2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
March 26, 2001 - Introduced by Representatives Hoven, Ziegelbauer, Reynolds,
Ainsworth, Albers, Duff, Freese, Grothman, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn,
Huebsch, Hundertmark, Jensen, Jeskewitz, Johnsrud, Kestell, Kreibich,
Ladwig, F. Lasee, M. Lehman, Leibham, D. Meyer, Montgomery, Musser, Nass,
Olsen, Owens, Pettis, Powers, Skindrud, Starzyk, Stone, Townsend, Urban,
Vrakas, Walker, Ward
and J. Fitzgerald, cosponsored by Senators Zien,
Darling, Ellis, S. Fitzgerald, Harsdorf, Huelsman, Roessler, Schultz
Welch. Referred to Committee on Energy and Utilities.
AB253,1,10 1An Act to repeal 16.957 (1) (c), 16.957 (1) (h), 16.957 (1) (n), 16.957 (1) (o), 16.957
2(1) (p), 16.957 (1) (s), 16.957 (1) (u), 16.957 (1) (v), 16.957 (1) (w), 16.957 (1) (x),
316.957 (2) (a) 1., 2., 3. and 4., 16.957 (2) (c) 5., 16.957 (2) (d) 1., 16.957 (2) (d) 3.,
416.957 (4), 16.957 (5), 76.28 (1) (eg), 76.28 (1) (gr), 76.48 (1g) (dm), 76.48 (1g)
5(fm) and 77.54 (44); to renumber and amend 16.957 (2) (a) (intro.); to amend
616.957 (2) (b) 2., 16.957 (2) (c) 1., 16.957 (2) (c) 4., 25.96, 76.28 (1) (d), 76.48 (1g)
7(d), 196.374 (1) (c), 196.374 (3) and 196.374 (4); and to create 16.957 (1) (he),
8(hm), (hp) and (hs), 16.957 (2) (d) 5. and 6. and 196.374 (3m) of the statutes;
9relating to: eliminating utility public benefits fees and commitment to
10community programs.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the department of administration (DOA) is required to
establish programs for providing energy assistance to low-income households
(low-income programs), for conservation and efficiency services (conservation
programs), and for encouraging the development and use of renewable energy
resources (renewables programs). These programs are funded from three sources.

The first funding source consists of public benefits fees that DOA collects from
nonmunicipal electric public utilities, which must charge the public benefits fees to
their customers. Municipal electric public utilities and retail electric cooperatives
(municipal utilities and cooperatives) are also required to charge a public benefits fee
to their customers or members. Every three years, a municipal utility or cooperative
may elect to contribute all or a specified portion of the public benefits fees to DOA
for the programs. A municipal utility or cooperative that does not elect to contribute
all of the public benefits fees to DOA must spend specified portions of the fees on its
own "commitment to community programs," which are defined as low-income
assistance and conservation programs. DOA deposits all public benefits fees
received from nonmunicipal electric public utilities, municipal utilities, and
cooperatives into the utility public benefits fund.
The second funding source consists of contributions made by gas and electric
utilities. Under current law, the public service commission (PSC) is required to
determine the amount that a gas or electric utility spent on low-income,
conservation, renewables, and environmental research and development programs
in 1998. Each year, a gas or electric utility must spend a decreasing portion of the
amount spent on each type of program and contribute an increasing portion of such
amount to the PSC for deposit in the utility public benefits fund.
The third funding source consists of voluntary contributions made by
customers of nonmunicipal electric public utilities and municipal utilities and
members of cooperatives. The voluntary contributions are also deposited into the
utility public benefits fund.
This bill eliminates the first funding source described above. Under the bill,
nonmunicipal electric public utilities, municipal utilities, and cooperatives are not
required to charge public benefits fees to their customers or members. In addition,
the bill eliminates the requirement for municipal utilities and cooperatives to
establish commitment to community programs.
The bill also makes changes to the second funding source described above. The
bill requires DOA annually to submit a plan to the joint committee on finance (JCF)
for adjusting the amount that electric utilities are required to contribute to the PSC
for deposit into the utility public benefits fund. In the plan, DOA must compare the
amount of funding received by the state in that year under the federal low-income
home energy and weatherization assistance programs with the amount of funding
received by the state in federal fiscal year 1999-2000 under those programs. If the
amount received in that year is greater than the amount received in federal fiscal
year 1999-2000, the plan must decrease the contributions that gas and electric
utilities are required to make to the PSC for low-income programs by an amount
equal to the difference. However, if the amount of the difference is equal to or greater
than the contributions that the PSC has otherwise required electric utilities to make
for low-income programs, then no contributions for low-income programs are
required. DOA must implement a plan that is modified or approved by JCF.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB253, s. 1 1Section 1. 16.957 (1) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 2 2Section 2. 16.957 (1) (h) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 3 3Section 3. 16.957 (1) (he), (hm), (hp) and (hs) of the statutes are created to
AB253,3,75 16.957 (1) (he) "Federal base amount" means all moneys received from the
6federal government under 42 USC 8621 to 8629 in federal fiscal year 1999-2000 and
7under 42 USC 6861 to 6873 in federal program year 1999-2000.
AB253,3,98 (hm) "Federal fiscal year" means the period beginning on October 1 and ending
9on the following September 30.
AB253,3,1410 (hp) "Federal funding amount" means all moneys received from the federal
11government under 42 USC 8621 to 8629 in a federal fiscal year after federal fiscal
12year 1999-2000 and under 42 USC 6861 to 6873 in the federal program year
13beginning in the same calendar year as the calendar year in which the federal fiscal
14year begins.
AB253,3,1615 (hs) "Federal program year" means the period beginning on April 1 and ending
16on the following March 31.
AB253, s. 4 17Section 4. 16.957 (1) (n) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 5 18Section 5. 16.957 (1) (o) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 6 19Section 6. 16.957 (1) (p) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 7 20Section 7. 16.957 (1) (s) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 8 21Section 8. 16.957 (1) (u) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 9
1Section 9. 16.957 (1) (v) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 10 2Section 10. 16.957 (1) (w) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 11 3Section 11. 16.957 (1) (x) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 12 4Section 12. 16.957 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 16.957 (2) (a)
5and amended to read:
AB253,4,116 16.957 (2) (a) Low-income programs. After holding a hearing, establish
7programs to be administered by the department for awarding grants from the
8appropriation under s. 20.505 (10) (r) to provide low-income assistance. In each
9fiscal year, the amount awarded under this paragraph shall be sufficient to ensure
10that an amount equal to 47% of the sum of the following is spent for weatherization
11and other energy conservation services:
AB253, s. 13 12Section 13. 16.957 (2) (a) 1., 2., 3. and 4. of the statutes are repealed.
AB253, s. 14 13Section 14. 16.957 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB253,4,2214 16.957 (2) (b) 2. For each fiscal year after fiscal year 2003-04, determine
15whether to continue, discontinue, or reduce any of the programs established under
16subd. 1. and determine the total amount necessary to fund the programs that the
17department determines to continue or reduce under this subdivision. The
18department shall notify the commission if the department determines under this
19subdivision to reduce funding by an amount that is greater than the portion of the
20public benefits fee specified in sub. (4) (c) 2. The notice shall specify the portion of
21the reduction that exceeds the amount of public benefits fees specified in sub. (4) (c)
AB253, s. 15 23Section 15. 16.957 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB253,5,524 16.957 (2) (c) 1. Eligibility requirements for low-income assistance under
25programs established under par. (a). The rules shall prohibit a person who receives

