SB55-SSA1-SA2,680,2 20"(6e) Report regarding gender-specific treatment program. The department
21of corrections and the department of health and family services shall jointly prepare
22a report that includes a program plan regarding the gender-specific treatment
23program required under section 301.03 (25) of the statutes, as created by this act, and

1shall submit the report to the legislature under section 13.172 (2) of the statutes by
2July 1, 2002.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,680,3 31424. Page 1332, line 3: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,680,7 4"(8c) Report on out-of-state inmate transfers. The department of corrections
5shall submit a report to the joint committee on finance by July 1, 2002, regarding
6Wisconsin inmates transferred to and confined in other states under section 301.21
7(1m) and (2m) of the statutes. The report shall address all of the following:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,680,9 8(a) The overall impact that transfers have on prison populations in Wisconsin
9and projections regarding future out-of-state transfers.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,680,11 10(b) The total cost of out-of-state transfers to the department, including the cost
11of incarceration and transportation.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,680,13 12(c) The types of inmates being transferred based on the crimes for which the
13inmates have been sentenced.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,680,15 14(d) Department policies regarding how inmates are selected for out-of-state
SB55-SSA1-SA2,680,16 16(e) The average length of an inmate's stay in an out-of-state prison.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,680,18 17(f) The specific services, programs, and treatment provided to inmates in
18out-of-state prisons compared to inmates confined in Wisconsin prisons.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,680,22 19(g) Complaint procedures for inmates in out-of-state prisons, the number of
20complaints that have been received, the types of complaints that have been
21submitted, and the ways in which the out-of-state prisons have addressed the
1(h) The rate of recidivism for inmates who have been confined in out-of-state
2prisons compared to those remaining in Wisconsin for the entire sentence, classified
3by the crimes for which the inmates have been sentenced.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,681,6 4(i) The impact of transfers on inmates' families in Wisconsin, the information
5that inmates' families receive on the treatment of inmates, and the ways in which
6the department has attempted to respond to concerns of the families.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,681,11 7(j) The steps taken by the department to implement alternatives to prison
8transfers, the number of persons involved in enhanced community supervision
9programs, the success of those programs, and the feasibility of reducing prison
10transfers through increasing the use of some combination of community supervision
SB55-SSA1-SA2,681,14 12(k) The effects that the elimination of parole and probation would have on the
13number of prisoners who will be sentenced to a term of imprisonment in the
14Wisconsin state prisons and on recidivism rates for all prisoners.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,681,16 15(L) An evaluation of the health of inmates in out-of-state prisons and the
16health care provided to them.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,681,17 171425. Page 1332, line 3: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,681,22 18"(7d) Report regarding services for alcohol and other drug abuse based on
The department of corrections shall submit a report to the joint committee
20on finance no later than 6 months after the effective date of this subsection
21comparing the evaluation and treatment services for alcohol and other drug abuse
22that it provides to women to those that it provides to men.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,681,23 231426. Page 1332, line 3: after that line insert:
1"(9q) Carrying costs for the correctional facility at Stanley. Of the amount
2appropriated under section 20.410 (1) (a) of the statutes, the department of
3corrections shall pay the owners of the correctional facility at Stanley $650,000 per
4month for carrying costs for the period beginning on July 1, 2001, and ending on the
5earlier of October 31, 2001, or the date on which the building commission purchases
6the correctional facility. If the building commission purchases the correctional
7facility before October 31, 2001, the carrying costs for the month in which the
8purchase takes place shall be prorated.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,682,9 91427. Page 1332, line 3: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,682,12 10"(7w) Delay opening of certain facilities. The department of corrections may
11not open a new segregation unit at the Oshkosh Correctional Institution or a new
12workhouse at the Winnebago Correctional Center until after December 31, 2003.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,682,13 131428. Page 1332, line 3: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,682,19 14"(6d) Placement of persons under 18 years of age in maximum security prison
15located near Boscobel.
If on the effective date of this subsection any person under
1618 years of age is incarcerated in the correctional institution authorized under
17section 301.16 (1n) of the statutes, the department of corrections shall transfer that
18person out of that correctional institution within 30 days after the effective date of
19this subsection.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,682,20 201429. Page 1332, line 3: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,683,3 21"(6g) Supermax correctional facility study and report. The department of
22corrections, in cooperation with the department of health and family services and
23nonprofit community-based and faith-based organizations, shall study the impact
24on inmates of being incarcerated in the facility created under section 301.16 (1n) of

