To committee on Housing.
Assembly Bill 693
Relating to: restoration of legislative partisan caucus staffs and solicitation or receipt of services for a political purpose from state officers and employees.
By Representative Schneider .
To committee on Assembly Organization .
Assembly Bill 694
Relating to: the disclosure of information about licensed nurses to the coordinated licensure information system.
By Representatives Johnsrud, Pocan, La Fave, J. Lehman, Plouff, Turner, Ott and Miller; cosponsored by Senators Robson, Erpenbach and Roessler.
To committee on Labor and Workforce Development .
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To Whom It May Concern:
Acts, Joint Resolutions and Resolutions deposited in this office have been numbered and published as follows:
Bill Number Act Number Publication Date
Assembly Bill 14234January 4, 2002
Assembly Bill 55335January 4, 2002
Assembly Bill 51238January 4, 2002
Assembly Bill 51439January 4, 2002
Assembly Bill 13540January 4, 2002
Assembly Bill 11041January 4, 2002
Assembly Bill 24642January 4, 2002
Douglas La Follette
Secretary of State
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
December 14, 2001
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Section 46.03 (26) of the statutes requires the Department of Health and Family Services to report annually on information systems projects under development. The attached report is a summary of the departmental systems currently under development.
Phyllis J. Dube
Referred to committee on Health.
State of Wisconsin
Gathering Waters Conservancy
December 15, 2001
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
It is my pleasure to share with you a report on Gathering Waters Conservancy's activities and accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2001. This report is being submitted in accordance with the statutory requirements (s. 23.0955 (2)(b)5) of the state grant that Gathering Waters Conservancy received in FY 2001. Gathering Waters had an extremely successful year, thanks to the ongoing support of the state legislature and the Department of Natural Resources.
We look forward to working with the Department and the state legislature on the projects outlined above and other initiatives that develop over the course of the year. Please do not hesitate to contact me for additional information. I have also attached Gathering Waters' financial reports for FY 2001 for your review.
Vicki Elkin
Executive Director
Referred to committee on Natural Resources.
Milwaukee Public Schools
Department of Governmental Relations
December 17, 2001
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
A565 Enclosed you will find a copy of the report entitled "High/Scope All-Day Five-Year-Old Kindergarten Program and High/Scope First Grade Program." This report summarizes the projects and the data collected for the 2000-2001 school year.
Each year a report is prepared in response to Sections 119.71, 119.73 and 119.75 of the current state statutes.
Audra Milen
Legislative Policy Manager
Referred to committee on Education.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Agriculture, Trade
and Consumer Protection
December 17, 2001
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Enclosed is a copy of the Bottled Drinking Water report published by the Division of Food Safety, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. This booklet contains results of laboratory tests from bottled water samples taken during the Fiscal Year of 2001. This report is mandated by Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 97.34 (2)(e).
Please let me know if you need additional copies.
Heather M. Heimdahl
Food Scientist
Division of Food Safety
State of Wisconsin
Investment Board
December 17, 2001
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Annually under s. 25.17 (14g), Stats., the Investment Board submits a report to the Legislature on investment goals and long-term strategies. As we have done the past two years, I am writing to advise you that we plan to submit the report in February. Although this will be after the December 31 due date, it will enable us to provide a more complete and informative report to you.
The Board of Trustees will consider recommendations on investment strategies made by an outside consultant at their January meeting and asset allocation for 2002 at their February meeting. We believe it will be helpful to reflect the outcome of those discussions in our report to you. In addition, we will include in the report ways we plan to achieve the recommendations included in the recently published report from the Legislative Audit Bureau.
The report we submit in February will also include the performance assessment required under s. 25.17 (14m). As in past years, we plan to combine the two reports to make it easier to understand the relationship between our strategies and our investment results.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Patricia Lipton
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Department of Employment Relations
December 18, 2001
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
I am pleased to submit the Veterans Employment Report for July 1, 2000, to June 30, 2001. The report, pursuant to s. 230.04 (9)(em), Wis. Stats., summarizes veteran new hires and employee statistics for state agencies and units of the UW system.
Please contact Greg Jones, Administrator of the Division of Affirmative Action, at 266-3017 or e-mail at if you have any questions or need additional information regarding the report.
Gregory C. JOnes
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
December 20, 2001
To the Honorable, the Legislature: