SB55-ASA1-AA1,905,99 4. The certificate renews automatically without any action by the department.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,905,1110 5. The certificate is issued in a form, and subject to any terms and conditions,
11that the department considers appropriate.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,905,1212 (d) An irrevocable bank letter of credit if all of the following apply:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,905,1413 1. The letter of credit is payable to the department for the benefit of milk
14producers or producer agents.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,905,1515 2. The letter of credit is issued on bank letterhead.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,905,1616 3. The letter of credit is issued for an initial period of at least one year.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,905,1917 4. The letter of credit renews automatically unless, at least 90 days before the
18scheduled renewal date, the issuing bank gives the department written notice, in
19person or by certified mail, that the letter of credit will not be renewed.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,905,2120 5. The letter of credit is issued in a form, and subject to any terms and
21conditions, that the department considers appropriate.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,905,2422 (e) Security filed with the department under s. 100.06, 1999 stats., before May
231, 2002, except that on January 1, 2003, the department shall withdraw its approval
24of any security that is not approvable under pars. (a) to (d).
1(f) A dairy plant trusteeship created before May 1, 2002, under s. 100.06, 1999
2stats. This paragraph does not apply after January 1, 2003.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,906,5 3(5) Department custody of security. The department shall hold, in its custody,
4all security filed and maintained under this section. The department shall hold the
5security for the benefit of milk producers and producer agents.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,906,7 6(6) Additional security. (a) The department may, at any time, demand
7additional security from a milk contractor if any of the following applies:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,906,118 1. The milk contractor's existing security falls below the amount required
9under sub. (3) for any reason, including depreciation in the value of the security,
10increased obligations to milk producers or producer agents, or the cancellation of any
11security filed with the department.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,906,1312 2. The milk contractor fails to provide required information that is relevant to
13a determination of security requirements.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,906,1814 (b) The department shall issue a demand under par. (a) in writing. The
15department shall indicate why additional security is required, the amount of
16security required, and the deadline date for filing security. The department may not
17specify a deadline for filing security that is more than 30 days after the date on which
18the department issues its demand for security.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,906,2119 (c) A milk contractor may request a hearing, under ch. 227, on a demand for
20security under par. (b). A request for hearing does not automatically stay a security
SB55-ASA1-AA1,907,522 (d) If a milk contractor fails to comply with the department's demand for
23security under this subsection, the milk contractor shall give written notice of that
24fact to all milk producers and producer agents from whom the contractor procures
25producer milk in this state. If the milk contractor fails to give accurate notice under

1this paragraph within 5 days after the deadline for filing security under par. (b) has
2passed, the department shall promptly notify milk producers and producer agents
3by publishing a class 3 notice under ch. 985. The department may also give
4individual notice to those milk producers or producer agents of whom the department
5is aware.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,907,76 (e) If a milk contractor fails to comply with the department's demand for
7security under this subsection, the department may do any of the following:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,907,88 1. Issue a summary order under s. 126.85 (2).
SB55-ASA1-AA1,907,99 2. Suspend or revoke the milk contractor's license.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,907,11 10(7) Releasing security. (a) The department may release security filed under
11sub. (1) if any of the following applies:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,907,1612 1. The milk contractor reports not more than $1,500,000 in milk payroll
13obligations under s. 126.41 (6) (a) for at least 2 consecutive years and the milk
14contractor pays the quarterly fund assessment that would have been required of the
15milk contractor if the milk contractor had been a contributing milk contractor on the
16most recent quarterly installment date under s. 126.46 (6).
SB55-ASA1-AA1,907,2117 2. The milk contractor's annual financial statement under s. 126.44 shows
18positive equity for at least 2 consecutive years and the milk contractor pays the
19quarterly fund assessment that would have been required of the milk contractor if
20the milk contractor had been a contributing milk contractor on the most recent
21quarterly installment date under s. 126.46 (6).
SB55-ASA1-AA1,907,2322 (b) On August 1, 2002, the department may release security maintained under
23sub. (2), unless the milk contractor is required to file security under sub. (1).
SB55-ASA1-AA1,907,2524 (c) The department may release security to the extent that the security exceeds
25the amount required under sub. (3).
