Page 12, line 18: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with page 13, line 8.

Page 13, line 9: delete lines 9 to 15.

Page 16, line 16: after that line insert:

"SECTION 108m. 13.489 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

13.489 (2) DEPARTMENT TO REPORT PROPOSED PROJECTS. Subject to s. 85.05, the department of transportation shall report to the commission not later than September 15 of each even-numbered year and at such other times as required under s. 84.013 (6) concerning its recommendations for adjustments in the major highway projects program under s. 84.013. If the report under this subsection includes a recommendation to enumerate one or more major highway projects under s. 84.013 (3), the department of transportation shall provide a life cycle cost statement for each proposed project to the governor, the transportation projects commission, the building commission, and the joint committee on finance. The life cycle cost statement shall include an estimate of the costs of constructing, maintaining, resurfacing, minor and major reconditioning, policing, plowing, painting, signing, and reconstructing the major highway project until the first reconstruction of the project is completed.".

Page 16, line 16: after that line insert:

"SECTION 108m. 13.48 (35) of the statutes is created to read:

13.48 (35) HR ACADEMY, INC., YOUTH AND FAMILY CENTER. (a) The building commission may authorize up to $1,500,000 in general fund supported borrowing to aid in the construction of a youth and family center for HR Academy, Inc., in the city of Milwaukee. The state funding commitment under this paragraph shall be in the form of a grant to HR Academy, Inc. Before approving any such state funding commitment, the building commission shall determine that HR Academy, Inc., has secured additional funding at least equal to $3,500,000 from nonstate donations for the purpose of constructing a youth and family center.

(b) If the building commission authorizes a grant to HR Academy, Inc., under par. (a) and if, for any reason, the facility that is constructed with funds from the grant is not used as a youth and family center, the state shall retain an ownership interest in the facility equal to the amount of the state's grant.".

Page 16, line 16: after that line insert:

"SECTION 108j. 13.48 (35) of the statutes is created to read:

13.48 (35) DEBT INCREASE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MILWAUKEE CHILDREN'S VILLAGE. (a) The legislature finds and determines that providing good substitute parental care for children in foster care and helping those children grow up to be self-sufficient and productive adults are statewide responsibilities of statewide dimension. The legislature also finds and determines that the children of the city of Milwaukee are disproportionately represented in the state's foster care system and that, because those youth are so disproportionately represented, the state has a specific concern in providing good substitute parental care for those children and in helping those children grow up to be self-sufficient and productive adults. In addition, the legislature finds and determines that the children's village model of substitute care provided by SOS Children's Villages provides good substitute parental care for children and helps children grow up to be self-sufficient and productive adults by keeping together sibling groups that would otherwise be separated, providing one foster home for a child until the child is reunified with his or her family or achieves some other permanent placement, providing professionally trained caregivers for children, especially children with special needs, and providing not just a home but an entire community in which a child may grow. The legislature, therefore, finds and determines that assisting SOS Children's Villages of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee Chapter in the construction of a children's village will have a direct and immediate effect on that specific statewide concern and on those state responsibilities of statewide dimension.

(b) The building commission may authorize up to $550,000 in general fund supported borrowing to aid in the construction of a children's village by SOS Children's Villages of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee Chapter at a location on the near north side in the city of Milwaukee. The state funding commitment for construction of the children's village shall be in the form of a grant to SOS Children's Villages of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee Chapter. Before approving any state funding commitment for the children's village, the building commission shall determine that SOS Children's Villages of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee Chapter has secured additional funding at least equal to $3,270,000 from nonstate donations for the purpose of constructing the children's village.

(c) If the building commission authorizes a grant to SOS Children's Villages of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee Chapter under par. (b) and if, for any reason, the facility that is constructed with funds from the grant is not used as a children's village, the state shall retain an ownership interest in the facility equal to the amount of the state's grant.".

Page 16, line 16: after that line insert:

"SECTION 108h. 13.48 (32m) of the statutes is created to read:

13.48 (32m) DEBT INCREASE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF KENOSHA CIVIL WAR MUSEUM. (a) Subject to par. (b), the building commission may authorize $1,000,000 of general fund supported borrowing to aid in the construction of a Civil War museum in the city of Kenosha. The state funding commitment for the construction of the museum shall be in the form of a construction grant to the city of Kenosha. Before approving any state funding commitment for the museum and before awarding the construction grant under this paragraph, the building commission shall determine that the city of Kenosha has secured additional funding commitments of at least $1,000,000 from nonstate revenue sources.

