SB110-AA8,13,5 20(2) (a) If an elector declares to the presiding election official that he or she
21cannot read or write, or has difficulty in reading, writing or understanding English
22or that due to disability is unable to mark or punch a ballot or depress a button or
23lever on a voting machine, the elector shall be informed by the officials that he or she
24may have assistance. When assistance is requested, the elector may select any
25individual to assist in casting his or her vote. The selected individual rendering

1assistance may not be the elector's employer or an agent of that employer or an officer
2or agent of a labor organization which represents the elector. The selected individual
3shall certify on the back of the ballot that it was marked or punched with his or her
4assistance. Where voting machines are used, certification shall be made on the
5registration list.
SB110-AA8,13,106 (b) The individual chosen shall enter the voting booth or machine with the
7elector and shall read the names of all candidates on the ballot for each office, and
8ask, "For which one do you vote?". The ballot shall be marked or punched or the lever
9or button depressed according to the elector's expressed preference. The individual
10selected to assist may not disclose to anyone how the elector voted.".
SB110-AA8,13,11 117. Page 16, line 7: after that line insert:
SB110-AA8,13,12 12" Section 28m. 6.87 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-AA8,14,813 6.87 (3) (d) Unless a municipality uses an electronic voting system that
14requires an elector to punch a ballot in order to record the elector's votes, a
15municipal clerk of a municipality may, if the clerk is reliably informed by an absent
16elector of a facsimile transmission number or electronic mail address where the
17elector can receive an absentee ballot, transmit a facsimile or electronic copy of the
18absent elector's ballot to that elector in lieu of mailing under this subsection if, in the
19judgment of the clerk, the time required to send the ballot through the mail may not
20be sufficient to enable return of the ballot by the time provided under sub. (6). An
21elector may receive an absentee ballot under this subsection only if the elector has
22filed a valid application for the ballot under sub. (1). If the clerk transmits an
23absentee ballot under this paragraph, the clerk shall also transmit a facsimile or
24electronic copy of the text of the material that appears on the certificate envelope

1prescribed in sub. (2), together with instructions prescribed by the board. The
2instructions shall require the absent elector to make and subscribe to the
3certification as required under sub. (4) and to enclose the absentee ballot in a
4separate envelope contained within a larger envelope, that shall include the
5completed certificate. The elector shall then mail the absentee ballot with postage
6prepaid to the municipal clerk. An absentee ballot received under this paragraph
7shall not be counted unless it is cast in the manner prescribed in this paragraph and
8in accordance with the instructions provided by the board.
SB110-AA8, s. 28r 9Section 28r. 6.87 (4) and (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB110-AA8,15,210 6.87 (4) Except as otherwise provided in s. 6.875, the elector voting absentee
11shall make and subscribe to the certification before one witness. The absent elector,
12in the presence of the witness, shall mark or punch the ballot in a manner that will
13not disclose how the elector's vote is cast. The elector shall then, still in the presence
14of the witness, fold the ballots if they are paper ballots so each is separate and so that
15the elector conceals the markings thereon and deposit them in the proper envelope.
16If a consolidated ballot under s. 5.655 is used, the elector shall fold the ballot if it is
17a paper ballot so that the elector conceals the markings thereon and deposit the ballot
18in the proper envelope. The elector may receive assistance under sub. (5). The return
19envelope shall then be sealed. The witness may not be a candidate. The envelope
20shall be mailed by the elector, postage prepaid, or delivered in person, to the
21municipal clerk issuing the ballot or ballots. Failure to return an unused ballot in
22a primary does not invalidate the ballot on which the elector's votes are cast. Return
23of more than one marked or punched ballot in a primary or return of a ballot prepared
24under s. 5.655 or a ballot used with an electronic voting system in a primary which

