Binding arbitration for 1st class city police department members re interrogations of the police officer [Sec. 2610, 9317 (6)] -
Act 16
City-county health department revisions; collective bargaining and WRS provisions [Sec. 1398w, 1563d, 2021n, 2609j, 3128pd-ps] -
Act 16
Compensation and fringe benefit supplement for state agencies [Sec. 946-948, 950-952, 954-957, 959, 960, 9459 (4)]
Act 16
Law enforcement officer or fire fighter discipline procedure revised re collective bargaining agreement [Sec. 150g, 9359 (7v)] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
QEO revisions re maintenance of all conditions of employment, permissive subjects of bargaining, and binding arbitration [Sec. 2609L-t, 9317 (8m)] [vetoed] -
Recreational boating aids for Fish, Mud, and Crystal lakes in Dane and Columbia counties [Sec. 9137 (2x)]
Act 109
Agricultural development zone provisions [Sec. 2146m, 2147k, r, t, 2177m, 2178k, r, t, 2191m, 2192r, t, 3700d, 3708m, 9344 (30nk)] [3708m — partial veto]
Act 16
Anhydrous ammonia regulations revised; penalty provided -
Act 73
Anhydrous ammonia storage and handling regulations created; penalty and civil liability provisions
Act 3
Brand image for Wisconsin technology and biotechnology: Forward Wisconsin, Inc., to study [Sec. 17u, v, 26, 28no, p, 9110 (1c), 9410 (1e)] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
Brownfields grant program: funding levels requirement eliminated; grants awarded on semiannual basis [Sec. 3631-3632] [3631m — vetoed] -
Act 16
Brownfields grants to cities of: Kenosha re American Brass Factory site, Beloit re abandoned rail corridor, and Amery re Apple River project [Sec. 9110 (9c)-(9e)]
Act 16
Brownfields redevelopment grants: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3625-3629] -
Act 16
Brownfields site assessment grant program revisions; sustainable urban development zone program expanded; references to ``pilot program" in specific cities removed; cities of Fond du Lac and Platteville added [Sec. 3323b-3324db, 3696]
Act 16
Business development initiative program eliminated [Sec. 29, 30, 475-504] -
Act 109
CAP Services, Inc.: grant re assistance to small businesses [Sec. 439, 9110 (8y)] [vetoed] -
Certified capital companies administration appropriation: lapse balance to general fund at year end [Sec. 442g] [vetoed] -
Chippewa Valley Technical College grant for health care education center [Sec. 451, 9110 (2k)] -
Act 16
Comm.Dept early planning grants for businesses: contracting directly with providers of assistance permitted [Sec. 3664, 3665, 3710, 3711, 3712] -
Act 16
Comm.Dept reports re Business development assistance center and entrepreneurial and intermediary assistance programs consolidated and revised [Sec. 3694, 3695, 3697, 3698]
Act 16
Crane operator certification [Sec. 2447x, 2490b, f, 9110 (9q) - (9qr), 9310 (2q), 9410 (2q)] [vetoed]
Development opportunity zone in Milwaukee: tax credit for capital investment; tax benefits on basis of another's activity in that zone authorized [Sec. 2143, 2146, 2152, 2157, 2175, 2176, 2177, 2180, 2182, 2191, 2194, 2203, 2248, 3700, 3701, 3702, 3703, 3704, 3705-3708, 9344 (9), (10)] [2146, 2175, 2177, 2191 — partial veto] -
Act 16
Dwelling code council: membership revised [Sec. 170d, 9110 (4q)] -
Act 16
Economic strategy, Office of: Comm.Dept to report on plan to create [Sec. 9110 (8z)] [vetoed] -
Fire dues program administration pending rule changes; sunset provided [Sec. 2490r-2497m] [vetoed]
Fire suppression equipment and material: grant program for rural fire departments [Sec. 3664m] [vetoed]
Florence County Keyes Peak Recreation Center grant [Sec. 451, 9110 (10fk)] [vetoed] -
Gaming economic and diversification programs and gaming specialist salary and benefits: payment out of Native American liaison appropriation [Sec. 449] -
Act 16
Gaming economic development and diversification program revisions, appropriations consolidated; brownfields remediation included; grants to M7 Development Corporation re Lincoln Park center and Oneida Small Business, Inc., re Project 2000 [Sec. 443, 445, 451, 452, 882, 3634-3642, 3646, 9110 (1)] [451 — partial veto; 9110 (1) — vetoed]
Act 16
Gateway Technical College: grant for [Sec. 439, 9110 (8x)] [vetoed] -
GPR appropriations decreased [Sec. 9210 (5)-(10), (11)] -
Act 109
Indian gaming receipts transferred to certain state agencies [Sec. 9201 (5mk), 9205 (1mk), 9210 (3mk), 9223 (5mk), 9224 (1mk), 9225 (1mk), 9231 (1mk), 9237 (4mk), 9240 (1mk), 9251 (1mk), 9256 (1mk), 9257 (2mk), 9258 (2mk)]