1the statutes. The department shall report its findings and recommendations by July
21, 2002 to the legislature in the manner provided in section 13.172 (2) of the
SB55-SSA1-SA2,683,4 41430. Page 1332, line 3: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,683,16 5"(7z) Report on treatment programs for prisoners. By March 15, 2002, the
6department of corrections shall study and report on the availability and effectiveness
7of programs that provide prisoners with treatment for drug and alcohol abuse,
8instruction in basic skills such as reading and math, and training in job skills. The
9report shall include an analysis of the racial composition of the enrollment in such
10programs compared to the racial composition of the prison population as a whole.
11The report shall also include recommendations for establishing new programs that
12would better prepare prisoners to enter the workforce and suggestions about how
13current programs could be improved. The report shall be submitted to the
14appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner provided under
15section 13.172 (3) of the statutes, to the joint committee on finance, and to the
SB55-SSA1-SA2,683,17 171431. Page 1332, line 5: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,2 18"(1k) District attorney position reallocations. Notwithstanding sections
19978.03 and 978.04 of the statutes, effective January 1, 2002, the department of
20administration shall reduce Juneau County's and Rock County's allocation of FTE
21PR assistant district attorney positions funded from the appropriation account
22under section 20.475 (1) (g) of the statutes, as created by this act, by 0.25 position
23each and shall increase Ashland County's allocation of FTE PR assistant district

1attorney positions funded from the appropriation account under section 20.475 (1)
2(g) of the statutes, as created by this act, by 0.5 position.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,7 3(2k) District attorney position increase for Pepin County. The authorized
4FTE positions for the department of administration are increased by 0.2 PR position
5on January 1, 2002, to be funded from the appropriation account under section
620.475 (1) (g) of the statutes, as created by this act, for a 0.2 FTE district attorney
7position in Pepin County.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,8 81432. Page 1334, line 7: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,15 9"(4g) Food pantry grant rules. Not later than the first day of the 6th month
10beginning after the effective date of this subsection, the department of health and
11family services shall promulgate any rules necessary to implement the grant
12program under section 46.766 of the statutes, as created by this act. Prior to
13promulgating the rules, the department of health and family services shall convene
14a committee to advise the department regarding the department's proposed rules.
15The committee shall be composed of all of the following:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,1616 (d) One representative of an emergency food provider.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,1717 (e) One representative of a food bank.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,1818 (f) One representative of a community action agency.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,1919 (g) One representative of a faith-based social services organization.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,2120 (h) One representative of the University of Wisconsin-Extension with
21experience in hunger prevention policies.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,2322 (i) Two persons, other than those specified in paragraphs (d) to (h) with
23experience in hunger prevention and emergency food distribution.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,684,24 241433. Page 1335, line 11: delete lines 11 to 17 and substitute:
1"(8kk) Study of vital records on-line electronic filing system.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,685,9 2(a) By January 1, 2002, the secretary of health and family services shall appoint
3a committee to develop recommended guidelines for an on-line electronic filing
4system for vital records in Wisconsin that incorporates privacy, flexibility, and
5productivity; to study methods employed by other states to protect against identity
6theft in on-line electronic filing systems; to recommend increases, if necessary, in
7vital records fees for implementation of an on-line electronic filing system; and to
8recommend allocation of revenues resulting from the fee increases. The members of
9the committee shall include all of the following:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,685,10 101. The state registrar of vital statistics.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,685,14 112. Three local registrars, including one from a county with a population that
12does not exceed 22,000; one from a county with a population that exceeds 22,000 but
13does not exceed 300,000; and one from a county with a population that exceeds
SB55-SSA1-SA2,685,15 153. Three representatives of the department of health and family services.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,685,16 164. One genealogist.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,685,18 17(b) By July 1, 2002, the committee appointed under paragraph (a) shall develop
18an outline of its proposals.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,685,24 19(c) By January 1, 2003, the committee appointed under paragraph (a) shall
20report its findings and recommendations, including a proposed schedule of fees
21chargeable for vital records that supports implementation of an on-line electronic
22filing system and security measures to protect against identity theft, to the
23legislature in the manner provided under section 13.172 (2) of the statutes and to the
11434. Page 1336, line 23: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,686,20 2"(8zo) Use of federal reimbursement of targeted case management costs for
3implementation of statewide automated child welfare information system.
If after
4the lapse under Section 9223 (5zo) of this act there remains in the appropriation
5account under section 20.435 (8) (mb) of the statutes, as affected by this act, any
6moneys received under 42 USC 1396 to 1396v in reimbursement of the cost of
7providing case management services to children whose care is not eligible for
8reimbursement under 42 USC 670 to 679a, the department of health and family
9services shall allocate, from that appropriation account, $1,622,100 in fiscal year
102001-02 and $1,839,000 in fiscal year 2002-03 to support the counties' share of
11implementing the statewide automated child welfare information system
12established by the department of health and family services under section 46.03 (7)
13(g) of the statutes. If after the counties' full share of implementing that system is met
14any of those moneys received under 42 USC 1396 to 1396v remain in that
15appropriation account, the department of health and family services shall distribute
16those remaining moneys to counties having a population of less than 500,000 for
17services and projects to assist children and families, and the counties receiving those
18remaining moneys shall use not less than 50% of those moneys for services for
19children who are at risk of abuse or neglect to prevent the need for child abuse and
20neglect intervention services.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,686,21 211435. Page 1336, line 23: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,687,2 22"(9bk) Income augmentation activities. The authorized FTE positions for the
23department of health and family services are increased by 1.0 FED position on
24October 1, 2001, to be funded from the appropriation under section 20.435 (8) (mb)