1is marked or punched for candidates of more than one party invalidates all votes cast
2by the elector for candidates in the primary.
SB110-AA8,15,9 3(5) If the absent elector declares that he or she is unable to read, has difficulty
4in reading, writing or understanding English or due to disability is unable to mark
5or punch his or her ballot, the elector may select any individual, except the elector's
6employer or an agent of that employer or an officer or agent of a labor organization
7which represents the elector, to assist in marking or punching the ballot, and the
8assistant shall then sign his or her name to a certification on the back of the ballot,
9as provided under s. 5.55.".
SB110-AA8,15,10 108. Page 19, line 21: after that line insert:
SB110-AA8,15,11 11" Section 29m. 6.875 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-AA8,17,212 6.875 (6) Special voting deputies in each municipality shall, not later than 5
13p.m. on the Friday preceding an election, arrange one or more convenient times with
14the administrator of each nursing home or qualified retirement home and qualified
15community-based residential facility in the municipality from which one or more
16occupants have filed an application under s. 6.86 to conduct absentee voting for the
17election. The time may be no earlier than the 4th Monday preceding the election and
18no later than 5 p.m. on the Monday preceding the election. Upon request of a relative
19of an occupant of a nursing home or qualified retirement home or qualified
20community-based residential facility, the administrator may notify the relative of
21the time or times at which special voting deputies will conduct absentee voting at the
22home or facility, and permit the relative to be present in the room where the voting
23is conducted. At the designated time, 2 deputies appointed under sub. (4) shall visit
24the nursing home or qualified retirement home or qualified community-based

1residential facility. The municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election
2commissioners shall issue a supply of absentee ballots to the deputies sufficient to
3provide for the number of valid applications received by the clerk, and a reasonable
4additional number of ballots. The municipal clerk or executive director shall keep
5a careful record of all ballots issued to the deputies and shall require the deputies to
6return every ballot issued to them. The deputies shall personally offer each elector
7who has filed a proper application the opportunity to cast his or her absentee ballot.
8If an elector is present who has not filed a proper application, the 2 deputies may
9accept an application from the elector and shall issue a ballot to the elector if the
10elector is qualified and the application is proper. The deputies shall administer the
11oath and may, upon request of the elector, assist the elector in marking or punching
12the elector's ballot. Upon request of the elector, a relative of the elector who is present
13in the room may assist the elector in marking or punching the elector's ballot. All
14voting shall be conducted in the presence of the deputies. No individual other than
15a deputy may administer the oath and no individual other than a deputy or relative
16of an elector may render voting assistance to the elector. Upon completion of the
17voting, the deputies shall promptly deliver, either personally or by 1st class mail, any
18absentee ballot applications and the sealed certificate envelope containing each
19ballot to the clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality in which the
20elector casting the ballot resides, within such time as will permit delivery to the
21polling place serving the elector's residence on election day. Personal delivery may
22be made by the deputies no later than noon on election day. If a qualified elector is
23not able to cast his or her ballot on 2 separate visits by the deputies to the nursing
24home or qualified retirement home, they shall so inform the municipal clerk or

1executive director of the board of election commissioners, who may then send the
2ballot to the elector no later than 5 p.m. on the Friday preceding the election.".
SB110-AA8,17,3 39. Page 21, line 10: after that line insert:
SB110-AA8,17,4 4" Section 33m. 7.15 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-AA8,17,85 7.15 (3) (b) Sample ballots, and voting machine ballots and ballot labels for
6electronic voting systems, whenever the labels are affixed to the voting devices,
7be furnished to the officials in the ward or election district at least one day before each
SB110-AA8,17,9 910. Page 24, line 24: after that line insert:
SB110-AA8,17,10 10" Section 41m. 7.37 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-AA8,17,2011 7.37 (4) Balloting procedure. At polling places which utilize paper ballots or
12electronic voting systems in which ballots are distributed to electors, 2 inspectors
13shall be assigned to take charge of the official ballots. They shall write their initials
14on the back of each ballot and deliver to each elector as he or she enters the voting
15booth one ballot properly endorsed by each of them. Where paper ballots are used,
16the inspectors shall fold each ballot in the proper manner to be deposited before
17delivering it to the elector. If asked, inspectors may instruct any elector as to the
18proper manner of marking or punching the ballot, but they may not give advice,
19suggestions, express any preferences or make any requests as to the person for
20whom, the question on which or the ballot on which the elector shall vote.
SB110-AA8, s. 41r 21Section 41r. 7.37 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-AA8,18,222 7.37 (8) Electronic voting systems. Prior to the opening of the polling place,
23wherever electronic voting systems employing voting devices are used, the
24inspectors shall place the voting devices in position for voting and examine them to

