SB55-SSA1,1370,25 223. On the effective date of this subdivision, the authorized FTE positions for the
23department of workforce development, funded from the appropriation under section
2420.445 (1) (gb) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, are decreased by 0.2
25PR position.
1(b) Transfer of positions and employees.
SB55-SSA1,1371,4 21. On the effective date of this subdivision, 8.18 FTE FED positions in the
3department of workforce development, and the incumbent employees holding those
4positions, are transferred to the department of health and family services.
SB55-SSA1,1371,7 52. On the effective date of this subdivision, 4.82 FTE GPR positions in the
6department of workforce development, and the incumbent employees holding those
7positions, are transferred to the department of health and family services.
SB55-SSA1,1371,11 83. On the effective date of this subdivision, there are transferred from the
9department of workforce development to the department of health and family
10services 7.0 FTE incumbent employees holding the positions specified in paragraph
SB55-SSA1,1371,16 124. The departments of workforce development and health and family services
13shall jointly determine the employees to be transferred under subdivisions 1. to 3 .
14and shall jointly develop a plan for the orderly transfer thereof. In the event of any
15disagreement between the departments, the secretary of administration shall
16resolve the dispute and shall develop a plan for the orderly transfer thereof.
SB55-SSA1,1371,2217 (c) Employee status. Employees transferred under paragraph (b ) have all the
18rights and the same status under subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the
19statutes in the department of health and family services that they enjoyed in the
20department of workforce development immediately before the transfer.
21Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4) of the statutes, no employee so transferred who
22has attained permanent status in class is required to serve a probationary period.
SB55-SSA1,1371,23 23(8) Food stamp reinvestment.
SB55-SSA1,1372,524 (a) In this subsection "cost allocation resolution moneys" means the moneys
25appropriated under section 20.445 (3) (nL) of the statutes that were allocated on

1September 25, 1998, by the joint committee on finance to reimburse the federal
2government for expenditures that were not approved by the federal departments of
3labor and health and human services in a cost allocation plan that was developed and
4submitted by the department of workforce development in the 1997-98 federal fiscal
SB55-SSA1,1372,86 (b) From the appropriation under section 20.445 (3) (nL) of the statutes, the
7department of workforce development shall reallocate cost allocation resolution
8moneys to local food stamp reinvestment activities.
SB55-SSA1,1372,17 9(8x) Community youth grants. Notwithstanding section 49.175 (1) (z) of the
10statutes, as affected by this act, from the moneys allocated under section 49.175 (1)
11(z) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department of workforce development
12shall provide grants in each fiscal year of the 2001-03 fiscal biennium to the
13Wisconsin chapters of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to improve social,
14academic, and employment skills of youth who are eligible to receive temporary
15assistance for needy families under 42 USC 601 et seq. The total amount of grants
16that are provided under this subsection in each fiscal year of the 2001-03 fiscal
17biennium shall be $500,000.
SB55-SSA1,1372,23 18(8y) Community reinvestment in certain Wisconsin works contracts. The
19department of workforce development may not extend the deadline for the
20expenditures, by Wisconsin works agencies, of community reinvestment funds that
21were earned as part of contracts that were entered into under section 49.143 of the
22statutes and have a term that begins on September 1, 1997, and ends on December
231, 1999.
SB55-SSA1,1373,5 24(9c) Local youth apprenticeship grant to Wisconsin Plastics Valley
From the appropriation under section 20.445 (7) (b) of the statutes, the

1governor's work-based learning board shall distribute not less than $64,100 nor
2more than $128,300 in fiscal year 2001-02 as a local youth apprenticeship grant
3under section 106.13 (3m) (b) of the statutes, as affected by this act, to the Wisconsin
4Plastics Valley Consortium for the implementation and coordination of a local youth
5apprenticeship program.
SB55-SSA1,1373,6 6(9e) Wisconsin works contracts for the 2002-03 contract period.
SB55-SSA1,1373,7 7(a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB55-SSA1,1373,88 1. "Department" means the department of workforce development.
