petitions and communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
January 4, 2002
The Honorable, The Legislature:
As required by Article V, Section 6 of the Wisconsin Constitution, I am submitting the annual Executive Clemency report to the Legislature, covering those clemency cases upon which final dispositions were rendered for applicants during the calendar year 2001. The following applicants received full pardons or conditional pardons in 2001:
Aaron Foreman, convicted of Possession of THC with Intent to Deliver and sentenced on 6/21/91 to two years probation, nine months jail with Huber rights and a fine, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 3-2 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 10, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
John Gonsalves, convicted of Battery to a Police Officer and sentenced on 6/30/75 to eighteen months probation, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 10, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Kenneth Rucker, convicted of Delivery of Controlled Substance and sentenced on 8/17/81 to three years prison (stayed), four years probation, ten weekends in jail, restitution and costs, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 4-1 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 10, 2001 (Conditional pardon to possess firearms that are discharged from the shoulder), because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
William Grosskreuz, convicted of Theft and Operating a Motor Vehicle without the Owner's Consent and sentenced on 8/18/58 to two years imprisonment on each count (concurrent), recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 30, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Paul Karlen convicted of Theft by Fraud, Fraudulent Writing, and Forgery and sentenced on 5/13/91 to four months jail, twelve years probation and restitution, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 4-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 30, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
David Krings, convicted of Delivery of a Controlled Substance was sentenced on 1/13/87 to two years probation and restitution, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-1 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 30, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
S490 Stephanie Taylor, convicted of Public Assistance Fraud and sentenced on 1/6/71 to a fine, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 4-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 30, 2001, because she is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Gregory Kelly, convicted of Battery and sentenced on 9/9/86 to two years imprisonment, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 3-1 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 30, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Jake Lasee, convicted of Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Deliver and sentenced on 9/19/97 to six months imprisonment (five months stayed) and three years probation, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 3-1 to be denied a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 30, 2001 (effective February 1, 2011 and shall only become effective if there is no subsequent contact with the criminal justice system), because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
William Manthey, convicted of Misconduct in Office and sentenced on 8/18/92 to two years probation, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 2-1 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 30, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Bryan Morgan, convicted of Delivery of Marijuana and sentenced on 6/15/87 to three years probation, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 30, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Raymond Thomas, convicted of Delivery of Cocaine and sentenced on 3/10/86 to two years probation, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 30, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Duane Tracy, Sr., convicted of Breaking and Entering and sentenced on 1/17/62 to no more than eighteen months jail, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 4-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on January 30, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Ralph Goss, convicted of Burglary and sentenced on 4/30/58 to thirty months probation, restitution and suspension of driver's license, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 6-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on June 22, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Jerome Kososki, convicted of Breaking and Entering and theft and sentenced on 8/9/72 to three years probation, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 6-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on June 22, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Thomas Harder, convicted of Burglary and sentenced on 12/4/81 to thirty days jail and two years probation, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on August 23, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Gregory Schmidt, convicted on Burglary and sentenced on 5/11/70 to three years probation, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on August 23, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Allan Weyer, convicted on Intentionally Taking and Carrying Away Moveable Property Without Consent and sentenced 7/27/77 to eighteen months probation, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 5-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on August 23, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Paul Oestrike, convicted of Burglary and sentenced in April of 1960 to probation, recommended by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board by a vote of 4-0 to be granted a pardon, was granted a pardon on November 15, 2001, because he is a productive member of society and otherwise deserving of extraordinary relief.
Scott McCallum
State of Wisconsin
Department of Revenue
December 21, 2001
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Section 565.45, Wisconsin Statutes, requires the Department of Revenue to submit a biennial report to the legislature regarding the impact on lottery operations of the 10% expense limitation under s. 25.75(3)(b).
Defining the Expenditure Limitation for Lottery Operations
Section 25.75(3)(b), Wisconsin Statutes, requires that expenses for the operation and administration of the lottery not exceed 10% of gross lottery revenues unless approved by the Joint Committee on Finance under s. 13.10.
Gross lottery revenues include gross revenues from the sale of lottery tickets and lottery shares under ch. 565 and retailer applications fees imposed under s. 565.10(8).
Expenses include:
1. amortization of capital expenditures;
2. payments to vendors under s. 565.25(2)(a) for on-line services and supplies;
3. operating expenses of the Department of Revenue under s. 20.566(2)(r)
Expenses exclude Department of Justice law enforcement expenses appropriated under s. 20.455(2)(r).
On-Line Vendor Fees
Effective June 15, 1997, a five-year contract with GTECH Corporation is in effect to determine on-line vendor fees. Under this contract on-line vendor fees are determined using a fixed base amount with an additional variable component amount that is based on sales.