1see that they are in proper working order and that they have the correct ballot labels
2by comparing them with the sample ballots.
SB110-AA8,18,3 311. Page 25, line 23: after that line insert:
SB110-AA8,18,5 4" Section 46m. 7.50 (1) (d) and (2) (a), (b) and (d) of the statutes are amended
5to read:
SB110-AA8,18,166 7.50 (1) (d) Whenever an electronic voting system is used at a polling place in
7a partisan primary, and the same ballot is utilized to cast votes for candidates of more
8than one recognized political party or candidates of a party and independent
9candidates, if an elector designates a preference for a party or for independent
10candidates, only votes cast within that preference category may be counted. If an
11elector does not designate a preference and makes a mark or punch or affixes a
12sticker opposite candidates of more than one recognized political party or opposite
13a candidate in the independent candidates' column and a candidate of a recognized
14political party, no votes cast by the elector for any candidate for partisan office are
15valid. Votes for other candidates and votes on ballot questions, if any, shall be
16counted if otherwise valid.
SB110-AA8,19,3 17(2) (a) At a general election, if the elector places a mark, symbol or sticker or
18punches a hole
under a party designation at the head of a column in or near the space
19indicated for that purpose, it is a vote for all the candidates whose names appear in
20the marked or punched column except as otherwise provided in this paragraph. If
21a name is stricken, it is not a vote for that candidate. If a name is written in, it is a
22vote for the write-in candidate. If a sticker is attached it is a vote for the candidate
23whose name appears on the sticker. If in some other column there is a mark or punch
24in the square to the right of a specific candidate's name or at the place designated on

1the ballot for marking or punching a vote for a specific candidate for the same office,
2it is a vote for that specific candidate and no vote may be counted for the candidate
3for the same office in the column marked or punched for a straight party vote.
SB110-AA8,19,64 (b) A ballot cast without any marks, or stickers or punches may not be counted.
5A ballot without a mark or punch at the top of a party column may be counted only
6for persons for whom marks or punches are applicable.
SB110-AA8,19,187 (d) If an elector writes a person's name in the proper space for write-in
8candidates for an office, it is a vote for the person written in for the office indicated,
9regardless of whether the elector strikes the names appearing in the same column
10for the same office, or places a mark or punch by the same or any other name for the
11same office, or omits placing a mark or punch to the right of the name written in. If
12an elector is permitted to vote for more than one candidate for the same office in an
13election and casts one or more write-in votes which, when added to the votes cast for
14candidates whose names appear on the ballot, exceed the number of votes authorized
15to be cast for the office, the write-in votes shall be counted and the votes for
16candidates whose names appear on the ballot may not be counted, unless there are
17more write-in votes than votes authorized to be cast, in which case no votes may be
18counted for the office.
SB110-AA8, s. 46p 19Section 46p. 10.01 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-AA8,20,320 10.01 (2) (b) Type B—The type B notice shall include the relevant facsimile
21ballots and the relevant portions of voting instructions to electors under s. 10.02 for
22each office or referendum and shall specify the date of the election. In counties or
23municipalities where an electronic voting system employing a ballot label and ballot
in which ballots are distributed to electors is used, the notice shall include the
25information specified in s. 5.94. The type B notice shall be published once by the

1county clerks, and for primaries and other elections in municipalities or special
2purpose districts, once by the clerk of the municipality or special purpose district on
3the day preceding each primary and other election.
SB110-AA8, s. 46q 4Section 46q. 10.06 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-AA8,20,105 10.06 (3) (e) When electronic or mechanical voting machines or electronic
6voting systems employing a ballot card or label in which ballots are distributed to
are used in a municipality at a municipal election, the municipal clerk shall
8publish a type B notice on the Monday before the election. The notice shall include
9all offices and questions to be voted on at the election. The cost of this notice shall
10be shared under s. 5.68 (2) and (3).".
SB110-AA8,20,11 1112. Page 27, line 3: after that line insert:
SB110-AA8,20,13 12" Section 51m. 12.13 (1) (f) and (3) (e) and (j) of the statutes are amended to
SB110-AA8,20,1514 12.13 (1) (f) Shows his or her marked or punched ballot to any person or places
15a mark upon the ballot so it is identifiable as his or her ballot.
SB110-AA8,20,21 16(3) (e) Prepare or cause to be prepared an official ballot with intent to change
17the result of the election as to any candidate or referendum; prepare an official ballot
18which is premarked or prepunched or which has an unauthorized sticker affixed
19prior to delivery to an elector; or deliver to an elector an official ballot bearing a mark
20or punch opposite the name of a candidate or referendum question that might be
21counted as a vote for or against a candidate or question.
SB110-AA8,21,422 (j) When called upon to assist an elector who cannot read or write, has difficulty
23in reading, writing or understanding English, or is unable to mark or punch a ballot
24or depress a lever or button on a voting machine, inform the elector that a ballot