1of the statutes, for the purpose of performing income augmentation activities under
2section 46.46 of the statutes.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,687,3 31436. Page 1338, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,687,6 4"(14e) Milwaukee health clinics grants. In fiscal year 2001-02, from the
5appropriation account under section 20.435 (5) (fh) of the statutes, as affected by this
6act, the department of health and family services shall provide all of the following:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,687,8 7(a) One grant in the amount of $410,000 to the Milwaukee Immediate Care
8Center to allow continued operation of the facility.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,687,11 9(b) One grant in the amount of $340,000 to the Martin Luther King Heritage
10Health Center to expand primary care examination rooms and to create an
11emergency care clinic at the Isaac Coggs Community Health Center.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,687,12 121437. Page 1338, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,687,15 13"(13i) Wisconsin immunization registry. The department of health and family
14services shall allocate all of the following amounts to develop and maintain an
15automated registry of child immunizations:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,687,18 16(a) From the appropriation under section 20.435 (4) (bm) of the statutes, as
17affected by this act, $299,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 and $527,400 in fiscal year
SB55-SSA1-SA2,687,20 19(b) From the appropriation under section 20.435 (4) (o) of the statutes, $793,500
20in fiscal year 2001-02 and $140,200 in fiscal year 2002-03.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,687,21 211438. Page 1338, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,688,4 22"(13c) Medical assistance hospital reimbursement rate funding. No moneys
23appropriated in the 2001-03 fiscal biennium under section 20.435 (4) (o) and (w) of
24the statutes, as affected by this act, for increasing the maximum reimbursement

