliminated [Sec. 649, 2363] -  SB45
Psychiatrist under contract to a county: state agent status provided re representation by DOJ in court actions  - SB313
pierPier, see Port
pipelinePipeline, see Fuel
plantsPlants, see also Farm produce; Weeds
Agricultural land conservation or restoration: sales and use tax exemptions created for certain items  - AB540
Ginseng fees use for agricultural resource managment [Sec. 185, 1935, 1936] -  AB133
Ginseng fees use for agricultural resource managment [Sec. 185, 1935, 1936] -  SB45
Ginseng research funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 295m, 9154 (2t)] -  AB133
Ginseng trade: Congress urged to end barriers imposed by China - AJR61
Industrial hemp: requesting Congress to authorize production of  - AJR49
Plant protection activities: DATCP cooperative agreements [Sec. 1930] -  AB133
Plant protection activities: DATCP cooperative agreements [Sec. 1930] -  SB45
Land in exclusive agricultural use district: number of lots a parcel may be divided into restricted  - SB472
Municipal revisions re impact fees, sewerage service charges and approval of plats [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1608g-j, 1638e-fu, 2398v, 2400e; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1]  - AB133
Property tax assessment roll: separate entry for portion of parcels not economically viable re state law or local ordinance or resolution -  AB738
pledge of allegiancePledge of allegiance, see Loyalty
plewa, john rPlewa, John R.
I 794 and STH 794 in Milwaukee county: portion designated as the ``John R. Plewa memorial lake parkway" [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1819rm] -  AB133
Automatic fire sprinkler system: master plumber or utility contractor may install underground piping  - AB440
Plumbing license denial, revocation or suspension; Comm.Dept rules [Sec. 2191, 9410 (3); original bill only]  - AB133
Plumbing license denial, revocation or suspension; Comm.Dept rules [Sec. 2191, 9410 (3)] -  SB45
Plumbing regulation: certain reports of violations repealed [Sec. 2189; original bill only] -  AB133
Plumbing regulation: certain reports of violations repealed [Sec. 2189] -  SB45
plumbingPlumbing, see Plumber
Physician, podiatrist and optometrist continuing education requirement revisions (remedial legislation)  - SB389
Cameras for law enforcement agencies: OJA to provide grants; matching fund provision -  AB558
Child custody: penalty for interfering revised; law enforcement and temporary custody order provisions  - AB689
Color of motor vehicle included in registration application [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, law enforcement provision; A.Amdt.1: appropriation] -  AB141
Color of motor vehicle included in registration application; law enforcement provision -  SB516
Court ordered contributions by offenders to crime prevention organizations modified -  AB387
Death caused by law enforcement officer: inquest revisions -  AB302
Disarming a peace officer: maximum term of imprisonment increased -  SB23
Driver's license requirements, privileges and penalties revised re instruction permits and probationary and regular licenses; safety belt enforcement provision - AB52
Driver's license requirements, privileges and penalties revised re instruction permits and probationary and regular licenses; safety belt enforcement provision - SB19
Emergency vehicle stopped on highway: fines or forfeiture doubled for traffic violations committed near  - AB929
Emergency vehicle stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing -  AB707
Emergency vehicle stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing -  SB349
Environmental law enforcement training: seminar, video and report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9158 (8c)]  - AB133
Federal hazard elimination safety funds: allocation requirements re reduction in vehicle accidents and response time of emergency vehicles [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1830p, q]  - AB133
Federal resources: DOA to create and maintain WWW site; State superintendent and AG to identify federal grants to aid CESAs and local law enforcement respectively; Council on capture of federal resources created; LAB duty specified  - AB418
Firearm prohibitions re possession and carrying do not apply to peace officers [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, exceptions limited to transportation in vehicles, motorboats or aircraft] - AB174
General transportation aid revisions re aid rate per mile, law enforcement as share-of-costs and limit on reduction in aid [Sec. 1856-1863, 1873-1875, 9350 (8); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, limit on aid reduction removed, 1859m, 1863m, deletes 1860, 1861; Conf.Amdt.1: aid payments for calendar year 2001, deletes 1859m] -  AB133
General transportation aid revisions re aid rate per mile, law enforcement as share-of-costs and limit on reduction in aid [Sec. 1856-1863, 1873-1875, 9350 (8)]  - SB45