MY1 SB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: water quality certification for nonfederal wetlands, time limits and procedures for processing applications for water quality certifications that are applicable to wetlands, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
JR2 AB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state finances and appropriations, constituting the governor's recommendations for correcting the imbalance between projected revenues and authorized expenditures.
JR2 AJR1: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a committee of conference on January 2002 Special Session Assembly Bill 1, constituting the governor's recommendations for correcting the imbalance between projected revenues and authorized expenditures.
JR2 AR1: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging Wisconsinites to participate in the HikeIt/BikeIt Journey to Promote Mental Health Awareness and congratulating Sr. Ann Catherine on her openness in discussing her own mental illness and on her efforts in organizing the journey.
JR2 AR2: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing the week beginning the first week in April as Public Health Awareness Week.
JR2 AR3: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Stanley Lato.
JR2 AR4: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Reino A. Perala.
JR2 AR5: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Howard B. Eisenberg.
JR2 AR6: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: welcoming Timothy M. Dolan, the new Archbishop of Milwaukee.
JR2 AR7: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Georgia Jean Schneider.
JR2 SJR1: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending and congratulating Philip J. Scherer for his service and thanking him for his contribution to the Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin, Inc., and the people of Wisconsin.
MY2 AB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: chronic wasting disease, hunting animals from aircraft, feeding of wild animals for purposes other than hunting, shooting a firearm or arrow from or across a highway, requiring a lapse to the general fund, authorizing the extension of emergency rules, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
MY2 SB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: chronic wasting disease, hunting animals from aircraft, feeding of wild animals for purposes other than hunting, shooting a firearm or arrow from or across a highway, requiring a lapse to the general fund, authorizing the extension of emergency rules, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limitations on state appropriations from general purpose revenue.
AB2: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: scheduling of referenda by local governments.
AB3: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: classification and elements of felony offenses and certain misdemeanor offenses; criminal sentences and commitments; modification of a bifurcated sentence in certain cases; revocation of extended supervision; the creation of a sentencing commission and temporary sentencing guidelines; making an appropriation; and providing penalties.
AB3: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: classification and elements of felony offenses and certain misdemeanor offenses; criminal sentences and commitments; modification of a bifurcated sentence in certain cases; revocation of extended supervision; the creation of a sentencing commission and temporary sentencing guidelines; making an appropriation; and providing penalties.
AB4: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permitting an educational agency to refuse to employ or to terminate from employment an unpardoned felon.
AB5: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authority of a court to suspend a juvenile's operating privilege for violations of ordinances unrelated to the operation of a motor vehicle or for failing to pay a penalty for such a violation.
AB6: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: liability of cities, villages, towns, and counties for damages caused by an insufficiency or want of repair of a highway.
AB7: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia, creating an exemption from civil liability, and providing a penalty.
AB8: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax exemption for interest income received from deposits in financial institutions.
AB9: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transportation aids to local professional football stadium districts and making an appropriation.
AB10: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the registration of electors and the determination of eligible electors in certain municipalities on election day.
AB11: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: absentee voting.
AB12: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring individuals to present identification in order to vote at a polling place.
AB13: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: compatible offices and positions for city, village, and town elective officeholders.
AB14: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of child care funds to provide care for a child by a licensed child care provider who resides with the child and who is not a parent of the child.
AB15: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sales tax and the use tax on purchases made with a manufacturer's rebate.
AB16: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring headlamps and other required lamps on motor vehicles to be lighted whenever visibility is impaired by fog and providing a penalty.
AB17: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the filing of certain forms related to a tax incremental financing district.
AB18: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the scope of regulation and reporting of information by nonresident registrants under the campaign finance law.
AB19: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: single factor apportionment of income for corporate income tax and franchise tax purposes.
AB20: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the cut-off time for receipt of documents for filing and recording with a register of deeds.
AB21: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating "Oh Wisconsin, Land of My Dreams" as the Wisconsin state ballad.
AB22: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a sales tax and use tax exemption for clothing and shoes.
AB23: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a sales tax and use tax exemption for clothing and shoes.
AB24: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: residency requirements for persons who wish to take an examination for the position of deputy sheriff.
AB25: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: indexing for inflation the working families tax credit, the married couples tax credit, and the school property tax credit.
AB26: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the fee for initial issuance of a reserve "Class B" license.
AB27: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the type of notification for certain county zoning changes that are mailed to town clerks.
AB28: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sales tax exemption for electricity sold for residential use.
AB29: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a presumption for employment-connected disease for state and county fire fighters.
AB30: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the issuance of wild turkey hunting licenses to qualified resident landowners.
AB31: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: certain applicants for preference points under the cumulative preference system for issuing Class A bear hunting licenses.
AB32: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: universal service fund surcharges on customer bills by commercial mobile radio service providers.
AB33: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: universal service fund surcharges on customer bills by telecommunications providers.
AB34: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the priority of a wage claim lien.
AB35: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the bonding requirements for city, village, and county officers.
AB36: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for the badger care health care program and making appropriations.
AB37: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: basing certain urban mass transit operating assistance payments on projected operating expenses.
AB38: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public inspection of the records of the canvass of elections for the offices of president and vice president.
AB39: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the elections board to make recommendations regarding statewide voter registration and maintenance of a statewide voter registration list.
AB40: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the elections board to make recommendations relating to the training and certification of election officials.
AB41: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: polling hours.
AB42: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the lease and operation of correctional facilities, making an appropriation, and providing penalties.
AB42: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: the lease and operation of correctional facilities, making an appropriation, and providing penalties.
AB43: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the educational telecommunications access program.
AB44: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the payment of different prices to producers for milk based on specified criteria.
AB45: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fees paid to witnesses in courts other than municipal court.
AB46: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying the definition of "income" under the homestead tax credit.
AB47: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: failure to pay owners of raw forest products.
AB48: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: actions against sport shooting range owners or operators, against gun or sportsmen's clubs, and against manufacturers, importers, trade associations, or dealers of firearms, firearm components, or firearm ammunition.
AB49: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: polling hours, time off from work for service as an election official, and requiring the elections board to submit recommendations with regard to voter identification and registration and the administration of elections.
AB50: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring certain school boards and districts to provide Internet management software or services on computers connected to the Internet.
AB51: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax subtract modification for amounts spent on medical insurance premiums by certain individuals.
AB52: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: granting creditable service under the Wisconsin retirement system for service in the national guard or a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces.
AB53: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring pharmacies and pharmacists, as a condition of medical assistance participation, to charge elderly persons for prescription drugs no more than specific amounts; specifying requirements for rebate agreements between the department of health and family services and drug manufacturers; requiring the department of health and family services to seek a waiver to provide medical assistance eligibility to certain persons for purposes of a prescription drug benefit; requiring the exercise of rule-making authority; making appropriations; and providing penalties.
AB54: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: relinquishing custody of a newborn child and granting rule-making authority.
AB55: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an office of public intervenor in the department of justice and making an appropriation.
AB56: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the appointment of the secretary of natural resources.
AB57: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for nonprescription drugs.
AB58: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: low-speed vehicles, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB59: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the department of transportation to register and issue a certificate of title for a motorcycle having a certain vehicle identification number.
AB60: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the prohibition against making, possessing, or distributing a representation that depicts nudity, and providing a penalty.
AB61: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the issuance of temporary fishing licenses to disabled persons.
AB62: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: local ordinances governing drug paraphernalia.
AB63: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the duty of a motor vehicle operator who is involved in an accident with a person or an attended or occupied vehicle and providing a penalty.
AB64: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sales tax and the use tax on tips and gratuities.
AB65: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: parcels of land that may be included in a business improvement district.
AB66: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a state minimum wage, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB67: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transferring toll-free calls to pay-per-call services or international numbers, creating certain disclosure and reporting requirements, and providing a penalty.
AB68: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: granting creditable service under the Wisconsin retirement system for service in the federal peace corps or VISTA public service programs or in any national service program under the federal National and Community Service Act of 1990.
AB69: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: using accumulated unused sick leave credits and certain health insurance premium credits for the purchase of long-term care insurance for participants under the Wisconsin retirement system.
AB70: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: driving a vehicle when animals are in the front seat of the vehicle and providing a penalty.
AB71: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Korean War memorial at Plover and making an appropriation.
AB72: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring underage persons to wear personal flotation devices while on certain boats and providing a penalty.
AB73: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: smoking and using tobacco products at or near a school and providing a penalty.
AB74: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring persons on motorboats for the purpose of observing water skiers.
AB75: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a legislative council study on maintenance.
AB76: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the denial, revocation, suspension, withholding, or restriction of approvals issued under chapter 29 of the statutes based on the failure of the approval applicants or approval holders to provide social security numbers.
AB77: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing a school district's revenue limit for debt service incurred to comply with certain orders and for special assessments for public improvements.
AB78: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mudguards on road tractors, truck tractors, trailers, semitrailers, and farm trailers, transporting bulk materials on a highway, and providing a penalty.
AB79: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring insurers to cover treatment of a condition by an acupuncturist if there is coverage for treatment of the condition by a physician and prohibiting collective bargaining by the state with respect to the requirement.
AB80: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: disclosure by insurers and intermediaries of identifying information.
AB81: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing information in an insurance policy about policy cancellation.
AB82: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring headlights and other required lamps on vehicles to be lighted during inclement weather conditions and providing a penalty.
AB83: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting school boards from entering into certain contracts.
AB84: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: convenience store, service station, and restaurant security, a grant program for workplace security training, and making an appropriation.
AB85: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: seating for employees.
AB86: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: banning smoking in buildings on post-secondary school campuses and providing a penalty.
AB87: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: parking on property under the jurisdiction of the University of Wisconsin System and technical college district boards.
AB88: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the release of personally identifiable information for marketing or advertising purposes and providing a penalty.
AB89: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: operation and costs of municipal cable television systems.
AB90: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the national teacher certification grant program.
AB91: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: classifying certain teachers employed by the state as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin retirement system.
AB92: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of ethnic names, nicknames, logos and mascots by school boards, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB93: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permits for the possession or use of certain fireworks, sales of fireworks to certain organizations and groups, liability for the use of illegally sold fireworks, and the authority of district attorneys to enforce laws relating to fireworks.
AB94: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the occupational tax on intoxicating liquor and wine that is brought into this state from a foreign country.
AB95: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the use of cyanide in metallic mining.
AB96: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: physical health examinations of pupils.
AB97: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax exemption for necessities.
AB98: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fishing with a bow and arrow near a roadway.
AB99: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for after-school care programs and making appropriations.
AB100: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: financial assistance for an air carrier that operates from a hub facility, creating an airport financing committee, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB101: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a property tax exemption for an air carrier that operates from a hub facility, creating an airport financing committee, granting rule-making authority and making appropriations.
AB102: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: motorcycle stop lamps.
AB103: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain married couples who have dependent children.
AB104: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing a "Class A" licensee to provide wine free of charge for consumption on the licensee's premises.
AB105: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: applying for the lottery and gaming property tax credit and making an appropriation.
AB106: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility requirements for private security permits and private detective licenses.
AB107: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a cemetery management reserve fund, regulation of cemetery authorities, salespersons and preneed sellers, appointment of trustees for certain cemeteries and mausoleums, identification of human remains, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
AB108: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the order in which vehicles are towed in a three-vehicle combination.
AB109: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: surveys and questionnaires of pupils and providing a penalty.
AB110: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: access by law enforcement agencies to photographs taken for drivers' licenses and identification cards.
AB111: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revising the Uniform Commercial Code -- Secured Transactions and related statutes and granting rule-making authority.
AB112: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an optional holiday for state employees to observe the birthday of Cesar E. Chavez.
AB113: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting cities, villages, towns, counties, and school districts from imposing residency requirements on certain employees.
AB114: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing managed forest land to be located in cities.
AB115: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: carcasses of wild animals left with processors for processing.
AB116: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: treatment of minors for alcohol or other drug abuse.
AB117: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain telephone solicitations and providing a penalty.
AB118: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax and a use tax exemption for items used for conservation or restoration related to agricultural land.
AB119: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a county to make payments in lieu of taxes to local units of government for unimproved lands.
AB120: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expanding medical assistance income eligibility requirements for elderly persons; requiring pharmacies and pharmacists, as a condition of medical assistance participation, to charge elderly, low-income persons for prescription drugs no more than specific amounts; specifying requirements for rebate agreements between the department of health and family services and drug manufacturers; limiting prior authorization requirements under medical assistance; requiring the exercise of rule-making authority; making appropriations; and providing penalties.
AB121: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax and use tax exemption on tangible personal property used in the business of farming.
AB122: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax and use tax exemption for devices designed to assist the visually impaired.
AB123: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: who may be appointed personal representative in informal administration.
AB124: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for a business that constructs or equips a facility for its employees to pump and store breast milk.