1rates paid to hospitals for outpatient services may be used to adjust the rates paid
2to health maintenance organizations for reimbursement of health services provided
3under the medical assistance program under subchapter IV of chapter 49 of the
SB55-SSA1-SA2,688,5 51439. Page 1338, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,688,13 6"(14d) Accounting method used for the heath insurance risk-sharing plan.
uring the 2001-03 biennium, the department of health and family services shall
8continue to use a cash-basis accounting method for purposes of establishing, under
9section 149.143 of the statutes, as affected by this act, the premiums, assessments,
10and rate adjustments for paying the costs of the health insurance risk-sharing plan,
11unless the joint committee on finance, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the
12committee under section 13.10 of the statutes, approves using an accrual accounting
13method for those purposes.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,688,14 141440. Page 1338, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,688,19 15"(14g) Fees for patient health care records; rules. The department of health
16and family services shall submit in proposed form the rules required under section
17146.83 (3m) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislative council staff
18under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than the first day of the 5th month
19beginning after the effective date of this subsection.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,688,20 201441. Page 1338, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,688,21 21"(15j) Assistive technology and adaptive equipment.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,689,422 (a) From the appropriation account under section 20.435 (6) (a) of the statutes,
23the subunit in the department of health and family services that deals with physical
24disabilities shall expend $30,000 in each of state fiscal year 2001-02 and 2002-03

1to administer funding for assistive technology and adaptive equipment for persons
2with physical disabilities; develop statewide reporting mechanisms, contract
3performance evaluation, and training; and work with vendors to obtain updated
4assistive technology and adaptive equipment.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,689,11 5(b) From the appropriation account under section 20.435 (7) (bc) of the statutes,
6the department of health and family services shall distribute $60,000 in each of state
7fiscal years 2001-02 and 2002-03 to the protection and advocacy agency designated
8under section 51.62 (2) of the statutes to provide statewide systemic advocacy on
9assistive technology issues, including assessing barriers to the provision of assistive
10technology in school systems, human services programs, businesses, and public and
11private insurance programs.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,689,16 12(c) From the appropriation account under section 20.435 (7) (bc) of the statutes,
13the department of health and family services shall distribute $30,000 in each of state
14fiscal years 2001-02 and 2002-03 to the Easter Seals Society of Wisconsin, Inc., to
15provide persons with disabilities in the agricultural industry with specialized
16assistance regarding adaptations or modifications of agricultural equipment.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,689,21 17(d) From the appropriation account under section 20.435 (7) (bc) of the statutes,
18the department of health and family services shall expend $40,000 in each of state
19fiscal years 2001-02 and 2002-03 to provide recycled medical equipment, including
20wheelchairs, and equipment parts, maintenance, and distribution costs to persons
21with disabilities.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,690,2 22(e) From the appropriation account under section 20.435 (7) (c) of the statutes,
23the department of health and family services shall award grants of $30,000 in each
24of state fiscal years 2001-02 and 2002-03 to each of the eight independent living
25centers for the severely disabled, to provide information, resources, and assessments

1for the needs for assistive technology and adaptive equipment of persons with
2disabilities who are residents of the independent living centers.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,690,3 31442. Page 1338, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,690,14 4"(13e) Health insurance supplement for community disability service
From the appropriation under section 20.435 (4) (bu) of the statutes, as
6created by this act, the department of health and family services shall in state fiscal
7year 2001-02 distribute moneys to applying providers of services under home and
8community-based waiver programs under 42 USC 1396n (c), including the
9long-term support community options program under section 46.27 of the statutes
10and the community integration programs under sections 46.275, 46.277, and 46.278
11of the statutes, to offset costs of providing health insurance to employees of the
12providers. Moneys distributed under this subsection to an applying provider are
13limited to the amount the provider expends for employee health care insurance costs
14or $50,000, whichever is less.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,690,15 151443. Page 1338, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,691,2 16"(13xx) Topical fluoride varnish. In state fiscal year 2002-03, from the
17appropriation under section 20.435 (4) (b) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the
18department of health and family services shall provide medical assistance coverage
19under the early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment program under 42
20CFR 441
for topical fluoride varnish, for the purpose of preventing early childhood
21caries in eligible children 0 to 60 months of age, when rendered by health care
22professionals providing services under the program and acting within their scope of
23practice and licensure. The department shall promulgate rules relating to coverage