1low-income assistance from a municipal utility or retail electric cooperative under
2a program specified in sub. (5) (d) 2. b. or 3. a.
from receiving low-income assistance
3under programs established under par. (a) unless the person is a customer of a utility,
4as defined in s. 196.374 (1) (c), that makes a contribution to the commission under
5s. 196.374 (3) for deposit in the utility public benefits fund
AB253, s. 16 6Section 16. 16.957 (2) (c) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB253,5,177 16.957 (2) (c) 4. Requirements for electric utilities , other than municipal
to allow customers to include voluntary contributions to assist in funding
9a program established under par. (a) or (b) 1. with bill payments for electric service.
10The rules may require an electric utility to provide a space on an electric bill in which
11a customer may indicate the amount of a voluntary contribution and the customer's
12preference regarding whether a contribution should be used for a program
13established under par. (a) or (b) 1. a. or b. The rules shall establish requirements and
14procedures for electric utilities to pay to the department any voluntary contributions
15included with bill payments and to report to the department customer preferences
16regarding use of the contributions. The department shall deposit all contributions
17received under this paragraph subdivision in the utility public benefits fund.
AB253, s. 17 18Section 17. 16.957 (2) (c) 5. of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 18 19Section 18. 16.957 (2) (d) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 19 20Section 19. 16.957 (2) (d) 3. of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 20 21Section 20. 16.957 (2) (d) 5. and 6. of the statutes are created to read:
AB253,6,1022 16.957 (2) (d) 5. Annually submit to the joint committee on finance a plan for
23adjusting the amount that utilities are required to contribute to the commission
24under s. 196.374 (3) based on the amount of moneys received from the federal
25government under 42 USC 6881 to 6873 and 42 USC 8621 to 8629. A plan under this

1subdivision shall require the department to determine the difference between the
2federal base amount and the federal funding amount for each federal fiscal year after
3federal fiscal year 1999-2000 and, if the federal funding amount is greater than the
4federal base amount, require the commission to decrease the contributions that
5utilities are required to make to the commission for low-income assistance under s.
6196.374 (3) in the calendar year following the start of the federal fiscal year by an
7amount equal to the difference between the federal funding amount and the federal
8base amount, except that if the difference is equal to or greater than the
9contributions that are otherwise required for low-income assistance under s.
10196.374 (3), no contributions shall be required for low-income assistance.
AB253,6,1211 6. Implement a plan specified in subd. 5. that is approved or modified by the
12joint committee on finance.
AB253, s. 21 13Section 21. 16.957 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 22 14Section 22. 16.957 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
AB253, s. 23 15Section 23. 25.96 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB253,6,20 1625.96 Utility public benefits fund. There is established a separate
17nonlapsible trust fund designated as the utility public benefits fund, consisting of
18deposits by the public service commission under s. 196.374 (3), public benefits fees
19received under s. 16.957 (4) (a) and (5) (c) and (d)
and contributions received under
20s. 16.957 (2) (c) 4. and (d) 2.
AB253, s. 24 21Section 24. 76.28 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: