66.0901 (6) Separation of contracts; classification of contractors. In public contracts for the construction, repair, remodeling, or improvement of a public building or structure, other than highway structures and facilities, a municipality may bid projects based on a single or multiple division of the work. Public contracts shall be awarded according to the division of work selected for bidding. The municipality may set out in any public contract reasonable and lawful conditions as to the hours of labor, wages, residence, character, and classification of workers to be employed by any contractor, classify contractors as to their financial responsibility, competency, and ability to perform work, and set up a classified list of contractors. The municipality may reject the bid of any person, if the person has not been classified for the kind or amount of work in the bid. If one of the conditions a municipality imposes under a contract that is let under this section authorizes preferences or set-asides to minority businesses in the awarding of a contract under this section, the condition shall require that the minority business be certified by the department of commerce under s. 560.036 (2).
16,2026m Section 2026m. 66.0901 (9) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0901 (9) (b) Retained percentages. As the work progresses under a contract involving $1,000 or more for the construction, execution, repair, remodeling or improvement of a public work or building or for the furnishing of supplies or materials, regardless of whether proposals for the contract are required to be advertised by law, the municipality, from time to time, shall grant to the contractor an estimate of the amount and proportionate value of the work done, which entitles the contractor to receive the amount of the estimate, less the retainage, from the proper fund. The retainage shall be an amount equal to 10% 5% of the estimate until 50% of the work has been completed. At 50% completion, further partial payments shall be made in full to the contractor and no additional amounts may be retained unless the architect or engineer certifies that the job is not proceeding satisfactorily, but amounts previously retained shall not be paid to the contractor. At 50% completion or any time after 50% completion when the progress of the work is not satisfactory, additional amounts may be retained but the total retainage may not be more than 10% 5% of the value of the work completed. Upon substantial completion of the work, an amount retained may be paid to the contractor. When the work has been substantially completed except for work which cannot be completed because of weather conditions, lack of materials or other reasons which in the judgment of the municipality are valid reasons for noncompletion, the municipality may make additional payments, retaining at all times an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of the work still to be completed or may pay out the entire amount retained and receive from the contractor guarantees in the form of a bond or other collateral sufficient to ensure completion of the job. For the purposes of this section, estimates may include any fabricated or manufactured materials and components specified, previously paid for by the contractor and delivered to the work or properly stored and suitable for incorporation in the work embraced in the contract.
16,2026nz Section 2026nz. 66.0903 (3) (ap) of the statutes is created to read:
66.0903 (3) (ap) In defining under par. (am) the trades or occupations that are commonly employed on projects that are subject to this section, the department:
1. May not define swimming pool installer as a separate trade or occupation for purposes of determining the prevailing wage rates for the trades or occupations that are commonly employed in the construction of swimming pools.
2. Shall define metal building assembler as a separate trade or occupation for purposes of determining the prevailing wage rates for that trade or occupation and shall include among the typical duties of that trade or occupation reroofing and repairing existing prefabricated, packaged metal buildings and constructing prefabricated, packaged metal additions to existing prefabricated, packaged metal buildings.
16,2026p Section 2026p. 66.0903 (3) (av) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0903 (3) (av) In determining prevailing wage rates under par. (am) or (ar), the department may not use data from projects that are subject to this section, s. 103.49 or 103.50, or 40 USC 276a unless the department determines that there is insufficient wage data in the area to determine those prevailing wage rates, in which case the department may use data from projects that are subject to this section, s. 103.49 or 103.50, or 40 USC 276a. The department may also use data from a project that is subject to this section, s. 103.49 or 103.50, or 40 USC 276a in determining prevailing wage rates under par. (am) or (ar) if the department determines that the wage rate paid on that project is higher than the prevailing wage rate determined for that project.
