2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
March 11, 2002 - Offered by Committee on Judiciary, Consumer Affairs, and
Campaign Finance Reform
SB109-SSA1-SA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the substitute amendment as follows:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,1,2 21. Page 1, line 5: delete "and providing" and substitute "providing".
SB109-SSA1-SA1,1,4 32. Page 1, line 6: after "estates" insert "; and authorizing the conversion of a
4trust to a unitrust".
SB109-SSA1-SA1,1,5 53. Page 4, line 7: after that line insert:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,1,7 6" Section 5c. 66.0603 (1m) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,2,68 66.0603 (1m) (b) A town, city, or village may invest surplus funds in any bonds
9or securities issued under the authority of the municipality, whether the bonds or
10securities create a general municipality liability or a liability of the property owners
11of the municipality for special improvements, and may sell or hypothecate the bonds
12or securities. Funds of an employer, as defined by s. 40.02 (28), in a deferred

1compensation plan may also be invested and reinvested in the same manner
2authorized for investments under s. 881.01 (1). Funds of any school district
3operating under ch. 119, held in trust for pension plans intended to qualify under
4section 401 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code, other than funds held in the public
5employee trust fund, may be invested and reinvested in the same manner as is
6authorized for investments under s. 881.01.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,2,7 7" Section 5r. 701.12 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,2,108 701.12 (3) Nothing in this section shall prevent revocation, modification, or
9termination of a trust pursuant to its terms or otherwise in accordance with law or
10prevent conversion of a trust to a unitrust under s. 701.20 (4g)
SB109-SSA1-SA1,2,12 114. Page 4, line 9: delete " Principal and income" and substitute "Revised
12principal and income act
SB109-SSA1-SA1,2,13 135. Page 9, line 21: after "(4)" insert "(a)".
SB109-SSA1-SA1,2,14 146. Page 11, line 9: after that line insert:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,2,16 15"(4g) Conversion to unitrust. (a) Subject to par. (d), a trust may be converted
16to a unitrust in any of the following ways:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,2,1817 1. By the trustee, at his or her own discretion or at the request of a beneficiary,
18if all of the following apply:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,2,2019 a. Subject to sub. (3), the trustee determines that the conversion will enable the
20trustee to better carry out the purposes of the trust.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,2,2421 b. The trustee provides notice in the same manner as provided in sub. (4c) (b)
221. of the trustee's intention to convert the trust to a unitrust, and the notice advises
23how the unitrust will operate, including the fixed percentage under par. (c) 1. and any
24other initial determinations under par. (c) 4. that the trustee intends to follow.
1c. There is at least one sui juris beneficiary who is an income beneficiary who
2is currently eligible to receive income from the trust and at least one other sui juris
3beneficiary who is a remainder beneficiary who would receive, if no powers of
4appointment were exercised, a distribution of principal if the trust were to terminate
5immediately before the notice under subd. 1. b. is given.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,3,76 d. Every sui juris beneficiary consents to the conversion to a unitrust in a
7writing delivered to the trustee.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,3,98 e. The terms of the trust describe the amount that may or must be distributed
9by referring to the trust income.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,3,1010 f. The trustee invests and manages the trust assets as provided in s. 881.01.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,3,1211 2. By a court on the petition of the trustee or a beneficiary, if all of the following
SB109-SSA1-SA1,3,1613 a. The trustee or beneficiary has provided notice under sub. (4c) of the intention
14to request the court to convert the trust to a unitrust, and the notice advises how the
15unitrust will operate, including the fixed percentage under par. (c) 1. and any other
16initial determinations under par. (c) 4. that will be requested.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,3,1817 b. The court determines that the conversion to a unitrust will enable the trustee
18to better carry out the purposes of the trust.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,3,2019 (b) In deciding whether to convert the trust to a unitrust under par. (a) 1., the
20trustee shall consider all relevant factors under sub. (4) (b) 1. to 9.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,321 (c) 1. If a trust is converted to a unitrust under this subsection by the trustee
22or a court, notwithstanding sub. (3) (a) 1. and 4. and s. 701.21 (4) the trustee shall
23make distributions in accordance with the creating instrument, except that any
24reference in the creating instrument to "income" shall be construed to mean a fixed
25percentage of the net fair market value of the unitrust's assets, whether such assets

