Medication for purpose of ending life: certain individuals permitted to make written requests for  - SB184
Mobile telecommunications service sales tax revised re place of primary use; prepaid telephone calling card provision  - AB525
Mobile telecommunications service sales tax revised re place of primary use; prepaid telephone calling card provision  - SB260
Perala, Reino A.: life and public service -  AJR106
Probation condition re confinement in certain Milwaukee facilities: court may recommend -  AB418
Probation condition re confinement in certain Milwaukee facilities: court may recommend -  SB192
Revenue limits for school districts increased re school security measures -  AB268
Revenue limits for school districts increased re school security measures -  SB120
STH 70 designated as the ``Civilian Conservation Corps Heritage Highway"; DOT duties specified  - AB703
STH 122 designated as the ``Walt Bresette Equal Rights Highway" -  SB310
STH 122 designated as the ``Walt Bresette Memorial Highway" - AB483
STH 122 designated as the ``Walt Bresette Memorial Highway" - SB240
Telecommunications provider regulations revised re interconnection, collocation, and network elements requirements, formula for determining certain price increase, mandatory credits to customers, compliance with wholesale service standards, certain sales practices, and exceptions on cross subsidization; PSC duty specified and report required; ``large price-regulated telecommunications utility" defined  - SB451
Telecommunications service provider: trade practice revisions re how a person may request service, enrolling a customer without an affirmative request, and ``slamming"; Federal Communications Commission and DATCP provisions  - AB818
Telecommunications utilities (small): revisions re cross-subsidization requirements and PSC jurisdiction; ``holding company" definition -  AB662
Telecommunications utilities (small): revisions re cross-subsidization requirements and PSC jurisdiction; ``holding company" definition -  SB355
Telephone solicitor registration requirements created; DATCP to establish nonsolicitation directory  - SB40
Temporary emergency unemployment insurance program provisions re federal or state government implementation  - AB610
Temporary emergency unemployment insurance program provisions re federal or state government implementation  - SB303
Word ``squaw" prohibited in name of any public place, highway, or geographic feature; current usage must be changed  - SB24
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Jauch:
Senate Bills: 1, 3, 18, 33, 41, 45, 49, 159, 200, 256, 274, 275, 280, 281, 378, 395
Senate Joint Resolutions: 13, 28, 38, 47, 54, 55
Senate Resolutions:
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 36, 53, 56, 66, 190, 310, 365, 404, 417, 433, 552, 561, 581, 711
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 25, 29, 30, 43, 59, 60, 66, 83, 84
S33 Kanavas, Sen. Ted (33rd Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
(Elected in July 1, 2001 special election.)
Alcohol beverage law violations resulting in a forfeiture: pretrial discovery prohibited -  AB487
Capital gains income tax exclusion revised -  AB658
Capital gains income tax exclusion revised -  SB326
Capitol Police Department members: public service commended -  SJR67
Cyprus situation: President Bush's efforts to promote progress toward a solution endorsed -  SR11
Economic impact statements for bills or proposed rules with direct impact on the private sector: preparation required; DOA duty specified -  AB834
Halal food sale and preparation: regulations created re intent to defraud consumers -  SB497
Long-term care expenses account established and individual income tax exemption authorized - AB926
Motor vehicle fuel sales: regulations revised re determining cost to wholesaler or retailer -  AB891
Organization engaged in abortion-related activities: prohibition on payment of public funds expanded; related activities re promoting, encouraging, or counseling in favor of prohibited; petition for writ of mandamus or prohibition with circuit court permitted; LAB duty specified; authority to provide nondirective information about pregnancy termination eliminated  - SB348
Sex offender registry reporting requirements: penalties for violations increased -  SB489
Southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation projects: design and construction to allow for certain vehicular traffic capacity expansion; exempt from major highway project definition  - AB700
Support for our troups and use of all force necessary to accomplish the goal of ridding the world of the threat of terrorism - SJR44
