Tomorrow at noon, Scott McCallum will become the 43 rd Governor of this great state. A new era of leadership and government will begin.
Already, Scott is showing the strong decision-making that will be necessary to keep Wisconsin on a sound path. As you know, there is no budget windfall this year. The failure to heed warnings about the structural deficit and a bigger rainy day fund will make this a difficult budget session. But the lieutenant governor is one of the few people in this room not responsible for this predicament.
Thus, I encourage you to give him your full support. Being governor is not easy. But Scott McCallum is more than up to the challenge. He's a good man and I wish him well.
As for me, well, I've spoken so long tonight because deep down I really don't want this night to end. For I know tomorrow brings a new beginning.
But how do you say goodbye to a place you love so much?
I'll begin by thanking you, the people of Wisconsin, for all the courtesies and friendships you have extended my family. You have warmly given us your home and made us your neighbors. I want to thank my children: Kelli, Tommi and Jason for standing by me. It's not easy being the governor's children, but they always carried themselves with grace and dignity.
In fact, of every success I spoke about tonight, there is nothing I am more proud of than my children. They have grown to be warm, caring adults. And the credit goes to my wife Sue Ann.
Sue and I have been through so much together, and she is such a great part of my success.
Without a doubt, I would not be standing here today without her. So please welcome my wife, who would like to say a few words of thanks.
Thank you, for the opportunity to serve as Wisconsin's first lady for these last 14 years. It has been an honor and a privilege.
Thank you, also for supporting Tom, our family and myself. The kindness of the people of Wisconsin has been a great source of strength for all of us. We will always treasure our moments as governor and first lady.
We have developed many wonderful friendships, visited many beautiful communities and learned so much about our state.
You have heard Tom speak often of his family of more than 5 million people here in Wisconsin. That is a sentiment that we both share. No matter where we go in Wisconsin, we have always felt welcome.
I also have had the opportunity to become involved in many special programs. Women's health issues and literacy are among those that have been so close to my heart.
I plan to continue my work after I leave as your first lady. I promise you I will remain committed to women's health, both here in Wisconsin and in Washington.
Again, thank you all for your continued friendship and support.
As I said at the beginning of this speech, when it was still daylight: My, how far we have come.
We believe in ourselves again. We created the most sustained period of success in Wisconsin history. And we did it by working together.
Hopefully, the people of this state will regard me as a governor who cared – cared enough to make a difference. Someone who left the state better than he found it.
So I would like to end tonight by simply saying thank you.
There has been no greater honor in my life – and there will never be a greater honor – than to have been elected four times to serve as your governor. You made these the most special years of my career and I will miss you greatly.
I'll miss traveling this great state -- the farm breakfasts, the 5K races, the softball games.
I'll miss waking up on a Saturday morning and taking a Harley Ride, or biking through our beautiful countryside. I'll miss the rides at the State Fair, Friday night fish fries, doing the electric slide with my friends in Milwaukee.
But most of all, I'm just going to miss spending time with you. You are my friends.
Together, we made a good life for ourselves here in Wisconsin.
Be proud of it. But never be satisfied. A better way is just beyond the horizon.
S56 I love you all. Thank you and God Bless Wisconsin.
8:48 P.M.
Senate Enrolled Proposals
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Bill 18
Report correctly enrolled on January 31, 2001.