1(d) The department may release security if the milk contractor files alternative
2security, of equivalent value, that the department approves.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,908,43 (e) The department shall release security if the milk contractor has gone out
4of business and paid all milk payroll obligations in full.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,908,12 5126.48 Milk contractors; payments to producers. (1) First monthly
By the 4th day of each month, a milk contractor shall pay for producer milk
7received during the first 15 days of the preceding month. The milk contractor shall
8base the payment on an estimated price that is at least 80% of the class III price
9published by the regional federal milk market administrator for the month
10preceding the month in which the milk is received, or 80% of the contract price,
11whichever is greater. This subsection does not apply to a qualified producer agent
12who complies with sub. (4).
SB55-ASA1-AA1,908,16 13(2) Second monthly payment. By the 19th day of each month, a milk contractor
14shall pay the balance due for producer milk received during the preceding month.
15This subsection does not apply to a qualified producer agent who complies with sub.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,908,20 17(3) Payment explanation. The department may, by rule, require a milk
18contractor to provide a milk producer or producer agent with a written explanation
19of each payment under this section. The department may specify the content of the
20explanation, including information related to any of the following:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,908,2121 (a) Milk contractor identification.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,908,2222 (b) Milk producer or producer agent identification.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,908,2323 (c) Pay period.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,908,2424 (d) Volume of milk received.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,908,2525 (e) Grade of milk.
1(f) Milk test results.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,909,22 (g) Milk price and adjustments.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,909,33 (h) Gross amount due.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,909,44 (i) Average gross pay per hundredweight less hauling charges.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,909,55 (j) Net amount due.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,909,66 (k) Deductions and assignments.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,909,12 7(4) Qualified producer agents. (a) By the last day of each month, a qualified
8producer agent shall pay for producer milk received during the first 10 days of that
9month. The qualified producer agent shall base the payment on an estimated price
10that is at least 80% of the class III price published by the regional federal milk market
11administrator for the month preceding the month in which the milk is received, or
1280% of the contract price, whichever is greater.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,909,1813 (b) By the 10th day of each month, a qualified producer agent shall pay for
14producer milk received from the 11th day to the 20th day of the preceding month.
15The qualified producer agent shall base the payment on an estimated price that is
16at least 80% of the class III price published by the regional federal milk market
17administrator for the month preceding the month in which the milk is received, or
1880% of the contract price, whichever is greater.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,909,2019 (c) By the 20th day of each month, a qualified producer agent shall pay the
20balance due for producer milk received during the preceding month.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,909,24 21126.49 Milk contractors; records and reports. (1) Required records. A
22milk contractor shall keep accurate records and accounts of milk receipts, payments
23for milk received, and amounts owed to milk producers. The department may, by
24rule, specify records that a milk contractor must keep.
1(2) Required reports. The department may, by rule, require a milk contractor
2to file with the department periodic reports of information needed for the
3administration of this chapter.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,910,7 4(3) Records retention; inspection. A milk contractor shall retain records
5required under sub. (1) for at least 6 years after the records are created. A milk
6contractor shall make the records available to the department for inspection and
7copying upon request.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,910,9 8126.50 Milk contractors; prohibited practices. No milk contractor may
9do any of the following:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,910,11 10(1) Falsify any record or account, or conspire with any other person to falsify
11a record or account.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,910,12 12(2) Make any false or misleading representation to the department.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,910,15 13(3) If the milk contractor is licensed under s. 126.41 (1), engage in any activity
14that is inconsistent with representations made in the milk contractor's annual
15license application.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,910,17 16(4) Make any false or misleading representation to a milk producer or producer
17agent related to matters regulated under this chapter.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,910,19 18(5) Fail to file the full amount of security required under s. 126.47 (6) by the
19date that the department specifies.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,910,24 20126.51 Rules for qualified producer agents. The department shall
21promulgate rules specifying requirements for qualified producer agents, including
22a requirement that a qualified producer agent have a written contract with each milk
23producer from whom the qualified producer agent procures milk in this state and
24that the contract disclose all of the following:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,910,25 25(1) That the producer agent does not take title to the milk producer's milk.
1(2) That the producer agent holds all milk receipts in trust for milk producers.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,4 2(3) That the producer agent's obligations to milk producers are not secured or
3indemnified under this chapter to the same degree as are the obligations of other
4milk contractors.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,65 subchapter vI
6 vegetable CONTRACTORS
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,7 7126.55 Definitions. In this subchapter:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,10 8(1) "Cash on delivery" means cash payment of the full agreed price for
9processing vegetables at the time of delivery or, if the vegetables are graded, within
1072 hours after the time of delivery.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,11 11(2) "Cash payment" means payment in any of the following forms:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,1212 (a) Currency.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,1313 (b) A cashier's check, or a check that a bank issues and certifies.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,1414 (c) A wire transfer.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,1515 (d) Simultaneous barter.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,19 16(3) "Contract obligation" means the net amount, whether paid or unpaid, that
17a vegetable contractor owes a vegetable producer or producer agent under a
18vegetable procurement contract. "Contract obligation" includes a net amount owed
19for unharvested acreage.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,911,24 20(4) "Contributing vegetable contractor" means a vegetable contractor who is
21licensed under s. 126.56 (1), who either has paid one or more quarterly installments
22under s. 126.60 (6) or is required to contribute to the fund, but the first quarterly
23installment under s. 126.60 (6) is not yet due, and who is not disqualified under s.
24126.59 (2).
1(6) "Current ratio" means the ratio of the value of current assets to the value
2of current liabilities, calculated according to s. 126.58 (6) (c) 1.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,912,4 3(7) "Debt to equity ratio" means the ratio of the value of liabilities to equity,
4calculated according to s. 126.58 (6) (c) 2.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,912,7 5(8) "Deferred payment contract" means a vegetable procurement contract in
6which the vegetable producer or a producer agent agrees to accept payment after
7January 31 for processing vegetables harvested during the previous calendar year.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,912,9 8(9) "Disqualified vegetable contractor" means a vegetable contractor who is
9disqualified from the fund under s. 126.59 (2).
SB55-ASA1-AA1,912,10 10(10) "Food processing" has the meaning given in s. 97.29 (1) (g).
SB55-ASA1-AA1,912,12 11(10m) "License year" means the period beginning on February 1 and ending
12on the following January 31.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,912,16 13(11) "Processing vegetables" means vegetables grown or sold for use in food
14processing, regardless of whether those vegetables are actually harvested or
15processed as food. "Processing vegetables" includes sweet corn grown or sold for use
16in food processing, but does not include grain.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,912,20 17(12) "Producer agent" means a person who, without taking title to vegetables,
18acts on behalf of a vegetable producer to market or accept payment for processing
19vegetables that the vegetable producer grows in this state. "Producer agent" does not
20include any of the following:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,912,2321 (a) A person who merely brokers a contract between a vegetable producer and
22a vegetable contractor, without becoming a party to the contract or accepting
23payment on behalf of the vegetable producer.
1(b) A person who merely holds or transports processing vegetables for a
2vegetable producer, without marketing the vegetables or accepting payment on
3behalf of the vegetable producer.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,5 4(13) "Time of delivery" under a vegetable procurement contract means the time
5at which one of the following occurs:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,66 (a) The vegetable contractor harvests the vegetables.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,87 (b) The vegetable producer delivers harvested vegetables to the custody or
8control of the vegetable contractor.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,109 (c) The vegetable contractor notifies the vegetable producer of the vegetable
10contractor's refusal to harvest or accept delivery of vegetables.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,11 11(14) "Vegetable contractor" means a person who does any of the following:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,1312 (a) Contracts with a vegetable producer or a producer agent to procure
13processing vegetables that a vegetable producer grows in this state.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,1514 (b) Contracts with a vegetable producer to market, as a producer agent,
15processing vegetables that the vegetable producer grows in this state.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,17 16(15) "Vegetable procurement contract" means an oral or written agreement
17under which a vegetable contractor does any of the following:
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,1918 (a) Contracts with a vegetable producer or a producer agent to procure
19processing vegetables that a vegetable producer grows in this state.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,2120 (b) Contracts with a vegetable producer to market, as a producer agent,
21processing vegetables that the vegetable producer grows in this state.
SB55-ASA1-AA1,913,23 22(16) "Vegetable producer" means a person who grows processing vegetables in
23this state.
1(17) "Unharvested acreage" means land on which vegetables are grown, under
2a vegetable procurement contract, that a vegetable contractor leaves unharvested for
3any reason. "Unharvested acreage" includes all of the following: