Wisconsin School for the Deaf name changed to Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and service revision; Deaf and hard of hearing education council created; LAB audit required [Sec. 181m, 371b, 541r, 542, 545d-L, 1381g, p, r, 1416, 1489m, 1789b-d, 2639m, 2660m-2662g, 2764c, 2779s, 3938s, 9140 (3q)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
legislative fiscal bureauLegislative fiscal bureau
Biennial budget report and GAAP requirements; DOA and LFB duties [Sec. 115, 231, 232] -  Act 16
Long-range surface transportation investment planning committee created; DOT and LFB to staff; report required [Sec. 9152 (3b)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Prison impact assessment: LFB to prepare for certain bills and bill drafts [Sec. 97m, 114v] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
legislative reference bureauLegislative reference bureau
Congressional redistricting based on 2000 census; LRB duty specified -  Act 46
Watchke, Gary: public service commended upon retirement from the LRB [SJR-37] -  JR-28
legislative studiesLegislative studies, see Studies
legislatureLegislature, see also Redistricting
Appropriation lapses and reestimates [Sec. 9232 (8z)] -  Act 109
Legislative hotline prohibited [Sec. 102p, 2304p, 9432 (1z)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Legislative party caucus staffs deauthorized; JCLO authority deleted; number of positions for Senate or Assembly maintained -  Act 19
State fair park board: sunset on legislative membership eliminated [Sec. 183h, i] [vetoed] -  SB-55
legislature _ administrative rules, joint committee for review ofLegislature — Administrative rules, Joint committee for review of, see also Administrative rules
Chronic wasting disease re cervids: funding, hunting, shooting from certain vehicles, and DNR authority provisions; JCRAR may extend certain emergency rules  -  Act 108
legislature _ audit committee, joint legislativeLegislature — Audit committee, Joint legislative
ATV regulation: DNR annual report to JLAC re impact of increase in conservation warden positions [Sec. 1066atk] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Credentialing fee methodologies used by DORL: JLAC requested to direct LAB to evaluate [Sec. 9132 (3v)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
DOA program evaluation and management audit: JLAC requested to direct LAB to conduct [Sec. 9132 (1c)] [vetoed] -  Jr2 AB-1
GIS mapping services: JLAC may request performance evaluation audit of DNR services; to include feasibility of privatization [Sec. 9132 (2z)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Inmate health care provisions; Corr.Dept reports specified; medical histories to appear on staff intranet [Sec. 3329e, p-u, 9111 (3c) - (3cd)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
International and export development, Division of, position and audit; charges for international liaison services to state agencies [Sec. 3650-3652, 9110 (9mq), 9132 (5q)] [9132 (5q) — vetoed] -  Act 16
MA estate recovery program: JLAC to request LAB to perform a financial performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9132 (3w)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
State-owned aircraft: DOA to select 2 for sale, proceeds deposited in general fund; JLAC to request performance evaluation of usage; study provided if audit not initiated [Sec. 9101 (20j), 9132 (3y), 9159 (3y)] [9159 (3y) — partial veto; 9132 (3y) — vetoed] -  Act 16
State procurement services: JLAC requested to direct LAB to conduct a performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9132 (2ak)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
legislature _ billsLegislature — Bills, see Bills, Legislative
legislature _ caucusLegislature — Caucus, see Legislature
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision, private bar appropriation increase, trial and appellate division hiring freeze exemption, threshold for property crimes, and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated; Joint review committee on criminal penalties created [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Corrections, Department of"]  -  Act 109
Transfer credit reports from U.W. and TCS required [Sec. 9156 (2mp)] -  Act 16
legislature _ employeeLegislature — Employee
Meyer, Jerome Nicholas ``Cork": life and public service [SJR-50] -  JR-26
legislature _ finance, joint committee onLegislature — Finance, Joint committee on
Badger care eligibility plan and funding [Sec. 1836g, r] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Badger care health care program savings: DHFS report to JCF [Sec. 9123 (9wo)] [partial veto] -  Act 16
Badger care program funding increased; certain income augmentation moneys lapse to the general fund; DHFS to submit certain plan to JCF -  Act 1
Concessions in state parks: DNR to review and report on operations [Sec. 9137 (4z)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
DNR administrative funding: report to JCF required [Sec. 9137 (4y)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Estate tax references to federal estate tax; DOR to submit proposed legislation to JCF in certain cases [Sec. 2200d-L, 9144 (1q), 9444 (5ak)] [2200L — partial veto]  -  Act 16
Faculty and academic GPR funded positions: procedure revised re Regents' authority to create or abolish; report to DOA and JCF; memorandum of understanding re methodology for cost of funding any new positions [Sec. 242]  -  Act 16
Fee-recovery courses: U.W. Regents to submit annual report to JCF [Sec. 1351r] -  Act 16
Fish and game approval fees use for conservation purposes: JCF to determine what constitutes administration of DNR re management of fish and wildlife resources [Sec. 1117m] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Forestry demonstration and education center location review by DNR, JCF duties; acquisition of lands in Milwaukee county [Sec. 1038g, m, r, sam, 1153p] [1038r, sam — vetoed] -  Act 16
Inmate health care provisions; Corr.Dept reports specified; medical histories to appear on staff intranet [Sec. 3329e, p-u, 9111 (3c) - (3cd)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Inmate treatment re gender-specific programs for females and AODA treatment for males and females: reports to JCF required [Sec. 3327q, 3329x, 9111 (6e), (7d)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
JCF permanent hearing room dedicated and 90 years of service honored [SJR-45] -  JR-19
Kickapoo valley reserve appropriation for payments in lieu of taxes; new GPR funding for information technology; Indian gaming revenues use to provide law enforcement services; report re generating revenues and resubmitting building plans [Sec. 631r-632g, 881r, 1263h, 1404f] [632g, 1263h, 1404f — vetoed] -  Act 16
Land purchase or exchange by BCPL; provisions re project land under a hydroelectric project [Sec. 1039b, 1088e-r] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Misdemeanor diversion program to be developed by Public defender board, Director of state courts, and Wisconsin District Attorneys Association; passive review by JCF; community justice center grants [Sec. 9101 (13), (21j), 9139 (1)] [9101 (21j) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Outpatient services increase in hospital and HMO rates of reimbursement: DHFS plan for distributing moneys; JCF passive review [Sec. 9123 (13dd)] -  Act 16
PSC exemption from hiring freeze; report to JCF if positions are not filled [Sec. 9142 (1x), 9259 (1)] [vetoed]  -  Jr2 AB-1
Psychosocial services: DHFS report on status of MA benefit implementation [Sec. 9123 (8d)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Shared human resources system re civil service system: funding provided; reports required [Sec. 910d, 9129 (1m)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Stanley prison lease and report [Sec. 9111 (5gk)] -  Act 16
State agency budget reductions due to efficiency measures; submission of requests to JCF for reallocating appropriations reductions [Sec. 9159 (1)] [partial veto]  -  Act 16
State building program: DOA to provide JCF with Building commission's recommendations re revision of enumerated projects [Sec. 9101 (20z)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
State-owned land under DNR jurisdiction: JCF approval of contract to sell or exchange required [Sec. 72m] [vetoed]  -  Jr2 AB-1
Technology zones: Comm.Dept to designate; tax credit eligibility; partnerships, LLCs and tax options made ineligible; zone designation with JCF approval; sunset provided [Sec. 2148, 2153, 2179, 2181, 2193, 2195, 2204, 3713, 9344 (22)] [3713 — partial veto] -  Act 16
Theft threshold re felony penalties revised; public defender GPR lapse; report to JCF re savings [Sec. 3938u-w, 3939b-s, 3966r, 4018f, h, 9139 (2q), 9239 (1q), 9359 (11r)] [9139 (2q) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Transitional placement facility for parolees: Corr.Dept to study; report to JCF [Sec. 9111 (3g)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Transportation safety contracts funded with federal funds: JCF to review [Sec. 2340t, 9352 (3y)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Tribal logo for use on notifications of grants funded by Indian gaming receipts: Robert M. La Follette institute of public affairs, U.W. Madison, and American Indian tribes in Wisconsin to develop; JCF to approve [Sec. 1351t] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Unfunded state agency positions eliminated [Sec. 9101 (7)] -  Act 109
Vacant positions in executive branch eliminated; DOA secretary to notify JCF of all actions [Sec. 9101 (26n)] [partial veto] -  Act 16
Victim restitution: DOJ report to DOA and JCF re use of moneys [Sec. 2856d] -  Act 16
Water resource management: DNR may submit proposal for computer accessible information, funding provision; passive review by JCF [Sec. 600d, r, 9137 (2t)] [600r, 9137 (2t) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Wisconsin history center enumerated; private funding commitment requirements re contracting public debt; Building commission and JCF duties [Sec. 977e, h, 9107 (7x)] [9107 (7x) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Wood treated with arsenic: DATCP and Comm.Dept to review and report re harm to environment or human health, may not prohibit unless substitute available; report to JCF re plan to keep arsenic treated wood use in picnic tables, park benches, and children's playground equipment [Sec. 2394p, 9104 (2k)] [2394p — partial veto; 9104 (2k) — vetoed]  -  Act 16
legislature _ legislative organization, joint committee onLegislature — Legislative organization, Joint committee on
Capitol offices relocation costs: appropriation decreased; expenditures to be made only with JCLO approval [Sec. 52m]  -  Act 109
Legislative hotline prohibited [Sec. 102p, 2304p, 9432 (1z)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Legislative party caucus staffs deauthorized; JCLO authority deleted; number of positions for Senate or Assembly maintained -  Act 19
legislature _ memberLegislature — Member
Conradt, Ervin ``Butch": life and public service [AJR-77] -  JR-35
Hicks, William Clayton: life and public servivce [SJR-8] -  JR-2
Kaftan, Frederick F.: life and public service [SJR-53] -  JR-30
Keppler, Ernest C.: life and public service [SJR-39] -  JR-18
Leean, Joe: public service commended and congratulations upon retirement [AJR-29] -  JR-13
Lien, Edgar E.: life and public service [AJR-3] -  JR-6
Litscher, LeRoy Pete: life and public service [AJR-11] -  JR-7
Looby, Joseph L.: life and public service [AJR-25] -  JR-11
Lorge, Gerald D.: life and public service [SJR-28] -  JR-22
Mayer, George A.: life and public service [SJR-18] -  JR-9
Radcliffe, John Quentin: life and public service [SJR-48] -  JR-20
Smith, Charles F., III: life and public service [SJR-33] -  JR-23
Soik, Nile W.: life and public service [SJR-49] -  JR-25
Uehling, Robert O.: life and public service [AJR-79] -  JR-34