SB55-SSA1,1373,129 2. "Draft contract terms" means the draft contract terms issued by the
10department of workforce development on May 14, 2001, for Wisconsin works
11contracts having a term that begins on January 1, 2002, and ends on December 31,
SB55-SSA1,1373,14 133. "Wisconsin works" has the meaning given in section 49.141 (1) (p) of the
SB55-SSA1,1373,16 154. "Wisconsin works agency" has the meaning given in section 49.001 (9) of the
SB55-SSA1,1373,1817 5. "Wisconsin works contract" means a contract to administer Wisconsin works
18under section 49.143 of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1373,21 19(b) Performance bonuses. Each Wisconsin works contract having a term that
20begins on January 1, 2002, and ends on December 31, 2003, shall require the
21department to do all of the following:
SB55-SSA1,1373,25 221. Pay a Wisconsin works agency an amount equal to 2% of the total amount
23of the contract if the agency meets the performance standards for restricted
24performance bonus that are required under paragraph (d) and the agency is
25otherwise eligible to receive payment under the contract.
12. Pay a Wisconsin works agency an amount equal to 2% of the total amount
2of the contract if the agency meets the performance standards for unrestricted
3performance bonus that are required under paragraph (d) and the agency is
4otherwise eligible to receive payment under the contract.
SB55-SSA1,1374,11 5(c) Sanctions for unallowable expenses. Each Wisconsin works contract having
6a term that begins on January 1, 2002, and ends on December 31, 2003, shall require
7a Wisconsin works agency that submits to the department unallowable expenses, as
8identified by the department or in an audit sponsored by the department or
9legislative audit bureau to pay to the department a sanction equal to 50% of the total
10amount of unallowable expenses that were submitted by the Wisconsin works
SB55-SSA1,1374,15 12(d) Performance standards. Each Wisconsin works contract having a term that
13begins on January 1, 2002, and ends on December 31, 2003, shall include the
14performance standards specified in the department's draft contract terms except
15that each contract shall specify all of the following:
SB55-SSA1,1374,19 161. That the department may only grant a Wisconsin works agency a one-case
17credit for purposes of determining whether the agency meets the base contract
18benchmark and whether the agency is eligible to contract with the department under
19section 49.143 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes, as created by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1374,2120 2. That no Wisconsin works agency may receive a one-case credit for purposes
21of determining whether the agency is eligible for unrestricted bonus funds.
SB55-SSA1,1375,322 3. That the performance standards the department uses to determine whether
23the Wisconsin works agency meets the base contract benchmark and whether the
24Wisconsin works agency is eligible to contract with the department under section
2549.143 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes, as created by this act, include an extension request

1standard that requires timely processing of requests for extensions and timely
2documentation of those requests on the client assistance for reemployment and
3economic support computer system.
SB55-SSA1,1375,6 44. That the department may not apply the extension requests standard under
5subdivision 3. to determine whether a Wisconsin works agency is eligible to receive
6unrestricted bonus funds.
SB55-SSA1,1375,10 75. That, if the Wisconsin works agency has an average score of 6.5 on each
8survey item under the financial management standards and is otherwise eligible to
9receive payment under the contract, the agency shall be eligible for unrestricted
10bonus funds.
SB55-SSA1,1375,15 116. That the significant audit finding item that is part of the financial
12management performance standard includes an audit finding that the unallowable
13or questioned costs, as identified by the department or in an audit sponsored by the
14department or legislative audit bureau, exceed a percentage of the total amount of
15the contract that is determined by the department.
SB55-SSA1,1375,19 16(e) Community reinvestment funds. No Wisconsin works contract having a
17term that begins on January 1, 2002, and ends on December 31, 2003, may include
18a provision that provides community reinvestment funds to a Wisconsin works
SB55-SSA1,1375,24 20(f) Contracting process. Not later than the first day of the first month beginning
21after the effective date of this paragraph, the department shall amend the draft
22contract terms to specify that in subsequent contracts the department shall use the
23contracting process specified under section 49.143 (1) of the statutes, as affected by
24this act.