16,2026r Section 2026r. 66.0903 (10) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0903 (10) (a) Each contractor, subcontractor, or contractor's or subcontractor's agent performing work on a project that is subject to this section shall keep full and accurate records clearly indicating the name and trade or occupation of every person performing the work described in sub. (4) and an accurate record of the number of hours worked by each of those persons and the actual wages paid for the hours worked. If requested by any person, a contractor, subcontractor, or contractor's or subcontractor's agent performing work on a project that is subject to this section shall permit that person to inspect and copy any of those records to the same extent as if the record were maintained by the department, except that s. 19.36 (3) does not limit the duty of a subcontractor or a contractor's or subcontractor's agent to permit inspection and copying of a record under this paragraph. Before permitting the inspection and copying of a record under this paragraph, a contractor, subcontractor, or contractor's or subcontractor's agent shall delete from the record any personally identifiable information, as defined in s. 19.62 (5), contained in the record about any person performing the work described in sub. (4).
16,2029ss Section 2029ss. 66.1105 (5) (bh) of the statutes is created to read:
66.1105 (5) (bh) Notwithstanding the time limits in subs. (4) (e) and (4m) (b) 2., if the village clerk of a village that created, or attempted to create, a tax incremental district before June 2000 and amended or tried to amend the district's boundaries in September 2000 files with the department of revenue, not later than November 30, 2000, the forms and application that were originally due on or before December 31, 2000, the tax incremental base of the district shall be calculated by the department of revenue as if the time limits described in subs. (4) (e) and (4m) (b) 2. had been strictly complied with and, until the tax incremental district terminates, the department of revenue shall allocate tax increments and treat the district in all other respects as if the time limits described in subs. (4) (e) and (4m) (b) 2. had been strictly complied with and as if the district were created on January 1, 2000, except that the department of revenue may not certify a value increment under par. (b) before 2002.
16,2049h Section 2049h. 66.1113 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.1113 (2) (a) The governing body of a political subdivision, by a two-thirds vote of the members of the governing body who are present when the vote is taken, may enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution declaring itself to be a premier resort area if, except as provided in par. (e), at least 40% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property within such political subdivision is used by tourism-related retailers.
16,2049i Section 2049i. 66.1113 (2) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
66.1113 (2) (e) 1. The legislature finds the following with respect to the city of Eagle River:
a. That it has an atypical percentage of tax-exempt land within its boundaries that is used for tourism-related purposes.
b. That it is the site of national recreational competitions that draw tourism business to the entire northern region of this state.
2. The city of Eagle River may enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution declaring itself to be a premier resort area under par. (a) even if less than 40% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property within Eagle River is used by tourism-related retailers.
16,2056g Section 2056g. 67.05 (6m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
67.05 (6m) (a) An initial resolution adopted by a technical college district board for an issue of bonds in an amount of money not exceeding $500,000 $1,000,000 for building remodeling or improvement need not be submitted to the electors of the district for approval unless within 30 days after the initial resolution is adopted there is filed with the technical college district secretary a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 requesting a referendum thereon. Such a petition shall be signed by electors from each county lying wholly or partially within the district. The number of electors from each county shall equal at least 1.5% of the population of the county as determined under s. 16.96 (2) (c). If a county lies in more than one district, the technical college system board shall apportion the county's population as determined under s. 16.96 (2) (c) to the districts involved and the petition shall be signed by electors equal to the appropriate percentage of the apportioned population. Any initial resolution adopted under sub. (1) in an amount of money not exceeding $500,000 $1,000,000 at the discretion of the district board, may be submitted to the electors without waiting for the filing of a petition. All initial resolutions adopted under sub. (1) in an amount of money in excess of $500,000 $1,000,000 or more for building remodeling or improvement shall be submitted to the electors of the district for approval. If a referendum is duly petitioned or required under this subsection, bonds may not be issued until the electors of the district have approved the issue.