1of fluoride varnish treatments under the early and periodic screening, diagnosis and
2treatment program that contain the following provisions:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,691,43 (a) The department shall provide payment for up to 3 applications per year of
4topical fluoride varnish per eligible child.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,691,75 (b) Application of topical fluoride varnish may be, but is not required to be,
6provided in conjunction with an early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and
7treatment examination that includes a limited oral screening.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,691,108 (c) Health care professionals providing services under this program shall refer
9or facilitate referral of children receiving applications of topical fluoride varnish for
10comprehensive dental care rendered by a dental professional.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,691,17 11(13xy) Oral health data collection system; plan. The department of health
12and family services shall prepare a plan for development of a comprehensive oral
13health data collection system. The plan shall identify data to be collected, sources
14from which the data can be collected, costs of implementing the system, and any
15statutory changes that are needed. The department shall submit its plan to the
16legislature, in the manner provided under section 13.172 (2) of the statutes, and to
17the governor by September 1, 2002.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,691,24 18(13xz) Prior authorization for dental services; report. The department of
19health and family services shall prepare a report on its efforts to reduce the
20requirement for prior authorization for dental services under medical assistance and
21to simplify the prior authorization process for dental services. The department shall
22submit its report to the legislature, in the manner provided under section 13.172 (2)
23of the statutes, and to the governor by the first day of the 6th month beginning after
24the effective date of this subsection.
1(13xzz) Access to dental services and dental hygiene services; report. The
2department of health and family services and the department of regulation and
3licensing shall jointly prepare reports on whether the provisions of this act that
4modify sections 447.06 and 447.065 of the statutes have improved access to dental
5services and dental hygiene services. The departments shall submit the reports to
6the legislature, in the manner provided under section 13.172 (2) of the statutes, and
7to the governor by the first day of the 24th month and the first day of the 48th month
8beginning after the effective date of this subsection.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,692,9 91444. Page 1338, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,693,11 10"(16h) Prescription drug assistance for elderly; administration. Before July
111, 2002, the department of health and family services may develop and submit to the
12department of administration a proposal for expenditure of the funds appropriated
13under section 20.865 (4) (a) of the statutes for administration of the prescription drug
14assistance for elderly program under section 49.688 of the statutes, as created by this
15act. The department of administration may approve, disapprove, or modify and
16approve any proposal it receives under this subsection. If the department of
17administration approves the proposal, the department shall submit the proposal,
18together with any modifications, to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on
19finance. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the secretaries of
20administration and health and family services within 14 working days after
21receiving the proposal that the cochairpersons have scheduled a meeting for the
22purpose of reviewing the proposal, the secretary of administration may transfer from
23the appropriation account under section 20.865 (4) (a) of the statutes to the
24appropriation account under section 20.435 (4) (a) of the statutes the amount

1specified in the proposal or any proposed modifications of the proposal for
2expenditure as specified in the proposal or any proposed modifications of the
3proposal and may approve any position authority specified in the proposal or any
4proposed modifications of the proposal. If, within 14 working days after receiving the
5proposal, the cochairpersons notify the secretaries of administration and health and
6family services that the cochairpersons have scheduled a meeting for the purpose of
7reviewing the proposal, the secretary of administration may not transfer any amount
8specified in the proposal or any proposed modifications of the proposal from the
9appropriation account under section 20.865 (4) (a) of the statutes and may not
10approve any position authority specified in the proposal or any proposed
11modifications of the proposal, except as approved by the committee.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,693,17 12(16j) Notification of eligibility for the health insurance risk-sharing plan.
13Before January 1, 2002, the department of health and family services shall provide,
14to the extent permitted under federal law, to every resident of this state who is
15covered by medicare because he or she is disabled under 42 USC 423 and who is not
16covered under the health insurance risk-sharing plan under chapter 149 of the
17statutes, notice by mail of all of the following:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,693,19 18(a) That he or she may be eligible for coverage under the health insurance
19risk-sharing plan.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,693,20 20(b) How to apply for coverage under the health insurance risk-sharing plan.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,693,21 211445. Page 1338, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,694,2 22"(13k) Expansion of program of all-inclusive care of the elderly. From the
23appropriation under section 20.435 (7) (bc), the department of health and family
24services shall provide $60,000 for start-up costs to expand to Racine County the

1program of all-inclusive care for persons aged 65 or older authorized under 42 USC
to 1395gg.".