Universal health plan for Wisconsin established; Department of health planning and finance with Health policy board and regional health councils created; LRB bill drafting provision - SB133
Wausau Insurance 90th anniversary and enactment of nation's first constitutional worker's compensation law commemorated - SR5
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Decker:
Senate Bills: 1, 3, 17, 18, 31, 33, 40, 41, 44, 49, 58, 61, 79, 81, 83, 84, 104, 105, 120, 121, 129, 159, 185, 200, 212, 226, 232, 235, 238, 263, 268, 271, 275, 278, 281, 283, 295, 296, 309, 310, 392, 395, 455, 482
Senate Joint Resolutions: 5, 15, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 36, 38, 46, 54, 66
Senate Resolutions: 3
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 34, 36, 37, 53, 55, 56, 66, 117, 131, 132, 134, 143, 173, 194, 197, 200, 237, 238, 268, 272, 284, 286, 294, 424, 430, 437, 468, 489, 523, 527, 528, 536, 547, 561, 589, 601, 719, 801, 803, 857, 861
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 4, 32, 35, 38, 42, 43, 45, 56, 59, 60, 74, 81, 83, 94
S19 Ellis, Sen. Michael G. (19th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Campaign finance law revisions re filing finance reports, mass media activities, disbursement and contribution limitations, legislative campaign committees, and Wisconsin election campaign fund; penalties and nonseverability provisions  - SB104
Campaign finance law revisions re registration and reporting exemptions, timeliness and electronic filing of reports, mass media activities, special reporting by certain registrants, disbursement limitations and independent disbursements, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, residual or excess fund disposition, Wisconsin election campaign fund, and penalty provisions; Elections board, official action in return for providing or withholding things of value, and nonseverability provisions  - AB801
Conference committee on AB-843 and SB-104 created -  SJR63
Dentistry examining board membership revised -  SB107
JCLO authorization for certain Senate positions deleted -  SR8
Knowledge and concept examinations taken in 4th and 8th grades: use of calculator prohibited  - AB293
Miller, Cliff: retirement from the Appleton Post-Crescent recognized -  AJR96
Sturgeon spearing license issuance and fee revisions; stocking and habitat funding for certain waterways provided  - SB317
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Ellis:
Senate Bills: 31, 98, 413, 493
Senate Joint Resolutions: 25, 28, 38, 51, 55
Senate Resolutions:
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 37, 186, 218, 250, 251, 253, 299, 602, 642, 709, 711, 749, 798, 914
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 29, 43, 59, 60, 69, 83, 84
S27 Erpenbach, Sen. Jon (27th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Airbag previously deployed or otherwise nonfunctional: installation of or concealing prohibited  - AB290
Anhydrous ammonia storage and handling regulations created; penalty and civil liability provisions  - AB7
Battery or assault by a prisoner: law changes re definition of ``prisoner or detainee", behavior directed at any other person, and where the act takes place -  SB387
Bennett, Dick: career and contributions to U.W. Madison and Wisconsin basketball commended - AJR4
Caller ID: use of blocking service by telephone and facsimile solicitors prohibited -  SB41
Campaign advertising disclosure requirements revised -  AB811
CANPB membership modified re appointed designee -  AB538
CANPB membership modified re appointed designee -  SB247
Cesar E. Chavez day: optional holiday for state employees created -  SB48
Consumer credit, motor vehicle lease, and insurance revisions re transactions of $50,000.00 or less; provisions re liability, disclosure requirements for open-end credit plans, arbitration of claims, fraudulent representation and deceptive advertising, payday loans, unauthorized use of ATM card, and unauthorized disclosure of medical information - SB396
Coordinated licensure information system: Board of nursing and DORL may release information about licensed nurses or applicants -  SB356
Court commissioners made executive participating employees under WRS -  SB46
Credit reporting agency requirements re disclosure notification to and free written disclosure report requested by customer - SB135
Data lists used and sold for commercial purposes subject to sales tax; definition provided -  SB16
Day care in provider's home: publication of street address in a directory prohibited unless authorized  - AB645
Death benefits for certain WRS participant beneficiaries retroactively increased -  SB134
Demand draft negotiation and collection: regulations created - AB784
Demand draft negotiation and collection: regulations created - SB417
DMA employees re security functions at weapons facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - SB188