Act 16
International and export development, Division of, position and audit; charges for international liaison services to state agencies [Sec. 3650-3652, 9110 (9mq), 9132 (5q)] [9132 (5q) — vetoed] -
Act 16
International and export services, Division of: funding for [Sec. 28n, 29n, 9110 (1z), 9210 (11z), 9410 (1z)] [9210 (11z) — partial veto; 9110 (1z) — vetoed]
Act 109
Manufactured home water and sewer regulation revisions; transitional water and sewer assessments [Sec. 459r, 464, 465b, 2408, 2532-2539, 2540-2541, 2973-2977, 2989-2994, 3002-3007, 3014b-3017, 9110 (3z), 9142 (2), 9210 (3z)]
Act 16
Manufacturing extension center grants funded from Indian gaming revenues; program date extended [Sec. 444, 454, 884, 3692, 3693] -
Act 16
Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation grants to the Menominee Valley Partners, Inc.: funding from environmental fund, Indian gaming revenue provisions; matching funds required [Sec. 458, 3643-3645] -
Act 16
Minority business grant and loan funds: use for certain expenses prohibited [Sec. 3709] -
Act 16
Operations appropriation reduced; may submit request to JCF re reallocation [Sec. 9259 (7z)] -
Act 109
PECFA changes re revenue bonding limit and reimbursement for some interest costs [Sec. 2468p, r, 2470-2471, 2483k, 2485, 9110 (2x), (2y), 9310 (1x)] [2470p, r, 9110 (2x), (2y), 9310 (1x) — vetoed] -
Act 16
Physician loan assistance program expanded to include dentists and dental hygienists; membership of Rural health development council increased [Sec. 171, 172, 446, 447, 885c, 3667-3691] -
Act 16
Port Plaza Renovation Project in city of Green Bay: funding and management of grant proceeds [Sec. 451, 9110 (11zx)]
Act 16
Potosi Brewery Foundation grants [Sec. 451, 9110 (11pk)] -
Act 16
Public works contracts and minority businesses [Sec. 321j, 1111j, 1346t, 1372i, 1406w, 2001r, 2002m, 2003t, vp, vq, wm, wq, 2026k, 2307h-j, ji, 2744m, 2760m, 3020h-k, 3035x, 3037p-r, 3095j, 3097e, 3098v, 3141d, 3619sd-sp, 3710j] [vetoed] -
Rural finance authority: creation proposed [Sec. 9110 (1v)] -
Act 109
Segregated funding to Comm.Dept and DNR decreased; funds transferred from the petroleum inspection, recycling, and environmental funds [Sec. 9210 (2)-(4), 9237 (11)-(20)]
Act 109
State agency budget reductions due to efficiency measures; submission of requests to JCF for reallocating appropriations reductions [Sec. 9159 (1)] [partial veto]
Act 16
Tank plan review and inspection fees deposit in petroleum inspection fund [Sec. 1129, 2449, 2490, 9101 (1), 9210 (1)] -
Act 16
Technology zones: Comm.Dept to designate; tax credit eligibility; partnerships, LLCs and tax options made ineligible; zone designation with JCF approval; sunset provided [Sec. 2148, 2153, 2179, 2181, 2193, 2195, 2204, 3713, 9344 (22)] [3713 — partial veto] -
Act 16
Trade show grants: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3653-3663] -
Act 16
United Community Center in the city of Milwaukee: grants for [Sec. 445g, 9110 (7g)] -
Act 16
Wisconsin advanced telecommunications foundation elimination; fund transfers; technology provisions re industrial development and growth, digital mammography machine, geographical education, and other technological advances [for sections numbers, see entry under ``Telecommunications"]
Act 16
Wisconsin development fund decrease [Sec. 9210 (10w)] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
Wisconsin development fund treatment and grants for specific purposes; business planning grant re vodka distillation from potatoes and potato waste [Sec. 438m, 3619w, 3692c, 9110 (10eg), 9410 (2xyf)] [438m — partial veto; 9110 (10eg) — vetoed] -
Act 16
Wisconsin development reserve fund: ratio for reserves revised [Sec. 3125c, 3126] [3125c — vetoed]
Act 16
Wood treated with arsenic: DATCP and Comm.Dept to review and report re harm to environment or human health, may not prohibit unless substitute available; report to JCF re plan to keep arsenic treated wood use in picnic tables, park benches, and children's playground equipment [Sec. 2394p, 9104 (2k)] [2394p — partial veto; 9104 (2k) — vetoed]
Act 16
Uniform commercial code revision re secured transactions adopted [partial veto] -
Act 10
COP and CIP-II bed-size restrictions eliminated [Sec. 1502L-r, 1504r-1505d, 1507s-1508d] [1504r — vetoed]
Act 16
Fee revenue allocation revision [Sec. 708] -
Act 16
Southern Wisconsin Veterans Retirement Center funding [Sec. 783t, 9157 (8b)] -
Act 16
Life and public service [AJR-77] - JR-35