Tommy G. Thompson
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
December 13, 2000
The Honorable, The Legislature:
This report is transmitted as required by sec. 20.002(11)(f) of the Wisconsin Statutes, (for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under sec. 13.172(3) Stats.), and confirms that the Department of Administration has found it necessary to exercise the "temporary reallocation of balances" authority provided by this section in order to meet payment responsibilities and cover resulting negative balances during the month of November , 2000.
On November 1, 2000 the Wisconsin Health Education Loan Repayment Fund balance was -$2 thousand. This shortfall increased to -$8 thousand on November 9, 2000, to -$9 thousand on November 15, 2000, and continued into the month of December. As of the date of this letter, it is expected to be resolved soon. This shortfall is due to the timing of revenues.
On November 1, 2000 the Utility Public Benefits Fund balance was -$1.38 million. This shortfall increased to -$2.40 million on November 14, 2000, to -$3.63 million on November 30, 2000, and continued into the month of December. As of the date of this letter, it is expected to be resolved soon. This shortfall is due to the timing of revenues.
On November 1, 2000 the University Trust-Income Fund balance was -$40 thousand. This shortfall increased to -$131 thousand on November 3, 2000, and continued until November 6, 2000 when the balance reached $1.56 million. This shortfall was due to the timing of revenues.
The Wisconsin Health Education Loan Repayment Fund, Utility Public Benefits Fund, and University Trust-Income Fund shortfalls were not in excess of the statutory interfund borrowing limitation and did not exceed the balances of the Funds available for interfund borrowing.
The distribution of interest earnings to investment pool participants is based on the average daily balance in the pool and each fund's share. Therefore, the monthly calculation by the State Controller's Office will automatically reflect the use of these temporary reallocations of balance authority.
George Lightbourn
Referred to the joint committee on Finance.
State of Wisconsin
Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseball Park District
December 21, 2000
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Attached please find the Miller Park monthly progress report for the month of November 2000 for your review and consideration. As the enclosed report indicates, Miller Park continues to develop with the District Board's objectives of building the premier baseball facility in the country; scheduled for play Opening Day 2001: within budget: and with strong community participation.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments regarding the enclosed report.
Michael R. Duckett, P.E.,R.L.S.
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
December 26, 2000
The Honorable, The Senate:
Section 46.03(26) of the statutes requires the Department of Health and Family Services to report annually on information systems projects under development. The attached report is a summary of the departmental systems currently under development.
Joe Leean
S14 State of Wisconsin
Private Employer Health Care Coverage Board
December 28, 2000
The Honorable, The Legislature:
The Private Employer Health Care Coverage Board (Board) is required by statute to submit an annual report to the Governor and appropriate standing committees of the Legislature. This, the Board's first such report, covers the period from the enactment of 1999 Wisconsin Act 9 (October 1999) to the present. Since we were not able to obtain the services of a qualified vendor, coverage will not be available through the Program by the effective date set by the Legislature.
The Office of Private Employer Health Care Coverage (Office), as required by Act 9, issued a request for proposals for administrative services for the Program. The enclosed report summarizes the procurement process. The proposal submission deadline has passed, and, contrary to expectations, no proposals have been received. Program staff have begun to solicit feedback from potential administrators to identify barriers to their participation. The enclosed "Potential Vendor Feedback Regarding RFP# ETA0006" provides detailed comments from potential vendors.
The Department will carefully evaluate how to proceed in developing an actuarially sound program with coverage available as soon as possible. For a more thorough discussion of budget issues, please see Sections 1.3 and 4.1 of the enclosed report.
Please contact Phillip Borden, Director of the Office of Private Employer Health Care Coverage, if you would like additional information about the Private Employer Health Care Coverage Program or about the activities of the Private Employer Health Care Coverage Board.
Eric O. Stanchfield
Secretary, Department of Employee Trust Funds
Referred to committee on Health, Utilities, Veterans and Military Affairs.
State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
January 2, 2001
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Pursuant to section 234.25, Wisconsin Statutes, the following is the Fiscal 2000 annual report of the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA). Please note that each of the housing programs described in the following pages are consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the state housing plan. In addition, the report reflects Calendar 2000 data for those programs operating on a calendar year basis. The report contains the following information:
Fiscal 2000 Program Activity
Job Creation Report
WHEDA Strategic Plan
Calendar 1999 Annual Report
June 30, 2000 Financial Statement
Should you have any questions or comments, please call me or Jim Langdon at 266-3529. Thank you for your interest in WHEDA.
Fritz RuF
Executive Director
Referred to committee on Universities, Housing and Government Operations.
State of Wisconsin
Public Service Commission
December 22, 2000
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Enclosed please find the "Report to the Legislature on Horizontal Market Power in Wisconsin Electricity Market." It is transmitted as required by Wis. Stat. s. 196.025(4)(b), for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under Wis. Stat. s. 13.172(3).
Pursuant to Wis. Stat. s. 196.025(5)(ar), the Commission contracted with an expert consultant in economics to study the potential for horizontal market power, including the horizontal market power of electric generators, to frustrate the creation of an effectively competitive retail electricity market in this state and to make recommendations on measures to eliminate such market power on a sustainable basis. The report provides results of an independent economic study which examined potential horizontal market power problems in Wisconsin electricity markets, comments from numerous industry participants on the commissioned report, and the Commission's initial commentary on the subject. At a later date, the Commission may offer additional guidance to the legislature concerning horizontal market power issues in Wisconsin electricity markets.
Lynda L. Dorr
Secretary to the Commission
Referred to committee on Health, Utilities, Veterans and Military Affairs.
State of Wisconsin
Public Service Commission
December 22, 2000
The Honorable, The Legislature:
We are pleased to provide the report of the Public Service Commission concerning "Horizontal Market Power in Wisconsin Electricity Markets." This report is transmitted as required by Wis. Stat. s. 196.025(5)b for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under Wis. Stat. s. 13.172(3).
The report provides results of an independent economic study which examined potential horizontal market power problems in Wisconsin electricity markers, comments from numerous industry participants on the commissioned report, and the Commission's initial commentary on the subject. Pursuant to Wis. Stat. s. 196.025(5)(ar), the Commission contracted with an expert consultant in economics to study the potential for horizontal market power, including the horizontal market power of electric generators, to frustrate the creation of an effectively competitive retail electricity market in this state and to make recommendations on measures to eliminate such marker power on a sustainable basis.
If you have any questions concerning this report please contact Mr. Randel Pilo of the Commission's Electric Division at (608) 267-1474.
Ave. M. Bie
Referred to committee on Health, Utilities, Veterans and Military Affairs.
State of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin - Extension
December 27, 2000
S15 The Honorable, The Legislature:
As required by section 1606m, 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, included here are model ordinances for a traditional neighborhood development and for a conservation subdivision. The principal author for these ordinances is Professor Brian Ohm, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin - Madison/Extension, with much input and support from colleagues and independent reviewers. Brian joins me as a signatory to this letter.
University of Wisconsin - Extension thanks the Wisconsin Legislature for requesting our institution to help Wisconsin communities with implementation of the Smart Growth Law. The development of these model ordinances is but one of the many educational efforts regarding land use and smart growth which UW-Extension has undertaken statewide. As communities grapple with these important issues, we look forward to helping them by providing locally relevant education using the world class educational resources such as those evidenced by Professor Ohm's fine model ordinance development work.