1(9q) Food stamp transfer. No later than March 1, 2002, the department of
2health and family services and the department of workforce development shall
3submit a proposal to the secretary of administration for supplemental expenditure
4and position authority necessary to transfer all administrative functions related to
5the food stamp program authorized under 7 USC 2011 to 2036 from the department
6of workforce development to the department of health and family services. If the
7secretary of administration approves the plan, the secretary shall submit the
8proposal to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance. If the
9cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the secretary of administration within
1014 working days after receiving the proposal that the cochairpersons have scheduled
11a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposal, the secretary of administration
12shall approve the proposed expenditure and position authority, as authorized under
13current law. If, within 14 working days after receiving the proposal, the
14cochairpersons notify the secretary of administration that the cochairpersons have
15scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposal, the secretary of
16administration may not approve the proposed expenditure and position authority,
17except as approved by the committee and as authorized under current law.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9159 18Section 9159. Nonstatutory provisions; other.
SB55-SSA1,1376,19 19(1) State agency appropriations reductions.
SB55-SSA1,1376,2320 (a) Appropriations reductions. Except as provided in paragraph (b), the largest
21sum certain appropriation for state operations made to the following state agencies
22from general purpose revenue in the 2001-03 fiscal biennium is reduced by the
23amounts in each fiscal year indicated: - See PDF for table PDF
1(b) Submission of requests to the joint committee on finance for reallocating
2appropriations reductions.
Any state agency specified in paragraph (a) may submit
3a request to the joint committee on finance under section 13.10 of the statutes to
4reallocate any of the reductions under paragraph (a) to other sum certain
5appropriations for state operations made to the agency from general purpose
SB55-SSA1,1378,12 7(2) Information technology management board; initial terms.
8Notwithstanding section 15.215 (1) of the statutes, as created by this act, of the
9members other than state officers first appointed to serve as members of the
10information technology management board, the governor shall designate one to
11serve for a term expiring on May 1, 2003, and one to serve for a term expiring on May
121, 2005.
SB55-SSA1,1378,21 13(2x) Study of public broadcasting services. The president of the University
14of Wisconsin System and the chairperson of the educational communications board
15shall jointly submit a report to the secretary of administration suggesting methods
16by which the University of Wisconsin-Extension and the educational
17communications board can improve coordination with regard to provision of public
18broadcasting services in this state. The report shall include specific identification
19of methods by which the University of Wisconsin-Extension and the educational
20communications board can achieve operational efficiencies through greater
21cooperation and sharing of resources between the agencies.
SB55-SSA1,1379,2 22(2y) Report on efforts to secure funding for digital television conversion
No later than June 1, 2003, the president of the University of Wisconsin
24System and the educational communications board shall submit a report to the
25building commission concerning their efforts to secure federal financial participation

1to finance the digital television conversion project enumerated under Section 9107
2(1) (c) of this act.
SB55-SSA1,1379,11 3(2z) Review of space needs of department of veterans affairs. The
4department of veterans affairs and the department of administration shall jointly
5conduct a review of the current and future space needs of the department of veterans
6affairs for departmental offices and for the Wisconsin veterans museum. The review
7shall include an analysis of the options available to meet those needs. No later than
8July 1, 2002, the department of veterans affairs and the department of
9administration shall jointly submit a report to the building commission describing
10the review and providing recommendations and alternatives for action to meet the
11space needs.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9201 12Section 9201. Appropriation changes; administration.
SB55-SSA1,1379,13 13(1) Consolidation of appropriations.
SB55-SSA1,1379,1614 (a) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
1520.505 (3) (g), 1999 stats., is transferred to the appropriation account under section
1620.505 (1) (j) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1379,1917 (b) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
1820.505 (4) (gm), 1999 stats., is transferred to the appropriation account under section
1920.505 (1) (j) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1379,2220 (c) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
2120.505 (3) (h), 1999 stats., is transferred to the appropriation account under section
2220.505 (4) (h) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1379,2523 (d) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
2420.505 (1) (ma), 1999 stats., is transferred to the appropriation account under section
2520.505 (1) (mb) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
1(e) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
220.505 (1) (mc), 1999 stats., is transferred to the appropriation account under section
320.505 (1) (mb) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1380,64 (f) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
520.505 (1) (n), 1999 stats., is transferred to the appropriation account under section
620.505 (1) (mb) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1380,107 (h) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
820.505 (6) (kq), 1999 stats., immediately before the effective date of this paragraph
9is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.505 (8) (hm) of the
10statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1380,1311 (i) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
1220.505 (6) (ks), 1999 stats., is transferred to the appropriation account under section
1320.505 (8) (hm) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1380,16 14(2) Energy efficiency fund elimination. On the effective date of this
15subsection, the unencumbered balance in the energy efficiency fund immediately
16before the effective date of this subsection is transferred to the general fund.
