Relating to: permitting certain individuals to subject another individual's blood to a test for the human immunodeficiency virus, requiring the withdrawal and preservation of a blood specimen from certain corpses, permitting certain persons to subject a corpse or blood specimen withdrawn from a corpse to a test for the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus or other blood-borne pathogens, the recovery of costs of certain tests for the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus, and requiring a funeral director to obtain a release before embalming certain corpses.
By Representatives Wade, Hundertmark, Kestell, Musser, M. Lehman, Gronemus, Miller, Olsen, Freese, Albers, Gunderson, Shilling and Sykora; cosponsored by Senators Welch and Roessler.
To committee on Public Health.
Assembly Bill 157
Relating to: possession of body armor by persons convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for certain felony offenses and providing a penalty.
By Representatives La Fave, Kaufert, Suder, Bies, Vrakas, Huebsch, Stone, Gronemus, Ziegelbauer, Olsen, Riley, M. Lehman, Ryba, Ladwig, Musser, J. Lehman, Albers, Seratti, Gunderson, Lassa, Plouff, Townsend, Petrowski, Wade and Pettis; cosponsored by Senators Burke, Schultz, Roessler and Darling.
To committee on Criminal Justice .
Assembly Bill 158
Relating to: filing of declarations of candidacy and recording of votes received by write-in candidates in certain elections.
By Representatives Skindrud, Ainsworth, Freese, Gronemus, Gunderson, Hahn, Jeskewitz, Kestell, Krawczyk, Loeffelholz, Musser, Ott, Petrowski, Ryba, Starzyk, Sykora, Townsend and Urban; cosponsored by Senators Darling and Roessler.
To committee on Campaigns and Elections .
Assembly Bill 159
Relating to: requiring public service commission approval of mergers, consolidations, and certain other transactions involving telecommunications utilities.
By Representatives Black, Powers, Shilling, Musser, Carpenter, Bock, Ryba, Berceau, Huber, La Fave, Young, Turner, Miller, J. Lehman and Cullen; cosponsored by Senators Baumgart, Robson and Erpenbach.
To joint committee on Information Policy and Technology.
Assembly Bill 160
Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain expenses related to child or dependent care.
By Representatives Black, Musser, Plouff, J. Lehman, Morris-Tatum, La Fave, Shilling, Miller, Meyerhofer, Berceau, Turner, Wasserman, Pocan and Bock; cosponsored by Senators Robson, Risser, Plache, George, M. Meyer, Burke, Roessler, Baumgart and Hansen.
To committee on Ways and Means.
Assembly Bill 161
Relating to: exempting local governments from the motor vehicle fuel tax.
A114 By Representatives Meyerhofer, Staskunas, Travis, Ziegelbauer, Musser, Turner, La Fave, Ryba, Ainsworth, Berceau, Carpenter, Gronemus, Hebl, Huber, F. Lasee, Lassa, J. Lehman, M. Lehman, Miller, Olsen, Ott, Plale, Plouff, Pocan, Powers, Reynolds, Schooff, Gunderson, Hoven, Jeskewitz, Stone, Sinicki, Urban, Seratti, Hubler, Boyle, Friske, Loeffelholz, Kreuser, Townsend, Krawczyk, Shilling, D. Meyer, Steinbrink, Vrakas, Leibham and Freese; cosponsored by Senators Breske, A. Lasee, Hansen, Baumgart, Huelsman, Grobschmidt, George, Wirch and Farrow.
To joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions .
Assembly Bill 162
Relating to: expired onetime rebates.
By Representatives Wood, Plouff, Staskunas, Ryba, Young, Huebsch, Schneider, F. Lasee, Townsend, Shilling, Gronemus, Miller, Turner, Boyle, Sykora, Berceau, Riley, Wasserman, Hahn, Stone and Williams; cosponsored by Senators Lazich, Huelsman, Roessler and Schultz.
To committee on Ways and Means.
Assembly Bill 163
Relating to: the regulation of professional boxing contests.
By Representatives Colon, Gard, Coggs, Albers, Turner, Kreuser, Ryba, Townsend, Vrakas and Stone; cosponsored by Senators George, Zien, Burke, Plache and Schultz.
To committee on Small Business and Consumer Affairs.
Assembly Bill 164
Relating to: public hearings on school starting dates.
By Representatives Nass, Kedzie, Musser, Ladwig, La Fave, Ward, Ainsworth, J. Lehman, Hoven, Albers, Schooff, Reynolds, Jeskewitz, Berceau, Kestell, Rhoades, Grothman, Wasserman and Miller; cosponsored by Senators Moen, Huelsman, Baumgart and Roessler.
To committee on Education Reform .
Assembly Bill 165
Relating to: the commencement of the school term in public schools.
By Representatives Nass, La Fave, Ainsworth, J. Lehman, Albers, Schooff, Reynolds, Berceau, Kestell, Rhoades, Miller and Jeskewitz; cosponsored by Senator Baumgart .
To committee on Education Reform .
Assembly Bill 166
Relating to: nonmoving traffic violations involving rented or leased motor vehicles.
By Representatives Duff, Stone, Montgomery, Urban, La Fave, Turner, Pettis, Kedzie, Gronemus, Nass, Vrakas, Ladwig, Townsend, Olsen, Gunderson, Powers, Grothman and Albers; cosponsored by Senators Wirch, Schultz, Farrow, Roessler, Burke and Huelsman.
To committee on Highway Safety.
Assembly Bill 167
Relating to: access by law enforcement agencies to photographs on motor vehicle operators' licenses and identification cards.
By Representatives Wieckert, Bies, Friske, La Fave, Suder, Wade, Gunderson, Ladwig, Nass, Duff, Ott, Stone, Huber, Krawczyk, Lippert, Huebsch, Loeffelholz, Hundertmark, Musser, Townsend, Jeskewitz and Lassa; cosponsored by Senators George, Burke, Huelsman, Cowles, Rosenzweig, Welch, Darling, Roessler and Harsdorf.
To committee on Transportation.
Assembly Bill 168
Relating to: employment discrimination based on creed and exemption from liability and discipline for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, other health care providers, and hospital employees who refuse to participate in sterilization, abortion, assisted suicide, and other procedures on moral or religious grounds.
By Representatives Walker, Staskunas, Albers, Colon, Duff, J. Fitzgerald, Freese, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hoven, Huebsch, Jeskewitz, Johnsrud, Kedzie, Krawczyk, Ladwig, F. Lasee, M. Lehman, Leibham, Lippert, Loeffelholz, McCormick, D. Meyer, Montgomery, Nass, Ott, Owens, Petrowski, Pettis, Rhoades, Ryba, Starzyk, Stone, Suder, Sykora, Underheim, Urban, Vrakas, Wieckert and Ziegelbauer; cosponsored by Senators Breske, Roessler, Baumgart, Cowles, Farrow, S. Fitzgerald, Harsdorf, Lazich, Schultz and Welch.
To committee on Labor and Workforce Development .
Committee Reports
The committee on Criminal Justice reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 4
Relating to: permitting an educational agency to refuse to employ or to terminate from employment an unpardoned felon.
Ayes: 8 - Representatives Suder, Gundrum, Bies, J. Fitzgerald, Jeskewitz, F. Lasee, Loeffelholz and Owens.
Noes: 6 - Representatives Staskunas, Wood, Young, Colon, Sherman and Boyle.
To committee on Rules.
Scott Suder
Committee on Criminal Justice
The committee on Judiciary reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 45
Relating to: fees paid to witnesses in courts other than municipal court.
Assembly amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Gundrum, McCormick, Grothman, Montgomery, Starzyk, Hebl and Staskunas.
Noes: 0.
A115 Passage as amended:
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Gundrum, McCormick, Grothman, Montgomery, Starzyk, Hebl and Staskunas.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Mark Gundrum
Committee on Judiciary
Speaker's Communications
February 26, 2001
Representative Hahn, Co-Chairperson
Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions
State Capitol, Room 15 West
Senator Decker, Co-Chairperson
Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions
State Capitol, Room 323 South
Dear Representative Hahn and Senator Decker:
Pursuant to Assembly Rule 42(1)(am) and section 13.52(6), Wisconsin Statutes, the co-chairpersons of the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions shall prepare and submit a report in writing setting forth an opinion on the desirability of Assembly Bill 155, relating to campaign financing, lobbying regulation, designations for the Wisconsin election campaign fund by individuals filing state income tax returns, income and franchise tax deductions for certain business expenses related to lobbying, creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain campaign contributions, composition and staffing of the elections board, providing exemptions from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations, as a matter of public policy.