65.01 Application of this chapter.
65.02 Definitions.
65.03 Departmental estimates.
65.04 Meetings of board of estimates.
65.05 Adoption of budget; changes, how made.
65.06 Funds, how expended.
65.07 Power of council to levy taxes.
65.10 City officers to pay receipts monthly.
65.20 Executive budget procedures in cities of the 1st class.
65.90 Municipal budgets.
65.01 65.01 Application of this chapter. The common council of any city of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th class may by ordinance adopted by three-fourths of all its members accept the provisions of ss. 65.02, 65.03 and 65.04 which when so accepted shall be in full force and effect as to any such city. Except as above provided ss. 65.01 to 65.20 shall apply only to cities of the 1st class.
65.01 History History: 1977 c. 109.
65.02 65.02 Definitions.
65.02(1)(1)Department. In this chapter "department" or "departments" means any department, board, commission or other body under the control of the common council which expends city funds or incurs obligations for the city, and unless otherwise expressed refers to the head of such department.
65.02(2) (2)Estimate. The term "estimate" as used in this chapter shall include any written report of or the request of any department setting forth in detail the various sums and purposes it deems reasonably necessary to perform its functions.
65.02(3) (3)Board of estimates. The board of estimates shall be the mayor, the president of the common council, comptroller, treasurer, city attorney, commissioner of public works and the members of the finance committee of the common council.
65.02(4) (4)President and secretary. The mayor shall be president of the board and the comptroller shall be the secretary. The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the board and perform such other duties as may be required by the board.
65.02(5) (5)Budget. The budget shall provide a complete financial plan for the ensuing fiscal year. It shall contain in tabular form:
65.02(5)(a) (a) A general summary;
65.02(5)(b) (b) Detailed estimates of all anticipated revenues applicable to proposed expenditures;
65.02(5)(c) (c) All proposed expenditures;
65.02(5)(d) (d) A compensation schedule to provide uniform rates of pay for offices and positions in the city service. The total of such proposed expenditures shall not exceed the total of such anticipated revenues.
65.02(6) (6)Budget summary.
65.02(6)(a)(a) The budget summary shall itemize the principal sources of anticipated revenues and shall state separately the amount to be raised by property tax, and the proposed expenditures of each department, bureau, board and commission in such manner as to present to the public a simple and clear summary of the detailed estimates of the budget.
65.02(6)(b) (b) The budget summary shall also include all of the following:
65.02(6)(b)1. 1. The total amount of budgeted expenditures for the current year.
65.02(6)(b)2. 2. The proposed amount of total expenditures and the percentage change compared to the amount in subd. 1.
65.02(6)(b)3. 3. The property tax levy for the current year.
65.02(6)(b)4. 4. The proposed property tax levy and the percentage change compared to the amount in subd. 3.
65.02(7) (7)Anticipated revenues. Anticipated revenues shall be classified as "surplus", "miscellaneous revenues" and "amount to be raised by property tax"; miscellaneous revenues shall be listed by the sources from which such revenues are to be derived.
65.02(8) (8)Proposed expenditures. Separate provision shall be included in the proposed budget for at least:
65.02(8)(a) (a) The administration, operation and maintenance of each department, bureau, board, commission and division thereof, itemized by kind and nature of expenditure as required by the board of estimates.
65.02(8)(b) (b) The number, title and compensation range of each officer, and of each position and the proposed appropriation for the same shall be itemized according to the divisions in each department, bureau, board and commission and shall be incorporated in and published with the rest of the proposed budget.
65.02(8)(c) (c) Expenditures proposed for improvements.
65.02(9) (9)Uniform compensation schedule. The compensation schedule shall provide for and establish uniform rates of pay for offices and positions in the city service to be in effect for the ensuing fiscal year.
65.02(10) (10)Proposed expenditures; comparison with other years. The board of estimates shall direct that there be placed opposite the several items of proposed expenditures for the ensuing year, adequate comparisons with the budgets and expenditures of other years.
65.02(11) (11)Anticipated revenues; comparison with other years. The board of estimates shall direct that there be placed opposite the several items of anticipated revenues for the ensuing year, adequate comparisons with the anticipated revenues and receipts of other years.
65.02 History History: 1971 c. 154; 1989 a. 31; 1991 a. 316.
65.03 65.03 Departmental estimates.
65.03(1) (1) It shall be the duty of each department to file with the secretary of the board of estimates not later than August 1 of each year on forms approved by the board of estimates an estimate in detail of the department's needs for the ensuing fiscal year, including a statement of any permanent improvements to be made and an estimate of expenditures therefor, and including such information supplied in such form as the board of estimates may direct.