SB55-SSA1,1380,17 17(4v) Information technology services.
SB55-SSA1,1380,21 18(a) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
1920.505 (1) (is), 1999 stats., immediately before the effective date of this paragraph
20is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.530 (1) (is) of the
21statutes, as created by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1380,25 22(b) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
2320.505 (1) (kL), 1999 stats., immediately before the effective date of this paragraph
24is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.530 (1) (kL) of the
25statutes, as created by this act.
1(c) The unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
220.505 (1) (kr), 1999 stats., immediately before the effective date of this subsection
3is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.530 (1) (kr) of the
4statutes, as created by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1381,9 5(5mk) Indian gaming receipts transfers. The unencumbered balances in the
6appropriation accounts under section 20.505 (1) (ku) and (6) (kq) and (ks) of the
7statutes, as affected by this act, immediately before the effective date of this
8subsection are transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.505 (8)
9(hm) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1381,16 10(5v) Southern Oaks Girls School mental health unit funding. The secretary
11of administration, to the extent permitted under 28 CFR 31.500 to 31.503, shall
12transfer from the appropriation under section 20.505 (6) (m) of the statutes, as
13affected by this act, to the appropriation under section 20.410 (3) (kx) of the statutes
14$433,100 in fiscal year 2001-02 and $541,700 in fiscal year 2002-03, from federal
15juvenile accountability incentive block grant moneys, for the purpose of operating
16the mental health unit at the Southern Oaks Girls School.
SB55-SSA1,1381,17 17(6c) Anti-drug enforcement program.
SB55-SSA1,1381,23 18(a) In fiscal year 2001-02, immediately before the transfer under section
1920.505 (6) (j) 13. of the statutes to section 20.505 (6) (k) of the statutes, there is
20transferred from the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (k) of the
21statutes to the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (j) of the statutes an
22amount equal to 85% of the unencumbered balance in the appropriation account
23under section 20.505 (6) (k) of the statutes on June 30, 2001.
SB55-SSA1,1382,4 24(b) In fiscal year 2001-02, immediately before the transfer under section
2520.505 (6) (j) 3. of the statutes to section 20.505 (6) (kp) of the statutes, as affected

1by this act, there is transferred from the appropriation account under section 20.505
2(6) (kp) of the statutes to the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (j) of the
3statutes an amount equal to 85% of the unencumbered balance in the appropriation
4account under section 20.505 (6) (kp) of the statutes on June 30, 2001.
SB55-SSA1,1382,10 5(c) In fiscal year 2001-02, immediately before the transfer under section 20.505
6(6) (j) 14. of the statutes to section 20.505 (6) (kt) of the statutes, there is transferred
7from the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (kt) of the statutes to the
8appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (j) of the statutes an amount equal
9to 85% of the unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section
1020.505 (6) (kt) of the statutes on June 30, 2001.
SB55-SSA1,1382,13 11(6d) Office of justice assistance penalty assessment moneys. There is
12transferred from the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (j) of the statutes
13to the general fund $875,200 in fiscal year 2001-02.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9202 14Section 9202. Appropriation changes; adolescent pregnancy
prevention and pregnancy services board.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9203 15Section 9203. Appropriation changes; aging and long-term care
SB55-SSA1, s. 9204 16Section 9204. Appropriation changes; agriculture, trade and
consumer protection.