AB125: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring school boards that provide instruction in human sexuality and related subjects to provide instruction in marriage and parental responsibility.
AB126: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: contracts with persons who take depositions.
AB127: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: adjusting a school district's revenue limit for unanticipated expenditures and granting rule-making authority.
AB128: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: automatic teller machine fees and requiring the exercise of rule making-authority.
AB129: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: personal guarantees for sales of hearing aids.
AB130: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: health insurance coverage of hearing testing and hearing aids.
AB131: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring instruction in public schools on the history of organized labor in America and the collective bargaining process.
AB132: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expanding medical assistance income eligibility requirements for individuals who are elderly, blind, or disabled; requiring pharmacies and pharmacists, as a condition of medical assistance participation, to charge elderly persons for prescription drugs no more than specific amounts; specifying requirements for rebate agreements between the department of health and family services and drug manufacturers; requiring an annual report on the sale and pricing of certain drugs and programs that offer discounts on drugs to consumers; requiring the exercise of rule-making authority; making appropriations; and providing penalties.
AB133: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the terms of address that pupils use with school employees.
AB134: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the amount of the exemption from income tax withholding requirements for employees of a county fair association.
AB135: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the requirement to obtain a public warehouse keeper's license.
AB136: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: shared revenue payments for former utility property.
AB137: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transferring money from the general fund to the budget stabilization fund.
AB138: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the married persons individual income tax credit.
AB139: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the working families tax credit.
AB140: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying the definition of "income" under the homestead tax credit.
AB141: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: committing 3 or more specified traffic offenses within a single course of conduct, and providing a penalty.
AB142: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: following snowplows and providing a penalty.
AB143: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of snowmobile rail crossings.
AB144: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2001 legislature.
AB145: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the prohibition against making, possessing, or distributing a visual representation showing nudity and providing a penalty.
AB146: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the procedures governing administrative proceedings and civil actions under the family and medical leave law.
AB147: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a permit authorizing the operation upon a highway of a specialized hauling rig that exceeds statutory size and weight limits.
AB148: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: admission requirements for University of Wisconsin System institutions.
AB149: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring parties to an action affecting the family to attend an educational parenting program.
AB150: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proper display of a registration plate and providing a penalty.
AB151: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proceeds from the sale of forest products at Badger Army Ammunition Plant and making an appropriation.
AB152: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditures from Indian gaming revenue for law enforcement aids for the enforcement of laws regulating snowmobiles and the operation of snowmobiles and making an appropriation.
AB153: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing resident senior citizens to hunt with a crossbow.
AB154: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring headlamps and other required lamps on a school bus to be lighted whenever the school bus is operated on a highway.
AB155: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: campaign financing, lobbying regulation, designations for the Wisconsin election campaign fund by individuals filing state income tax returns, income and franchise tax deductions for certain business expenses related to lobbying, creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain campaign contributions, composition and staffing of the elections board, providing exemptions from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB156: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permitting certain individuals to subject another individual's blood to a test for the human immunodeficiency virus, requiring the withdrawal and preservation of a blood specimen from certain corpses, permitting certain persons to subject a corpse or blood specimen withdrawn from a corpse to a test for the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus or other blood-borne pathogens, the recovery of costs of certain tests for the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus, and requiring a funeral director to obtain a release before embalming certain corpses.
AB157: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: possession of body armor by persons convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for certain felony offenses and providing a penalty.
AB158: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: filing of declarations of candidacy and recording of votes received by write-in candidates in certain elections.
AB159: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring public service commission approval of mergers, consolidations, and certain other transactions involving telecommunications utilities.
AB160: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain expenses related to child or dependent care.
AB161: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting local governments from the motor vehicle fuel tax.
AB162: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expired onetime rebates.
AB163: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of professional boxing contests.
AB164: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public hearings on school starting dates.
AB165: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the commencement of the school term in public schools.
AB166: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: nonmoving traffic violations involving rented or leased motor vehicles.
AB167: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: access by law enforcement agencies to photographs on motor vehicle operators' licenses and identification cards.
AB168: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: employment discrimination based on creed and exemption from liability and discipline for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, other health care providers, and hospital employees who refuse to participate in sterilization, abortion, assisted suicide, and other procedures on moral or religious grounds.
AB169: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a child care career education and training scholarship program, the sale of commemorative birth certificates and marriage certificates to fund that program, and making an appropriation.
AB170: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a board to investigate and make recommendations regarding inmate deaths.
AB171: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory operating privilege suspension for certain firearms offenses and bomb scares involving school premises.
AB172: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: discontinuing the fee for issuing and renewing business tax registration certificates.
AB173: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pupil assessments and to private schools participating in the Milwaukee parental choice program.
AB174: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: immunity of private campground owners and operators.
AB175: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: access to public employee personnel records and certain other public records containing personally identifiable information.
AB176: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collection of personally identifiable information by certain state entities from Internet sites.
AB177: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: written policies by businesses operating in this state concerning collection and disclosure of personally identifiable information of state residents.
AB178: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: computer crimes and providing a penalty.
AB179: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing a child's name in a paternity action.
AB180: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: extending the State Employment Labor Relations Act to certain legislative employees.
AB181: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collective bargaining rights for limited term employees under the State Employment Labor Relations Act.
AB182: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating emergency detention under the fifth standard of dangerousness, eliminating termination of involuntary civil commitments under the fifth standard of dangerousness, permitting only petitions approved by the attorney general to be filed for involuntary civil commitment under the fifth standard of dangerousness, and providing access by the corporation counsel to court records and treatment records of persons receiving services for mental illness, developmental disabilities, alcoholism or drug dependence.
AB183: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for a business to construct, equip, operate, or provide a day care center for the children of employees.
AB184: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reporting of information by nonresident registrants under the campaign finance law.
AB185: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notification of persons that land may be taken in trust by the U.S. government for individual American Indians and tribes.
AB186: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permitting an employer to refuse to employ or to terminate from employment an individual who has been convicted of a felony and who has not been pardoned.
AB187: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expanding the sales tax exemption for coin-operated laundry services to include all self-service laundry services.
AB188: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the method of selecting presidential electors.
AB189: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating school district revenue limits and making an appropriation.
AB190: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the hunting of the bird that is the symbol of peace for this state.
AB191: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: extending the physician-patient privilege to refuse to disclose information to include information provided to health care services review organizations.
AB192: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: encouraging governmental entities and businesses to consider the use of unique personal identifiers and to discontinue the use of social security numbers.
AB193: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: granting creditable service under the Wisconsin retirement system for service in the federal public health service.
AB194: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: making an appropriation for the tuition, Wisconsin higher education, and Lawton minority undergraduate grant programs.
AB195: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting disclosure of information regarding children and providing a penalty.
AB196: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the disclosure of public library records.
AB197: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the payment of costs of persons in jails.
AB198: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permissive and compulsory counterclaims in civil actions.
AB199: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: vehicle owner liability for violations of certain traffic laws relating to railroad crossings and providing penalties.
AB200: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: appointment of students to the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
AB201: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring traffic accident reports to include information on cellular or other mobile telephone use.
AB202: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: operating a motor vehicle while using a cellular or other mobile telephone and providing a penalty.
AB203: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: probation, parole, and extended supervision agents responsible for locating absconders.
AB204: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: water quality certification for nonfederal wetlands and granting rule-making authority.
AB205: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: receiverships for public nuisance.
AB206: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulation of social workers, advanced practice social workers, independent social workers, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, and art, music, and dance therapists, insurance coverage for services provided by clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB207: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the requirements for examinations for nursing home administrator licenses and for reciprocal nursing home administrator licenses and granting rule-making authority.
AB208: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: termination of a tenancy if notice given regarding drug or criminal gang activity.
AB209: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: special observance days in school.
AB210: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: apprenticeship training and making appropriations.
AB211: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the speed limit at certain intersections marked with school crossing signs and providing a penalty.
AB212: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: participation in the programming of a youth report center as a condition of a juvenile disposition, sanction, deferred prosecution agreement or consent decree.
AB213: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: classifying certain county jailers as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin retirement system and restricting the issues subject to interest arbitration under the Municipal Employment Relations Act.
AB214: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing cities, villages, and towns to authorize municipal fire, emergency medical technician, or first responder departments to deposit, disburse, and expend certain funds.
AB215: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: discharges of dredged or fill material into nonfederal wetlands.
AB215: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: discharges of dredged or fill material into nonfederal wetlands.
AB216: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the right to discovery in implied consent cases involving drunk driving.
AB217: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales and taste samples of fruit-based intoxicating liquor for consumption on or off the premises where manufactured or rectified.
AB218: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: membership of the dentistry examining board.
AB219: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: time limits for a police and fire commission or another governing body to render a decision related to the suspension of a law enforcement officer or firefighter.
AB220: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting a parent who has physical placement of a child from taking the child to certain foreign counties without the agreement of the other parent.
AB221: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: approvals for high-capacity wells.
AB222: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the name of a minor.
AB223: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: tribal administration of rehabilitation reviews for persons who otherwise may not operate, be employed at, contract with, or reside at an entity that provides care for children or adults and granting rule-making authority.
AB224: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing shampooing services in barber or cosmetologist establishments.
AB225: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mailing property tax bills.
AB226: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the study of state-local fringe benefit partnerships.
AB227: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the review of the Kettl Commission report regarding human services and justice services.
AB228: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: coordination of state policies in relation to local governments and mediation of disputes between the state and local governments.
AB229: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: restructuring municipal shared revenue.
AB230: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of county shared revenue payments.
AB231: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a study on prompting economic growth.
AB232: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fees charged by a register of deeds for certifying copies of documents.
AB233: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the procedures used by a city, village, or town to sell or lease a municipal public utility plant.
AB234: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the imposition of special charges by a city, village, or town.
AB235: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reciprocity within a county for alcohol beverages operators' licenses.
AB236: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: tourist-oriented directional signs for the state headquarters of the American Legion in Columbia County.
AB237: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: payments to ethanol producers and making an appropriation.
AB238: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating and observing Prisoners of War Remembrance Day.
AB239: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: calculating the estimated snowmobile gas tax payment; operation of snowmobiles by law enforcement officers on highways; operation of snowmobiles proceeding in opposite directions or in excess of roadway speed limits; vehicle noise levels for snowmobiles; tampering with odometers of snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles and with hour meters of boats, snowmobiles, and all-terrain vehicles; inspection of equipment on snowmobiles; transfer of snowmobile registration certificates; exempting accidents occurring in certain snowmobile races or derbies from requirements to render aid and from reporting and investigation requirements; use of fees collected for snowmobile trail use stickers for snowmobile trail maintenance costs; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing a penalty.
AB240: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: operating a motor vehicle while using a cellular or other mobile telephone and providing a penalty.
AB241: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring law enforcement officers to report traffic violations and accidents involving any foreign diplomat to the federal department of state.
AB242: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the disclosure of information obtained by the department of transportation from applications for drivers' licenses, permits, or identification cards to the selective service system for the purposes of registration with the selective service system.
AB243: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: restrictions on state employment and student financial assistance based on failure to register with the selective service system.
AB244: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: tax warrants and liens on property.
AB245: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: motorists approaching certain authorized emergency vehicles, tow trucks, or highway maintenance equipment stopped near a highway and providing a penalty.
AB246: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: jurisdiction in divorces.
AB247: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the definition of agricultural land for property tax purposes.
AB248: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expressing child support as a fixed sum, requiring child support payers annually to furnish copies of tax returns, and providing for annual adjustments in child support.
AB249: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the effect of annexation or detachment of territory on a municipality's quota of "Class B" intoxicating liquor licenses.
AB250: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the property tax exemption for property owned by the Young Men's Christian Association.
AB251: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the period of time during which sturgeon spearing licenses may not be issued.
AB252: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a bicycle and pedestrian inspection and inventory program and making appropriations.
AB253: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating utility public benefits fees and commitment to community programs.
AB254: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authority of attorneys to issue subpoenas.
AB255: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school uniforms.
AB256: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensing perfusionists, creating a perfusionists examining council, and granting rule-making authority.
AB257: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school conference and activities leave.
AB258: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expunging records of dismissed criminal charges in certain cases.
AB259: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: identification required in order to vote at a polling place or obtain an absentee ballot and the fee for an identification card issued by the department of transportation.
AB260: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility criteria for and renaming the Wisconsin morning milk program.
AB261: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: classifying county jailers as protective occupation participants for the purposes of the Wisconsin retirement system.
AB262: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use value assessment of agricultural land and making an appropriation.
AB263: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: special event campground permits issued by the department of health and family services and granting rule-making authority.
AB264: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax and use tax exemption for textbooks.
AB265: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: copayments and coinsurance for prescription drugs under the health insurance risk-sharing plan and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures.
