2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
November 1, 2001 - Offered by Representatives Pettis, Wood and Musser.
AB529-ASA2,1,9 1An Act to renumber and amend 941.23; to amend 51.20 (13) (cv) 4., 51.20 (16)
2(gm), 165.82 (1) (intro.), 343.19 (1), 343.50 (4), 813.12 (6) (am) 1., 813.12 (6) (am)
32., 813.122 (9) (am) 1., 813.122 (9) (am) 2., 813.125 (5r) (a), 813.125 (5r) (b) and
4938.396 (8); and to create 165.87, 175.33, 343.14 (2) (j), 343.17 (3) (a) 14.,
5941.23 (1), 941.23 (3), 941.237 (1) (dr), 941.237 (3) (am) and 941.237 (3m) of the
6statutes; relating to: retired peace officers carrying a concealed weapon and
7the content of operators' licenses and identification cards issued by the
8department of transportation and requiring the exercise of rule-making
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB529-ASA2, s. 1 10Section 1. 51.20 (13) (cv) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB529-ASA2,2,711 51.20 (13) (cv) 4. If the court prohibits a subject individual from possessing a
12firearm under subd. 1. or cancels a prohibition under subd. 2., the court clerk shall

1notify the department of justice of that fact and provide any information identifying
2the subject individual that is necessary to permit an accurate involuntary
3commitment history record search under s. 175.33 or 175.35 (2g) (c). No other
4information from the subject individual's court records may be disclosed to the
5department of justice except by order of the court. The department of justice may
6disclose information provided under this subdivision only as part of an involuntary
7commitment history record search under s. 175.33 or 175.35 (2g) (c).
AB529-ASA2, s. 2 8Section 2. 51.20 (16) (gm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB529-ASA2,2,199 51.20 (16) (gm) Upon a request under par. (a), a court may cancel the
10prohibition under sub. (13) (cv) 1. if the court determines, based on evidence
11presented on the issue of the subject individual's dangerousness, that there no longer
12is a substantial probability that the individual may use a firearm to cause physical
13harm to himself or herself or endanger public safety. If a court cancels a prohibition
14under sub. (13) (cv) 1. under this paragraph, the court clerk shall notify the
15department of justice of that fact and provide any information identifying the subject
16individual that is necessary to permit an accurate involuntary commitment record
17search under s. 175.33 or 175.35 (2g) (c). No other information from the subject
18individual's court records may be disclosed to the department of justice except by
19order of the court.
AB529-ASA2, s. 3 20Section 3. 165.82 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB529-ASA2,2,2321 165.82 (1) (intro.) Notwithstanding s. 19.35 (3), the department of justice shall
22impose the following fees for criminal history searches for purposes unrelated to
23criminal justice or to s. 175.33 or 175.35:
AB529-ASA2, s. 4 24Section 4. 165.87 of the statutes is created to read:
1165.87 Authorization of retired peace officers to carry concealed
(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB529-ASA2,3,33 (a) "Board" means the law enforcement standards board.
AB529-ASA2,3,44 (b) "Peace officer" has the meaning given in s. 939.22 (22).
AB529-ASA2,3,65 (c) "Preretirement employer" means a person who employed a peace officer
6immediately before the peace officer's retirement.
AB529-ASA2,3,117 (d) "Retired peace officer" means a person who was formerly employed as a
8peace officer and who, immediately upon the termination of his or her employment
9as a peace officer, qualified for an annuity under the Wisconsin retirement system,
10the retirement system of any 1st class city in Wisconsin, or any retirement system
11established under chapter 201, laws of 1937.
AB529-ASA2,3,1212 (e) "Weapon" means dangerous weapon, as defined in s. 939.22 (10).
AB529-ASA2,3,16 13(2) Authorization by board. If a person meets the requirements of sub. (3), the
14board shall authorize the department of transportation in writing to include on the
15person's state identification card, as defined in s. 941.23 (1) (b), a designation that
16the person is a qualified retired peace officer.
AB529-ASA2,3,18 17(3) Eligibility. A person is eligible to obtain the authorization described in sub.
18(2) if all of the following apply:
AB529-ASA2,3,1919 (a) The person is a retired peace officer.
AB529-ASA2,3,2220 (b) At the time of his or her retirement as a peace officer, the person was not
21the subject of any disciplinary investigation or proceeding being conducted by his or
22her preretirement employer.
AB529-ASA2,3,2423 (c) The person does not have a physical or mental disability that precludes him
24or her from safely handling a firearm.
AB529-ASA2,3,2525 (d) The person is not prohibited under s. 941.29 from possessing a firearm.
1(e) The person is not prohibited under federal law from possessing a firearm.
AB529-ASA2,4,62 (f) Within the preceding 2-year period, the person successfully completed a
3course of 8 hours or less that was offered by a technical college and that covered the
4safe use and storage of a handgun or an equivalent course offered by any other
5institution or program. This paragraph does not apply during the 2-year period
6immediately following a person's retirement from active service as a peace officer.
AB529-ASA2,4,77 (g) The person has authorized all of the following in writing:
AB529-ASA2,4,98 1. His or her preretirement employer to permit the board to obtain records from
9the person's personnel file.
AB529-ASA2,4,1210 2. The technical college or other institution or program that provided the
11person the training described in par. (f) to permit the board to obtain records relating
12to the person's participation in the training.
AB529-ASA2,4,14 13(4) Verifying eligibility. In investigating a person's eligibility under sub. (3),
14the board may, among other things, do any of the following:
AB529-ASA2,4,1615 (a) Review personnel records relating to the person that are maintained by the
16person's preretirement employer.
AB529-ASA2,4,1917 (b) Review records that are maintained by the technical college or other
18institution or program that provided the person the training described in sub. (3) (f)
19to verify that the person successfully completed the training.
AB529-ASA2,4,2120 (c) Request that the department perform a firearms restrictions record search
21under s. 175.33.
AB529-ASA2,5,2 22(5) Verifying continued eligibility. No later than 2 years after the date on
23which the board sends the department of transportation a written authorization
24under sub. (2), the person to whom the authorization applies shall submit to the
25board written evidence of the person's continued eligibility under sub. (3). The board

