2. Provide that the mission of the Task Force shall be to advise the Governor on how public and private organizations can prepare Wisconsin youth for successful entry into and participation in our evolving financial system and to produce a report which will;
a.identify the basic financial knowledge and skills which are appropriate and necessary for the successful entry into the financial marketplace by Wisconsin's youth;
b.catalog existing successful efforts of financial education by state agencies and private/non-agency organizations;
S466 c.assess the adequacy, nature and extent of financial and economic education in Wisconsin and determine whether and where gaps exist in the education infrastructure;
d.foster communication and cooperation between existing entities and programs in financial education;
e. identify topics and audiences which could be better served by financial education efforts in Wisconsin; and
f.suggest ways to meet the needs identified by the task force.
3. Provide that DFI will be responsible for guidance and administrative support to the Task Force; and
4. Provide that two Co-Chairs of the Task Force shall be appointed by the Governor to serve at the pleasure of the Governor; and
5. Provide that the other members of the Task Force shall be appointed by the Governor to serve at his pleasure and shall consist of:
a. the Secretary of the Department of Financial Institutions or his/her designee;
b. the State Superintendent of Public Instruction or his/her designee;
c. the Executive Secretary of the Higher Educational Aids Board or his/her designee;
d. three Wisconsin State Senators;
e. three Wisconsin State Representatives;
f. a University of Wisconsin Professor;
g. a representative of the Wisconsin Technical College System;
h. a representative of the University of Wisconsin Extension;
i. a representative of "Economics Wisconsin;"
j. two school administrators;
k. an educator;
l. a student
m. two representatives of private foundations;
n. two representatives of banks;
o. a representative of credit unions;
p. a member of the securities industry;
q. a representative of Americans for Consumer Education and Competition (ACEC);
r. a representative of the Wisconsin Jump Start Coalition;
s. an entrepreneur;
t. a representative of a Center for Economic Education; and
u. five at-large members; and
6. Provide that the Task Force submit a final report to the Governor no later than July 2002; and
7. Provide that the Task Force dissolve when its final report is received by the Governor.
IN TESTIMONY WHERE OF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin to be affixed. Done at the Capitol in the city of Madison this fifteen day of November in the year two thousand and one.
By the governor:
Secretary of State
The State of Wisconsin
office of the governor
executive order #34
Relating to the Creation of the Governor's Year of the Trails Commission
WHEREAS, Wisconsin's trail system has more than 1,400 miles of trails which provide outdoor enjoyment and recreation to thousands of users; and
WHEREAS, Wisconsin's trails offer a variety of activities including all-terrain vehicle riding, bicycling, cross-country skiing, disabled access, dog sledding, hiking, horseback riding, kayaking, rollerblading, snowmobiling, snowshoeing and walking; and
WHEREAS, Wisconsin's trails provide health benefits to its users, help preserve the environment, boost local economies, generate community pride and improve the quality of life for residents; and
WHEREAS, Wisconsin is committed to informing and educating others on the benefits of the trail system;
NOW, THEREFORE, I SCOTT McCALLUM, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of this state, and specifically by Section 14.019 of the Wisconsin Statutes, do hereby:
1. Create the Governor's Year of the Trails Commission ("Commission"); and
2. Provide that the Commission shall consist of not more than twenty-one (21) members appointed by the Governor to serve at the pleasure of the Governor; and
3. The Governor shall designate one (1) member of the Commission to serve as chair and one (1) member to serve as Vice-Chair; and
4. Provide that the Commission shall prepare a plan for the Year of the Trails by:
a. promoting of the economic, environmental and social benefits of trails including community-building opportunities; and
b. promoting of the health benefits of the trails; and
c. promoting of the use of trails as an alternative means of transportation; and
d. encouraging more people to use trails; and
e. increasing awareness of the importance of trails and the need to maintain them; and
f. raising the visibility of the trails.
5. Require the Commission to prepare and submit periodic reports to the Governor with recommendations for the Year of the Trails; and
6. Require the Commission to submit a final report to the Governor no later than January 2003; and
7. Direct the Department of Natural Resources' Bureau of Parks and Recreation to provide the Commission with administrative and support services; and
8. Direct the Department of Administration to provide the Commission with such sums of money as are necessary for travel and operating expenses in accordance with Section 20.505(3)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes; and
Provide that the Commission shall dissolve when its final report is accepted by the Governor.
S467 IN TESTIMONY WHERE OF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin to be affixed. Done at the Capitol in the city of Madison this fifteen day of November in the year two thousand and one.
By the governor:
Secretary of State
State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Environmental Education Board
October 2001
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Every two years, units of state government are asked to provide a report to the legislature. A statement made by a citizen provides a wonderful testament to the Wisconsin Environmental Education Board's (WEEB) accomplishments: "I never realized the Board is served by just one part-time employee. I envisioned a much larger unit of government that that. You sure do a lot with a little! You had me completely fooled."
While fooling the public is not a WEEB goal, setting the future direction for environmental education in the state is. During the biennial period the WEEB began the implementation of a five-year strategic plan, EE-2005: A Plan for Advancing Environmental Education in Wisconsin. The primary goal of the plan is to enhance the environmental literacy of all Wisconsin residents.
As the WEEB strives to incorporate new initiatives, it continues to provide opportunities for Wisconsin residents to learn about the importance of creating and maintaining sustainable economic and ecological environments in the state. This report provides an overview of the projects that have been made possible over the last two years by the WEEB grant program. The diversity of projects attests to the many venues of daily life environmental education permeates. Environmental education ensures our Wisconsin heritage of concern and stewardship for our environment will continue for generations to come.
If, as you review the report, question arise, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Rick Koziel
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To the Honorable, the Senate:
Douglas La follette
Secretary of State
State of Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources
October 31, 2001
The Honorable, The Senate:
In fulfillment of the requirement under s. 299.80 (16), Wisconsin statutes, I am submitting to you a copy of the Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program 2001 Progress Report. I am also providing a copy of the Report to the Governor and to the Honorable Chief Clerk of the Assembly, John Scocos.
For more information on the Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program or additional copies of this report, please contact Mark McDermid at (608) 267-3125, or visit our web site at http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/cea/.