AB266: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: payday loan providers and granting rule-making authority.
AB267: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: including dentists and dental hygienists as health care professionals for the purpose of forming service corporations.
AB268: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing a school district's revenue limit by the amount spent for school security measures and granting rule-making authority.
AB269: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: deer hunting back tag number reservation fees.
AB270: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state aid for special education and school age parents programs.
AB271: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authority of a court to suspend an adult's operating privilege for failing to pay a forfeiture for an ordinance violation unrelated to the operation of a motor vehicle.
AB272: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting amounts claimed for depreciation for purposes of calculating farm and self-employment income under the medical assistance and badger care health care programs.
AB273: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transporting loads on a highway in vehicles equipped with dump bodies and providing a penalty.
AB274: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supplemental medical assistance payments to reduce operating deficits of county, city, village, or town nursing homes and creating a medical assistance trust fund.
AB275: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the recycling fee imposed on the disposal of solid waste, financial assistance for local recycling programs, and making an appropriation.
AB276: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting certain barns and agricultural outbuildings from property taxation and providing a penalty.
AB277: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of historic buildings, the income and franchise tax credit that supplements the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit, the historic building code, awarding grants to owners of historic agricultural buildings, requiring a liberal interpretation of local regulations applicable to historic buildings and structures, and making appropriations.
AB278: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pet dealers, kennels, animal shelters, dog licensing, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
AB279: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: leaving an unattended or unsupervised child in a motor vehicle and providing penalties.
AB280: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: placing bodily substances in edibles and providing a penalty.
AB281: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the department of revenue to prepare and maintain a list of delinquent taxpayer accounts and to post on the Internet the top 100 names from the list.
AB282: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax subtract modification for amounts spent on medical insurance premiums, medical and dental expenses, and prescription and nonprescription drugs by certain individuals.
AB283: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: merger or consolidation of cooperatives.
AB284: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: employment discrimination because of temporary absence from work while responding to an emergency call as a volunteer fire fighter, emergency medical technician, first responder, or ambulance driver.
AB285: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements concerning participation by labor organizations in public construction contracts and the expenditure of public grant moneys.
AB286: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the method of compensating town elective officers, compatible offices and positions for city, village, and town elective officeholders, the spending limit for construction and repair of town highways and bridges, and the disposition of town property.
AB287: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the procedures for a county board to remove an officer of the board.
AB288: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school district bonds, promissory notes, and revenue limits.
AB289: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of a flashing or rotating amber light on certain motor trucks.
AB290: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the installation of a previously deployed or an otherwise nonfunctional airbag and providing a penalty.
AB291: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: time limits for prosecution of certain sexual assault crimes, preservation of certain evidence, and postconviction and post commitment deoxyribonucleic acid testing of evidence.
AB292: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing certain snowplows to be equipped with a flashing, oscillating, or rotating green lamp.
AB293: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting pupils from using a calculator while taking the 4th and 8th grade knowledge and concepts examinations.
AB294: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the department of workforce development to order a person who discriminates in promotion, compensation, or in terms, conditions, or privileges of employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, or ancestry to pay compensatory and punitive damages and an assessment, directing the secretary of workforce development to appoint a committee to study wage disparities between men and women and between minority group members and nonminority group members, and making an appropriation.
AB295: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public financing of elections for certain state offices, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, providing a penalty, and making appropriations.
AB296: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring health insurance policies to cover contraceptive articles and services.
AB297: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: baiting and feeding deer and granting rule-making authority.
AB298: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing an individual income tax deduction for certain amounts contributed by a grandparent to a college savings account or a college tuition and expenses program.
AB299: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: credit union membership, powers, and operation; the application of agriculture, trade, and consumer protection statutes to credit unions; the creation of a new type of financial institution; the powers of and requirements applicable to the new type of financial institution; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and providing a penalty.
AB300: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the designation and duties of chief warden, deputy chief warden, internal affairs officer, and complaint officer within the department of natural resources.
AB301: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing conservation wardens to enforce the trespass law and prohibitions on shooting at caged or staked wild animals and to make arrests under warrants issued for felonies or misdemeanors.
AB302: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: low-income energy assistance, energy conservation and efficiency, renewable energy resources, and commitment to community programs, public benefits fees, and nitrogen oxide emission reductions.
AB303: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: campaign financing with respect to the office of justice of the supreme court, making appropriations, and providing penalties.
AB304: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prostitution and providing a penalty.
AB305: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: liability for the inspection of property.
AB306: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing alcohol beverages to persons who are 18, 19, or 20 years of age and providing a penalty.
AB307: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: employment discrimination based on creed and exemption from liability and discipline for pharmacists who refuse to dispense for abortions, assisted suicides, and euthanasia.
AB308: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: payment of the jail costs of a jailed debtor.
AB309: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the elections board to make recommendations concerning the elimination of punch card voting systems as a method of voting in this state.
AB310: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the number of circuit court branches.
AB311: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: approvals for high-capacity wells.
AB312: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: paratuberculosis testing and making an appropriation.
AB313: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain uses of night vision equipment to locate, or attempt to locate, wild animals.
AB314: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the publication of notices relating to the creation of tax incremental financing districts.
AB315: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: advertising of the state lottery.
AB316: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state purchase of a Justice Center building and granting bonding authority.
AB317: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Uniform Sales and Use Tax Administration Act and granting rule-making authority.
AB318: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the amount of the individual income tax personal exemption for certain older taxpayers.
AB319: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use by the department of natural resources of seized, confiscated, or unclaimed property for educational hunting, fishing, trapping, and other conservation activities; hunting of antlerless deer by holders of certificates of accomplishment issued under the hunter education program and the bow hunter education program; certificates of hunter safety issued by provinces and other countries; possession of firearms and hunting with firearms by persons under 16 years of age; issuance of resident small game hunting licenses to certain nonresidents under 16 years of age; use of firearms in schools under the hunter education program; use of certain types of arrow tips on crossbows; proceeds received by the department of natural resources for skins of fur-bearing animals that are prepared as part of the course of instruction under the trapper education program; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation.
AB320: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an education tax credit for businesses.
AB321: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the college tuition and expenses program and the college savings program, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and making appropriations.
AB322: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: water quality certification for nonfederal wetlands, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB323: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements concerning participation by labor organizations in public construction contracts and the expenditure of public grant moneys.
AB324: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collective bargaining and binding arbitration coverage for certain law enforcement supervisors under the Municipal Employment Relations Act.
AB325: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: excluding certain debt service costs from the computation of state school aid.
AB326: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $12,600 from the general fund in payment of a claim against the state made by Alan and Marlene Sieker.
AB327: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $9,296 from moneys appropriated to the department of transportation in payment of a claim against the state made by Robert and Dorothy Messner.
AB328: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $13,785.25 from moneys appropriated to the department of transportation in payment of a claim against the state made by the city of West Allis.
AB329: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $56,300 from moneys appropriated to the department of transportation in payment of a claim against the state made by the city of West Allis.
AB330: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $76,150 from moneys appropriated to the department of transportation in payment of a claim against the state made by Walworth County.
AB331: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $23,053.80 from the general fund in payment of a claim against the state made by Jerome and Theresa Wagner.
AB332: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $8,420.92 from the transportation fund in payment of a claim against the state made by the city of La Crosse and making an appropriation.
AB333: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $10,097.23 from moneys appropriated to the department of administration in payment of a claim against the state made by Jodi Dabson Bollendorf.
AB334: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $50,119 from the general fund in payment of a claim against the state made by Milwaukee County.
AB335: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: late installment payments of property taxes.
AB336: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the unlawful use of electronic mail and other computerized communication systems, transmitting information about a child on the Internet, and providing penalties.
AB337: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of family day care homes.
AB338: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying the definition of all-terrain vehicle.
AB339: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: appointment of election officials and staffing of polling places.
AB340: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the amount recoverable against a state officer, employee, or agent for wrongful death.
AB341: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a hotline in the department of justice for the reporting of information regarding dangerous weapons in public schools.
AB342: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax and use tax exemption for Internet access services.
AB343: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the display of the U.S. flag and offering of the pledge of allegiance or the national anthem in public and private schools.
AB344: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the annual adjustment of the motor vehicle fuel tax rate.
AB345: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensure of certified public accountants and accounting firms, attest and compilation services, peer review of accounting firms, eliminating certificates of authority for public accountants, and granting rule-making authority.
AB346: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: possession of a dangerous weapon by a minor and providing a penalty.
AB347: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a school board to increase the school district's revenue limit.
AB348: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a competitive bidding process for administration of the health insurance risk-sharing plan.
AB349: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a defense to criminal liability for battery in certain circumstances.
AB350: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: warnings for first violations of certain underage drinking prohibitions.
AB351: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to World War II veterans and making an appropriation.
AB352: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of a person's social security number in his or her student identification number at private institutions of higher education.
AB353: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: written policies on entering locker rooms being used by athletic teams representing certain schools or by professional athletic teams.
AB354: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: powers, responsibilities, and appointment of court commissioners.
AB355: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: burglary and providing a penalty.
AB356: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting nudity on certain land and providing a penalty.
AB357: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the duration of the effect of emergency rules.
AB358: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exceptions from the requirement to obtain a license to practice professional geology, professional hydrology, or professional soil science and granting rule-making authority.
AB359: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sexual assault of and sexual activity involving a person confined in an adult or juvenile detention or correctional facility and providing a penalty.
AB360: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: immunity in cases involving wrongful birth and wrongful life.
AB361: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the requirement that operators of fish farms provide evidence of fish health and granting rule-making authority.
AB362: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the possession and sale of fireworks, enforcement by the state traffic patrol of restrictions on the possession and use of fireworks, and limiting seizure of certain fireworks for law enforcement purposes.
AB363: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring motor vehicle headlamps to be lighted whenever the vehicle is operated upon a highway.
AB364: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: department of administration review of certain annexations of town territory.
AB365: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the newspaper recycling fee and the recycled content of newsprint used in newspapers.
AB366: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the state contract for dental education; authorizing licensed dental health professional positions in the department of health and family services; funding for dental services at community health centers; grants for community water fluoridation; increasing the medical assistance reimbursement rates for dental services; making topical fluoride varnish a covered service under the early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment program; creating a fluoride varnish education program; reimbursement for dental hygienist services under medical assistance; medical assistance reimbursement for dental cleanings; requiring the exercise of rule-making authority; and making appropriations.
AB367: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regional dental testing service examinations; dentist licenses for individuals licensed in another jurisdiction; the scope of practice of dental hygienists; delegation of dentistry practices to dental hygienists and unlicensed individuals; providing loan assistance to dentists and dental hygienists who practice in underserved areas; requiring the technical college system board to report on community dental health education; requiring the dentistry examining board and the department of health and family services to prepare a joint report on the ability of the dental work force to meet dental needs; requiring the department of health and family services to prepare a plan for a comprehensive oral health data collection system; requiring the department of health and family services to report on prior authorization for dental services under medical assistance; and requiring the department of health and family services and the department of regulation and licensing to prepare joint reports on improved access to dental services and dental hygiene services.
AB368: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authority of cities, villages, towns, and counties to regulate amateur radio antennas and antenna support structures.
AB369: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax subtract modification for certain amounts of federal adjusted gross income.
AB370: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: interest imposed on the payment of estimated taxes.
AB371: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: appointment of students to the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
AB372: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the publication of notices relating to the creation of tax incremental financing districts.
AB373: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notice regarding ineligibility to vote.
AB374: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: vehicles transporting human organs or medical personnel for human organ harvesting or transplantation purposes.
AB374: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: vehicles transporting human organs or medical personnel for human organ harvesting or transplantation purposes.
AB375: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a registry of harvesters of forest products who provide surety for the proper performance of harvesting contracts and granting rule-making authority.
AB376: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funeral establishment permits.
AB377: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: city-county health departments.
AB378: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: death benefits provided under the Wisconsin retirement system and making an appropriation.
AB379: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expanding physician certification requirements for publicly funded abortions, requiring quarterly reports, and requiring review of the reports and publication of an annual summary of report information.
AB380: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: single sales factor apportionment of income for corporate income tax and franchise tax purposes and granting rule-making authority.
AB381: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: federalizing the individual income tax capital loss limit.
AB382: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prisoner reimbursement to a municipality.
AB383: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Wisconsin School for the Deaf and creating a deaf and hard-of-hearing education council.
AB384: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: documentation of agricultural credit transactions and granting rule-making authority.
AB385: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the filing of certain forms and the time limits for holding certain hearings related to a tax incremental financing district.
AB386: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sale of tangible personal property that is delivered in this state.
AB387: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a property tax exemption for wetlands.
AB388: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the eligibility of certain employees of 1st class cities to take general promotional examinations.
AB389: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting from income taxation all military pension payments.