1otherwise would be considered income or principal under this section, averaged over
2the preceding 3 years or the period since the original trust was created, whichever
3is less.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,84 2. a. Subject to subd. 2. b., if the trust is converted to a unitrust under par. (a)
51., the fixed percentage to be applied under subd. 1. shall be determined by the
6trustee and stated in the notice under par. (a) 1. b. If the trust is converted to a
7unitrust under par. (a) 2., the fixed percentage to be applied under subd. 1. shall be
8determined by the court.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,109 b. Any fixed percentage under subd. 1. that is determined by a trustee may not
10be less than 3% nor more than 5%.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,1311 3. After a trust is converted to a unitrust, the trustee may, subject to the notice
12requirement under sub. (4c) and with the consent of every sui juris beneficiary, do
13any of the following:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,1514 a. Convert the unitrust back to the original trust under the creating
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,1616 b. Change the fixed percentage under subd. 1., subject to subd. 2. b.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,1817 4. After a trust is converted to a unitrust, a trustee may determine or change
18any of the following:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,1919 a. The frequency of distributions during the year.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,2120 b. Standards for prorating a distribution for a short year in which a
21beneficiary's right to payments commences or ceases.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,2322 c. The effect on the valuation of the unitrust's assets of other payments from,
23or contributions to, the unitrust.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,2424 d. How, and how frequently, to value the unitrust's assets.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,4,2525 e. The valuation dates to use.
1f. Whether to omit from the calculation of the value of the unitrust's assets
2unitrust property occupied by or in the possession of a beneficiary.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,33 g. Any other matters necessary for the proper functioning of the unitrust.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,54 5. The trustee may not deduct from a unitrust distribution expenses that would
5be deducted from income if the trust were not a unitrust.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,76 6. Unless otherwise provided by the creating instrument, a unitrust
7distribution shall be paid as follows:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,88 a. First, from net income, determined as if the trust were not a unitrust.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,109 b. Next, to the extent that net income under subd. 6. a. is insufficient, from net
10realized short-term capital gains.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,1211 c. Next, to the extent that net income under subd. 6. a. and short-term capital
12gains under subd. 6. b. are insufficient, from net realized long-term capital gains.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,1513 d. Next, to the extent that net income under subd. 6. a., short-term capital
14gains under subd. 6. b., and net realized long-term capital gains under subd. 6. c. are
15insufficient, from principal.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,1716 7. A court may, on the petition of the trustee or a beneficiary, do any of the
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,1918 a. Change the fixed percentage under subd. 1. that was determined by the
19trustee or by a prior court order.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,2120 b. If necessary to preserve a tax benefit, provide for a distribution of net income,
21determined as if the trust were not a unitrust, that exceeds the unitrust distribution.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,2322 c. Average the valuation of the unitrust's assets over a period other than that
23specified in subd. 1.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,5,2524 d. Require the unitrust to be converted back to the original trust under the
25creating instrument.
18. Conversion to a unitrust under this subsection does not affect a provision in
2the creating instrument that directs or authorizes the trustee to distribute principal
3or that authorizes a beneficiary to withdraw a portion or all of the principal.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,6,54 (d) 1. A trust may not be converted under this subsection to a unitrust if any
5of the following applies:
SB109-SSA1-SA1,6,66 a. The creating instrument specifically prohibits the conversion.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,6,87 b. Payment of the unitrust distribution will change the amount payable to a
8beneficiary as a fixed annuity or a fixed fraction of the value of the trust assets.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,6,129 c. The unitrust distribution will be made from any amount that is permanently
10set aside for charitable purposes under the creating instrument and for which a
11federal estate or gift tax deduction has been taken, unless both income and principal
12are so set aside.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,6,1513 d. Converting to a unitrust will cause an individual to be treated as the owner
14of all or part of the trust for federal income tax purposes and the individual would
15not be treated as the owner if the trust were not converted.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,6,1916 e. Converting to a unitrust will cause all or a part of the trust assets to be
17subject to federal estate or gift tax with respect to an individual and the trust assets
18would not be subject to federal estate or gift tax with respect to the individual if the
19trust were not converted.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,6,2120 f. Converting to a unitrust will result in the disallowance of a federal estate or
21gift tax marital deduction that would be allowed if the trust were not converted.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,6,2222 g. A trustee is a beneficiary of the trust.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,7,223 2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., if a trust may not be converted to a unitrust solely
24because subd. 1. g. applies to a trustee, a cotrustee, if any, to whom subd. 1. g. does
25not apply may convert the trust to a unitrust under par. (a) 1., unless prohibited by

1the creating instrument, or a court may convert the trust to a unitrust under par. (a)
22. on the petition of a trustee or beneficiary.
SB109-SSA1-SA1,7,63 (e) 1. Nothing in this subsection requires a trustee to convert a trust to a
4unitrust under par. (a) 1. A trustee may not be held liable for choosing not to convert
5a trust to a unitrust, or for not considering whether to convert a trust to a unitrust,
6under par. (a) 1.