Even the Wall Street Journal wrote a few days ago that states are aggressively using energy as a powerful new tool in recruiting business.
The stakes are high: If this chamber does not heed this clarion call to action, it will put the economic future of this state at great peril.
Next, we must become more efficient. At every level of government, we need to do a better job of delivering the services our people demand at a price we can all afford.
And there's no better time to start than this budget when revenues will be lower than expected.
Thanks to the hard work of Don Kettl and his commission, we now have a road map to smaller, more efficient government – from Elroy to Juneau County to Madison. The commission's recommendations, including how we better distribute revenue between state and local government, will be included in the upcoming budget. Don is with us here tonight after completing another thankless task for our state.
Tonight, I want to focus on the five most "radical and bold" ideas -- the catalysts for truly modernizing our government for a new century.
1.) Create incentives to collaborate. In our forefathers' zeal for strong local control, they created too much government. And this has led to overlapping services.
By engaging in regional collaboration for the delivery of services, governments can reap significant savings without sacrificing quality. For example, do neighboring communities really need separate mass transit systems? Or separate waste collection services?
I can tell you right now, that the amount of money the state can send back to communities and spend on programs isn't going to grow in this budget. The economic windfall isn't there. So there's no better time for local governments to collaborate and develop savings.
2.) Demand performance and accountability. We would improve harmony and performance by more clearly defining the roles of state and local government.
For example, the state might assume responsibility for providing human service programs and contract with local government to deliver them. The state would pay local government based on its performance. The more efficient the delivery, the greater the financial reward.
The result would be greater accountability, better service and less friction.
3.) Performance-based education. There is no area that state and local government spends more money on than schools. But we need to do a better job of making sure that money gets directly into the classroom by giving greater operating flexibility to every local school building. And we must demand high performance. We must also continue to breakdown barriers to our seamless system of schools.
4.) A Top-To-Bottom Scrub of Government. If we are serious about reforming government, we need to dig deep and determine what we do well and what we do poorly at all levels.
We need to search and destroy regulations and programs that have outlived their usefulness; share the best practices of government; and establish performance-based management for state government.
5.) Expand e-government. Web portals for all levels of government will make it easier for citizens to access services and reduce the cost of goods the government buys.
Tonight, state government is unveiling its new, one-stop web site: www.wisconsin.gov.
Once on-line, an array of state services will be at your fingertips. You can renew your vehicle registration, reserve a campsite, look for a job, begin building a new business, learn how to get social services in your community, see how your child's school grades out compared to others, or plan a family trip. Every state agency is making its programs and services accessible online.
And by using the portal to buy products on-line, we will save taxpayers money.
Through reverse auctions, we can get the products we need at the lowest price possible.
In a recent auction to purchase textiles, you can see that the longer the auction went on, the lower the price dropped. We finally bought the textiles for 33 percent below the market price.
Our e-portal underscores the great efficiencies we can accomplish in government if we're bold enough to change.
Reforming government doesn't just mean making it more efficient, however.
Perhaps the area where government needs the greatest reform is in the political system.
The fall elections brought a new level of attack ads, record spending and reports of smokes-for-votes and felons voting.
Thus, it is time to quit the political posturing and pass the first Kettl Commission Report -- the comprehensive campaign finance reform. It's the only bipartisan reform out there.
And let's take it a step further: Develop stronger regulations on independent ads. The
Constitution makes speech free but last-minute attack ads are costing our democracy too much. We need to strike a better balance.
S55 Next, pass a bipartisan package of voting reforms that include: requiring a photo ID to register and vote; the training of election observers; creation of a statewide voter list; a new position at the Elections Board to help local governments conduct elections properly; and a task force to study the use of technology to increase voter participation.
We are America's good government state. The integrity of our polls must never be questioned again.
Tonight, I am pleased to announce a new project that will help increase public participation and reduce cynicism.
It's called The WisconsinEye Public Affairs Network. It will be Wisconsin's version of C-SPAN.
These small, discreet cameras will be mounted in the Assembly and Senate Chambers, providing the public with straightforward coverage of legislative proceedings. This represents the very latest in miniature digital technology.
