Sykora, Tom
Ziegelbauer, Bob *
Morris-Tatum, Johnnie
Pocan, Mark
Turner, Robert
Wood, Wayne
Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules (3, 2)
Grothman, Glenn (Co-chair)
Seratti, Lorraine (Vice-chair)
Gunderson, Scott
Kreuser, James *
Turner, Robert
Joint Committee on Audit (3, 2)
Leibham, Joseph (Co-chair)
Starzyk, Samantha (Vice-chair)
Gard, John
Cullen, David *
Kreuser, James
Joint Committee on Employment Relations (3, 1)
Jensen, Scott (Co-chair)
Foti, Steven
Gard, John
Krug, Shirley *
Joint Committee on Finance (6, 2)
Gard, John (Co-chair)
Kaufert, Dean (Vice-chair)
Albers, Sheryl
Duff, Marc
Huebsch, Mike
Ward, Dave
Huber, Greg *
Riley, Antonio
Joint Committee on Information Policy and Technology (3, 2)
Pettis, Mark (Co-chair)
Hoven, Tim (Vice-chair)
Montgomery, Phil
Schneider, Marlin *
Kreuser, James
Joint Committee on Legislative Organization (3, 2)
Jensen, Scott (Co-chair)
Foti, Steven
Ladwig, Bonnie
Krug, Shirley *
Black, Spencer
A18 Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems (2, 1)
Vrakas, Dan (Co-chair)
Ladwig, Bonnie (Vice-chair)
Plale, Jeff *
Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions (2, 1)
Hahn, Eugene (Co-chair)
Kedzie, Neal (Vice-chair)
Hebl, Tom *
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
December 26, 2000
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Section 46.03(26) of the statutes requires the Department of Health and Family Services to report annually on information systems projects under development. The annual report is a summary of the departmental systems currently under development.
Joe Leean
Referred to committee on Health.
State of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin-Extension
December 27, 2000
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
As required by section 1606m, 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, included here are model ordinances for a traditional neighborhood development and for a conservation subdivision. The principal author for these ordinances is Professor Brian Ohm, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension, with much input and support from colleagues and independent reviewers. Brian joins me as a signatory to this letter.
University of Wisconsin-Extension thanks the Wisconsin Legislature for requesting our institution to help Wisconsin communities with implementation of the Smart Growth Law. The development of these model ordinances is but one of the many educational efforts regarding land use and smart growth which UW-Extension has undertaken statewide. As communities grapple with these important issues, we look forward to helping them by providing locally relevant education using the world class educational resources such as those evidenced by Professor Ohm's fine model ordinance development work.
Kevin Reilly
Brian Ohm
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin - Madison/Extension
Referred to committee on Natural Resources.
State of Wisconsin
Private Employer Health Care Coverage Board
December 28, 2000
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
The Private Employer Health Care Coverage Board (Board) is required by statute to submit an annual report to the Governor and appropriate standing committees of the Legislature. This, the Board's first such report, covers the period from the enactment of 1999 Wisconsin Act 9 (October 1999) to the present. Since we were not able to obtain the services of a qualified vendor, coverage will not be available through the Program by the effective date set by the Legislature.
Please contact Phillip Borden, Director of the Office of Private Employer Health Care Coverage, if you would like additional information about the Private Employer Health Care Coverage Program or about the activities of the Private Employer Health Care Coverage Board.
Eric O. Stanchfield
Chair, Private Employer Health Care Coverage Board
Secretary, Department of Employee Trust Funds
Referred to committee on Small Business and Consumer Affairs.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Agriculture, Trade and
Consumer Protection
Department of Natural Resources
December 2000
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
A19 In Wisconsin, the lake sturgeon is an important cultural and recreational fish that was once used for economic gain. Native American peoples throughout the Great Lakes and upper Mississippi River basins revered the fish as an important food source as well as a spiritual icon. European settlers used the fish for its flesh, caviar and swim bladders, which produced "isinglass," an important early additive for a variety of products including wine and paint. Lake sturgeon stocks were nearly wiped out throughout their range due to overharvest, commercial fishing, the building of dams on spawning streams and pollution.