AB529-ASA4,9,1716 (g) A statement that the applicant has received a copy of this section and
17understands the requirements of this section.
AB529-ASA4,9,2118 (h) A statement that the application is being made under oath and that an
19applicant may be prosecuted for violating s. 946.32 if he or she gives a false answer
20to any question on the application or submits a falsified document with the
AB529-ASA4,9,2222 (i) A statement of the penalties for violating s. 946.32.
AB529-ASA4,9,25 23(6) Oath. An applicant shall swear under oath that the information that he or
24she provides in an application submitted under sub. (7) and any document submitted
25with the application is true and complete to the best of his or her knowledge.
1(7) Submission of application. An applicant for a license under this section
2shall submit all of the following to the sheriff to whom he or she is applying for a
AB529-ASA4,10,54 (a) An application in the form prescribed under sub. (5) that has been sworn
5to as required under sub. (6).
AB529-ASA4,10,86 (bd) A license fee set by the sheriff issuing the license that does not exceed
7either the cost to the sheriff of issuing a license to an individual under this section,
8including the cost of equipment purchase or rental, or $75, whichever is less.
AB529-ASA4,10,99 (bh) The fee for a firearms restrictions record search specified in sub. (9g) (c).
AB529-ASA4,10,1010 (bp) A shooting range improvement fee of $15.
AB529-ASA4,10,1111 (bt) A law enforcement excellence fund fee of $15.
AB529-ASA4,10,1312 (c) A fingerprint card bearing an index finger fingerprint of the applicant taken
13by the sheriff to whom the application is submitted.
AB529-ASA4,10,1514 (d) A photocopy of a certificate or other evidence showing the applicant's
15qualifications under sub. (3) (i).
AB529-ASA4,10,1716 (e) A full-face photograph of the applicant taken within the 30-day period
17immediately preceding the date of the applicant's application.
AB529-ASA4,10,20 18(8) Fingerprinting by sheriff. A sheriff shall provide fingerprinting service
19at no additional charge to an applicant for a license or for renewal of a license under
20this section or to a person whom the sheriff issues a license under sub. (9r).
AB529-ASA4,10,22 21(9) Processing of application. (a) On receiving an application submitted
22under sub. (7), a sheriff shall do all of the following:
AB529-ASA4,11,423 1. Submit the fingerprint card of the applicant to the department for
24submission to the federal bureau of investigation or the automated fingerprint
25identification system for the purposes of verifying the identity of the person

1fingerprinted and obtaining his or her criminal arrest and conviction records. If the
2applicant's fingerprint card is not sufficiently legible for the federal bureau of
3investigation to use in verifying the applicant's identity and obtaining his or her
4arrest or conviction record, the applicant shall submit an additional fingerprint card.
AB529-ASA4,11,65 2. Request the department to conduct a firearms restrictions record search, as
6provided under sub. (9g).
AB529-ASA4,11,87 (b) Subject to par. (c), within 21 days after receiving an application under sub.
8(7) a sheriff shall do one of the following:
AB529-ASA4,11,99 1. Issue the license.
AB529-ASA4,11,1210 2. Deny the application if the applicant fails to qualify under the criteria
11specified in subs. (3) and (4). If the sheriff denies the application, he or she shall
12inform the applicant in writing, stating the ground for denial.
AB529-ASA4,11,1813 (c) Except as provided in sub. (9r), a sheriff may not issue a license until 7 days,
14subject to extension under sub. (9g) (b) 3. c., have elapsed from the time that the
15sheriff has received a confirmation number regarding the firearms restrictions
16record search under sub. (9g) (b) 1. from the department unless the department has
17notified the sheriff that the applicant is not disqualified for a license under sub. (3)
18(d), (f), (g) 2. or 3. or (L) or (4).
AB529-ASA4,11,23 19(9g) Firearms restrictions record searches. (a) A sheriff shall request the
20department to conduct a firearms restrictions record search by calling the
21department, using a toll-free telephone number provided by the department, and
22providing the department with the name, date of birth, gender, race, and social
23security number of the applicant.
AB529-ASA4,11,2524 (b) On receiving a request under par. (a), the department shall conduct a
25firearms restrictions record search using the following procedure:
11. The department shall provide the sheriff with a confirmation number
2confirming the receipt of the information under par. (a).
AB529-ASA4,12,73 2. The department shall conduct the firearms restrictions record search
4regarding an applicant for a license under this section. In conducting a search under
5this subdivision, the department shall use the transaction information for
6management of enforcement system and the national crime information center
AB529-ASA4,12,108 3. The department shall notify the sheriff, either during the initial telephone
9call or as soon thereafter as practicable, of the results of the firearms restrictions
10record search as follows:
AB529-ASA4,12,1511 a. If the search indicates that the applicant does not qualify for a license under
12sub. (3) (d), (f), (g) 2. or 3., (kg), (km), (L), or (o) or (4), the department shall provide
13the sheriff with a unique nonapproval number. The department shall disclose to the
14sheriff the reason the applicant does not qualify for a license under sub. (3) (d), (f),
15(g) 2. or 3., (kg), (km), (L), or (o) or (4).
AB529-ASA4,12,1816 b. If the search indicates that the applicant is not disqualified for a license
17under sub. (3) (d), (f), (g) 2. or 3., (kg), (km), (L), and (o) or (4), the department shall
18provide the sheriff with a unique approval number.
AB529-ASA4,12,2519 c. If the search indicates a criminal charge without a recorded disposition, the
20deadline under sub. (9) (c) is extended to the end of the 3rd complete working day
21commencing after the day on which the department learns of that charge. The
22department shall notify the sheriff of the extension as soon as practicable. During
23the extended period, the department shall make every reasonable effort to determine
24the disposition of the charge and notify the sheriff of the results as soon as
1(bm) The department shall conduct the search under par. (b) immediately if,
2when requesting the search under par. (a), the sheriff informs the department that
3the search is for an applicant for an emergency license under sub. (9r).
AB529-ASA4,13,84 (c) The department shall charge a sheriff a fee of $8 for each firearms
5restrictions record search that the sheriff requests under par. (a), except that the
6department shall waive the fee if, when requesting the search, the sheriff informs
7the department that the fee is being waived under sub. (9r) (d). The sheriff shall
8collect the fee from the applicant unless the fee is waived under sub. (9r) (d).
AB529-ASA4,13,139 (d) A sheriff shall maintain the original record of all completed application
10forms and a record of all confirmation numbers and corresponding approval or
11nonapproval numbers that he or she receives regarding firearms restrictions record
12searches under this subsection. The sheriff shall mail a duplicate copy of each
13completed application form to the department.
AB529-ASA4,13,1514 (e) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2. and as necessary to administer this section,
15the department shall do all of the following:
AB529-ASA4,13,1616 a. Deny access to any record kept under this section.
AB529-ASA4,14,417 b. Check each duplicate application form received under par. (d) against the
18information recorded by the department regarding the corresponding request for a
19firearms restrictions record search under this subsection. If the department
20previously provided a unique approval number regarding the request and nothing
21in the duplicate completed application form indicates that the applicant is not
22qualified for a license under sub. (3) (d), (f), (g) 2. or 3., (kg), (km), (L), or (o) or (4),
23the department shall, except as provided in subd. 2., destroy all records regarding
24that firearms restrictions record search within 30 days after receiving the duplicate
25form. If the department previously provided a unique approval number regarding

1the request and the duplicate completed application form indicates that the
2applicant is not qualified for a license under sub. (3) (d), (f), (g) 2. or 3., (kg), (km), (L),
3or (o) or (4), the department shall immediately notify the sheriff who issued the
4license, and the sheriff shall revoke the license.