SB55-SSA1,1382,20 17(3) Animal health; gifts and grants. The unencumbered balance in the
18appropriation account under section 20.115 (2) (gb), 1999 stats., is transferred to the
19appropriation account under section 20.115 (8) (g) of the statutes, as affected by this
SB55-SSA1,1383,2 21(4) Marketing services; gifts and grants. The unencumbered balance in the
22appropriation account under section 20.115 (3) (ga), 1999 stats., is transferred to the

1appropriation account under section 20.115 (8) (g) of the statutes, as affected by this
SB55-SSA1,1383,6 3(5) Agricultural investment aids; gifts and grants. The unencumbered
4balance in the appropriation account under section 20.115 (4) (i), 1999 stats., is
5transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.115 (8) (g) of the statutes,
6as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1383,10 7(6) Agricultural resource management; gifts and grants. The unencumbered
8balance in the appropriation account under section 20.115 (7) (gb), 1999 stats., is
9transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.115 (8) (g) of the statutes,
10as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1383,14 11(7) Animal health contractual services. The unencumbered balance in the
12appropriation account under section 20.115 (2) (k), 1999 stats., is transferred to the
13appropriation account under section 20.115 (8) (ks) of the statutes, as affected by this
SB55-SSA1,1383,18 15(8) General laboratory services services. The unencumbered balance in the
16appropriation account under section 20.115 (8) (kp), 1999 stats., is transferred to the
17appropriation account under section 20.115 (8) (ks) of the statutes, as affected by this
SB55-SSA1,1383,21 19(9) Milk standards program. The unencumbered balance in the appropriation
20account under section 20.115 (8) (ga), 1999 stats., is transferred to the appropriation
21account under section 20.115 (8) (ha) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9205 22Section 9205. Appropriation changes; arts board.
SB55-SSA1,1384,2 23(1mk) Indian gaming receipts transfer. The unencumbered balance in the
24appropriation account under section 20.215 (1) (km) of the statutes, as affected by
25this act, immediately before the effective date of this subsection is transferred to the

1appropriation account under section 20.505 (8) (hm) of the statutes, as affected by
2this act.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9206 3Section 9206. Appropriation changes; boundary area commission,
SB55-SSA1, s. 9207 4Section 9207. Appropriation changes; building commission.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9208 5Section 9208. Appropriation changes; child abuse and neglect
prevention board.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9209 6Section 9209. Appropriation changes; circuit courts.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9210 7Section 9210. Appropriation changes; commerce.
SB55-SSA1,1384,11 8(1) Tank plan review and inspection fees. There is transferred from the
9appropriation account under section 20.143 (3) (j) of the statutes to the petroleum
10inspection fund $1,280,641 plus the amount determined by the secretary of
11administration under Section 9101 (1 ) of this act.
SB55-SSA1,1384,16 12(3mk) Indian gaming receipts transfers. The unencumbered balances in the
13appropriation accounts under section 20.143 (1) (kf), (kg), (kh), (kj), (km), and (kr)
14of the statutes, as affected by this act, immediately before the effective date of this
15subsection are transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.505 (8)
16(hm) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1,1384,20 17(3z) Mobile home park water and sewer service. The unencumbered balance
18in the appropriation account under section 20.155 (1) (i), 1999 stats., is transferred
19to the appropriation account under section 20.143 (3) (j) of the statutes, as affected
20by this act.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9211 21Section 9211. Appropriation changes; corrections.
SB55-SSA1,1385,3 22(1) Institutional operations and charges lapse. Notwithstanding section
2320.001 (3) (a) of the statutes, on the effective date of this subsection, there is lapsed

1to the general fund $1,000,000 from the appropriation account of the department of
2corrections under section 20.410 (1) (kk) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of
SB55-SSA1,1385,9 4(2c) Victim services and programs. In fiscal year 2001-02, immediately before
5the transfer under section 20.505 (6) (j) 5m. of the statutes to section 20.410 (1) (kh)
6of the statutes, there is transferred from the appropriation account under section
720.410 (1) (kh) of the statutes to the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6)
8(j) of the statutes an amount equal to 85% of the unencumbered balance in the
9appropriation account under section 20.410 (1) (kh) of the statutes on June 30, 2001.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9212 10Section 9212. Appropriation changes; court of appeals.
SB55-SSA1, s. 9213 11Section 9213. Appropriation changes; district attorneys.