Lottery General Program Operations
The accompanying chart illustrates administrative expenses, gross lottery revenues and the percentage of expenses of gross lottery revenues for Fiscal Year 1998 through 2001:
Total administrative expenditures as determined in accordance with Section 25.75(3)(b) in FY00 and FY01 were $32,410,239 and $33,579,382 respectively. These amounts represent 7.97% of gross lottery revenues for FY00 and 8.32% of gross lottery revenues for FY01. Amounts for both years are well within the 10% limitation imposed by Section 25.75(3)(b).
S491 Sincerely,
Richard G. Chandler
Secretary of Revenue
State of Wisconsin
Claims Board
January 2, 2002
The Honorable, The Senate:
Enclosed is the report of the State Claims Board covering the claims heard on December 7, 2001.
The amounts recommended for payment under $5,000 on claims included in this report have, under the provisions of s. 16.007, Stats., been paid directly by the Board.
The Board is preparing the bill(s) on the recommended award(s) over $5,000, if any, and will submit such to the Joint Finance Committee for legislative introduction.
This report is for the information of the Legislature. The Board would appreciate your acceptance and spreading of it upon the Journal to inform the members of the Legislature.
John E. Rothschild
The State Claims Board conducted hearings in the State Capitol, Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Hall, Madison, Wisconsin, on December 7, 2001, upon the following claims:
Claimant Agency Amount
1. Alicia Bowman UWS $156.00
2. Patrick D. Horkan Revenue $1,700.00
3. Willie J. Wilks Revenue $10,439.19
4. Pastori M. Balele Administration $1,033.00
In addition, the following claims were considered and decided without hearings:
Claimant Agency Amount
5. Marquita Phillips Revenue $2,158.00
6. James A. Mentek Justice $1,022.23
7. Geoffrey T. Hermsen Administration $354.66
8. Teck Trak/Terri L. Nielson Administration $10,842.00
9. West Side Garage, Inc. Transportation $2,579.34
10. James Cape & Sons, Co. Transp. $1,483,781.60
11. Mary & Michael Brown Transportation $88.12
12. Bryce Garrett Corrections $157.80
In addition, the Board considered changing the payment funding source for the claim of Kenneth C. Ketterer, which was previously approved for payment from the Department of Revenue appropriation s. 20.566(1)(a), Stats., on September 21, 2001.
In addition, the Board considered a motion to refer the innocent convict claim (s. 775.05, Stats.) of Frederick Saecker to a hearing examiner.
The Board Finds:
1. Alicia Bowman of West Allis, Wisconsin claims $156.00 for uninsured medical expenses related to a fall at the UW-Milwaukee Union. The claimant alleges that she approached a stairwell and saw a custodian mopping the landing below. She alleges that there were no "wet floor" or caution signs displayed. She states that she began to descend the stairs and slipped on the third step, falling down the stairwell and injuring her arm. She alleges that after the accident she noticed drops of water on the steps, as though the custodian had carried a dripping mop down the stairs. She believes that this was what caused her fall. The claimant further states that when she returned to that area later in the day "caution, wet floor" signs had been placed at the top and bottom of the stairwell. The claimant believes that the UW custodian was negligent in not posting caution signs in the area, especially at the top of the stairwell.
The UW states that at the time of the incident, a custodian was mopping the landing between two flights of stairs. The UW alleges that the cart containing the mop bucket, marked with the words "wet floor," was blocking the upper entryway to the stairwell and that another warning sign was posted just below the landing, near the lower stairwell. The UW alleges that the claimant had to move the mop cart out of the way to enter the stairwell. The UW also claims that she was wearing "flip-flop" shoes and carrying a large backpack, which may have contributed to her fall.
The Board concludes the claim should be paid in the amount of $156.00 based on equitable principles. The Board further concludes, under authority of s. 16.007 (6m), Stats., payment should be made from the University of Wisconsin appropriation s. 20.285(1)(h), Stats.
2. Patrick D. Horkan of Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin claims $1,700.00 for Farmland Preservation Credit for the 1981 tax year. The claimant states that he was not able to get the appropriate form signed in time and that DOR therefore denied his Farmland Preservation Credit. The claimant believes that this money is rightfully his.
Because the tax year involved is so old, DOR records are very limited, however, DOR records do indicate a number of contacts with the claimant regarding this issue. According to the DOR's information, the claimant filed his 1981 income tax return in May 1983. The DOR has no record indicating that the taxpayer ever filed a Schedule FC for his Farmland Preservation Credit. According to the Wisconsin Statutes, a 1981 FPC claim had to be filed by December 31, 1982. The DOR states that even if its records are incorrect and the claimant did file his Schedule FC with his 1981 return, the return was filed past the December 31, 1982, deadline and the claimant would therefore not be entitled to the FPC. According to the Department's records, the claimant has contacted the DOR four times since 1984 requesting an explanation as to why he did not receive the credit. The DOR has responded to each inquiry, explaining the December 31, 1982 deadline.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is not one for which the state is legally liable nor one which the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.