WisconsinEye will cover hearings, press conferences and other happenings in state government and around the state. And students and educators will have a real-time window on the State Capitol.
A more formal announcement on this project is coming soon. But let me tell you now that this network will not cost the taxpayers any money. WisconsinEye will be supported by a private not-for-profit company, and Charter Communications is contributing as well.
Please welcome the network's president Jeff Roberts, its vice president Jon Henkes and Chris Fenger and Tim Vowell of Charter Communications.
And I would like to give credit to the Assembly and Senate for openly welcoming WisconsinEye into their chambers. It's a bold and courageous move.
So there you have it. Another ambitious agenda for the future. And you thought you'd get off easy tonight with me just talking about the past.
Believe me, I would love to keep going because I still have hundreds of ideas for this state.
But now it is time to pass the torch and say goodbye.
Tomorrow at noon, Scott McCallum will become the 43 rd Governor of this great state. A new era of leadership and government will begin.
Already, Scott is showing the strong decision-making that will be necessary to keep Wisconsin on a sound path. As you know, there is no budget windfall this year. The failure to heed warnings about the structural deficit and a bigger rainy day fund will make this a difficult budget session. But the lieutenant governor is one of the few people in this room not responsible for this predicament.
Thus, I encourage you to give him your full support. Being governor is not easy. But Scott McCallum is more than up to the challenge. He's a good man and I wish him well.
As for me, well, I've spoken so long tonight because deep down I really don't want this night to end. For I know tomorrow brings a new beginning.
But how do you say goodbye to a place you love so much?
I'll begin by thanking you, the people of Wisconsin, for all the courtesies and friendships you have extended my family. You have warmly given us your home and made us your neighbors. I want to thank my children: Kelli, Tommi and Jason for standing by me. It's not easy being the governor's children, but they always carried themselves with grace and dignity.
In fact, of every success I spoke about tonight, there is nothing I am more proud of than my children. They have grown to be warm, caring adults. And the credit goes to my wife Sue Ann.
Sue and I have been through so much together, and she is such a great part of my success.
Without a doubt, I would not be standing here today without her. So please welcome my wife, who would like to say a few words of thanks.
Thank you, for the opportunity to serve as Wisconsin's first lady for these last 14 years. It has been an honor and a privilege.
Thank you, also for supporting Tom, our family and myself. The kindness of the people of Wisconsin has been a great source of strength for all of us. We will always treasure our moments as governor and first lady.
We have developed many wonderful friendships, visited many beautiful communities and learned so much about our state.
You have heard Tom speak often of his family of more than 5 million people here in Wisconsin. That is a sentiment that we both share. No matter where we go in Wisconsin, we have always felt welcome.
I also have had the opportunity to become involved in many special programs. Women's health issues and literacy are among those that have been so close to my heart.
I plan to continue my work after I leave as your first lady. I promise you I will remain committed to women's health, both here in Wisconsin and in Washington.
Again, thank you all for your continued friendship and support.
As I said at the beginning of this speech, when it was still daylight: My, how far we have come.
We believe in ourselves again. We created the most sustained period of success in Wisconsin history. And we did it by working together.
Hopefully, the people of this state will regard me as a governor who cared – cared enough to make a difference. Someone who left the state better than he found it.
So I would like to end tonight by simply saying thank you.
There has been no greater honor in my life – and there will never be a greater honor – than to have been elected four times to serve as your governor. You made these the most special years of my career and I will miss you greatly.
I'll miss traveling this great state -- the farm breakfasts, the 5K races, the softball games.
I'll miss waking up on a Saturday morning and taking a Harley Ride, or biking through our beautiful countryside. I'll miss the rides at the State Fair, Friday night fish fries, doing the electric slide with my friends in Milwaukee.
But most of all, I'm just going to miss spending time with you. You are my friends.
Together, we made a good life for ourselves here in Wisconsin.
Be proud of it. But never be satisfied. A better way is just beyond the horizon.
S56 I love you all. Thank you and God Bless Wisconsin.
8:48 P.M.
Senate Enrolled Proposals
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Bill 18
Report correctly enrolled on January 31, 2001.