16,2056r Section 2056r. 67.12 (12) (e) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
67.12 (12) (e) 5. Within 10 days of the adoption by a technical college district board of a resolution under subd. 1. to issue a promissory note for a purpose under s. 38.16 (2), the secretary of the district board shall publish a notice of such adoption as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985. The notice need not set forth the full contents of the resolution, but shall state the amount proposed to be borrowed, the method of borrowing, the purpose thereof, that the resolution was adopted under this subsection and the place where and the hours during which the resolution is available for public inspection. If the amount proposed to be borrowed is for building remodeling or improvement and does not exceed $500,000 $1,000,000 or is for movable equipment, the district board need not submit the resolution to the electors for approval unless, within 30 days after the publication or posting, a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 is filed with the secretary of the district board requesting a referendum at a special election to be called for that purpose. Such petition shall be signed by electors from each county lying wholly or partially within the district. The number of electors from each county shall equal at least 1.5% of the population of the county as determined under s. 16.96 (2) (c). If a county lies in more than one district, the technical college system board shall apportion the county's population as determined under s. 16.96 (2) (c) to the districts involved and the petition shall be signed by electors equal to the appropriate percentage of the apportioned population. In lieu of a special election, the district board may specify that the referendum shall be held at the next succeeding spring primary or election or September primary or general election. Any resolution to borrow amounts of money in excess of $500,000 $1,000,000 for building remodeling or improvement shall be submitted to the electors of the district for approval. If a referendum is held or required under this subdivision, no promissory note may be issued until the issuance is approved by a majority of the district electors voting at such referendum. The referendum shall be noticed, called and conducted under s. 67.05 (6a) insofar as applicable, except that the notice of special election and ballot need not embody a copy of the resolution and the question which shall appear on the ballot shall be "Shall .... (name of district) be authorized to borrow the sum of $.... for (state purpose) by issuing its general obligation promissory note (or notes) under section 67.12 (12) of the Wisconsin Statutes?".
16,2057 Section 2057. 69.01 (6g) of the statutes is created to read:
69.01 (6g) "Date of death" means the date that a person is pronounced dead by a physician, coroner, deputy coroner, medical examiner, or deputy medical examiner.
16,2058 Section 2058. 69.01 (16m) of the statutes is created to read:
69.01 (16m) "Medical certification" means those portions of a death certificate that provide the cause of death, the manner of death, injury-related data, and any other medically-related data that is collected as prescribed by the state registrar under s. 69.18 (1m) (c) 2.
16,2059 Section 2059. 69.01 (22) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.01 (22) "Research" means a systematic study through scientific inquiry for the purpose of expanding a field of knowledge, including but not limited to environmental or epidemiological research or special studies, that is conducted by persons who meet criteria for access that are specified in rules promulgated under s. 69.20 (4).
16,2060 Section 2060. 69.01 (26) of the statutes is renumbered 69.01 (26) (intro.) and amended to read:
69.01 (26) (intro.) "Vital records" means certificates any of the following:
(a) Certificates of birth, death, and divorce or annulment, and marriage documents and data .
(c) Data related thereto to documents under par. (a) or worksheets under par. (b).
16,2061 Section 2061. 69.01 (26) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
69.01 (26) (b) Worksheets that use forms that are approved by the state registrar and are related to documents under par. (a).
16,2062 Section 2062. 69.03 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.03 (5) Under this subchapter, accept for registration, assign a date of acceptance, and index and preserve original certificates of birth and death, original marriage documents and original divorce reports. Indexes prepared for public use under s. 69.20 (3) (e) shall consist of the registrant's full name, date of the event, county of occurrence, county of residence, and, at the discretion of the state registrar, state file number. Notwithstanding s. 69.24 (1) (e), the state registrar may transfer the paper original of a vital record to optical disc or electronic format in accordance with s. 16.61 (5) or to microfilm reproduction in accordance with s. 16.61 (6) and destroy the paper original of any vital record that is so converted. For the purposes of this subchapter, the electronic format version or microfilm reproduction version of the paper original of a vital record that has been transferred under this subsection shall serve as the original vital record.
