Crimes related to computers, obscenity, nudity, and pornography: laws revised; provision re harmful material to children; new crime re obscene email [Sec. 3940-3951, 3952-3966, 3967-3984, 9359 (1)] -  Act 16
D.N.A. evidence: time limit for prosecuting sexual assault crimes, challenges of certain convictions or delinquency adjudications, and discovery rules revised; standards for courts to order testing of established; preservation of biological specimen evidence provision [Sec. 676r, 2858c-k, 3780c, d, 3828c, k, L, 3829d-p, 3889p, r, 3908g, 3984j, p, 3998c-n, 4002r-v, 4003r, t, 4028c-j, 4031c, e, s, 4034ys, 9359 (12c)] [4028j — partial veto; 676r — vetoed]  -  Act 16
Domestic abuse and sexual assault: victim support training for medical and nursing students; civil actions and criminal sentencing provisions [Sec. 1351za, 1370n, 1379t, 3871x, 4028b] [all sections vetoed except 4028b]  -  Act 16
Patient rights of sexually violent persons [Sec. 29n, 382wd-wf, 1967n, p, 1993j-n, r-u, 3938sg-t, 4034yd, ye] [1967p, 1993n — partial veto] -  Act 16
Sex offender residence and extended supervision conditions [Sec. 3329m, 3354g, 3354r-3385r, 3389m-y, 3984m] [3329m, 3385r — partial veto; 3354g, r, 3357m, 3389m-y — vetoed] -  Act 16
Sex offenders attending or working at U.W.: notice requirements [Sec. 1351zd, 3352p, w, 9311 (7c)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Sexual assault cases with D.N.A. evidence: exception to statute of limitations for certain cases; funding for DA activities re D.N.A. evidence [Sec. 770, 783, 3934-3936c, 9359 (5)]  -  Act 16
Sexual assault to a child: civil action to recover damages expanded to include incest and other specific sexual assaults; time limit extended [Sec. 3862x, 9309 (5g)]  -  Act 16
Sexually violent persons on supervised release: placement of [Sec. 3352r, 4034yg, yt, 9359 (12j)]  -  Act 16
sexual assaultSexual assault, see Sex crimes
shared revenueShared revenue
County and municipal aid [Sec. 53-56, 234b, r, 239, 240, 244-252, 254bm-257] [234b, 244d — partial veto; 54, 55, 245-251 — vetoed] -  Act 109
Economic growth promotion study re restructuring shared revenue [Sec. 9144 (1c)] -  Act 16
Expenditure restraint program and revenue sharing [Sec. 2285b, 9344 (24p)] -  Act 16
Maximum shared revenue payments: certain counties excluded [Sec. 2287, 9344 (9m)] [9344 (9m) — partial veto]  -  Act 16
Shared revenue payments to municipalities [Sec. 2255d, 2280m-2281e, 2285d-f] [2281e — partial veto]  -  Act 16
Shared revenue population adjustment: DOA to provide to DOR re shared revenue and county mandate relief payments [Sec. 9144 (2e)] -  Act 16
Shared revenue program: funding modified; permanent endowment fund use of moneys and transfer to general fund [Sec. 59-61, 82, 83, 234, 236, 238, 241, 242, 253, 9259 (5e), 9459 (2)] [234 — vetoed] -  Act 109
Wholesale merchant plant gross receipts tax and shared revenue calculation [Sec. 2234m-2236, 2237, 2282, 2285, 9444 (2p)] -  Act 16
shawano countyShawano county
USH 45 bridge across part of Embarrass River in village of Tigerton designated and marked ``Gateway to the North" [Sec. 2307r] [vetoed] -  SB-55
sheboygan, city ofSheboygan, City of
Eisner Avenue Pedestrian-Bike Trail project: grant to town and city of Sheboygan; contribution to funding required [Sec. 9152 (4h)] -  Act 16
sheboygan countySheboygan county
Eisner Avenue Pedestrian-Bike Trail project: grant to town and city of Sheboygan; contribution to funding required [Sec. 9152 (4h)] -  Act 16
sheboygan, town ofSheboygan, Town of, see Sheboygan county
sheriffSheriff, see also Jail
Child sexual abuse reporting, referral to law enforcement, coordination of investigation, referral for prosecution, and continuing education [Sec. 1651m-v, 9323 (15c)]  -  Act 16
Deputy sheriff position applicants: residency requirement repealed -  Act 9
shoreland zoningShoreland zoning
Exposed shore areas: use of [Sec. 1255d-v] -  Act 16
Lake management program and project grant revisions [Sec. 1318, 1319, 1320-1328, 3180-3199, 3201-3206, 9337 (2y), (2z)] -  Act 16
shsw _state historical society of wisconsin_SHSW (State historical society of Wisconsin), see Historical society