AB529-ASA4,14,95 2. The department may maintain records necessary to administer this
6subsection and, for a period of not more than 3 years after the department issues a
7unique approval number, a log of dates of requests for firearms restrictions record
8searches under this subsection together with confirmation numbers and unique
9approval and nonapproval numbers corresponding to those dates.
AB529-ASA4,14,14 10(9r) Emergency license. (a) A sheriff may issue a license under this section
11to an individual who does not satisfy the requirements under sub. (3) (i) if the sheriff
12determines that the individual is in imminent danger of death and if the individual
13submits a fingerprint card that is taken by the sheriff and that bears the individual's
14index finger fingerprint.
AB529-ASA4,14,1715 (b) If a sheriff issues a license under par. (a), he or she shall notify the
16department and request an immediate firearms restrictions record search under
17sub. (9g).
AB529-ASA4,14,1918 (c) 1. Except as provided in subds. 2. and 3., a license issued under par. (a) is
19valid for 120 days from the date on which it is issued and may not be renewed.
AB529-ASA4,14,2420 2. If the department does not notify the sheriff that the individual does not
21qualify for a license under sub. (3) (d), (f), (g) 2. or 3., (kg), (km), (L), or (o) or (4), a
22license issued under par. (a) is valid for the period specified under sub. (15) (a) and
23may be renewed under sub. (15) (b) if the individual satisfies the requirement under
24sub. (3) (i) no later than 120 days from the date on which the license is issued.
13. If the department notifies the sheriff that an individual to whom the sheriff
2has issued a license under par. (a) does not qualify for a license under sub. (3) (d), (f),
3(g) 2. or 3., (kg), (km), (L), or (o) or (4), the sheriff shall revoke the license.
AB529-ASA4,15,74 (d) A sheriff may waive the fees that would otherwise be required under subs.
5(7) (bd), (bh), (bp), and (bt) and (9g) (c) for an individual who is applying for a license
6under par. (a) if requiring the individual to pay the fees would create a hardship for
7the individual.
AB529-ASA4,15,10 8(10) Exemption from background check. Notwithstanding sub. (9) (a), a
9sheriff shall issue a license under this section to any of the following individuals
10without requesting the background checks required under sub. (9) (a):
AB529-ASA4,15,1111 (a) A law enforcement officer.
AB529-ASA4,15,1212 (b) A correctional officer.
AB529-ASA4,15,1313 (c) A probation, parole, and extended supervision agent.
AB529-ASA4,15,1514 (d) A person who holds a current certification from the law enforcement
15standards board under s. 165.85 (3) (c).
AB529-ASA4,15,20 16(11) License information. (a) A sheriff who issues licenses to carry a concealed
17weapon under this section shall, within 5 days after issuing a license, notify the
18department that he or she has issued a license under this section and provide the
19department with the information specified in sub. (2m) (c) concerning the individual
20to whom the license was issued.
AB529-ASA4,15,2421 (am) The department shall maintain a computerized record listing the names
22of all individuals who have been issued a license under this section along with the
23information concerning each individual that is provided to the department by a
24sheriff under par. (a).
1(b) Notwithstanding s. 19.35 and except as provided in par. (c), the department
2may not make the computerized record under par. (am) or any information from that
3computerized record available to any person.
AB529-ASA4,16,64 (c) The department shall provide information concerning a specific licensee
5listed on the computerized list under par. (am) to a law enforcement agency if the law
6enforcement agency is requesting the information for any of the following purposes:
AB529-ASA4,16,87 1. To confirm that a license produced by an individual at the request of a law
8enforcement officer is valid.
AB529-ASA4,16,119 2. To confirm that the individual holds a valid license under this section, if the
10individual is carrying a concealed weapon but is not carrying a license issued under
11this section and claims to hold a valid license issued under this section.
AB529-ASA4,16,1412 3. To investigate whether an individual intentionally falsely swore under sub.
13(6) or (15) (b) 2. or intentionally made a false statement to a sheriff in connection with
14the individual's request for an emergency license under sub. (9r).