65.03(2) (2) Any department whose funds are not subject to the control of the common council may include in its estimate such sum as it may deem reasonably necessary for a contingent fund for emergency purposes or other purposes which may arise during the year requiring the expenditure of money in addition to the sums provided for the several purposes or for purposes for which no express provision is made in the budget.
65.04 65.04 Meetings of board of estimates.
65.04(1) (1)Meeting; report of estimates. The board of estimates shall meet not later than September 10 of each year. The secretary shall place before the board the reports of estimates filed with the secretary by the departments together with the comptroller's statement of anticipated revenues for the ensuing year and the adequate comparisons with other years as provided in s. 65.02 (5) to (11). The budget summary shall be published forthwith in at least one and not more than 2 daily newspapers having the largest circulation in the city as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, and in the proceedings of the common council; and a copy of the entire proposed budget shall be available for public inspection in the office of the city comptroller.
65.04(2) (2)Proposed budget; publication of summary. From the estimates before it the board shall make and submit to the common council, on or before October 25 each year, a proposed budget setting forth in detail the amounts proposed to be spent by each department and the various purposes therefor and the amounts of money for each purpose it is proposed shall be appropriated by the council. The proposed budget shall comply with s. 65.02 (5) to (11). The budget summary shall be published forthwith in at least one and not more than 2 daily newspapers having the largest circulation in the city as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, and the proposed budget summary shall be printed forthwith in the proceedings of the common council. If any department fails to file its estimates as herein provided the board shall make a proposed budget for such department specifying the purposes for which and the amount of funds such department may expend.
65.04(3) (3)Changes by board. The board shall not change any sum or purpose of any department which by law is authorized to determine the purposes of its expenditures and the tax to be levied therefor, unless such department by formal resolution shall so determine by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members, when the board shall then make the change and include a certified copy of such resolution with its estimates to be filed with the common council.
65.04(4) (4)Contingent fund. In addition to the purposes required to be set forth in detail the board may provide a contingent fund for such sum as they may deem reasonably necessary for emergency and other purposes that may arise during the year requiring the expenditure of money in addition to the sums provided for the several purposes, and for purposes for which no express provision is made in the budget.
65.04(5) (5)Bonds; mortgage certificates. The board shall also include in its budget the amount of bonds, the purposes therefor, and the required mortgage certificates to be issued during the fiscal year, except such bonds as are authorized to be omitted by express provision of law.
65.04(6) (6)Meetings public. All meetings of the board shall be public.
65.04(7) (7)Publication of notice of public hearings. At the meeting of the common council at which the proposed budget is submitted by the board of estimates, the common council shall determine the place and time of a public hearing on the budget which shall be held jointly by the common council and by the board of estimates not less than 10 days after the publication provided in s. 65.04 (2), nor later than November 10. The common council shall cause a notice of the place and time of said hearing to be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, which hearing shall be not less than 7 days after the date of the last publication of said notice in at least one and not more than 2 daily newspapers having the largest circulation in the city.
65.04(8) (8)Duties of the finance committee. The finance committee of the common council shall submit to the common council as soon after October 25 as may be practicable, but not later than November 20, a report or reports showing the number, title, compensation range of each officer and each position in the city service:
65.04(8)(a) (a) The number, title and compensation range of each officer and each position in the city service and the proposed appropriation for the same recommended for the ensuing year; and
65.04(8)(b) (b) A recommended compensation schedule of uniform rates of pay for offices and positions in the city service.
65.04(9) (9)Duties of budget supervisor. The budget supervisor or the head of the department having responsibility for the preparation or the analyzing of the budget, may be secretary of the board of estimates, if so directed by common council ordinance; that person shall not however be entitled to a vote on such board.
65.04 History History: 1971 c. 267; 1991 a. 316.
65.05 65.05 Adoption of budget; changes, how made.
65.05(1)(1) The common council, by vote of the majority of all the alderpersons, may make such changes in the proposed budget submitted by the board of estimates, and by the finance committee, either as to purposes or amounts for which money may be expended and as to purposes or amounts for which bonds or mortgage certificates may be issued as it may deem best.
65.05(2) (2) The common council shall not change the purposes or amounts provided in the proposed budget as submitted to it for the departments which by law are authorized to determine their expenditures and the taxes to be levied therefor, unless such department by formal resolution adopted by a majority of all its members shall authorize such change, nor shall the common council change the purposes or amounts of the bond or mortgage certificate issues which are required to be issued by law.
65.05(3) (3) When any department, authorized to determine its expenditures and the taxes to be levied therefor, shall authorize a change in its budget by the common council, the department shall file its resolution authorizing the change with the city clerk at least 2 days prior to the time fixed by law for the adoption of the budget, and the council shall then make the change in accordance with the resolution.
65.05(4) (4) The common council, on or before November 14, shall adopt the proposed budget by a majority vote of all the alderpersons either as submitted or as changed by the council. It shall not be necessary to refer the budget to a committee of the common council.
65.05(5) (5) The budget submitted by the board to the council as changed by the council within the time therein provided shall constitute the budget of the city for the following year whether or not any formal resolution or motion adopting it has been passed by the common council. Within 5 days either after its formal adoption by the council or by operation of law it shall be certified by the city clerk to the mayor for the mayor's approval.
65.05(6) (6) If the mayor approves the budget the mayor shall sign it. The mayor shall have power only to disapprove of any item or items therein under the control of the common council and upon disapproving any item or items the mayor shall return the budget to the clerk with a written statement of the mayor's objections to those items and the reasons therefor.
65.05(7) (7) The common council shall vote on each item disapproved by the mayor separately, and if the mayor's disapproval is sustained it shall affect only the items disapproved and sustained. The council may then proceed, by an affirmative vote of a majority of the alderpersons, to adopt a substitute for the item rejected which shall be separately submitted to the mayor subject to the mayor's approval. All items not disapproved by the mayor and sustained by the council shall constitute the budget and be in full force. The city clerk shall have the budget printed. The printed budget shall be filed in the office of the comptroller and made available for general distribution. In case of an obvious error in authorizing any salary or position as provided in s. 65.02 (8) (b), the common council may by a three-fourths vote of all its members correct such error in the period between the adoption of the budget and December 31 inclusive of each year.
65.05(8) (8) The adoption of the budget shall determine the amount of money to be levied upon all taxable property in the city for the ensuing year. The tax levy shall be computed by deducting the surplus and miscellaneous revenues available therefor from the appropriations for expenditures for the ensuing year. The city comptroller shall then certify the necessary taxes to be levied to the commissioner of assessments, who shall calculate the tax rate. Such tax rate shall be the rate of the ensuing tax levy.
65.05(9) (9) The compensation rates of pay and the number of positions established in the budget shall determine the compensation to be paid and the number of positions for the ensuing fiscal year except that additional positions may be established where necessary during the year by resolution adopted by three-fourths vote of all the alderpersons.
65.06 65.06 Funds, how expended.
65.06(1)(1) No money may be expended and no liabilities incurred by the city or any department unless otherwise specially authorized by law during the fiscal year, in excess of the amounts specified or except as hereinafter provided for any other purpose than as designated therein, provided, however, that whenever the city department that is responsible for a water system desires to make a contract extending over a period of more than one year for additions to the plant in excess of the estimated revenue for the year, if in the opinion of the board of estimates there will be money available to meet the payments on the contract as they may come due, then, by a majority vote of the board, they may authorize the comptroller to countersign such contract.
65.06(2) (2) Whenever a department is reimbursed for materials or services furnished, and the funds so received are not by law credited to some particular fund, the department may spend the money so received for the same purpose for which the money was originally appropriated in the budget.
65.06(3) (3) Whenever a department whose funds are subject to the control of the common council shall find it necessary to expend a greater sum than authorized by the budget for such specific purpose, and the department shall find it unnecessary to spend a sum as authorized for some other purpose, the department may request the secretary of the board of estimates to authorize the funds unnecessary for one purpose to be transferred to the purpose for which the greater sum is needed, stating the reasons therefor in writing. The secretary shall immediately submit such request to the mayor who shall call a meeting of the board forthwith at which the board may by a majority vote authorize the change, if the change shall be deemed advisable. Thereupon the secretary shall immediately certify the action of the board to the comptroller and the change shall be made in accordance with the action of the board.
65.06(4) (4) Any department authorized by law to fix its own tax levy may change at a regular meeting or one called for that purpose any appropriation specified in the budget for one purpose which is found unnecessary for that purpose to another purpose which the department shall find necessary to spend a greater sum than specified in the budget for that purpose. The department shall certify its action to the comptroller and the change shall be made accordingly.
65.06(5) (5) No department shall spend a greater sum than is appropriated by the budget for that department except:
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