AB390: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the detention of state prisoners in county jails.
AB391: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for incontinent underpads and briefs.
AB392: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting certain police vehicles exceeding the speed limit from the requirement of giving visual and audible signals.
AB393: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating rental-purchase companies, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB394: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revocations, suspensions, and refusals to renew a license or permit relating to alcohol beverages.
AB395: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the standards under which certain zoning variances may be granted by a local board of adjustment or appeals.
AB396: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility for Wisconsin tuition grants.
AB397: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the standard of review that a court must use in reviewing a finding of fact made by the labor and industry review commission in a worker's compensation or an unemployment insurance case.
AB398: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expansion of the catastrophic leave program administered by the department of employment relations.
AB399: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting cities, villages, towns, and counties from the motor vehicle fuel tax.
AB400: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting school districts from the motor vehicle fuel tax.
AB401: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school and school district performance reports.
AB402: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting individuals or businesses with outstanding tax liabilities from entering into contracts with political subdivisions.
AB403: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements for applying for and issuing licenses for game bird and animal farms and wildlife exhibits having bears, cougars, or wolves.
AB404: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the minimum number of railroad employees required to be present in the cab of the lead control locomotive when the railroad train or locomotive is in motion.
AB405: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the amount of the individual income tax subtract modification for social security benefits.
AB406: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: jurisdiction to prosecute and punish a person in Wisconsin for misappropriation of personal identifying information or a personal identification document, and providing a penalty.
AB407: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: admissibility of a digitally produced photograph, film, audio, or video.
AB408: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: covenants not to compete with an employer or principal after the termination of the employment or agency.
AB409: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: discharge or discrimination against an employee for disclosing the employee's compensation.
AB410: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the disclosure of information obtained by the department of transportation from applications for drivers' licenses, permits, or identification cards to the selective service system for the purposes of registration with the selective service system.
AB411: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax exemption for military income received by certain members of the U.S. armed forces and sunsetting the armed forces member tax credit.
AB412: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: petition requirements for the creation of a town sanitary district.
AB413: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting from income taxation all military income received by active duty personnel and sunsetting the armed forces member tax credit.
AB414: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creditable military service under the Wisconsin retirement system.
AB415: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: trapping licenses issued to nonresidents.
AB416: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain electronic mail solicitations and providing a penalty.
AB417: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permitting certain individuals to make written requests for medication for the purpose of ending their lives, and providing penalties.
AB418: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the place of confinement of a person on probation.
AB419: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: department of corrections contracts involving prisoner access to an individual's date of birth.
AB420: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax checkoff for a breast cancer research program, creating a breast cancer research program, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB421: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: county, city, town, and village authority to create local elections boards and to regulate the financing of campaigns for county, city, town, and village offices, duties of municipal and county boards of election commissioners, and granting rule-making authority.
AB422: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting insurers, risk-sharing plans, and certain self-insured plans from using social security numbers as personal identifiers.
AB423: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual and corporate income and franchise tax exemption for interest on bonds or notes issued by the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority for purposes related to an educational facility and authorizing the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority to issue bonds to finance a project undertaken by the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities related to an educational facility.
AB424: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: disciplinary procedures for certain local law enforcement officers and fire fighters.
AB425: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: substances used to induce false negative drug tests and providing a penalty.
AB426: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the euthanization of animals in custody.
AB427: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the requirements for examinations for nursing home administrator licenses and for reciprocal nursing home administrator licenses and granting rule-making authority.
AB428: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax deduction for classroom teachers who use their own funds to purchase classroom educational supplies.
AB429: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: raising the bidding threshold for public works contracts let by a town sanitary district.
AB430: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the sale of a product in a plastic container if the container does not consist of a percentage of postconsumer waste by weight and providing a penalty.
AB431: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: service rates of telecommunications utilities that are subject to price regulation.
AB432: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements for private schools and authorizing the department of public instruction to determine whether a school is a private school for purposes of the Milwaukee parental choice program.
AB433: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: drilling beneath the beds of the Great Lakes and adjacent waters to explore for or produce oil or gas and construction of pipelines on or beneath the beds of the Great Lakes or adjacent waters.
AB434: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting to property that is primarily residential the type of property for which the amount of loss is the insurance policy limits.
AB435: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: tampering with a security device or surveillance device and providing penalties.
AB436: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the department of transportation to provide transportation planning and assistance in reviewing the site plan of proposed school construction or enlargement and granting rule-making authority.
AB437: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of ballast water, aquatic nuisance species, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
AB438: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public benefits fee exemption and granting rule-making authority.
AB439: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the liability of married persons filing a joint income tax return, the payment of the alternate fuel tax and the tobacco products tax, estate tax imposition and interest, reducing nondelinquent taxes, rounding dollar amounts to whole dollars on all tax returns, allowing a mathematical computation of sales and use taxes, extending the time for filing a tax withholding report, delivering tax-related documents and related payments, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB440: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: jury trials in municipal court regarding first offense drunk driving.
AB441: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of moneys from the Wisconsin election campaign fund to make certain false representations.
AB442: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: battery and providing a penalty.
AB443: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the appointment of assistant district attorneys to provide restorative justice services; authorizing counties and the department of corrections to contract with religious organizations for the provision of services relating to delinquency and crime prevention and the rehabilitation of offenders; inmate rehabilitation; creating the office of charitable choice implementation; establishing a grant program for a neighborhood organization incubator; distributing funding for alcohol and other drug abuse services; and making appropriations.
AB444: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fees paid to court interpreters.
AB445: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: threats to state or county social service workers, contracted social service workers, juvenile intake workers, or school employees and providing a penalty.
AB446: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting certain horse boarding and horse training facilities from state building codes.
AB447: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a joint simplified divorce procedure.
AB448: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: access to statewide pupil assessments and granting rule-making authority.
AB449: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: calculating child support and creating committees to review the method of calculating child support.
AB450: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring a woman upon whom an abortion is to be performed or induced to be informed at least 24 hours before the abortion is performed or induced that she may anonymously and with immunity from liability relinquish custody of her newborn child to a law enforcement officer, an emergency medical technician, or a hospital staff member when the newborn child is 72 hours old or younger.
AB451: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the allowable revenue limit for certain school districts.
AB452: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: access to information regarding sex offenders and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB453: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales tax on motor vehicles purchased after a consumer receives a refund under a new motor vehicle warranty.
AB454: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting from taxation retirement plan income received by an individual.
AB455: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating the condemnation authority of nongovernmental entities.
AB456: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reduced fees for campsites in state campgrounds for state residents who have attained the age of 65.
AB457: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory overtime hours worked by health care workers employed by health care facilities and providing penalties.
AB458: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: hail-damaged vehicles and salvage vehicles, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB459: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: access to certain public records containing social security account numbers of individuals; creating a nonrefundable income tax and franchise tax credit for information technology training; prohibiting certain telephone solicitations; prohibiting the disclosure of information on credit and debit card receipts for the purchase of motor fuel; use of caller identification blocking services by telephone solicitors; credit card records; disclosure of credit reports; use of social security numbers as medical or health insurance identifiers; preparation of privacy impact statements for bills that would have an impact on personal privacy; place of trial for persons charged with certain crimes; the use of a person's social security number in his or her student identification number at private institutions of higher education; written policies on entering locker rooms being used by athletic teams representing certain schools or by professional athletic teams; interception of oral communications between an employee of a retail business and a customer of the retail business; expanding the right of privacy; tracking of consumer Internet usage by issuers of consumer credit; and providing penalties.
AB460: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: executive salary group assignments for certain state employees.
AB461: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: determination of annual salaries for the director and the executive assistant of the Wisconsin Technical College System.
AB462: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: liability for damages caused by dogs, court orders to kill a dog, and providing a penalty.
AB463: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring vehicle headlamps and other required lamps to be lighted whenever the vehicle is being operated on certain highways.
AB464: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibitions related to certain controlled substances and providing a penalty.
AB465: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: preventing passage to and from a health care facility, prohibited activities near a health care facility, and providing a penalty.
AB466: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: elimination of legislative partisan caucus staffs.
AB467: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the threshold level for individuals and certain other persons to make estimated income tax payments.
AB468: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: adding one representative of the Wisconsin chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America to the council on veterans programs.
AB469: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying the definition of certified stationary scale for measuring vehicle weight.
AB470: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the appointment of municipal temporary reserve judges.
AB471: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax and use tax exemption for oxygen and acetylene used to cut metal.
AB472: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: terms of municipal judges.
AB473: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the creation of a task force to develop a plan for the state centers for the developmentally disabled.
AB474: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the requirement to exempt pupils attending a private school under the Milwaukee parental choice program from religious activities.
AB475: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: extended area telephone service and granting rule-making authority.
AB476: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a property tax credit for county timber sales.
AB477: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: crimes affecting the U.S. flag and providing a penalty.
AB478: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: delegates from tribal governments to the legislature.
AB479: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an environmental improvement program, environmental performance evaluations, environmental management programs, providing immunity from civil penalties for certain violations of environmental requirements, access to certain information, and providing a penalty.
AB480: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the names of state buildings, structures, facilities, and properties.
AB481: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the interstate compact for adult offender supervision.
AB482: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: child sex offenders working or volunteering with children and providing a penalty.
AB483: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating STH 122 as the Walt Bresette Memorial Highway.
AB484: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: lie detector tests of sexual assault victims.
AB485: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring headlights and other required lamps on vehicles to be lighted when visibility is limited by inclement weather and providing a penalty.
AB486: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: lighting requirements for mail, newspaper, and periodical delivery vehicles.
AB487: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pretrial discovery in prosecutions for alcohol beverage violations.
AB488: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: placement of a child who is a custodial parent or an expectant mother in a safe and structured living arrangement in which the child is provided with training in parenting skills and other skills to promote the child's long-term economic independence and the well-being of the child's child, grants for the provision of such living arrangements and related services, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB489: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collection of data concerning motor vehicle contacts, law enforcement training standards, and granting rule-making authority.
AB490: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the transfer of sales and use tax receipts to the transportation fund and making an appropriation.
AB491: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating definitions for common and contract carriers for sales tax and use tax purposes.
AB492: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of educational telecommunications access program grants.
AB493: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: review of state agency performance and operations.
AB494: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the authority of cities and villages to annex territory.
AB495: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: seizure of computers used in crimes against children.
AB496: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: tuition vouchers for students who sound Taps at military honors funerals.
AB497: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating and observing POW-MIA Recognition Day.
AB498: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: contribution rates under the Wisconsin retirement system.
AB499: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: adding as a condition for worker's compensation liability a condition that the employee's injury not result from the intoxication of the employee by alcohol beverages or use of a controlled substance or a controlled substance analog.
AB500: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: dispositional orders for truancy or habitual truancy and the disclosure of juvenile records by a juvenile court or a municipal court.
AB501: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authority of certain towns to become urban towns.
AB502: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting school board payment for courses taken under the youth options program and making pupils in the youth options program eligible for certain grants.
AB503: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of do-not-resuscitate necklaces under do-not-resuscitate orders.
AB504: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: granting high school diplomas to veterans.
AB505: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to the worker's compensation law.
AB506: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: references to the Internal Revenue Code for income and franchise tax purposes.
AB507: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an exemption from the regulation of anhydrous ammonia.
AB508: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: payment of judgments in traffic cases and in municipal court and the suspension of operating privileges.
AB509: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: national guard tuition grants and making an appropriation.
AB510: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: making technical and policy changes in the tax incremental financing program based on the recommendations of the governor's working group on tax incremental finance and modifying the environmental remediation tax incremental financing program.
AB511: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax deduction for educational supplies for dependent pupils who attend certain elementary and secondary schools.
AB512: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).
AB513: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).
AB514: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reconciling conflicts and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).
AB515: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: restrictions on promulgating or enforcing certain rules regulating the sighting of a firearm.
AB516: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: special labor-related reports; training, education, and development zone tax credits; training and education programs; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and making appropriations.
AB517: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring firearms-restrictions record searches of persons being issued licenses that authorize hunting with firearms.
AB518: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain governmental subdivisions from providing or selling certain telecommunications services and Internet access services and from making certain transfers of telecommunications transmission facilities.
AB519: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating the bridge on I 43 across the Fox River in the city of Green Bay as the Leo Frigo Memorial Bridge.
AB520: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: effect of nonaction of senate on nominations by governor.
AB521: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permitting employers to refuse to employ, or to bar or terminate from employment, individuals who have been convicted of certain serious felonies, as defined in the bill, and who have not been pardoned; and permitting educational agencies to refuse to employ, or to bar or terminate from employment, individuals who have been convicted of those certain serious felonies or of certain other serious violations and who have not been pardoned.
