petitions and communications
State of Wisconsin
Department of Employment Relations
February 2001
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Pursuant to s. 230.04 (9), Wis. Stats., I am pleased to submit the Veterans Employment Report for 2000. The report summarizes veteran new hires and on-board statistics for the time period and includes information for each state agency and each institution of the University of Wisconsin System.
Veterans comprise an important segment of the Wisconsin workforce in both the private and public sectors. State government - and any other employer - can benefit greatly by recruiting and retaining our nation's trained and motivated veterans.
Peter D. Fox
S71 State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
January 29, 2001
The Honorable, The Senate:
In 1997 Act 27, the 97-99 Biennial Budget, the Legislature established requirements in state law intended to strengthen protections for children and vulnerable adults in organized care settings. The provisions require, among other things, that designated caregivers conduct background checks on all new and existing staff and bar them from employing anyone who has committed certain crimes or acts. DHFS and (for certain child care providers) counties and local school boards must perform checks on a provider before issuing a license or other credential. Individuals who have committed prohibited crimes or acts may apply to the Department, counties, or school boards for a waiver of the employment or licensing bans upon evidence of rehabilitation.
Sections 48.685(5g) and 50.065(5g) of the Wisconsin Statutes direct the Department to submit an annual report to the legislature that specifies the number of persons who have sought waivers of employment or licensing bans by requesting to demonstrate that they have been rehabilitated. The report must also specify the number of requests that were approved and the reasons for the success or failure of the requests. Attached is the report for 2000.
Questions about this report should be referred to Linda Dawson, Deputy Chief Legal Counsel, at 608-266-0355.
Joe Leean
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
December 2000
The Honorable, The Legislature:
The Bureau of Health Information is pleased to submit to the Governor and to the Legislature the annual Guide to Wisconsin Hospitals Fiscal Year 1999. The data for this report were collected under Chapter 153, Wisconsin Statutes. The report provides summary and detailed information about fiscal, utilization, and staffing data at Wisconsin hospitals, and sets forth comparisons among hospitals of increases or decreases in gross revenues, net revenue, and revenues and expenditures.
Barbara A. Rudolph, Ph.D., Director
Bureau of Health Information
State of Wisconsin
Ethics Board
February 13, 2001
The Honorable, The Senate:
The following lobbyists have been authorized to act on behalf of the organizations set opposite their names.
For more detailed information about these lobbyists and organizations and a complete list of organizations and people authorized to lobby the 2001 session of the legislature, visit the Ethics Board's web site at http://ethics.state.wi.us/
Abelson, Richard AFSCME District Council 48
Acker, Mark Amalgamated Transit Union Local 998
Bloomingdale, Stephanie Wisconsin Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals
Brewer, F H S.C. Johnson & Son Inc
Buchen, Elizabeth J Eli Lilly and Company
Casey, Brian Aid Association for Lutherans
Dennik, Robert Wisconsin Apartment Association
Devett, Fred Wisconsin Associationf or Marriage and Family Therapy
Driessen, Anthony Wisconsin Library Association
Essie, Patrick American General Corporation (formerly American General Finance Inc.)
Farnsworth, Kathleen Marshfield Clinic
Fassbender, Robert I Wisconsin Coalition for Civil Justice
Fonfara, Thomas Wisconsin Council for Independent Education
Froehlke, Scott Association of Wisconsin Wineries
Froehlke, Scott Wisconsin Association of Accountants Inc
Hottenroth, Theresa M Wisconsin Academy of Ophthalmology
Hottenroth, Theresa M Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians Inc
Hough, James E Wisconsin Coalition for Civil Justice
Larowe, Christopher Wisconsin State Telecommunications Association
Leitch, Laura J Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians Inc
Leitch, Laura J Wisconsin Academy of Ophthalmology
Martin, W L Stockbridge-Munsee Community
Matthews, John PG&E National Energy Group
McClenahan, William Forest County Potawatomi Community
McDowell, Kelly Forest County Potawatomi Community
O'Brien, Maureen State Medical Society of Wisconsin
Paul, Richard Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians Inc
Paul, Richard Wisconsin Academy of Ophthalmology
Pawlisch, Curt Waterkeepers of Wisconsin
Peterson, Craig Perrier Group of America
Ruditys, Christopher Building Owners & Managers Association
Schreiber, Martin Forest County Potawatomi Community
Schreier, David Aventis Pharmaceuticals
Springer, Thomas J Wisconsin Academy of Ophthalmology
Strand, Lisa Wisconsin Library Association
Strohl, Joseph Dominion Asset Services LLC
Stuva, Robert Rehabilitation for Wisconsin Inc
Tries, John Perrier Group of America
White, Marcus Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee
Zweck, Brad Wausau Insurance (a member of the Liberty Mutual group)
S72 Also available from the Wisconsin Ethics Board are reports identifying the amount and value of time state agencies have spent to affect legislative action and reports of expenditures for lobbying activities filed by organizations that employ lobbyists.
Roth Judd
Senator Robson, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate recess until 2:19 P.M..
10:22 A.M.
2:19 P.M.
The Senate reconvened.
Senator Risser in the chair.
Consideration of motions and resolutions