16,2063 Section 2063. 69.06 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.06 (2) Make, file, and index an exact copy of every certificate accepted under sub. (1). Indexes prepared for public use under s. 69.20 (3) (e) shall consist of the registrant's full name, date of the event, county of occurrence, county of residence, and, at the discretion of the state registrar, local file number.
16,2064 Section 2064. 69.07 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.07 (2) Make, file, and index an exact copy of every vital record accepted under sub. (1) or received under s. 69.05 (3). Indexes prepared for public use under s. 69.20 (3) (e) shall consist of the registrant's full name, date of the event, county of occurrence, county of residence, and, at the discretion of the state registrar, local file number.
16,2065b Section 2065b. 69.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.08 (1) Is on a form prescribed or supplied for the record by the state registrar.
16,2067 Section 2067. 69.11 (3) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
69.11 (3) (b) 2. Cause of death, if the vital record is a death certificate and if the amendment is accompanied by a statement which that the person who signed the medical certificate part of the death certificate under s. 69.18 (2) certification has submitted to support the amendment.
16,2068 Section 2068. 69.11 (3) (b) 3. of the statutes is repealed.
16,2069 Section 2069. 69.11 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.11 (4) (b) If 365 days have elapsed since the occurrence of the event which is the subject of a birth certificate, the The state registrar may amend an item on the a birth certificate which that affects information about the name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, parents' surnames parent's name, or marital status of the mother on a birth certificate if 365 days have elapsed since the occurrence of the event that is the subject of the birth certificate, if the amendment is at the request of a person with a direct and tangible interest in the record and is on a request form supplied by the state registrar, and if the amendment is accompanied by 2 items of documentary evidence from early childhood that are sufficient to prove that the item to be changed is in error and by the affidavit of the person requesting the amendment. A change in the marital status on the birth certificate may be made under this paragraph only if the marital status is inconsistent with information concerning the father or husband that appears on the birth certificate. This paragraph may not be used to add to or delete from a birth certificate the name of a parent or to change the identity of a parent named on the birth certificate.
16,2070 Section 2070. 69.11 (5) (a) 2. of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
69.11 (5) (a) 2. If the amendment changes the information on the vital record, do all of the following:
a. Record the correct information in the relevant area of the vital record.
b. Maintain legibility of the changed information by placing a single line through the changed entry, by recording the changed information elsewhere on the legal portion of the vital record, or both.
c. Make a notation on the vital record that clearly states that the vital record has been amended and that gives the number of the item corrected, the date of the correction, and the source of the amending information.
d. Initial the amendment notation specified in subd. 2. c.
16,2071 Section 2071. 69.12 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
69.12 (5) A change in the marital status on the certificate of birth may be requested under this section only if the marital status is inconsistent with father or husband information appearing on the certificate of birth. This section may not be used to add or delete the name of a parent on the certificate of birth or change the identity of either parent named on the certificate of birth.
16,2072 Section 2072. 69.13 of the statutes is created to read:
69.13 Correction of facts misrepresented by informant for certificate of birth. The state registrar may, under an order issued by the circuit court of the county in which a birth occurred, correct information about the parent or the marital status of the mother on a certificate of birth that is registered in this state if all of the following conditions apply:
(1) The correction may not be accomplished under s. 69.11, 69.12, or 69.15 because the disputed information was misrepresented by the informant during the preparation of the birth certificate.
(2) The state registrar receives, on a form prescribed by the state registrar, a court order that is accompanied by all of the following:
(a) A petition for correction filed by a person with a direct and tangible interest in the certificate of birth.
(b) Certification that all of the following supporting evidence, as listed by the court in the order, was presented in addition to oral testimony:
1. A certified copy of the original certificate of birth.
2. If the birth occurred in a hospital, a copy of the birth worksheet and any other supporting documentation from the hospital.
