National forest income payments from federal government: distribution restored to pre-1999 WisAct 9 conditions; one-time distribution to school districts provided  - AB804
National forest income payments from federal government: distribution restored to pre-1999 WisAct 9 conditions; one-time distribution to school districts provided  - AB864
National forest income payments from federal government: distribution restored to pre-1999 WisAct 9 conditions; one-time distribution to school districts provided  - AB891
National forest income payments from federal government: distribution restored to pre-1999 WisAct 9 conditions; one-time distribution to school districts provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1: distribution to school districts revised, JCF provision (nonconcurred in Senate); Conf.Sub.Amdt.1: school and JCF provisions removed, payments to certain towns, Natural resources magazine provision] -  SB450
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns and villages -  AB396
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns and villages -  SB162
Residential development in towns limited; town plan requirements established; annexation of town territory restricted; Land use board created -  AB93
TEACH financial assistance to public library boards modified; educational agency with data line access may share with local or county government but business entity access prohibited - AB646
Telecommunications utility, alternate utility or carrier and Internet access service: governmental subdivisions may not provide - AB747
Telecommunications utility, alternate utility or carrier and Internet access service: governmental subdivisions may not provide - SB385
Urban towns: certain towns authorized to become; sunset provisions -  AB127
town _ boardTown — Board
Charter towns: certain towns authorized to become -  AB202
Farmland preservation pilot program created in the town of Troy; provision re purchase of development rights for farmland [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 184c, 1580p]  - AB133
Urban towns: certain towns authorized to become; sunset provisions -  AB127
town _ financeTown — Finance
Fire call on state trunk or interstate highway: DOT reimbursement of costs to towns revised - AB116
Incarceration costs: city, village or town may seek reimbursement from prisoner -  AB171
town _ health, board ofTown — Health, Board of, see Public health
town _ lawsTown — Laws
Antidiscrimination housing ordinance revision re removal of action to circuit court -  AB874
Campaign finance for county, city, town or village office: local ordinance authorized, Elections board must certify; local elections boards permitted -  AB413
Convenience store, service station and restaurant security: local ordinance permitted; DWD grant provision  - AB6
Drug paraphernalia possession, manufacture or delivery by certain persons: city, village or town ordinance prohibiting allowed -  AB155
Firearm regulation by ordinance in a city, town, village or county modified -  AB376
Firearm regulation by ordinance in a city, town, village or county modified -  SB184
Land use revisions re comprehensive plans, traditional neighborhood and conservation subdivision ordinances and transportation planning grants appropriation; state agency provision - AB872
Land use revisions re comprehensive plans, traditional neighborhood and conservation subdivision ordinances and transportation planning grants appropriation; state agency provision - SB468
Living-wage ordinances must conform to state minimum wage law -  AB950
Municipal fire, EMT and first responder volunteer funds: municipal ordinance permitted re control of funds by certain officials other than treasurer -  AB599
Musical recordings with explicit lyric warnings: sale or distribution to or purchase by person under age 18 prohibited; forfeiture, defense to prosecution and ordinance provisions  - SB167
Personal watercraft speed restrictions on certain lakes expanded; town ordinance provision -  AB816
Trash dumped illegally: town, town sanitary district and county may regulate by ordinance; publication of violator names - AB150
Zoning ordinances that limit alterations or repairs to nonconforming structures allowed re Lower St. Croix river  - AB803
Zoning ordinances that limit alterations or repairs to nonconforming structures allowed re Lower St. Croix river  - SB415
town _ officersTown — Officers
Bonding requirements of certain city, village, town and county officers eliminated -  AB383
Compatible offices and positions law: exception created re certain recreation department employes  - SB174
Elected town officers: date of commencement of terms of office revised -  AB434
Petition for recall of city, village, town or school district officer: statement of the grounds that constitute the cause required; circuit court duty specified -  SB514
town _ taxationTown — Taxation
Sales and use taxes and individual income taxes authorized and property tax levy limited for cities, villages, towns and counties: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR109
trade practiceTrade practice, see also Sales
Caller ID: use of blocking service by telephone and facsimile solicitors prohibited -  AB341
Caller ID: use of blocking service by telephone and facsimile solicitors prohibited -  SB140
Cigarette and tobacco products: disclosure of ingredients to DHFS; AG provisions -  AB282
Cigarette and tobacco products: disclosure of ingredients to DHFS; AG provisions -  SB22
Consumer billing practices: prohibitions created; lawn care service contracts regulated; DATCP duties specified  - AB306
Consumer protection and trade practice laws: administrative and enforcement authority transferred from DATCP to DOJ in certain cases [Sec. 18, 29, 124, 144, 146-165, 167, 168, 171, 173-177, 219-224, 240, 249, 322-324, 362-365, 369-375, 383-385, 9204, 9230 (3), 9404 (2)]  - SB357
Ginseng trade: Congress urged to end barriers imposed by China - AJR61
Home repair fraud: prohibitions created -  AB120
Intoxicating liquor dealerships [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2166e-s, 9358 (7c), 9458 (3c)]  - AB133
Minimum markup law: scope narrowed to tobacco products and alcohol beverages -  AB126
Motor vehicle manufacturers' dealership practices, ownership interests and automobile factory stores [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2342abc-abw, avm, avw]  - AB133
Personal information in business records: disposal requirements created -  AB102
Personal information of children: disclosure prohibitions created; injunction provision -  AB549
Personally identifiable information of a customer: business may not disclose to another person - AB294
Personally identifiable information of a customer re application for discount program: business may not release without including disclosure statement -  SB207
Services for children and families: funding re sales and use taxes collected by out-of-state direct marketers [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 390d, 1104g, 1815g] -  AB133
Unfair trade practice: separate private right of action for damages created -  SB426
Wisconsin fair dealership law: exemptions for intoxicating wine or liquor dealerships -  SB121
trade secretTrade secret, see Trade practice
trades and occupationsTrades and occupations, see also specific occupation
Architects, landscape architects, professional engineers, designers and land surveyors, Examining board of: disciplinary action and roster revisions (remedial legislation)  - SB389
Audiologist, hearing instrument specialist and speech-language pathologist license renewal dates; license exemption for assistants [Sec. 2863, 2924-2926, 9142 (1), 9342 (2)]  - AB133
Audiologist, hearing instrument specialist and speech-language pathologist license renewal dates; license exemption for assistants [Sec. 2863, 2924-2926, 9142 (1), 9342 (2)]  - SB45
Audiology and speech-language pathology certificates and transitional appraiser license: outdated references eliminated (remedial legislation) -  SB389
Bodyworker or massage therapist license: educational requirements revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, examination requirements added] -  AB237
Marriage and family therapist training certificate created; certificate examination procedure modified and professional counselor provision -  AB642
Marriage and family therapist training certificate created; certificate examination procedure modified and professional counselor provision -  SB321
New production bakery for Corr.Dept: DOA to study [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (18i)] - AB133
Occupational therapist or assistant: license or certificate not required for assistants in certain cases (remedial legislation) - AB389
Occupational therapists affiliated credentialing board created; license, education and registration provisions  - AB751
Occupational therapists affiliated credentialing board created; license, education and registration provisions  - SB407
Professional locksmith day proclaimed first Monday in October  - AR39
SSN provision deleted re application for marriage, professional, drivers, occupational or recreational licenses or in divorce judgement, support order or paternity determination records - AB617
Trade masters pilot program created in DWD; evaluation required -  AB577
Trade masters pilot program created in DWD; evaluation required -  SB279
Volunteer health care provider program: dietitians permitted to participate -  AB91
traffic officerTraffic officer
Citation quotas for law enforcement officers re traffic violations: state agency or political subdivision requirement prohibited [A.Amdt.1: performance evaluation provision]  - AB119
County-tribal law enforcement projects: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 481, 482-484, 576, 577, 2295, 2299-2301] -  AB133
County-tribal law enforcement projects: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 481, 482-484, 576, 577, 2295, 2299-2301] -  SB45