AB522: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: failure to pay for gasoline or diesel fuel and suspension of operating privileges after conviction for theft of gasoline or diesel fuel and providing penalties.
AB523: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: special distinguishing registration plates associated with the efforts of the American Red Cross to provide assistance to families affected by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on New York City and Washington, D.C., and making an appropriation.
AB524: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the approval of operational plans for staffing of ambulances for services authorized to be provided by emergency medical technicians-paramedic.
AB525: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sales tax imposed on the sale of mobile telecommunications services.
AB526: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transporting bulk materials on a highway, liability for spilling waste or foreign matter upon or along a highway, and mudguards on motor trucks and semitrailers transporting bulk materials.
AB527: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of data from public works projects that are subject to the prevailing wage law in determining the wage rates that must be paid to workers employed on those projects.
AB528: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public inspection of the payroll records of contractors, subcontractors, and agents performing work on those projects.
AB529: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: retired peace officers carrying a weapon.
AB530: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: delivering a trailer or semitrailer from the manufacturer to a dealer or distributor or from the dealer or distributor to a purchaser.
AB531: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain computer postings that invite harassment or obscene, lewd, or profane communication, and providing a penalty.
AB532: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: arbitration of controversies arising out of open-end consumer credit plans.
AB533: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fees for outdoor advertising signs.
AB534: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing municipal courts to hold refusal hearings.
AB535: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a board to review requests to exceed revenue limits and granting rule-making authority.
AB536: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: positions for the office of the state public defender, requiring quarterly reports, and making an appropriation.
AB537: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a certain highway improvement project on USH 12 in Dane County.
AB538: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the membership of the child abuse and neglect prevention board.
AB539: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring joint committee on finance approval of the designation of technology zones and an agricultural development zone.
AB540: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: firearms restrictions record checks.
AB541: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designation of the city of Marshfield as a technology zone.
AB542: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a community youth grant to the Wisconsin chapters of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and making an appropriation.
AB543: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a loan from the general fund for the private employer health care coverage program, small employer health insurance rates, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and making an appropriation.
AB544: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $508,323 from the general fund in payment of a claim against the state made by J.T. Roofing, Inc.
AB545: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: utility public benefits low-income programs and energy conservation and efficiency and renewable resource programs.
AB546: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting an organization or affiliate of an organization that engages in abortion-related activities from receiving certain public funds, prohibiting an organization that receives certain public funds from using other public and private funds for abortion-related activities, specifying restrictions on affiliation between certain organizations, changing the types of information that may be provided by organizations that receive the funds, changing requirements related to the maternal and child health program and family planning services, and requiring audits.
AB547: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: environmental regulation of mining and notice to transferees of interests in mining sites.
AB548: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the date of the presidential preference primary.
AB549: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax and use tax exemption for devices used to assist the visually impaired.
AB550: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain persons from obtaining licenses that authorize hunting with a firearm and providing a penalty.
AB551: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: maximum allowable grants under the private sewage system replacement or rehabilitation grant program.
AB552: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regional emergency response team requirements.
AB553: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes in the unemployment insurance law, appointment of temporary reserve appeal tribunals, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB554: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: determining what constitutes the administration of the department of natural resources when managing the state's fish and wildlife resources.
AB555: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an income tax and franchise tax credit for training apprentices.
AB556: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: special labor-related reports, public educational institution job training access policies, and occupational driver's license fees.
AB557: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: productivity enhancement training and development zone tax credits; a workplace diversity grant program, a job retention skills development program, preapprenticeship basic skills training, and an apprenticeship marketing program; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and making appropriations.
AB558: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility for veterans benefits for those veterans who are involved in Operation Enduring Freedom; the extension or renewal of a license held by a national guard member or member of the U.S. armed forces reserve who is called into active service; college students called to serve in the armed forces; and granting rule-making authority.
AB559: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax exemption for pay received from the federal government by members of the armed forces participating in Operation Enduring Freedom and abating interest or penalties due on income tax returns for members of the armed forces who are participating in that operation.
AB560: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: abating interest otherwise due on income tax returns filed under an extension by members of the armed forces who are participating in that operation.
AB561: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proposed actions regarding motor vehicle franchises.
AB562: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the operation of all-terrain vehicles on highways for the purpose of certain types of access.
AB563: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: abandoned property reporting requirements; reporting and delivery of abandoned stock, intangible business interests, and other intangible property to the state treasurer; the sale of abandoned property; and creating a procedure for claiming certain escheated funds.
AB564: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the deductible, coinsurance, or copayment of medical or dental care costs paid by persons in prisons, correctional facilities, or secured child caring institutions.
AB565: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: elimination of legislative partisan caucus staffs.
AB566: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a surcharge for convictions related to operating a vehicle while intoxicated.
AB567: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: firearm flash suppressors and providing a penalty.
AB568: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: displaying the U.S. flag at the workplace.
AB569: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a plea and verdict of guilty but mentally ill in certain criminal cases.
AB570: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: maintenance of grass and weeds below a specified height on department of transportation land abutting highways.
AB571: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the rights of persons who are called into active state service.
AB572: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reemployment rights after national guard or state defense force service, providing an exemption from emergency rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
AB573: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring heat detectors in certain buildings and dwellings.
AB574: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: termination of the parental rights of the mother of a child conceived as a result of a sexual assault committed by the mother.
AB575: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: contributions required for the universal service fund.
AB576: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an airline loan guarantee program and making an appropriation.
AB577: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing claims under the school property tax rent credit for property taxes paid in the year before the year in which they are due and authorizing such claims, for property taxes paid, for the year to which the taxes relate.
AB578: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: access for sheriffs and jailers to reports regarding the competency of criminal defendants.
AB579: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: certified capital investment limitations, qualified business requirements, and reviews of certified capital company financial statements.
AB580: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: water quality standards for wetlands for an activity at a site in Trempealeau County and review of certain changes to shoreland, wetland, and floodplain zoning ordinances as they relate to an activity at a site in Trempealeau County.
AB581: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating Fire Protection Week and Wisconsin Firefighters Memorial Day.
AB582: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the requirement to offer the pledge of allegiance or the national anthem in school.
AB583: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax exemption for pay received from the federal government by members of a reserve component of the armed forces participating in Operation Enduring Freedom.
AB584: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public utility shared revenue payments and making an appropriation.
AB585: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: membership on the state fair park board.
AB586: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring that personal flotation devices be worn by certain underaged persons in certain boats.
AB587: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating the Wisconsin naval militia and making an appropriation.
AB588: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for the enforcement of laws regulating snowmobiles and the operation of snowmobiles and making an appropriation.
AB589: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: registration by certain hospitalized electors.
AB590: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: adding legislative members to the council on developmental disabilities; requiring the council on developmental disabilities to report annually to the legislature; expanding eligibility, requiring submission of wavier requests by a specified date, and providing transitional services under a pilot program for long-term care of children with disabilities; requiring the department of health and family services to develop a plan to administer and fund services for persons with developmental disabilities; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB591: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the qualifications of newspapers permitted to publish legal notices.
AB592: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an exception to confidentiality requirements for treatment records.
AB593: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: The Type 1 motorcycle, moped, and motor bicycle safety program and making an appropriation.
AB594: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing a school district's revenue limit for expenditures related to participation of pupils in statewide tournaments and competitions.
AB595: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sexual assault and providing a penalty.
AB596: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring a permanency plan to be prepared for a child who is living in the home of a relative under a juvenile court order.
AB597: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: issuance of an identification card.
AB598: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: aquatic nuisance species and ballast water management.
AB599: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sale of tax delinquent real property.
AB600: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales of damaged timber by the department of natural resources and from county forest lands.
AB601: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the creation of a local park and recreation district, authorizing a local park and recreation district to impose a sales tax and use tax and levy a property tax, authorizing a local park and recreation district to apply for funding from certain programs that receive funding from the stewardship 2000 program, authorizing a local park and recreation district to impose impact fees and issue debt, and making an appropriation.
AB602: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of piers and boat shelters and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB603: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing information to a firearms dealer when purchasing a handgun, authorizing the department of justice to prosecute violations of certain laws regulating firearms, and providing a penalty.
AB604: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: confidentiality of autopsy reports.
AB605: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing the estate tax.
AB606: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: indemnification and hold harmless provisions and additional endorsements in construction contracts.
AB607: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: open enrollment in public schools and granting rule-making authority.
AB608: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing material support of international terrorism and providing a penalty.
AB609: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the titling of motor vehicles that have been damaged; the sale of a motor vehicle subject to a seizure for a crime related to driving while under the influence of an intoxicant or other drug; displaying the empty weight on the side of certain motor vehicles; vehicle identification numbers for motorcycles; and operating a motor vehicle that is not registered (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of transportation).
AB610: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a temporary emergency unemployment insurance program and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB611: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collective bargaining arbitration procedure for law enforcement officers employed by a county having a population of 500,000 or more.
AB612: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing a local governmental unit to provide health insurance to its retired officers.
AB613: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expanding definition of racketeering activity to include certain violations of prohibition against unauthorized release of animals, and providing a penalty.
AB614: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the possession of wild animals and their carcass parts; farm-raised deer; farm-raised game birds; animal health and animal markets, dealers, and truckers; participation in the national poultry improvement plan; taking, removing, selling, and transporting certain wild plants; granting rule-making authority; making appropriations; and providing penalties.
AB615: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensing of physical therapists and physical therapist assistants and granting rule-making authority.
AB616: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting state agencies or authorities and local governmental units from discriminating against federally chartered corporations.
AB617: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the low-income energy assistance and weatherization assistance programs (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of administration).
AB618: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pointing a firearm at a law enforcement officer and providing a penalty.
AB619: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: carrying a concealed weapon and providing a penalty.
AB620: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a mandatory minimum sentence for a juvenile who is convicted of throwing a bodily substance at or toward a person while placed in a secured correctional facility, a secure detention facility, a secured child caring institution, or a secured group home and providing a penalty.
AB621: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of a person's social security number in his or her student identification number at private institutions of higher education; prohibiting showing social security numbers on insurance identification cards; department of corrections contracts involving prisoner access to an individual's date of birth; confidentiality of patient health care records; access to certain public records containing personally identifiable information; access to autopsy records; preparation of privacy impact statements for bills that would impact personal privacy; written policies on entering locker rooms being used by athletic teams representing certain schools or by professional athletic teams; prohibiting certain telephone solicitations; prohibiting posting photographs of residential property on the Internet; appointment of certain officers in the department of electronic government; and disclosure of the records of a law enforcement agency or of a juvenile or municipal court to other law enforcement agencies, to other juvenile or municipal courts, to juvenile court intake workers, and to district attorneys, corporation counsels, and other representatives of the public interest.
AB622: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: graffiti and providing a penalty.
AB623: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the establishment of a crime prevention resource center at the Fox Valley Technical College by the Wisconsin Crime Prevention Practitioners Association.
AB624: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the income and franchise tax credit that supplements the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit.
AB625: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: advertising by intoxicating liquor retailers.
AB626: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: membership on landfill and hazardous waste facility negotiating committees.
AB627: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: interference with the custody of a child and providing a penalty.
AB628: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: deductions to labor and professional organizations from annuity payments under the Wisconsin retirement system.
AB629: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the definition of agricultural land for property tax purposes.
AB630: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: annuity payments for protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin retirement system.
AB631: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: extending duty disability and death benefits provided to protective occupation participants to county jailers.
AB632: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax and use tax exemption for nonprofit cemeteries.
AB633: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of distributed generation units in state building projects.
AB634: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: construction of pipelines on or beneath the beds of the Great Lakes or adjacent waters.
AB635: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: threatening to infect livestock or wild deer with a contagious or infectious disease and providing penalties.
AB636: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recycling education, research concerning solid waste, and making appropriations.
AB637: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: aid for school construction costs and granting rule-making authority.
AB638: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: claims for loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases.
AB639: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting from the sales tax and the use tax certain products that are solar powered or wind powered.
AB640: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fleeing to this state to avoid prosecution for a serious sex offense in another jurisdiction, committing a serious sex offense in this state after fleeing prosecution in another jurisdiction, and providing penalties.
AB641: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating the authority for certain electors to vote a straight party ticket.
AB642: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority to issue bonds to finance a project undertaken for a facility used for education by a private, tax-exempt institution.
AB643: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: removal of home heating oil storage systems.
AB644: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for the reconstruction of the Atlas Mill in the city of Appleton and making an appropriation.
AB645: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: publication of the street address of a person who provides day care in the person's home.
AB646: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fringe benefits for certain limited term appointments in the state civil service system.
AB647: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: installment payments of tax refunds related to manufacturing property, the interest on refunded and additional taxes on manufacturing property, and making an appropriation.