3. If the birth did not occur in a hospital, a statement from the birth attendant.
4. If relevant to the correction sought, a certified copy of a marriage document, a certified copy of a certificate of divorce or annulment or a final divorce decree that indicates that the mother was not married to the person listed as her husband at any time during the pregnancy, a legal name change order, or any other legal document that clarifies the disputed information.
5. A statement signed by the certificate of birth informant or the petitioner acknowledging that the disputed information was misrepresented.
(c) The supporting evidence specified in par. (b) 1. to 5.
(d) The fee specified under s. 69.22 (5) (b) 1.
16,2073 Section 2073. 69.14 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
69.14 (1) (a) 1. Except as provided under subd. 2., a certificate of birth for every birth which that occurs in this state shall be filed in the registration district in which the birth occurs within 5 days after the birth and shall be registered with the state registrar, who shall register the birth under this subchapter and shall make a copy of the certificate of birth available to the registration district in which the birth occurred and the registration district in which the mother of the registrant resided at the time of the birth.
16,2074 Section 2074. 69.14 (1) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.14 (1) (cm) Information concerning paternity. For a birth which occurs en route to or at a hospital, the filing party shall give the mother a copy of the pamphlet under s. 69.03 (14). If the child's parents are not married at the time of the child's birth, the filing party shall give the mother a copy of the form prescribed by the state registrar under s. 69.15 (3) (b) 3. The filing party shall ensure that trained, designated hospital staff provide to the child's available parents oral information or an audio or video presentation and written information about the form and the significance and benefits of, and alternatives to, establishing paternity, before the parents sign the form. The filing party shall also provide an opportunity to complete the form and have the form notarized in the hospital. If the mother provides a completed form to the filing party while she is a patient in the hospital and within 5 days after the birth, the filing party shall send the form directly to the state registrar. From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (3) (mc) (dz), the department of workforce development shall pay the filing party a financial incentive for correctly filing a form within 60 days after the child's birth.
16,2075 Section 2075. 69.15 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.15 (1) (b) A clerk of court or, for a paternity action, a clerk of court or county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5), sends the state registrar a certified report of an order of a court in this state on a form supplied by the state registrar or, in the case of any other order, the state registrar receives a certified copy of the order and the proper fee under s. 69.22.
16,2077 Section 2077. 69.18 (1) (bm) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.18 (1) (bm) (intro.) A person required to file a certificate of death under par. (b) shall obtain the information required for the certificate of death from the next of kin or the best qualified person or source available. The person filing the certificate of death shall enter his or her signature on the certificate and include his or her address and the date of signing and shall present or mail the certificate, within 24 hours after being notified of the death, to the physician, coroner or medical examiner responsible for completing and signing the medical certification under sub. (2). Within 2 days after receipt of the medical certification under sub. (2), the person filing the certificate of death shall mail or present the certificate of death , together with the fee required under s. 69.22 (7), in:
16,2078 Section 2078. 69.18 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.18 (1) (c) A hospital or, a nursing home, as defined in s. 50.01 (3), or a hospice, as defined in s. 50.90 (1), which is the place of death of a person may prepare a certificate of death for the person and give the certificate to the person who moves the corpse under par. (a).
16,2079 Section 2079. 69.18 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
69.18 (1) (d) A hospital or, nursing home, or hospice, as defined in s. 50.90 (1) (c), may not release a corpse to any person under par. (a) unless the person presents a notice of removal on a form prescribed by the state registrar, in duplicate, to the administrator of the hospital or , nursing home, or hospice. The administrator shall retain one copy and forward the other copy to the local registrar of the registration district in which the hospital or , nursing home, or hospice is located.
16,2080 Section 2080. 69.18 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
69.18 (1m) Format. Beginning on January 1, 2003, a certificate of death shall consist of the following parts:
(a) Fact-of-death information, which shall include all of the following:
1. The name and other identifiers of the decedent, including the decedent's social security number, if any.
2. The date, time, and place that the decedent was pronounced dead.
3. The manner of the decedent's death.
4. The identity of the person certifying the death.