skateboard parkSkateboard park, see Park
small businessSmall business, see Business
smith, charles f., iiiSmith, Charles F., III
Life and public service [SJR-33] -  JR-23
smokingSmoking, see Tobacco
Snowmobile law enforcement: funding source for conservation warden positions revised; county trail aids funding provision -  Act 71
Snowmobile program and fee changes; trail use sticker fee increased [Sec. 607, 3460, 3462, 3480, 3483, 3484, 3485] -  Act 16
Snowmobile rail crossings: procedure and requirement revisions -  Act 14
Sparta trail overpass [Sec. 607q, s, 9137 (4p), 9152 (4k), 9437 (6k)] -  Act 16
Vehicle registration expedited service system revised re computerized and noncomputerized systems; fee provisions [Sec. 591, 596, 606, 609, 624, 1046, 1047-1066, 1262, 1263, 1264-1266, 1267-1304, 1305, 1306, 3457, 3458, 3459, 3461, 3463-3479, 3486-3491] -  Act 16
social securitySocial security
Temporary supplemental benefits created re UI; DWD, Council on unemployment insurance, and social security provisions -  Act 43
soft drinkSoft drink, see Beverage
soik, nile wSoik, Nile W.
Life and public service [SJR-49] -  JR-25
soil and soil conservationSoil and soil conservation, see also Water — Pollution
Liability exemption for soil contamination originating off the property applies to hazardous substances in sediments [Sec. 3230] -  Act 16
Soil and water resource management program: bonding authority increased [Sec. 972] -  Act 16
Voluntary party liability exemption re soil contaminated by an off-site discharge [Sec. 3234] -  Act 16
Operation Enduring Freedom: U.S. President, Congress, armed forces, and servicemen and servicewomen called into duty commended [AJR-60] -  JR-37
Reemployment rights and benefits for armed forces or national guard members re active service under state law and certain federal law -  Act 26
Selective service registration: DOT notification requirements re information from driver's license, permit, or ID card applications -  Act 93
Selective service system: penalties for failure to register created [Sec. 1349u, 1380g, 2606m, 3061r, t, 9336 (2w), 9436 (2w)] -  Act 16
Soldiers' and sailors' relief act for active service under state law created -  Act 24
Veterans benefits for armed forces in Operation Enduring Freedom; professional or occupational license renewal, salary paid to certain public employees, and withdrawal from college process provisions re national guard or armed forces member called into active duty -  Act 22
Wine and liquor occupational tax revision re U.S. armed forces members reentering the state from duty in a foreign country [Sec. 2841m, 9444 (3c)] -  Act 16
soldier _ exemption from taxationSoldier — Exemption from taxation
Operation Enduring Freedom armed forces participants: interest abatement re income tax returns filed under an extension -  Act 23
soldier _ reliefSoldier — Relief, see Veteran — Relief
solid waste managementSolid waste management, see also Recycling
Dump closure grant program revised [Sec. 613e, 3228h, j, 9437 (2f)] -  Act 16
Recycling program changes re tipping fees, acceptance by solid waste facility, pilot program for alternate method of compliance, and recycling efficiency incentive grants; reports required [Sec. 615e, 3222e-r, 3225c, f, 3226c-3227e, 3228db, 9111 (2L), 9137 (1k)-(1km), 9337 (1m), 9437 (5k)] [3222e, m, p, 3226k — partial veto; 3222f-h, q, r, 3225c, f, 3227e, 9137 (1k), (1km) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Solid waste disposal facilities: proof of financial responsibility [Sec. 3227q-s] -  Act 16
special session, 2001 _ maySpecial session, 2001 — May
Dredged or fill material discharged into wetlands: DNR certification required; exemptions and water quality certification provisions; DNR authority and duties set  -  Act 6
special session, 2002 _ januarySpecial session, 2002 — January
Budget adjustment bill [partial veto] -  Act 109
special session, 2002 _ maySpecial session, 2002 — May
Chronic wasting disease re cervids: funding, hunting, shooting from certain vehicles, and DNR authority provisions; JCRAR may extend certain emergency rules  -  Act 108
spooner, city ofSpooner, City of, see Washburn county