Uecker, Bob: congratulations on induction into the Radio Hall of Fame -  SJR54
U.S., state, MIA/POW, and military services flags and certain accessories: sales and use tax exemptions created  - SB358
U.W. system senior executive positions: pre-2001 WisAct 16 process for determining salary ranges and adjustments restored - AB709
Visually impaired: sales and use tax exemptions for certain devices to assist -  AB549
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Kanavas:
Senate Bills: 248, 263, 278, 284, 292, 333, 341, 353, 365, 374, 380, 383, 417, 420, 437, 448, 473, 493
Senate Joint Resolutions: 42, 55, 58, 62, 66
Senate Resolutions: 6, 12
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 238, 493, 518, 536, 546, 579, 581, 603, 611, 613, 616, 618, 640, 642, 650, 654, 681, 687, 688, 690, 699, 711, 712, 726, 738, 748, 762, 784, 792, 796, 797, 803, 810, 831, 914
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 59, 60, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 92, 94, 97, 102
S1 Lasee, Sen. Alan J. (1st Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
American Indian or tribe trust request re land: notification to and public meeting by political subdivision required  - AB185
Conference committee reports: time for consideration set [Joint rule 3 (4)] -  AJR75
Deer hunting back tag numbers: fee for reservation of revised - AB269
Kaftan, Frederick F.: life and public service -  SJR53
Prostate cancer awareness month proclaimed for September - SR17
Temporary supplemental benefits created re UI; DWD, Council on unemployment insurance, and social security provisions - SB395
Town board authorized to exercise village powers -  SB350
TPR procedure revisions: summary judgment permitted; CHIPS order or denial of parental visitation notice including grounds for TPR -  SB161
UI law revisions; DWD duties specified -  SB276
WC law revisions - SB251
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Lasee:
Senate Bills: 32, 50, 64, 65, 83, 158, 190, 294, 318, 357, 371, 394, 413
Senate Joint Resolutions: 2, 5, 13, 16, 19, 24, 26, 27, 28, 38, 44, 55, 57, 58, 64
Senate Resolutions: 3
Senate Petitions: 1
Assembly Bills: 6, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 45, 116, 121, 132, 136, 161, 174, 196, 197, 214, 280, 282, 299, 338, 505, 515, 553, 635, 675, 684, 687, 709, 711, 714, 742, 749, 753, 819, 845
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 7, 13, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 36, 43, 45, 48, 59, 60, 83, 84, 96
S28 Lazich, Sen. Mary (28th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Besson, Jim: life and public service -  SR6
Bodily substances placed in edibles: prohibition created -  AB280
Contraceptive prescription drug or device: school-based medical service prohibited from dispensing, prescribing, or administering to a pupil; funding provisions  - AB653
Electric generating facilities construction: engineering plan and deadline revisions re residential wells  - AB832
Electric generating facilities construction: engineering plan and deadline revisions re residential wells  - SB381
Fishing licenses issued to disabled persons: period of validity revised and exemption from paying fee  - SB380
Human cloning prohibited; in vitro human embryo prohibitions created and JLC report required - AB736
Human cloning prohibited; in vitro human embryo prohibitions created and JLC report required - SB404
Human service vehicle: driver qualifications and annual inspections; DOT duties set -  SB258
Light rail mass transit system restrictions expiration date eliminated; state aid for certain urban mass transit system rail service prohibited -  AB853
Loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases re adult children and parents -  SB193
Lottery tickets or shares: sale of prohibited; referendum required  - SB285
Newborn child relinquished to law enforcement officer, EMT, or hospital staff: information must be provided to women prior to abortion; DHFS duty specified -  AB450
Nonbusiness consumer sales tax rebate check: deadline for cashing extended -  AB162
Operation Enduring Freedom reserve component of armed forces participants: individual income tax exemption for pay from federal government created - AB583
Operation Enduring Freedom reserve component of armed forces participants: individual income tax exemption for pay from federal government created - SB286
Recycling machinery and equipment and motor vehicles used for waste reduction or recycling activities: sales and use tax exemptions revised -  SB382