AB529-ASA4,16,1815 (d) 1. In this paragraph, "clerk" means the clerk of the circuit court or, if it has
16enacted a law or an ordinance in conformity with s. 346.63, the clerk of the court for
17a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state, a city, a village,
18or a town.
AB529-ASA4,16,2219 2. The department shall make the names of all licensees and the name of the
20county in which each licensee was licensed available to each clerk. If any of the
21following occur with respect to a licensee, the clerk shall immediately notify the
22sheriff of the county in which the license was issued of the occurrence:
AB529-ASA4,17,223 a. The individual is charged with a felony, a misdemeanor crime of violence, a
24violation of ch. 961, the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to commit any violation
25of ch. 961, a violation of s. 941.20 (1) (b), a violation of sub. (17) (d), or any other crime

1that, upon conviction, would disqualify the individual from having a license under
2this section.
AB529-ASA4,17,33 b. The individual is charged with a drunk driving offense.
AB529-ASA4,17,54 c. The individual is found by a court to have committed any offense described
5in subd. 2. a. or b.
AB529-ASA4,17,76 d. Prosecution of a felony or a misdemeanor crime of violence for which the
7individual is charged is suspended under a deferred prosecution agreement.
AB529-ASA4,17,88 e. The individual is found incompetent under s. 971.14.
AB529-ASA4,17,109 f. The individual is found not guilty of any crime by reason of mental disease
10or mental defect under s. 971.17.
AB529-ASA4,17,1211 g. The individual is involuntarily committed for treatment under s. 51.20 or
AB529-ASA4,17,1313 h. The individual is found incompetent under ch. 880.
AB529-ASA4,17,17 14(12) Updated information. No later than 30 days after changing his or her
15address, an individual licensed under this section shall inform the sheriff who issued
16the license of his or her new address. The sheriff shall provide the individual's new
17address to the department for inclusion in the list under sub. (11) (am).
AB529-ASA4,17,22 18(13) Lost or destroyed license. No later than 30 days after losing his or her
19license or after his or her license is destroyed, an individual licensed under this
20section shall submit to the sheriff who issued the license a notarized statement that
21his or her license has been lost or destroyed. The sheriff shall issue a replacement
22license upon receiving the notarized statement and a replacement license fee of $15.
AB529-ASA4,18,3 23(14) License denial; discipline. (a) A sheriff shall deny an application for a
24license under this section or suspend a license that his or her county issued under
25this section if a court has prohibited the individual from possessing a dangerous

1weapon under s. 969.02 (3) (c). A sheriff shall deny an application for a license under
2this section or revoke a license that his or her county issued under this section if the
3applicant or licensee does any of the following:
AB529-ASA4,18,44 1. No longer meets all of the criteria specified in subs. (3) and (4).
AB529-ASA4,18,55 3. Is convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor crime of violence.
AB529-ASA4,18,86 5. Is convicted of any violation, or any solicitation, conspiracy or attempt to
7commit a violation, of ch. 961 or of a law of another state that is comparable to any
8provision of ch. 961.
AB529-ASA4,18,99 6. Is involuntarily committed for treatment under s. 51.20.
AB529-ASA4,18,1110 7. Is involuntarily committed for treatment as a chronic alcoholic under s.
AB529-ASA4,18,1512 8. Is convicted of a drunk driving offense within 3 years of a previous conviction
13for a drunk driving offense. For purposes of this subdivision, the first drunk driving
14offense may have occurred before the date on which the individual submitted his or
15her application for a license under this section.
AB529-ASA4,18,1616 9. Is found incompetent under ch. 880.
AB529-ASA4,18,1817 10. Becomes subject to an injunction described in s. 941.29 (1) (f) or is ordered
18not to possess a firearm under s. 813.125 (4m).
AB529-ASA4,18,2319 (am) 1. a. If a licensee is charged with an offense that, upon conviction, would
20disqualify him or her from having a license under this section, the sheriff shall
21suspend the licensee's license until judgment is entered in the case. If the charge is
22dismissed or the licensee is acquitted, the sheriff shall restore the licensee's license
23unless the person no longer meets all of the criteria for licensure under this section.
AB529-ASA4,19,324 b. If a licensee is the subject of any civil proceeding, the disposition of which
25could disqualify him or her from having a license under this section, the sheriff shall

1suspend the licensee's license until judgment is entered in the case. Upon entry of
2judgment in the case, the sheriff shall restore the licensee's license, unless the person
3no longer meets all of the criteria for licensure under this section.
AB529-ASA4,19,74 2. If an applicant for a license under this section is arrested or charged with a
5crime that would disqualify him or her from having a license under this section, the
6sheriff shall deny the application. Notwithstanding sub. (3) (m), if the charge is
7dismissed or the applicant is acquitted, the applicant may reapply for a license.
AB529-ASA4,19,98 (b) 1. If a sheriff revokes or suspends a license under this section, the revocation
9or suspension shall take effect immediately.
AB529-ASA4,19,2310 2. If an individual whose license is suspended or revoked resides in the county
11that issued the license, the sheriff of the county, upon revoking or suspending an
12individual's license, shall immediately attempt to inform the individual in person.
13If the individual resides in a county that is a party to an agreement under sub. (2)
14(c), the sheriff of any county that is a party to the agreement shall immediately
15attempt to inform the individual in person. If an individual is notified of the
16revocation or suspension in person, the individual shall immediately relinquish the
17license document to the sheriff. If the sheriff is unable to inform the individual in
18person or if the individual resides in a county other than the sheriff's county or a
19county that is a party to an agreement under sub. (2) (c) with the sheriff's county, the
20sheriff shall send the individual notice of the revocation or suspension by certified
21mail within one day after the revocation or suspension. Within 7 days after receiving
22the notice, the individual whose license has been revoked or suspended shall deliver
23the license document personally or by certified mail to the sheriff.
1(14m) Appeals. (a) A person aggrieved by any action by a sheriff under this
2section may appeal directly to the circuit court of the sheriff's county or, if applicable,
3to the circuit court of the county of issuance designated under sub. (2) (c).
AB529-ASA4,20,114 (b) To begin an appeal under this subsection, the aggrieved person shall file a
5petition for review with the clerk of the applicable circuit court within 30 days after
6the date of the sheriff's action or, if applicable, within 30 days after the date of the
7notice provided to the person under sub. (9) (b) 2. The petition shall state the
8substance of the sheriff's action that the person is appealing from and the grounds
9upon which the person believes the sheriff's action to be improper. The petition may
10include a copy of any records or documents that are relevant to the grounds upon
11which the person believes the sheriff's action to be improper.
AB529-ASA4,20,1412 (c) A copy of the petition shall be served upon the sheriff either personally or
13by registered or certified mail within 5 days after the person files his or her petition
14under par. (b).
AB529-ASA4,20,1815 (d) The sheriff shall file an answer within 15 days after being served with the
16petition under par. (c). The answer shall include a brief statement of the actions
17taken by the sheriff, and a copy of any documents or records on which the sheriff
18based his or her action shall be included with the answer when filed.
AB529-ASA4,20,2419 (e) The court shall review the petition, answer, and any records or documents
20submitted with the petition or answer. The review under this paragraph shall be
21conducted by the court without a jury and shall be confined to the petition, answer
22and any records or documents submitted with the petition or answer, except that in
23cases of alleged irregularities in procedure by the sheriff the court may take
24testimony that the court determines is appropriate.
1(f) The court shall affirm the sheriff's action unless the court finds any of the
AB529-ASA4,21,33 1. That the sheriff failed to follow procedure prescribed under this section.
AB529-ASA4,21,54 2. That the sheriff erroneously interpreted a provision of law and a correct
5interpretation compels a different action.
AB529-ASA4,21,76 3. That the sheriff's action depends on a finding of fact that is not supported
7by substantial evidence in the record.