SB104-SSA1-SA4,12,15 1414. Page 35, line 11: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
15with page 36, line 2, and substitute:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,12,16 16" Section 77b. 11.26 (10) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB104-SSA1-SA4,12,17 1715. Page 36, line 6: after that line insert:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,12,18 18" Section 78m. 11.26 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,12,2119 11.26 (13) Except as provided in sub. (9), contributions Contributions received
20from the Wisconsin election campaign fund are not subject to limitation by this
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 78s 22Section 78s. 11.26 (17) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.26 (17) (a) For purposes of application of the limitations imposed in subs.
2(1), (2), and (9) and (10), the "campaign" of a candidate begins and ends at the times
3specified in this subsection.".
SB104-SSA1-SA4,13,4 416. Page 36, line 8: delete lines 8 to 11.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,13,5 517. Page 36, line 12: delete lines 12 to 17 and substitute:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,13,6 6" Section 81g. 11.31 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,13,7 711.31 (title) Disbursement levels and limitations; calculation.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 81r 8Section 81r. 11.31 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,13,139 11.31 (1) Schedule. (intro.) The following levels of disbursements are
10established with reference to the candidates listed below. Except as provided in sub.
11(2), such
The levels are subject to adjustment under sub. (9). The levels do not
12operate to restrict the total amount of disbursements which are made or authorized
13to be made by any candidate in any primary or other election.".
SB104-SSA1-SA4,13,15 1418. Page 37, line 15: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
15"with page 38, line 18, and substitute:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,13,16 16" Section 86b. 11.31 (2) and (2m) of the statutes are repealed.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 86c 17Section 86c. 11.31 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 86d 18Section 86d. 11.31 (3m) of the statutes is repealed.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 86e 19Section 86e. 11.31 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,14,420 11.31 (4) Allocation. Except as provided in sub. (3m), whenever Whenever a
21separate disbursement level is specified for a primary and election under sub. (1), a
22candidate who disburses less than the authorized level in the primary may not
23reallocate the balance to increase the level in the election. Whenever a separate
24disbursement level is not specified for a primary and election under sub. (1), a

1candidate may allocate disbursements between the primary and election campaign
2within the total level of disbursements specified in sub. (1) in any proportion desired,
3and may carry over unexpended contributions from a primary campaign to an
4election campaign.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 86f 5Section 86f. 11.31 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 86g 6Section 86g. 11.31 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,14,97 11.31 (7) (b) Disbursements which are made before a campaign period for goods
8to be delivered or services to be rendered in connection with the campaign are
9charged against the disbursement limitation level for that campaign.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 86h 10Section 86h. 11.31 (7) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,14,1311 11.31 (7) (c) Disbursements which are made after a campaign to retire a debt
12incurred in relation to a campaign are charged against the disbursement limitation
13level for that campaign.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 86i 14Section 86i. 11.31 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,14,1915 11.31 (8) Certain contributions excluded. The limitations imposed levels
under this section do not apply to a gift of anything of value constituting
17a contribution made directly to a registrant by another, but the limitations levels
18shall apply to such gift when it is received and accepted by the recipient or, if received
19in the form of money, when disbursed.".
SB104-SSA1-SA4,14,20 2019. Page 39, line 11: after that line insert:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,14,21 21" Section 90b. 11.31 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,15,222 11.31 (10) Surplus materials excluded. Disbursements constituting surplus
23materials acquired in connection with a previous campaign of a candidate are not

1subject to limitation by included in the levels specified in this section, if the materials
2were previously reported as a disbursement by that candidate.".
SB104-SSA1-SA4,15,3 320. Page 40, line 4: delete lines 4 to 9.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,15,5 421. Page 40, line 23: delete the material beginning with line and ending with
5page 51, line 18, and substitute:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,15,6 6" Section 94b. 11.50 of the statutes is repealed.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 94c 7Section 94c. 11.51 of the statutes is created to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,15,10 811.51 Clean elections fund grants. (1) Any candidate for the office of
9governor, state senator, or representative to the assembly may qualify to receive a
10grant from the clean elections fund by fulfilling the requirements of this section.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,15,18 11(2) (a) In order to qualify to receive a grant from the clean elections fund, a
12candidate shall obtain and deposit with the state treasurer the number of qualifying
13contributions specified in this subsection, in the amount of $5 each, each of which
14shall be received from an elector of this state and, in the case of a candidate for
15legislative office, an elector of the district in which the candidate seeks office. The
16name and address of each elector making a qualifying contribution shall be identified
17in a report filed with the board as provided in s. 11.06 (1) (a). The number of required
18qualifying contributions for a candidate for each office is:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,15,1919 1. Governor, 2,500.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,15,2020 2. State senator, 150.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,15,2121 3. Representative to the assembly, 50.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,16,222 (b) In addition to the requirements imposed under par. (a), a candidate does not
23qualify to receive a grant for a general or special election unless the candidate

1receives at least 5% of the total vote cast for all candidates on all ballots for the same
2office at the September primary, or at a special primary if a special primary is held.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,16,10 3(3) Prior to notification that a candidate has qualified to receive a grant from
4the clean elections fund under sub. (7), a candidate may accept seed money
5contributions from individuals. The total seed money contributions accepted by a
6candidate from one contributor, including any seed money contributions made by a
7candidate to his or her own campaign, may not exceed $100. The total seed money
8contributions accepted by a candidate during the candidate's campaign, as defined
9in s. 11.26 (17), may not exceed, in the aggregate, the following amount for the office
10sought by candidate:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,16,1111 (a) Governor, $50,000.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,16,1212 (b) State senator, $1,500.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,16,1313 (c) Representative to the assembly, $500.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,16,15 14(4) A contributor who makes a qualifying contribution may also make a seed
15money contribution in the full amount authorized under sub. (3).
SB104-SSA1-SA4,16,20 16(5) A candidate shall remit to the state treasurer all seed money contributions
17received by the candidate that are unencumbered on the day the candidate receives
18notification of qualification for a grant under sub. (7). The state treasurer shall
19deposit all seed money contributions received under this subsection in the clean
20elections fund.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,16,23 21(6) No candidate who accepts a grant from the clean elections fund may accept
22any seed money contribution under sub. (3) after receiving notification of
23qualification for a grant under sub. (7).
SB104-SSA1-SA4,17,9 24(7) In order to qualify to receive a grant from the clean elections fund, a
25candidate shall file an application with the board, no later than a time specified by

1the board by rule, in which the candidate shall affirm that he or she has not accepted
2and agrees not to accept a contribution from any source other than a contribution
3required under sub. (2), a contribution authorized under sub. (3), and the candidate's
4grant from the clean elections fund during the campaign of the candidate, as defined
5in s. 11.31 (7). If the candidate desires to receive grant payments by electronic
6transfer, the candidate shall include in his or her application sufficient information
7and authorization for the state treasurer to transfer payments to his or her campaign
8depository account. The board shall notify each candidate who qualifies to receive
9a grant from the clean elections fund as promptly as possible following qualification.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,17,14 10(8) (a) The board shall distribute primary election grants from the clean
11elections fund to each candidate who qualifies to receive a grant under this section
12as soon as possible preceding the date that the primary election is held for the office
13which the candidate seeks or the date on which the primary election would be held
14if a primary election were required to be held.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,17,2215 (b) The board shall distribute grants for the general or for a special election
16from the clean elections fund to each candidate who qualifies to receive a grant under
17this section as soon as possible after the date of the primary election for the office
18sought by the candidate, or the date on which the primary election would be held if
19a primary election were required to be held, except that, in the case of a candidate
20of a recognized political party for a partisan office, the board shall distribute a grant
21to a candidate for an office for which a primary election was held only if the candidate
22was nominated at that election.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,17,25 23(9) A candidate who receives a grant from the clean elections fund shall file
24with the board reports of all disbursements made in the manner provided under s.
2511.06 (1) (g), without regard to the amounts thereof.
1(10) (a) Except as provided in par. (b) and subs. (11) to (13), a candidate who
2qualifies to receive a grant from the clean elections fund under this section shall
3receive a grant in the following amount for the office sought by the candidate and for
4the election specified, less the aggregate amount of contributions accepted by the
5candidate under sub. (3):
SB104-SSA1-SA4,18,6 6Primary General or
SB104-SSA1-SA4,18,7 7Office Election Special Election
SB104-SSA1-SA4,18,88 1. Governor $500,000 $1,000,000
SB104-SSA1-SA4,18,99 2. State senator 36,000 72,000
SB104-SSA1-SA4,18,1010 3. Representative to the assembly 18,000 36,000
SB104-SSA1-SA4,18,2411 (b) If a candidate does not have an opponent who has qualified to have his or
12her name appear on the ballot at the election for which a grant is to be applied, the
13candidate shall receive a grant for a primary election equal to the average total
14disbursements made per candidate in primary election campaign periods, as
15determined by the board from reports filed by or on behalf of those candidates in
16accordance with s. 11.31 (5), for the office that the candidate seeks during the 4-year
17period preceding the date of the primary election, or a grant for a general or special
18election equal to the average total disbursements made per candidate in general and
19special election campaign periods, as determined by the board from reports filed by
20or on behalf of those candidates in accordance with s. 11.31 (5), for the office that the
21candidate seeks during the 4-year period preceding the date of the general or special
22election, except that a candidate for the office of governor shall receive a grant of
23$100,000 for a primary election and a grant of $200,000 for a general or special
1(11) (a) In this subsection, "consumer price index" means the average of the
2consumer price index over each 12-month period, all items, U.S. city average, as
3determined by the bureau of labor statistics of the U.S. department of labor.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,19,174 (b) The dollar amounts of the grants specified in sub. (10) (a) and the grants
5specified for the office of governor in sub. (10) (b) shall be subject to a cost-of-living
6adjustment to be determined by rule of the board in accordance with this paragraph.
7To determine the adjustment, the board shall calculate the percentage difference
8between the consumer price index for the 12-month period ending on December 31
9of each odd-numbered year and the consumer price index for calendar year 2003.
10For each biennium, the board shall adjust the grant amounts specified in sub. (10)
11by that percentage to the extent required to reflect any difference, rounded to the
12nearest multiple of $25 in the case of amounts of $1 or more, which amounts shall
13be in effect until a subsequent rule is promulgated under this subsection.
14Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b), and (3), determinations under this
15paragraph may be promulgated as an emergency rule under s. 227.24 without
16providing evidence that the emergency rule is necessary for the public peace, health,
17safety, or welfare, and without a finding of emergency.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,20,2 18(12) If any independent expenditure is made or any obligation to make an
19independent expenditure is incurred by any person in opposition to a candidate who
20receives a grant from the clean elections fund or in support of an opponent of such
21a candidate whose name is certified to appear on the same ballot, then the candidate
22who receives a grant shall receive an additional grant in the total amount of the
23obligations incurred and the independent expenditures made that were not
24previously reported as obligations, as reported to the appropriate filing officer under
25s. 11.12 (6) (b), but not to exceed, in combination with any additional grant payable

1to that candidate under sub. (13), 2.5 times the amount payable to the candidate
2under sub. (10), as adjusted under sub. (11).
SB104-SSA1-SA4,20,16 3(13) If a candidate who receives a grant from the clean elections fund is opposed
4on a primary or election ballot by another candidate who does not receive a grant or
5by another candidate who the board determines has violated his or her agreement
6under sub. (7), the candidate who receives a grant shall receive an additional grant
7in the amount by which the disbursements made by the other candidate exceed the
8amount of the grant payable for the office sought by the candidate in that election
9under sub. (10), as adjusted under sub. (11), but not to exceed, in combination with
10any additional grant payable to that candidate under sub. (12), 2.5 times the amount
11payable to the candidate under sub. (10), as adjusted under sub. (11). If a candidate
12who receives a grant from the clean elections fund is opposed on a primary or election
13ballot by more than one candidate who does not receive a grant or who the board
14determines has violated his or her agreement under sub. (7), the amount of the grant
15payable under this subsection is the largest amount that would be payable by reason
16of any candidate's opposition.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,20,22 17(14) If a candidate who makes an agreement under sub. (7) does not adhere to
18the agreement, the candidate shall forfeit an amount equivalent to any grant from
19the clean elections fund that is provided to the candidate and the candidate may be
20fined not more than 3 times the amount of any contributions received by the
21candidate in his or her campaign, as defined in s. 11.26 (17), exclusive of the amount
22of any grant or any contributions deposited under sub. (2) or received under sub. (3).
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,2 23(15) No later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, a candidate who
24received a grant from the clean elections fund in that year or the preceding year shall

1return to the state treasurer the amount of any grant remaining in the candidate's
2campaign depository account.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,3 3(16) The board may promulgate rules required to implement this section.".
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,4 422. Page 52, line 16: delete lines 16 to 22.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,5 523. Page 53, line 3: after that line insert:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,6 6" Section 124b. 14.58 (20) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,107 14.58 (20) Election campaign Clean elections fund. Make disbursements to
8each candidate certified under s. 7.08 (2) (c) or (cm) by the elections board as eligible
9to receive moneys a grant from the Wisconsin election campaign clean elections
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,12 1124. Page 53, line 4: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
12with page 55, line 2, and substitute:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,13 13" Section 125b. 20.510 (1) (q) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,1514 20.510 (1) (q) Clean elections fund grants. From the clean elections fund, a sum
15sufficient to make the grants to candidates required under s. 11.51.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 125c 16Section 125c. 20.855 (4) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 125d 17Section 125d. 20.855 (4) (ba) of the statutes is created to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,2018 20.855 (4) (ba) Clean elections fund supplement. A sum sufficient equal to the
19amounts required to make the grants to candidates required under s. 11.51, to be
20transferred to the clean elections fund.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 125e 21Section 125e. 25.17 (1) (aw) of the statutes is created to read:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,21,2222 25.17 (1) (aw) Clean elections fund (s. 25.42);
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 125f 23Section 125f. 25.17 (1) (ys) of the statutes is repealed.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 125g 24Section 125g. 25.42 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
125.42 Clean elections fund. All moneys deposited with the state treasurer
2under s. 11.51 (2) and (5) or returned to the state treasurer under s. 11.51 (15) and
3all moneys transferred to the clean elections fund under s. 20.855 (4) (ba) constitute
4the clean elections fund.
SB104-SSA1-SA4, s. 125h 5Section 125h. 71.10 (3) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB104-SSA1-SA4,22,6 625. Page 56, line 4: delete "(2) and (3)" and substitute "(3) and (4)".
SB104-SSA1-SA4,22,7 726. Page 56, line 6: delete lines 6 to 10.
SB104-SSA1-SA4,22,8 827. Page 56, line 12: after that line insert:
SB104-SSA1-SA4,22,10 9"(4) The treatment of section 11.51 (11) of the statutes first applies to
10adjustments for the biennium beginning on January 1, 2004.".