1may take any steps, including those described in sub. (4), to verify the person's
2continued eligibility.
AB529-ASA2,5,8 3(6) Revocation. (a) If the board determines at any time that a person whose
4application for an authorization under sub. (2) has been granted does not meet the
5requirements of sub. (3) or that a person has failed to comply with sub. (5), the board
6shall revoke its authorization. The board shall immediately thereafter notify the
7person by certified mail and notify the department of transportation of the
AB529-ASA2,5,119 (b) If the board revokes its authorization with respect to a person under par.
10(a), the person may reapply for authorization if the person's circumstances change
11so that he or she is no longer ineligible.
AB529-ASA2,5,12 12(7) Rules. The board shall promulgate rules regarding all of the following:
AB529-ASA2,5,1613 (a) The method by which a person may apply under this section for
14authorization to carry a concealed weapon, the application forms to be used by such
15persons, and the forms to be used by persons documenting their continued eligibility
16under sub. (5).
AB529-ASA2,5,1717 (b) Verification by the board of a person's eligibility under sub. (3).
AB529-ASA2,5,1818 (c) Revocation by the board of any authorization under sub. (2).
AB529-ASA2,5,2019 (d) Receiving and investigating complaints that a person is ineligible for an
20authorization described in sub. (2).
AB529-ASA2,5,2421 (e) Verification by the department of transportation that a person requesting
22inclusion of the designation under s. 343.14 (2) (j) has had his or her application for
23authorization granted under this section. The board shall consult with the
24department of transportation in developing the rules required under this paragraph.
AB529-ASA2,5,2525 (f) Any other rules necessary for the administration of this section.
AB529-ASA2, s. 5
1Section 5. 175.33 of the statutes is created to read:
AB529-ASA2,6,8 2175.33 Background checks for retired peace officers. At the request of
3the law enforcement standards board under s. 165.87 (4) (c), the department of
4justice shall conduct a firearms restriction record search, as defined in s. 175.35 (1)
5(at). The department may not charge a fee for a firearms restriction record search
6conducted under this section. The department shall promulgate rules prescribing
7the manner by which firearms restriction record searches are to be conducted under
8this section.
AB529-ASA2, s. 6 9Section 6. 343.14 (2) (j) of the statutes is created to read:
AB529-ASA2,6,1310 343.14 (2) (j) A question as to whether the applicant is a retired peace officer
11who has successfully applied for authorization to carry a concealed weapon under s.
12165.87 and who wishes to have the department include on the license document the
13designation described under s. 343.17 (3) (a) 14.
AB529-ASA2, s. 7 14Section 7. 343.17 (3) (a) 14. of the statutes is created to read:
AB529-ASA2,6,1915 343.17 (3) (a) 14. If the person has answered "yes" to the question under s.
16343.14 (2) (j) and the department has verified that the person has successfully
17applied for authorization to carry a concealed weapon under s. 165.87 under rules
18promulgated by the law enforcement standards board under s. 165.87 (7) (e), a
19designation that the person has successfully applied for that authorization.
AB529-ASA2, s. 8 20Section 8. 343.19 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB529-ASA2,7,821 343.19 (1) If a license issued under this chapter or an identification card issued
22under s. 343.50 is lost or destroyed or, the name or address named in the license or
23identification card is changed or, the condition specified in s. 343.17 (3) (a) 12. or 13.
24no longer applies, or the condition specified in s. 343.17 (3) (a) 14. applies, the person
25to whom the license or identification card was issued may obtain a duplicate thereof

1or substitute therefor upon furnishing proof satisfactory to the department of name
2and date of birth and that the license or identification card has been lost or destroyed
3or that application for a duplicate license or identification card is being made for a
4change of address or name or, because the condition specified in s. 343.17 (3) (a) 12.
5or 13. no longer applies, or because the condition specified in s. 343.17 (3) (a) 14.
. If the original license or identification card is found it shall immediately be
7transmitted to the department. Duplicates of nonphoto licenses shall be issued as
8nonphoto licenses.
AB529-ASA2, s. 9 9Section 9. 343.50 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: