State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
January 30, 2001
The Honorable, The Senate:
We have audited the financial statements of WHA Television and WHA Radio for the period July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 and have issued our reports on these statements, dated January 30, 2001. WHA Television and WHA Radio are public broadcasting stations licensed to the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and are operated by the University of Wisconsin-Extension.
The audits were requested by the University of Wisconsin-Extension to fulfill audit requirements of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The Corporation requires audited financial statements of public broadcasting entities and certifications of these entities' non-federal revenue sources in determining future funding levels.
Copies of the audit reports have been distributed to members of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee and those required by law to receive them. Electronic copies of the reports are available on line at If you are interested in receiving a copy of these reports, please contact our office and request the following report numbers:
01-3 An Audit of WHA Television
01-4 An Audit of WHA Radio
Janice Mueller
State Auditor
referrals and receipt of committee reports concerning proposed administrative rules
Relating to the state directory of new hires.
Submitted by Department of Workforce Development .
Report received from Agency, January 30, 2001.
Referred to committee on Labor and Agriculture, January 31, 2001.
Relating to deer hunting and the wildlife damage abatement and claims program.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, January 30, 2001.
Referred to committee on Environmental Resources, January 31, 2001.
messageS from the assembly
By John Scocos, chief clerk.
Mr. President:
I am directed to inform you that the Assembly has passed and asks concurrence in:
Assembly Bill 41
Adopted and asks concurrence in:
Assembly Joint Resolution 15
Assembly Joint Resolution 17
Concurred in:
Senate Bill 18
Senate Joint Resolution 8
Senate Joint Resolution 9
Senate Joint Resolution 10
Senate Joint Resolution 11
Senate Joint Resolution 12
Senate Joint Resolution 13
Senate Joint Resolution 14
messageS from the assembly considered
Assembly Bill 41
Relating to: polling hours.
By committee on Campaigns and Elections.
Read first time and referred to committee on Universities, Housing, and Government Operations.
Assembly Joint Resolution 15
Relating to: the joint rules.
By Representatives Jensen and Freese; cosponsored by Senators Chvala and Risser.
Read and referred to committee on Senate Organization.
Assembly Joint Resolution 17
Relating to: fund-raising social events in Dane County during floorperiods and special and extraordinary sessions.
By committee on Rules.
Read and referred to committee on Senate Organization.
Senator Chvala, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate recess for the purpose of awaiting the Governor's State of the State Address in Joint Convention in the Assembly Chambers at 7:00 P.M. and upon the rising of the Joint Convention adjourn until Thursday, February 1 at 10:00 A.M.
The Senate stood recessed.
6:47 P.M.
in assembly chamber in joint convention
The President of the Senate in the Chair.
The committee to await upon the Governor appeared with his excellency the Governor, who delivered his message as follows:
state of the state address
Speaker Jensen, President Risser, Members of the Legislature, Constitutional Officers, Honorable Justices of the Supreme Court, tribal leaders, members of the Cabinet, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.
Before I get started, let me thank the Speaker and the entire Legislature for the wonderful gifts and words of encouragement. I will truly miss you. Thank you for your friendship and partnership throughout the years.
Senator Risser, I know you're happy tonight. The real reason you've hung around so long is you wanted to outlast me. You win, Fred. And Speaker Jensen, you still hold the only position I've ever wanted but never achieved. I'm proud to see my friend rise so high and do so well.
I'd also like to thank my current and former Cabinet and staff for all their hard work and dedication to this state. They're the unsung heroes of our success. Let me introduce Nora Weber, Marge Miller and Marlene Cummings – the only two staff members and Cabinet secretary to spend all 14 years with me in office. Thank you for your unwavering support. Tonight, it all ends in the place where it all began.
Thirty-five years ago, I first came to this chamber a green and humble young man from Elroy. As you can see, I was fresh out of law school and had a bit of a baby face back then. The mustache, wide ties and leisure suits would come later. Thankfully, my daughters grew older and eventually broke me of them. But I'm glad Cliff Miller has been able to put my old wardrobe to good use.
Despite my youth, I came to Madison with a great deal of confidence, idealism and hope – qualities given to me by my hometown. The people of Elroy raised me. Taught me my values. And instilled in me the importance of putting people first.
Elroy common sense guided me as a legislator and a governor. And those same values will guide me as I serve the president of this great country as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
S49 Washington is a long way from Elroy, but Elroy will never be far from me. It's who I am.
And so this man from Elroy humbly comes before you one last time tonight to talk about our great state and its future.
We've done remarkable things inside and outside this grand old building. Just think back for a moment to the state of our state in the mid-80s.
Remember when our good friends down in Illinois mocked our troubled economy? They even went so far as to put up a billboard on the border saying, "When the last business leaves Wisconsin, please turn out the lights."
Well my friends, the lights are on in Wisconsin and burning brighter than ever.
In fact, I hope our friends in Illinois didn't let the toll gate hit them in the bumper when they moved their families and businesses to Wisconsin by the truckload.
Illinois companies are moving to Wisconsin for our more positive business environment – there are almost 50 in the Kenosha Business Park alone. Illinois families are coming for our great schools and unmatched quality of life. And the poor are venturing north for a good job and greater opportunity, not a bigger welfare check.
We've even taken to beating up on their sports teams. Let's see, since 1986, we've gone to two Super Bowls, three Rose Bowls and a Final Four. Down in Illinois, they still haven't found a quarterback.
I engage in this lighthearted teasing of our good friends and neighbors because it illustrates how much we've built Wisconsin since the days when they teased us.
My, how far we have come together.
We've come so far that we can all claim with great pride tonight that in the year 2001 the state of the state is that of the nation's leader. Name the issue and Wisconsin is leading the way.
Many states claim they're the best, but only one state can back it up. We follow our bold words with bold deeds. During my confirmation process, it was heartwarming to hear how often senators recognized Wisconsin as the nation's leader in innovation.