AB648: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a taxpayer bill of rights, filing tax returns and paying taxes electronically, reducing nondelinquent taxes, tape-recording in-person interviews with the department of revenue, the liability of married persons filing a joint income tax return, and tax audits.
AB649: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a Wisconsin outdoor wildlife heritage trust fund and making an appropriation.
AB650: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: merger and conversion of business entities, exemptions from securities registration requirements and licensing requirements for securities broker-dealers and securities agents, registered agents for business entities, filing of documents relating to certain business entities, administrative dissolution of business entities, amended certificates of authority for certain foreign business entities, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB651: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a rebuttable presumption against awarding a parent joint or sole legal custody if the court finds that the parent has engaged in a pattern or serious incident of abuse.
AB652: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designation of the counties of Adams, Portage, and Wood as a technology zone.
AB653: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the dispensing, prescribing, or administering of a contraceptive prescription drug or device to a pupil under school-based medical services and prohibiting the payment of public funds for school-based medical services under which contraceptive prescription drugs or devices are dispensed, prescribed, or administered.
AB654: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: granting military service credit for certain teacher annuitants under the Wisconsin retirement system and making an appropriation.
AB655: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: testing of donors of human ova for the presence of human immunodeficiency virus; membership of the council on developmental disabilities; and changing the term used to describe a residential facility operated by a child welfare agency for the care and maintenance of children (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of health and family services).
AB656: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: cross-subsidization requirements public and service commission jurisdiction regarding telecommunications cooperatives.
AB657: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the time period for service of a responsive pleading.
AB658: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the capital gains income tax exclusion.
AB659: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the removal of fishing shanties or similar shelters.
AB660: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: registration of antique snowmobiles.
AB661: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: possession with intent to use or use of drug paraphernalia and providing a penalty.
AB662: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: cross-subsidization requirements public and service commission jurisdiction regarding small telecommunications utilities.
AB663: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $154,500 from the general fund in payment of a claim against the state made by Jack and Margot Raz.
AB664: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the eligibility for expenditure restraint shared revenue payments.
AB665: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing certain school buses to tow trailers.
AB666: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the administration of local exposition district taxes.
AB667: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the intoxicated operation of an all-terrain vehicle, motorboat, or snowmobile.
AB668: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: safety training for all-terrain vehicle and motorboat operation.
AB669: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring that personal flotation devices be worn by certain underaged persons in certain boats.
AB670: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: intoxicated operation of a motor vehicle and providing a penalty.
AB671: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing funding for services under the family support program and the respite care program; increasing the daily reimbursement rate for the community integration program for persons with mental retardation; providing funding for medical assistance home and community-based services for persons with developmental disabilities who are on waiting lists for services; requiring the department of health and family services to establish criteria for distribution of this funding and to develop a plan to eliminate waiting lists for services for persons with developmental disabilities by the end of state fiscal year 2004-05; requiring the council on developmental disabilities to evaluate, and report to the legislature, the number of persons with developmental disabilities on waiting lists for services at the end of each calendar year; requiring the exercise of rule-making authority; and making appropriations.
AB672: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring physicians to provide certain information when issuing prescription orders to treat children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
AB673: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: threats to release or disseminate harmful chemical, biological, or radioactive substances and providing a penalty.
AB674: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: health insurance coverage of smoking cessation treatment and medications.
AB675: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licenses to carry a concealed weapon, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing penalties.
AB676: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: veterinary postgraduate training permits.
AB677: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collective bargaining and binding arbitration coverage under the Municipal Employment Relations Act for fire fighting supervisors employed by a 1st class city.
AB678: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exclusive contracts for the sale of soft drinks in schools.
AB679: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: growing and using industrial hemp and granting rule-making authority.
AB680: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing cities, villages, towns, counties, public inland lake rehabilitation and protection districts, and sanitary districts to enact ordinances relating to the operation of personal watercraft as to location and time.
AB681: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: removal of a shopping cart and providing a penalty.
AB682: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: official action in return for providing or withholding political contributions, services, or other things of value and providing a penalty.
AB683: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: driving while under the influence of an intoxicant and providing a penalty.
AB684: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a town board to exercise village powers.
AB685: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: medical leave for the purpose of receiving prenatal health care check-ups.
AB686: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: infecting animals with a contagious disease and providing a penalty.
AB687: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing towns to withdraw from county zoning, requiring towns to become subject to town or county zoning and a comprehensive plan, and requiring the University of Wisconsin System-Extension to prepare model town and county zoning ordinances.
AB688: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax and a use tax exemption for building materials sold to a builder for a local government construction project.
AB689: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: approval by the joint committee on finance of contracts to sell or exchange state land under the jurisdiction of the department of natural resources.
AB690: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state government holidays.
AB691: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the transfer of funds from the medical assistance program to the long-term support community options program under certain conditions.
AB692: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: return of security deposit to tenant.
AB693: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: restoration of legislative partisan caucus staffs and solicitation or receipt of services for a political purpose from state officers and employees.
AB694: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the disclosure of information about licensed nurses to the coordinated licensure information system.
AB695: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: educational requirements for foresters employed by the department of natural resources and persons authorized to designate trees for cutting in state forests.
AB696: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: disclosing whether land being sold is designated as, or eligible to be designated as, managed forest land.
AB697: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the size of restored, enhanced, or created wetlands that are parts of wetland mitigation projects.
AB698: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prescriptions for single-dose antibiotic drugs for treatment of chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomonas and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB699: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: human cloning and parthenogenesis and providing penalties.
AB700: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designing and constructing southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation projects for vehicular traffic capacity expansion and exempting any southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation project from the requirement of enumeration as a major highway project.
AB701: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: registration plates for motor vehicles owned by the state or by a county, municipality, or federally recognized Indian tribe or band.
AB702: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the payment of personal property taxes.
AB703: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating STH 70 as the Civilian Conservation Corps Heritage Highway.
AB704: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming Purple Heart Day.
AB705: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the manner in which a pupil enrolled in a 4-year-old kindergarten program is counted for state aid.
AB706: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: granting high school credit for extracurricular sports.
AB707: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fees for outdoor advertising signs owned by nonprofit organizations.
AB708: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring telecommunications providers to make certain notifications to residential customers and providing a penalty.
AB709: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishment of salary ranges and adjustments for University of Wisconsin System senior executive positions.
AB710: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the deadline for voter registration and the determination of residency for voting purposes.
AB711: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congressional redistricting.
AB712: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: nondisclosure of certain information on credit and debit card receipts.
AB713: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: time limits for the prosecution of 2nd-degree intentional homicide and 2nd-degree reckless homicide.
AB714: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: invasion of privacy and providing a penalty.
AB715: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: medical use of marijuana, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB716: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting charter schools, and private schools that participate in the Milwaukee parental choice program, from discriminating against pupils, and requiring such schools to disclose certain information.
AB717: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing priority for long-term support community options program services to certain disabled victims of sexual assault or domestic abuse.
AB718: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating fishing tournaments, granting rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
AB719: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: using a computer to facilitate having sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a person believed to be a child and providing a penalty.
AB720: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing coverage for domestic partners under health care coverage plans and long-term care insurance policies offered by the group insurance board.
AB721: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: domestic partnership.
AB722: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: management and performance evaluation audits of large programs and large agencies by the legislative audit bureau.
AB723: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recording and filing documents with the offices of register of deeds and the department of financial institutions.
AB724: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring a hospital to provide to an alleged victim of sexual assault, with consent, information and emergency contraception and providing a penalty.
AB725: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the practice of nurse-midwifery, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
AB726: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limits on certain contributions received by political parties and elimination of legislative campaign committees.
AB727: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the display of registration decals on snowmobiles and the possession of registration documentation by operators of snowmobiles.
AB728: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales of livestock that are exempt from the sales tax and the use tax.
AB729: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permitting the period for which a serious juvenile offender program participant may be placed in a juvenile secured correctional facility to be extended; prohibiting a juvenile who has been adjudicated delinquent from being transferred to an adult prison; permitting a juvenile who has been sentenced as an adult to be transferred to an adult prison on reaching 15 years of age; permitting a juvenile to be placed in a juvenile secured correctional facility only until the juvenile reaches 18 years of age; and requiring the juvenile court, when placing a juvenile who has been adjudged delinquent outside the home or when denying parental visitation with such a juvenile, to warn the parents of any applicable termination of parental rights grounds and of the conditions necessary for the juvenile to be returned to the home or for the parent to be granted visitation.
AB730: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: teacher licensure requirements imposed on school boards, repealing the peer review and mentoring grant program, and granting rule-making authority.
AB731: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: displaying, possessing, selling, or offering to sell a stolen registration plate and providing a penalty.
AB732: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the transportation facilities economic assistance program, granting bonding authority and making an appropriation.
AB733: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expanding eligibility for drug treatment reimbursement grants for persons with HIV infections.
AB734: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual and corporate income tax exemption for interest on bonds or notes issued by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority for purposes related to multifamily and elderly housing projects.
AB735: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: battery or assault by a prisoner or detainee and providing a penalty.
AB736: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: intentionally causing the death of an in vitro human embryo, nontherapeutic research involving an in vitro human embryo, the use of cells or tissue derived from an in vitro human embryo, the purchase or sale of in vitro human embryos, requesting the joint legislative council to conduct a study on how to reduce the number of in vitro human embryos created by assisted reproductive services clinics and how to facilitate the adoption of unused in vitro human embryos, and human cloning and providing penalties.
AB737: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: investigations by state traffic patrol officers and inspectors.
AB738: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the residence of child sex offenders.
AB739: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to:
AB740: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: indexing for inflation the working families tax credit, the married persons tax credit, and the school property tax credit.
AB741: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the compensation of town board supervisors during their term of office.
AB742: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: temporary supplemental unemployment insurance benefits and certain other changes to the unemployment insurance law.
AB743: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the statewide trauma system and making appropriations.
AB744: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: signature and authorization requirements for orders under the forest croplands program and modifications to certain deadline dates under the managed forest land program.
AB745: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: liability of a parent or guardian for the cost of an examination ordered to determine the competency to proceed of a juvenile who is alleged to have committed a delinquent act or to determine whether a juvenile is not responsible for a delinquent act by reason of mental disease or defect.
AB746: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: withholding sentences in cases involving operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and eligibility for an occupational license authorizing the operation of motor vehicles.
AB747: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: noncompliance with a municipal court order.
AB748: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: qualifications of reserve judges.
AB749: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of massage therapists and bodyworkers, creating a massage therapy and bodywork examining board, granting rule-making authority and providing a penalty.
AB750: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: gifts given or offered by prescription drug manufacturers and distributors to encourage practitioners to prescribe certain drugs and providing a penalty.
AB751: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating the petroleum storage environmental cleanup council (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of commerce).
AB752: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an income and franchise tax credit for businesses that purchase and operate distributed generation power generators and requiring the secretary of administration to reduce expenditure estimates for certain general purpose revenue appropriations.
AB753: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: defining marriage and recognizing valid marriages.
AB754: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an electric pollution board, establishing an electric pollution fund, requiring electric utilities and cooperative associations to remedy certain current-flow problems, imposing a surcharge on electric bills, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing penalties.
AB755: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the notice of changed property tax assessments, the monitoring of property tax assessments, the filing deadline for property tax reassessment petitions, the recertification of local assessment personnel, the procedure for challenging tax lien foreclosures on property that is exempt from taxation, the administration of the property tax exemption for computers, and providing a penalty.
AB756: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying the definition of income under the homestead tax credit and the farmland preservation tax credit.
AB757: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: vehicle extrication training grants, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB758: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: bear hunting by certain minors.
AB759: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sturgeon spearing licenses; the sturgeon stock, fishery, and habitat in the Lake Winnebago and upper Fox and Wolf rivers system; and making an appropriation.
AB760: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating and marking STH 122 as the Harriet Tubman Memorial Highway.
AB761: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: instruction in public schools on the requirement to register with the selective service system.
AB762: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales of consumer goods and services during periods of abnormal economic disruption, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB763: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: harboring a child runaway without the consent of the child's parent or guardian and providing a penalty.
AB764: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a fund to reduce state revenue shortfalls and requiring the department of revenue to prepare envelopes for contributions to the fund.
AB765: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: composition of the elections board.
AB766: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: immunity for the use of solid waste for public projects.
AB767: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the income and franchise tax credit for sales tax and use tax paid on fuel and electricity consumed in manufacturing.
AB768: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: references to the Internal Revenue Code for income and franchise tax purposes.
AB769: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales tax on motor vehicles purchased after a consumer receives a refund under a new motor vehicle warranty.
AB770: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fuel price gouging and providing a penalty.
AB771: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creation of the Wisconsin tribal-state council and making an appropriation.
AB772: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: preparation of tribal impact statements for bills that would have an impact on tribal governments or American Indians.
AB773: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: representations made regarding wild rice sold or offered for sale in this state, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB774: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the use of information in credit reports for issuing or setting premiums for motor vehicle insurance.
AB775: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: retirement benefits provided to educational support personnel under the Wisconsin retirement system.
AB776: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating cemeteries, cemetery associations, cemetery authorities, and cemetery salespersons, sales of certain funeral and burial merchandise and services, creating a cemetery board and a cemetery management insurance fund, granting rule-making authority, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB777: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the issuance of certificates of title transferring motor vehicle ownership in certain cases involving a refusal to take a test to determine an individual's blood alcohol concentration (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of transportation).
AB778: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the property tax exemption for nonprofit medical research foundations.
AB779: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: renaming the institute for environmental studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
AB780: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of certain sources of ionizing radiation (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of health and family services).
AB781: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revisions and additions to condominium law.
AB782: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: electric personal assistive mobility devices, granting rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
AB783: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: salaries paid to the governor, state senators, and representatives to the assembly during the 2003-04 legislature.
AB784: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating the negotiation and collection of demand drafts.
AB785: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reporting requirements on wood products that are cut from county forests.
AB786: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: to the effective period of comprehensive county forest land use plans.
AB787: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the advertising of a sale of timber that has an estimated value of $3,000 or more and that comes from state, county, or community forests.
AB788: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a council on forestry.
AB789: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting from income taxation the pension benefits of certain national guard technicians and interest and penalty waivers for certain payments made to national guard technicians.
AB790: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding related to forestry for the department of natural resources and making appropriations.
AB791: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the provision of fire protection by towns and villages and removing the attorney general's review of interstate compacts relating to fire fighting and emergency medical services.
AB792: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a retail establishment to adopt a policy permitting exclusion of a customer who is not properly attired.
AB793: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sale or distribution of mercury thermometers and providing a penalty.
AB794: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority to issue bonds to finance projects related to cultural facilities.
AB795: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an omnibus measure affecting the provision and administration of benefits provided to participants in the Wisconsin retirement system and granting rule-making authority.
AB796: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: battery and providing a penalty.
AB797: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: temporary alcohol beverage licenses for caterers.
AB798: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: thumbprints on motor vehicle operators' licenses and identification cards.
AB799: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Type 1 motorcycle, moped, and motor bicycle safety program; registration fees for motorcycles and mopeds, and making an appropriation.
AB800: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fees and surcharges related to pesticides, fertilizer, and feed, reimbursement under the agricultural chemical cleanup program, transfers from the agrichemical management fund to the environmental fund, and the required balance in the agricultural chemical cleanup fund.
AB801: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: campaign financing, official action in return for providing or withholding political contributions, services, or other things of value, lobbying regulation, designations for the Wisconsin election campaign fund by individuals filing state income tax returns, staffing of the elections board, providing exemptions from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing penalties.
AB802: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: minimum staffing requirements for nursing homes that do not primarily serve the developmentally disabled, requiring audits by the legislative audit bureau, requiring reports, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB803: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: assuring financial responsibility for the operation of motor vehicles, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB804: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: professional land surveyors and the practice of professional land surveying and granting rule-making authority.
AB805: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: investigations to determine compliance with certain prohibitions against selling or giving cigarettes and tobacco products to minors, requiring retailers to provide training to their employees on compliance with those prohibitions, authorizing counties and municipalities to enact ordinances prohibiting minors from purchasing or possessing cigarettes and tobacco products, requiring certain information to be included on an application for a license to sell, expose for sale, possess with intent to sell, exchange, barter, dispose of, or give cigarettes or tobacco products to a person, and providing an exemption from rule-making procedures.
AB806: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providers of medical assistance and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB807: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes regarding the department of financial institutions and persons regulated by the department of financial institutions and granting rule-making authority (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of financial institutions).
AB808: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: credit union reserve accounts.
AB809: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permanency planning for a child placed outside the home, required juvenile court findings when a child is placed outside the home, the expiration date of a juvenile court order placing or continuing the placement of a child outside the home, the requirement that a termination of parental rights petition be filed under certain circumstances, statements by foster parents at juvenile court hearings, and prohibiting a person who has committed an alcohol-related felony within the last 5 years from being licensed to operate a foster home or treatment foster home.
AB810: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transporting people to visit state prison inmates.
AB811: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: disclosures required in certain campaign advertisements.
AB812: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the requirement that an unemancipated minor obtain parental or other consent or a judicial waiver of that consent requirement before she may have an abortion.
AB813: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the beginning date authorized for the hunting of anterless deer in October.
AB814: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements for registering deer killed under the authority of a deer hunting license.
AB815: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorization to operate motorcycles.
AB816: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a procedure for cities and villages to annex town peninsulas.
AB817: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for new foreign language programs, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB818: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibited actions by telecommunications providers, administration and enforcement of the federal communications commission unauthorized carrier charge rules and remedies, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB819: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: references to the Internal Revenue Code for income and franchise tax purposes.
AB820: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: parental liability for acts of their minor child, recovery of damages for certain criminal actions, increasing the jurisdictional amount in small claims court, garnishment, attorney fees, exemption from execution of accounts, civil actions by collection agencies, earnings garnishment, retail theft, recovery in actions involving worthless checks, and revocation of fish and game approvals for which payment is made by worthless checks.
AB821: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prescription drug prices, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB822: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of bicycle helmets and providing a penalty.
AB823: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notaries public who are not attorneys and providing penalties.
AB824: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the name of the public service commission to the utility service commission.
AB825: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: defining emergency medical technician for purposes of the volunteer fire fighter and emergency medical technician service award program.
AB826: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes in election administration laws.
AB827: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transfers of ownership of vehicles.
AB828: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: operating an untitled, unregistered, or improperly registered vehicle and providing a penalty.
AB829: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating athlete agents, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing penalties.
AB830: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the installation of traffic control signals on highways and granting rule-making authority.
AB831: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting an organization or affiliate of an organization that engages in abortion-related activities from receiving certain public funds, prohibiting an organization that receives certain public funds from using other public and private funds for abortion-related activities, specifying restrictions on affiliation between certain organizations, changing the types of information that may be provided by organizations that receive the funds, changing requirements related to the maternal and child health program and family planning services, and requiring audits.
AB832: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: construction of electric generating facilities that affect residential wells.
AB833: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: references to the Internal Revenue Code for income and franchise tax purposes.
AB834: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: preparation of economic impact statements for bills and proposed administrative rules that would have a direct economic impact on the private sector.
AB835: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: alarm systems for sellers of firearms and providing a penalty.
AB836: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pipelines within the limits of a highway.
AB837: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting school boards from imposing residency requirements on teachers.
AB838: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a health services committee and a prioritized list of diagnoses and treatments for purposes of medical assistance coverage.
AB839: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the dismissal, in a child's best interest, of an action to rebut a presumption of paternity.
AB840: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the supplement to the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit and the state historic rehabilitation tax credit.
AB841: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: indexing for inflation the maximum income and maximum property taxes under the homestead tax credit.
AB842: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: legislative redistricting.
AB843: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: campaign financing, the procedure for enforcement of the election laws, nonrefundable income tax credits for certain donations to the Wisconsin election campaign fund, candidate time on public broadcasting television stations and public access channels, official action in return for providing or withholding political contributions, services, or other things of value, providing exemptions from certain emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
AB843: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: campaign financing, the procedure for enforcement of the election laws, nonrefundable income tax credits for certain donations to the Wisconsin election campaign fund, candidate time on public broadcasting television stations and public access channels, official action in return for providing or withholding political contributions, services, or other things of value, providing exemptions from certain emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
AB844: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: restricting the states' authority to bring lawsuits involving contingency fee arrangements.
AB845: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technicians and granting rule-making authority.
AB846: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the standard necessary to request preliminary breath screening tests.
AB847: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notice of new telephone numbers with commercial mobile radio service providers.
AB848: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: release of information regarding a veteran and providing a penalty.
AB849: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a declaration of and actions under a state of emergency related to public health, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
AB850: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a declaration of and actions under a state of emergency related to public health, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing a penalty.
AB850: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a declaration of and actions under a state of emergency related to public health, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing a penalty.
AB851: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: escapes by persons on probation, parole, extended supervision, or aftercare supervision and providing penalties.
AB852: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: awards for crime victims and their families, persons witnessing certain crimes, and children witnessing acts of domestic violence.
AB853: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: light rail mass transit systems and the urban mass transit operating assistance program.
AB854: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permitting vehicles that are hauling agricultural manure to exceed weight limits on certain highways.
AB855: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: provision of telephone number portability by wireless telecommunications providers.
AB856: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the statewide nursing home bed limit in an instance in which current nursing home licensed beds are transferred.
AB857: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring pharmacies and pharmacists, as a condition of medical assistance participation, to charge persons for prescription drugs no more than specific amounts; specifying requirements for rebate agreements between the department of health and family services and drug manufacturers or labelers; expanding prior authorization requirements under medical assistance; requiring the exercise of rule-making authority; making appropriations; and providing penalties.
AB858: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the prohibition against underage persons entering or being on any premises operating under an alcohol beverage license.
AB859: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the hunting of mourning doves and requiring a referendum.
AB860: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: emissions of air pollutants from certain power plants and granting rule-making authority.
AB861: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prison impact assessments.
AB862: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collection of fees, fines, forfeitures, assessments, and surcharges by credit or debit card, creating a late fine and forfeiture registry, and creation of a fine or forfeiture collection fee.
AB863: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the method of filling vacancies in certain county, city, village, and town of elective offices.
AB864: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the conversion of lands that are entered on the tax roll as forest croplands to lands that are entered on the tax roll as managed forest lands.
AB865: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the office of county executive in populous counties.
AB866: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the applicability of city and village comprehensive plans in unincorporated territory.
AB867: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing dairy product wholesalers to furnish freezer cabinets to dairy product retailers.
AB868: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the registration of replica and homemade vehicles.
AB869: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the frequency of local lodge meetings.
AB870: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: miscellaneous changes to the insurance laws related to the confidentiality of personal information obtained in the course of administering a state insurance fund, the statute of limitations for bringing an action against the patients compensation fund, the applicability of a timeliness requirement for the payment of insurance claims for chiropractic services, an exception from a requirement to obtain consent to incorporate certain publications by reference in administrative rules, the type of property for which the loss amount is the insurance limits, the renewal date for viatical settlement brokers' licenses, eliminating the requirement to keep a separate account for surplus lines taxes, issuance of temporary licenses for intermediaries, specifying by rule the amount of stop-loss reinsurance that a town mutual must obtain, standards related to assisting unauthorized insurers, reducing the minimum nonforfeiture interest rate for fixed individual annuities, and defining extraordinary dividends for life insurers; and granting rule-making authority.
AB871: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: salaries of county board supervisors and the county executive in Milwaukee County.
AB872: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the size of the county board of supervisors in populous counties.
AB873: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: required testing for E. coli or another appropriate indicator organism and posting of advisories at beaches on the shores of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.
AB874: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensing of electricians and electrical contractors, regulation of electrical construction, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB875: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an exemption from securities broker-dealer and securities agent licensing requirements.
AB876: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a loan from the general fund for the private employer health care coverage program, requiring the group insurance board to offer an additional health insurance plan for state employees, creating a small employer catastrophic reinsurance board, creating a small employer catastrophic care board, creating a small employer catastrophic care program fund, requiring small employer insurers to specify threshold levels of covered benefits and reimbursing small employer insurers that pay benefits in excess of the threshold, imposing an additional premium on small employer insurance to pay reimbursements to small employer insurers, creating a pilot program for reimbursing small employer insurers for claims costs for certain employees of small employers, authorizing assistance in negotiating prescription drug rebates and reducing prescription drug charges, providing notice of the right to independent review, requiring reports, providing exemptions from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB877: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating roofing contractors, creating a roofing advisory council, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
AB878: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the funding of kindergarten programs.
AB879: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the funding of 4-year-old kindergarten programs.
AB880: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring Indian gaming compacts to contain provisions requiring that a sign stating the expected loss per hour of play be displayed on gambling machines.
AB881: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of investment adviser representatives.
AB882: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: annual submittal to the department of health and family services of budgets for contracted services and for community aids.
AB883: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Authority and providing a penalty.
AB884: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: domestic abuse arrests and providing a penalty.
AB885: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring defined network plans to provide notice regarding reproductive health care services.
AB886: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: waiver of certain state purchasing requirements.
AB887: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the eligibility of employees of cities, villages, towns, and counties to be candidates for elective public office.
AB888: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the conversion of lands that are entered on the tax roll as forest croplands to lands that are entered on the tax roll as managed forest lands.
