Period ending December 31, 2002

Table of Contents
Administrative Rules, Joint committee for review of (Assembly)
Antlerless deer: DNR prohibited from promulgating rule establishing certain 4-day deer herd control season  - AB813
Campaign finance law revisons re registration and reporting requirements and exception for nonresident registrants  - AB18
Deer killed under the authority of a deer hunting license: requirements for registering revised -  AB814
EMT-paramedic operational plans submitted by ambulance service providers: approval limited - AB524
Extended area telephone service petition to PSC: hearing procedures revised -  AB475
Telecommunications provider may establish a surcharge on customer bills re contribution to universal service fund  - AB33
Telecommunications provider re commercial mobile radio service: surcharge on customer bills for contribution to universal service fund allowed -  AB32
Wetland mitigation: DNR authority to establish replacement ratio process repealed; general minimum size requirement imposed -  AB697
Administrative Rules, Joint committee for review of (Senate)
Antlerless deer: DNR prohibited from promulgating rule establishing certain 4-day deer herd control season  - SB454
Campaign finance law revisons re registration and reporting requirements and exception for nonresident registrants  - SB2
Deer killed under the authority of a deer hunting license: requirements for registering revised -  SB453
EMT-paramedic operational plans submitted by ambulance service providers: approval limited - SB267
Extended area telephone service petition to PSC: hearing procedures revised -  SB234
Telecommunications provider may establish a surcharge on customer bills re contribution to universal service fund  - SB20
Telecommunications provider re commercial mobile radio service: surcharge on customer bills for contribution to universal service fund allowed -  SB21
Wetland mitigation: DNR authority to establish replacement ratio process repealed; general minimum size requirement imposed -  SB361
Aging and Long-Term Care, Committee on — Assembly
Nursing home administrator examination requirements revised; reciprocal license provisions -  AB427
Assembly Organization, Committee on — Assembly
Budget adjustment bill - JR2AB1
Chronic wasting disease re cervids: funding, hunting, and DNR authority provisions; JCRAR may extend certain DATCP emergency rule -  MY2AB1
Conference committee on Jr2 AB-1 created -  JR2AJR1
Farrow, Senator Margaret A.: Assembly confirmation of Governor's appointment as Lieutenant governor  - AR24
Register of deeds fees re recording and filing of documents: reconciliation bill per Joint rule 81m (2)(b)  - AB939
Campaigns and Elections, Committee on — Assembly
Election administration law revisions re poll worker qualifications, compensation of election officials, distribution of Elections board publications and district maps, disqualification of candidates re infamous crime, recall elections for local officers, central counting locations, voting in certain homes and facilities, names of municipal candidates and referenda certification, joint municipal courts, and county board of canvassers  - AB826
Election officials training and certification program: Elections board to make recommendations to Legislature  - AB40
Election procedure revisions re polling hours and leave for service as an election official; Election board recommendations re voter ID cards, eliminating punch card systems, compensation for election officials, and statewide voter registration - AB49
Polling place hours revised - AB41
Statewide voter registration: Elections board to make recommendations to Legislature -  AB39
Employment Relations, Joint committee on (Assembly)
Catastrophic leave program expanded to all state employees - AB398
Executive salary group assignments for certain state employees revised -  AB460
TCS director and executive assistant salaries revised; Wisconsin TCS senior executive salary system established  - AB461
Employment Relations, Joint committee on (Senate)
Catastrophic leave program expanded to all state employees - SB183
Executive salary group assignments for certain state employees revised -  SB223
TCS director and executive assistant salaries revised; Wisconsin TCS senior executive salary system established  - SB224
Environmental Resources, Committee on — Senate
Dredged or fill material discharged into wetlands: DNR certification required; exceptions provided  - SB37
Finance, Joint committee on (Assembly)
Budget bill  - AB144
Finance, Joint committee on (Senate)
Budget bill  - SB55
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset extended -  SB206
Financial Institutions, Committee on — Assembly
Universal banking and credit union revisions; wage claim lien given precedence over financial institution in certain cases - AB892
Information Policy and Technology, Joint committee on (Assembly)
Uniform Sales and Use Tax Administration Act created; certified automation system and certified service provider defined - AB317
Information Policy and Technology, Joint committee on (Senate)
Uniform Sales and Use Tax Administration Act created; certified automation system and certified service provider defined - SB152
Joint Legislative Council, (Assembly)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children treated with prescription drugs: physicians required to provide certain information; penalties and controlled substance provisions; DHFS and DPI duties specified -  AB672
ATV and motorboat safety certificate requirements created -  AB668
Barns and agricultural outbuildings: property tax exemption created in certain cases; SHSW duty set  - AB276
Condominium law revisions - AB781
Conservation warden authority expanded re trespass, shooting caged or staked wild animals, and arrests under misdemeanor warrants -  AB301
Conservation warden line of authority created -  AB300
Dental services revisions re certain tuition and DHFS position increases, grants for community services and water fluoridation, and MA coverage and reimbursement  - AB366
Dentist and dental hygienist licensing and scope of practice revisions; certain loan assistance programs expanded and renamed; reports required -  AB367
Developmental disabilities: family support program, lifespan respite care, and CIP-IB funding increased; DHFS and Council on developmental disabilities duties re waiting lists for services; MA trust fund provision - AB671
Developmental disabilities services administration and funding, council membership, and waiting list annual report provisions; Children's long-term support redesign pilot program  - AB590
Historic buildings: razing and code revisions; historic agricultural building grant program created; multifamily dwelling, fee, and income tax credit provisions; SHSW duties specified; JLC study required -  AB277
Indian tribes and bands and state executive branch agencies: Governor encouraged to develop and implement a consultation policy -  AJR90
Labor shortage, Special committee on: recommendations -  AB516
OWI statutes revised re ATVs, motorboats, and snowmobiles -  AB667
OWI statutes revised re motor vehicles; certain definitions provided -  AB670
Personal flotation device worn by persons under age 16 required in certain boats -  AB669
Recycled lumber research by Forest products laboratory: providing funding (memorial to Congress)  - AJR51
Rehabilitation reviews for persons otherwise not permitted to be employed at, contract with, or reside at certain care facilities: tribal authority to conduct; report and registry revisions - AB223
Social security earnings limit for certain recipients: modification urged (memorial to Congress) -  AJR57
Sovereign status of federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands: state recognition affirmed; state agencies and departments provision -  AJR91
State centers for the developmentally disabled: task force created in DHFS to develop plan for  - AB473
Tribal impact statements required for certain bills; LRB provision -  AB772
Wild rice: advertising and labeling requirements revised; DATCP and forfeiture provisions - AB773
Wisconsin tribal-state council created in DOA -  AB771
Joint Legislative Council, (Senate)
Actions affecting the family provisions re guardian ad litem compensation, parenting plan, and parent education programs - SB126
ATV and motorboat safety certificate requirements created -  SB336
Barns and agricultural outbuildings: property tax exemption created in certain cases; SHSW duty set  - SB122
Condominium law revisions - SB412
Dental services revisions re certain tuition and DHFS position increases, grants for community services and water fluoridation, and MA coverage and reimbursement  - SB166
Dentist and dental hygienist licensing and scope of practice revisions; certain loan assistance programs expanded and renamed; reports required -  SB167