(b) If the building commission authorizes a grant to the city of Kenosha under par. (a) and if, for any reason, the facility that is constructed with funds from the grant is not used as a Civil War museum, the state shall retain an ownership interest in the facility equal to the amount of the state's grant.

SECTION 108m. 13.48 (32r) of the statutes is created to read:

13.48 (32r) DEBT INCREASE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE DISCOVERY PLACE MUSEUM. (a) Subject to par. (b), the building commission may authorize $1,000,000 of general fund supported borrowing to aid in the construction of the Discovery Place museum as part of the Heritage museum in the city of Racine. The state funding commitment for the construction of the museum shall be in the form of a construction grant to the city of Racine. Before approving any state funding commitment for the museum and before awarding the construction grant under this paragraph, the building commission shall determine that the city of Racine has secured additional funding commitments of at least $1,000,000 from nonstate revenue sources.

(b) If the building commission authorizes a grant to the city of Racine under par. (a) and if, for any reason, the facility that is constructed with funds from the grant is not used as a Discovery Place museum as part of the Heritage museum, the state shall retain an ownership interest in the facility equal to the amount of the state's grant.".

Page 16, line 16: after that line insert:

"SECTION 108h. 13.48 (36) of the statutes is created to read:

13.48 (36) MILWAUKEE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ALUMNI CENTER. (a) The building commission may authorize up to $2,000,000 in general fund supported borrowing to aid in the construction of a Milwaukee Public Schools alumni center for Milwaukee Public Schools Foundation, Inc., to be located on land purchased by the department of administration under s. 16.514. The state funding commitment under this paragraph shall be in the form of a grant to Milwaukee Public Schools Foundation, Inc.

(b) If the building commission authorizes a grant to Milwaukee Public Schools Foundation, Inc., under par. (a) and if, for any reason, the facility that is constructed with funds from the grant is not used as an alumni center, the state shall retain an ownership interest in the facility equal to the amount of the state's grant.".

Page 16, line 17: delete lines 17 to 24.

Page 17, line 1: delete lines 1 to 10.

Page 17, line 11: delete lines 11 to 15.

Page 17, line 16: delete lines 16 to 25.

Page 18, line 1: delete lines 1 to 7.

Page 18, line 8: delete lines 8 to 23 and substitute:

"SECTION 114h. 13.94 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

13.94 (4) (a) 1. Every state department, board, examining board, affiliated credentialing board, commission, independent agency, council, or office in the executive branch of state government; all bodies created by the legislature in the legislative or judicial branch of state government; any public body corporate and politic created by the legislature including specifically the Fox River Navigational System Authority, a professional baseball park district, a local professional football stadium district, a local cultural arts district and, a family care district created under s. 46.2895, and the Milwaukee County child welfare district under s. 48.562; every Wisconsin works agency under subch. III of ch. 49; every provider of medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49; technical college district boards; development zones designated under s. 560.71; every county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437; every nonprofit corporation or cooperative to which moneys are specifically appropriated by state law; and every corporation, institution, association, or other organization which that receives more than 50% of its annual budget from appropriations made by state law, including subgrantee or subcontractor recipients of such funds.

SECTION 114i. 13.94 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

13.94 (4) (b) In performing audits of family care districts under s. 46.2895, the Milwaukee County child welfare district under s. 48.562, Wisconsin works agencies under subch. III of ch. 49, providers of medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49, corporations, institutions, associations, or other organizations, and their subgrantees or subcontractors, the legislative audit bureau shall audit only the records and operations of such providers and organizations which pertain to the receipt, disbursement, or other handling of appropriations made by state law.".

Page 18, line 8: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with page 19, line 11.

Page 22, line 19: delete lines 19 to 21.

Page 24, line 21: after that line insert:

"SECTION 130q. 15.05 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.05 (1) (b) Except as provided in pars. (c) and par. (d), if a department is under the direction and supervision of a board, the board shall appoint a secretary to serve at the pleasure of the board outside the classified service. In such departments, the powers and duties of the board shall be regulatory, advisory, and policy-making, and not administrative. All of the administrative powers and duties of the department are vested in the secretary, to be administered by him or her under the direction of the board. The secretary, with the approval of the board, shall promulgate rules for administering the department and performing the duties assigned to the department.

SECTION 130r. 15.05 (1) (c) of the statutes is repealed.".

Page 24, line 22: delete lines 22 and 23.

Page 24, line 23: after that line insert:

"SECTION 133m. 15.06 (4m) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.06 (4m) EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT. Each commission chairperson under s. 230.08 (2) (m) and each commissioner of the public service commission may appoint an executive assistant to serve at his or her pleasure outside the classified service. The executive assistant shall perform duties as the chairperson or commissioner prescribes.".

Page 24, line 24: delete that line.

Page 25, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3.

Page 25, line 3: after that line insert:

"SECTION 134e. 15.07 (1) (b) 23. of the statutes is created to read:

15.07 (1) (b) 23. Cemetery board.

SECTION 134m. 15.07 (1) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.07 (1) (cm) The term of one member of the ethics board shall expire on each May 1. The terms of 3 members of the development finance board appointed under s. 15.155 (1) (a) 6. shall expire on May 1 of every even-numbered year and the terms of the other 3 members appointed under s. 15.155 (1) (a) 6. shall expire on May 1 of every odd-numbered year. The terms of the 3 members of the land and water conservation board appointed under s. 15.135 (4) (b) 2. shall expire on January 1. The term of the member of the land and water conservation board appointed under s. 15.135 (4) (b) 2m. shall expire on May 1 of an even-numbered year. The terms of members of the real estate board shall expire on July 1. The terms of the appraiser members of the real estate appraisers board and the terms of the auctioneer and auction company representative members of the auctioneer board shall expire on May 1 in an even-numbered year. The terms of the cemetery authority business representative members of the cemetery board shall expire on May 1 in an even-numbered year.

SECTION 134s. 15.07 (1) (cs) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.07 (1) (cs) No member of the auctioneer board, cemetery board, real estate appraisers board, or real estate board may be an officer, director, or employee of a private organization that promotes or furthers any profession or occupation regulated by that board.".

Page 25, line 4: delete lines 4 to 12.

Page 25, line 7: after that line insert:

"SECTION 135m. 15.07 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.07 (3) (b) Except as provided in par. (bm), each board not covered under par. (a) shall meet annually, and may meet at other times on the call of the chairperson or a majority of its members. The auctioneer board, the cemetery board, the real estate board, and the real estate appraisers board shall also meet on the call of the secretary of regulation and licensing or his or her designee within the department.".

Page 25, line 10: after that line insert:

"SECTION 136b. 15.07 (3) (bm) 5. of the statutes is created to read:

15.07 (3) (bm) 5. The cemetery board shall meet at least 4 times each year.

SECTION 136r. 15.07 (5) (z) of the statutes is created to read:

15.07 (5) (z) Members of the cemetery board, $25 per day.".

Page 25, line 19: delete lines 19 to 24.

Page 26, line 1: delete lines 1 to 9.

Page 26, line 10: delete lines 10 to 12.

Page 28, line 5: after that line insert:

"SECTION 173m. 15.193 of the statutes is created to read:

15.193 Same; specified divisions. (1) DIVISION OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES. There is created in the department of health and family services a division of children and family services. The administrator of the division shall be appointed outside the classified service by the secretary of health and family services.".

Page 29, line 9: delete lines 9 to 25.

Page 30, line 10: after that line insert:

"SECTION 179g. 15.227 (14) of the statutes is created to read:

15.227 (14) APPRENTICESHIP MARKETING COUNCIL. There is created in the department of workforce development an apprenticeship marketing council appointed by the secretary of workforce development. The council shall consist of 4 members appointed for 3-year terms who represent the interests of employees, 4 members appointed for 3-year terms who represent the interests of employers, and 2 employees of the department of workforce development to serve at the pleasure of the secretary.".

Page 31, line 10: delete lines 10 to 15.

Page 31, line 15: after that line insert:

"SECTION 182g. 15.405 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:

15.405 (3m) CEMETERY BOARD. (a) In this subsection:

1. "Business representative" has the meaning given in s. 452.01 (3k).

2. "Licensed cemetery authority" has the meaning given in s. 157.061 (8r).

3. "Religious cemetery authority" has the meaning given s. 157.061 (15m).

(b) There is created a cemetery board, attached to the department of regulation and licensing under s. 15.03, consisting of the following members appointed for 4-year terms:

1. Four members, each of whom is a business representative of a licensed cemetery authority.

2. A representative of the department of justice designated by the attorney general.

3. Two public members.

(c) Of the members appointed under par. (b) 1., one member shall be a business representative of a licensed cemetery authority organized or conducted for pecuniary profit, one member shall be a business representative of a licensed cemetery authority not organized or conducted for pecuniary profit, one member shall be a business representative of a licensed cemetery authority that is a city, village, town, or county, and no member may be a business representative of a religious cemetery authority.

(d) No member of the cemetery board may serve more than 2 terms.".

Page 32, line 5: delete lines 5 to 12.

Page 32, line 12: after that line insert:

"SECTION 187d. 15.915 (3) of the statutes is repealed.".