1contains names or words different than are printed or displayed on the ballot with
2the intent of inducing the elector to vote contrary to his or her inclination,
3intentionally fail to cast a vote in accordance with the elector's instructions or reveal
4the elector's vote to any 3rd person.".
SB110-AA8,21,5 513. Page 27, line 22: after that line insert:
SB110-AA8,21,7 6" Section 54L. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
7insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF
SB110-AA8, s. 54p 8Section 54p. 20.510 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB110-AA8,21,119 20.510 (1) (c) Electronic voting system master lease payments. Biennially, the
10amounts in the schedule to provide assistance to counties under 2001 Wisconsin Act
11.... (this act), section 76 (5x).
SB110-AA8, s. 54q 12Section 54q. 20.510 (1) (c) of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin Act
13.... (this act), is repealed.".
SB110-AA8,21,14 1414. Page 28, line 3: after that line insert:
SB110-AA8,21,15 15" Section 55m. 59.08 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-AA8,22,316 59.08 (9) The ballot shall have on the back or reverse side the endorsements
17provided by law for ballots for general elections and shall be marked , punched or
by the elector and counted and canvassed as other ballots cast on questions
19in the county are counted and canvassed. The election shall be conducted by the

1same officers and in the same manner as are other elections in the county. The
2results of the election shall be certified to the judges of the circuit courts for the
SB110-AA8,22,4 415. Page 38, line 4: after that line insert:
SB110-AA8,22,5 5"(5x) Lease of electronic voting equipment.
SB110-AA8,22,156 (a) The department of administration shall enter into a master lease under
7section 16.76 (4) of the statutes on behalf of the elections board to obtain sufficient
8electronic voting system equipment suitable for use with an electronic voting system
9in municipalities that employed a punch card electronic voting system at the 2001
10spring election and that are required under this act to eliminate that system in
11future elections. The elections board shall sublease the equipment obtained under
12this paragraph to any county in which the municipalities are wholly or partly
13contained at nominal cost to the county. The elections board shall make the
14payments required under the master lease to the department of administration from
15the appropriation under section 20.510 (1) (c) of the statutes.
SB110-AA8,23,2 16(b) Notwithstanding section 13.101 (3) (a) of the statutes, if the elections board
17requests a supplemental appropriation from the joint committee on finance for the
18purpose of making payments under the master lease entered into under paragraph
19(a), no finding of emergency is required. Notwithstanding sections 13.10 and 13.101
20(3) of the statutes, if the elections board requests a supplement under this paragraph,
21and the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance do not notify the elections
22board that a meeting of the committee has been scheduled to discuss the request
23within 14 working days of the date that the request is made, the request is considered
24to be approved by the committee. If, within 14 working days of the date of the request,

1the cochairpersons of the committee notify the elections board that the committee
2has scheduled a meeting to discuss the request, no supplement is approved. ".
SB110-AA8,23,3 316. Page 39, line 3: after that line insert:
SB110-AA8,23,10 4"(2x) Elimination of punch card electronic voting systems. The treatment
5of sections 5.02 (1e) and (1m), 5.35 (2) and (6) (b), 5.54, 5.55, 5.66 (2), 5.68 (3), 5.79,
65.81 (1), (2), and (3), 5.82, 5.84 (1), 5.85 (2) and (3), 5.91 (14), 5.94, 6.15 (3) (a) 1. and
7(b), 6.22 (4), and (5), 6.24 (6) and (7), 6.82 (1) (a) and (2) (a) and (b), 6.87 (3) (d), (4),
8and (5), 6.875 (6), 7.15 (3) (b), 7.37 (4) and (8), 7.50 (1) (d) and (2) (a), (b), and (d), 10.01
9(2) (b), 10.06 (3) (e), 12.13 (1) (f) and (3) (e) and (j), and 59.08 (9) of the statutes takes
10effect on January 1, 2002.
SB110-AA8,23,12 11(2y) Voting system master lease payments. The repeal of section 20.510 (1) (c)
12of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2003.".