Domestic corporation annual report filing fee revised -  SB385
Drug manufacture, distribution, delivery, or possession prohibitions expanded re specific drugs; penalties increased  - AB464
Drug paraphernalia possession, manufacture, or delivery by persons 17 years of age or older: local ordinance prohibiting permitted -  AB62
Educational technology block grants used to purchase telephone service, including wireless, permitted  - SB244
Elections board composition revised -  AB765
Environmental requirements applicable to metallic mining revised re solid and hazardous waste and groundwater; notice to transferee of interests provision  - SB271
Fair employment law: DWD authorized to order payment of compensatory and punitive damages to person discriminated against; Secretary to appoint study committee re wage disparities, report required -  AB294
Fruit-based intoxicating liquor manufacturer or rectifier may sell or offer free samples directly to consumers; DOR authority specified -  AB217
Fruit-based intoxicating liquor manufacturer or rectifier may sell or offer free samples directly to consumers; DOR authority specified -  SB93
Handgun sales or purchase, purchaser background checks, and possession by or transfers to younger persons: laws revised; penalties provided -  SB492
Horse boarding and training facilities exempt from public building codes in certain cases -  AB446
Hunting and fishing license applications: federal legislation to remove SSN requirement urged -  AJR32
Hunting and fishing license applications: federal legislation to remove SSN requirement urged -  SJR21
Jailed debtor re certain civil actions: payment of jail costs revised -  AB308
Jailed debtor re certain civil actions: payment of jail costs revised -  SB142
Kubista, Roy: life and public service -  SJR56
Local park and recreation district creation authorized; property tax provision -  SB424
Local park and recreation district creation authorized; sales and use tax and property tax provisions  - AB601
Local park and recreation district creation authorized; sales and use tax and property tax provisions  - SB322
Managed forest land program: location in cities permitted; governing body may request DNR to deny petition  - AB114
Medical malpractice claim re state officer, employee, or agent: notice to AG revised -  SB170
Meyer, Jerome Nicholas ``Cork": life and public service -  SJR50
Nursing homes not primarily serving the developmentally disabled: minimum staffing requirements revised re ratios; reports required; LAB duty specified -  SB428
Ownership of personal identifiers and definition expanded -  SB181
Patient health care records: pharmacy included in confidentiality requirements -  SB237
Perfusionist licensing requirements and examining council created; exceptions provided -  AB256
Perfusionist licensing requirements and examining council created; exceptions provided -  SB108
Personal identifying information or document misappropriation outside the state involving a Wisconsin resident: jurisdiction to prosecute in this state -  AB406
Personal money management skills of high school students: schools urged to improve; study or task force creation supported -  SJR31
Prisoner access to personal information re data entry or telemarketing services prohibited in Corr.Dept contracts; disclosure requirements re telephone solicitation and toll-free numbers - SB129
Privacy law revisions - AB459
Public records access: statutory law affirmed re custodian not required to notify the subject of a record prior to providing requestor access and judicial review entitlement, exceptions provided; DER secretary and DMRS administrator provisions - SB442
Public records containing personal information and public employee personnel records: revisions re access and notification -  AB175
Punch card voting system elimination: Elections board to study -  AB309
Purchase made with credit or debit card: receipt may not contain more than 5 digits of the number; exceptions provided  - AB712
Purchase made with credit or debit card: receipt may not contain more than 5 digits of the number; exceptions provided  - SB365
Retail establishment policy excluding an improperly attired customer permitted -  AB792
Retail establishment policy excluding an improperly attired customer permitted -  SB420
Revenue limits for school districts increased re school security measures -  SB120
Revenue limits for school districts increased re teaching professional staff to use digital and distance-learning technology - SB243
Right of privacy of individuals: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR23
Securities broker-dealers and securities agents: exemption from licensing requirements re Canadian broker-dealers  - AB875
Securities broker-dealers and securities agents: exemption from licensing requirements re Canadian broker-dealers  - SB475
SSN on WRS and deferred compensation account statements and public employee pay period forms prohibited  - SB12