AB889: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a wireless 911 board; imposing a surcharge on wireless telephone customers; making grants for wireless 911 emergency telephone service; allowing adjustments in telecommunications utility rates for expenses in supporting wireless 911 emergency telephone service; requiring wireless number portability; jurisdictional and enforcement authority of the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection; construction and ownership of telecommunications facilities by local units of government; services provided by telecommunications providers; authority of the public service commission regarding area codes and telephone numbers; allowing for adjustments in incentive-regulated telecommunication utility rates; requesting the joint legislative council to study retail and wholesale telecommunications services; granting rule-making authority; and making appropriations.
AB890: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expanding the volunteer health care provider program to include provision of services in public elementary and secondary schools.
AB891: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulation of the sale of motor vehicle fuel below cost.
AB892: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: credit union membership, powers, and operation; the application of agriculture, trade, and consumer protection statutes to credit unions; the creation of a new type of financial institution; the powers of and requirements applicable to the new type of financial institution; the priority of certain wage claim liens over a prior lien of a financial institution; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and providing a penalty.
AB893: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the assignment of pupils to schools or programs under the open enrollment program.
AB894: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the prohibition of certain billing practices for consumer goods or services, lawn care service contracts, granting rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
AB895: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authority of a drainage board to maintain drains, assessments levied by drainage boards, and the dissemination of comprehensive plans.
AB896: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transporting buildings on the highways, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB897: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax subtract modification for jury service.
AB898: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a pharmacy outreach program.
AB899: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the expenditure of $1,483,781.60 from moneys appropriated to the department of transportation for payment of a claim against the state made by James Cape and Sons Company.
AB900: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $10,842 from the general fund in payment of a claim against the state made by Terri Nielson d/b/a Tech Trak Consulting.
AB901: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: motor vehicle accidents resulting in property damage and duty to report accidents resulting in damage to publicly owned vehicles.
AB902: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the prohibition against adults knowingly permitting or failing to take action to prevent the illegal consumption of alcohol beverages by underage persons.
AB903: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: escapes from community-based residential facilities by persons on conditional release and providing a penalty.
AB904: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the employer of a minor from interviewing the minor in connection with an allegation of employee misconduct unless the employer first provides notice of the interview to the minor's parent or guardian and permits the parent or guardian to be present at the interview.
AB905: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring state agencies, political subdivisions, and housing, redevelopment, and community development authorities, as well as subsidy recipients, to report on subsidies provided to businesses; requiring certain disclosures by business subsidy applicants; prohibiting business subsidies under certain circumstances; requiring the legislative audit bureau to publish a report on business subsidies and to evaluate their effectiveness; defining a full-time job for purposes of development zone tax credits; and providing a penalty.
AB906: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: vehicles operated in a funeral procession.
AB907: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring cities, villages, and towns to pay certain amounts to the overlying taxing jurisdictions of certain tax-exempt country clubs.
AB908: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: admission, denial of admission, provision of services, transfer, and discharge for individuals by nursing facilities and community-board residential facilities that are providers of medical assistance.
AB909: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: bonus payments to veterans who served in a war period or crisis, beginning with those veterans who served in World War II, and making appropriations.
AB910: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting persons who provide broadcast and cable television services from transmitting programming that is encrypted in a certain manner.
AB911: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the late return of a rented personal property and providing a penalty.
AB912: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: composition of the elections and ethics boards.
AB913: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing coverage under the Wisconsin retirement system for certain city and county elected officials.
AB914: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the designation and marking of certain highways and bridges.
AB915: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mining for minerals on lands owned by the state and under the jurisdiction of the department of natural resources, sale of lands by the department of natural resources, and providing a penalty.
AB916: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exemptions from rules regulating mining and regulating the storage and disposal of mining waste.
AB917: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: information concerning persons who intend to engage in mining and related entities and denial of mining permits.
AB918: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the personal property tax exemption for computers.
AB919: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: treatment of contributions of money made by individuals or organizations acting as conduits.
AB920: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: registration and reporting by principals who employ lobbyists to attempt to influence certain actions of state agencies.
AB921: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: health care for low-income child care workers under the badger care health care program, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB922: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: imposing the sales tax on the lease of luxury boxes, sky boxes, and club seats at sports facilities.
AB923: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting a person who has been convicted of certain serious crimes against property from being licensed to operate, employed or contracted with by, or permitted to reside at, an entity that provides direct care or treatment services to clients.
AB924: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensing hospital administrators and granting rule-making authority.
AB925: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a hospital rate-setting commission and hospital rate-setting council; setting hospital rates; creating a program to review hospital capital expenditures and other activities of hospitals; granting rule-making authority; making appropriations; and providing penalties.
AB926: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: tax-exempt, long-term care expenses accounts.
AB927: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the department of health and family services to maintain a voluntary registry of persons who provide care and supervision for children, but who are not licensed to provide that care and supervision or employed or contracted with by a person who is licensed to provide that care and supervision, and making an appropriation.
AB928: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a state waterfront development program and creating a council on that program.
AB929: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the department of commerce to develop a broadband Internet service provider map and database and granting rule-making authority.
AB930: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the department of health and family services to prepare and distribute informational materials describing the duty of a parent to provide protection, care, supervision, and support for the parent's child and the possible legal consequences of a failure to perform that duty and listing agencies that provide services for children and families.
AB931: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: motor vehicle emission inspections.
AB932: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating the tax on personal property.
AB933: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, and eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions (Revisor's Revision Bill).
AB934: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, and eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions (Revisor's Revision Bill).
AB935: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).
AB936: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).
AB937: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).
AB938: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting, and clarifying references, and eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions (Revisor's Revision Bill).
AB939: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fees for recording and filing documents with the office of register of deeds.
AJR1: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the right of individuals to fish, hunt, trap, and take game (first consideration).
AJR2: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the vote on bills that would increase certain tax rates (first consideration).
AJR3: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Edgar E. Lien.
AJR4: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending Dick Bennett on his career, accomplishments, and contributions to Wisconsin basketball.
AJR5: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: memorializing Congress to establish daylight savings time year-round throughout the United States.
AJR6: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reasonable limits on state or local campaign expenditures (first consideration).
AJR7: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the vote on bills that would increase certain tax rates or broaden the base of the state sales tax (first consideration).
AJR8: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: procedures for committees of conference.
AJR9: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the number of consecutive terms permitted for state constitutional officers and members of the state legislature (first consideration).
AJR10: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the annual percentage increase in property taxes assessed on real property (first consideration).
AJR11: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of LeRoy Pete Litscher.
AJR12: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commemorating and supporting the achievements and contributions of the Boy Scouts of America.
AJR13: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: 4-year terms of office for certain county officers (first consideration).
AJR14: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requesting appropriate action by the U.S. Congress to propose an amendment to the federal constitution for the direct election by the people of the U.S. president and vice president.
AJR15: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the joint rules.
AJR16: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: when conferences of members of committees of conference are open to the public.
AJR17: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fund-raising social events in Dane County during floorperiods and special and extraordinary sessions.
AJR18: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: celebrating March 1, 2001, as St. David's Day.
AJR19: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming May 18, 19, and 20, 2001, Syttende Mai Weekend.
AJR20: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending the student athletes, coaches, and staff of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Volleyball Team for their achievements.
AJR21: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Ben Marcus.
AJR22: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: appointment of county officers and vacancies in county and judicial circuit offices (first consideration).
AJR23: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an independent right of privacy of individuals (first consideration).
AJR24: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: 4-year terms of office for clerks of circuit court (first consideration).
AJR25: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Joseph L. Looby.
AJR26: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Sister Thomas More Bertels.
AJR27: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congratulating Marlene A. Cummings for her long-term services and wishing her well in her future endeavors.
AJR28: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: memorializing Congress to close the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, formerly known as the United States Army School of the Americas.
AJR29: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending Joe Leean for his years of public service in the Wisconsin state senate and the department of health and family services.
AJR30: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commemorating the distinguished record and public service of Cate Zeuske.
AJR31: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the life of Ben Barkin.
AJR32: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging the Wisconsin congressional delegation to work to enact legislation that would remove social security numbers from hunting and fishing license applications.
AJR33: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: preparation of additional local fiscal estimates by the legislative fiscal bureau.
AJR34: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the legislative reference bureau to include delayed effective dates in certain drafts.
AJR35: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supporting a women's health platform that recognizes serious inequities in the health prevention and treatment of women and calls for the elimination of these inequities to improve the health status of women in this state.
AJR36: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring and commending the devoted public service of Sue Ann Thompson.
AJR37: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: senate confirmation of justices appointed by the governor (first consideration).
AJR38: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing Ben Brancel for his 16 years of dedication and commitment to the state of Wisconsin and its people.
AJR39: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and community service of Leo Frigo.
AJR40: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the partial veto power of the governor (first consideration).
AJR41: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the number of terms permitted for governors (first consideration).
AJR42: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and accomplishments of Edwin Lee Mathews, Sr.
AJR43: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Blair L. Testin.
AJR44: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: calling upon the U.S. Congress to investigate the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty.
AJR45: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming the month of May as "Community Action Month" in the state of Wisconsin.
AJR46: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging all Wisconsinites to observe March as "Women's History Month."
AJR47: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a sister-state relationship with the Cap Vert Region of Senegal.
AJR48: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring and commending the devoted public service of Sue Ann Thompson.
AJR49: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying the session schedule for the 2001-2002 biennial session period to extend the March 2001 floorperiod solely for consideration of 2001 Senate Bill 54 and 2001 Assembly Bill 215.
AJR50: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring local approval of certain local taxes and charges (first consideration).
AJR51: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: memorializing the U.S. Congress to provide funding for research on recycled lumber by the Forest Products Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service.
AJR52: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: abolishing the office of lieutenant governor (first consideration).
AJR53: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requesting appropriate action by the U.S. Congress to propose an amendment to the federal constitution empowering the Congress to prohibit physical desecration of the flag of the United States of America.
AJR54: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a committee of conference on electoral reform.
AJR55: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a committee of conference on 2001 Senate Bill 55, the executive budget bill of the 2001 legislature.
AJR56: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging Congress to enact H.R. 40 of the 1st Session of the 107th Congress, which acknowledges the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and establishes a commission to examine the institution of slavery and make recommendations to Congress on appropriate remedies.
AJR57: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: memorializing Congress to study and modify the social security earnings limit.
AJR58: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: domestic violence awareness.
AJR59: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming September 11th of each year as a State Day of Remembrance.
AJR60: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending the President of the United States, the United States Congress, the United States armed forces, and the servicemen and servicewomen called into duty in connection with Operation Enduring Freedom.
AJR61: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of John Quentin Radcliffe.
AJR62: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requesting the legislative council to study terrorism.
AJR63: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requesting a study on privacy.
AJR64: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the vote on bills that would increase certain tax rates or make certain taxing and spending decisions; and elector approval for certain taxing and spending decisions by the state and local governmental units, emergency taxes, required reserves, state mandates, continuation of state payments to other governmental units, refunds of amounts in excess of the approved amounts and reduction of tax rates to reflect the excess of revenues over expenditures (first consideration).
AJR65: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging Congress to provide a permanent annual payment in lieu of taxes to the town and county of Menominee.
AJR66: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supporting President Bush's efforts to extend unemployment insurance benefits and urging support of a universal extension of unemployment insurance benefits to cover all 50 states and all workers.
AJR67: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: memorializing Congress to pass House Resolution 97, the Notch Fairness Act of 2001.
AJR68: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the 1,700th anniversary of Armenian Christianity.
AJR69: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring and commending the devoted public service of David A. Stella.
AJR70: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: strongly urging the former members of the Wisconsin legislature who are members of Congress to work to immediately enact the Aviation Security Act.
AJR71: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending the State Capitol Police.
AJR72: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the 1,700th anniversary of Armenian Christianity.
AJR73: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging Congress to support increased oral health care access in the United States.
AJR74: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending Dr. James Thomson and his research team, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation for their pioneering work in embryonic stem cell research and asking the federal government to designate the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a National Center of Excellence for Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
AJR75: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: time for consideration of reports of committees of conference.
AJR76: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Judge Stanley A. Miller.
AJR77: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Ervin Butch Conradt.
AJR78: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: renaming the Supermax Correctional Institution the Tommy G. Thompson Supermax Correctional Institution.
AJR79: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Robert O. Uehling.
AJR80: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congratulating the chancellor, faculty, staff, and students of the University of Wisconsin-Stout on the receipt of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
AJR81: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the distribution of state funds to public school districts (first consideration).
AJR82: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: celebrating March 1, 2002, as St. David's Day.
AJR83: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Wisconsin Governor and Federal Judge John W. Reynolds, Jr.
AJR84: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing and congratulating Terry Mulcahy for his long service to the people of the state of Wisconsin and the United States of America.
AJR85: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congratulating Brenda J. Blanchard for her long-term service to the citizens of Wisconsin and wishing her well in her future endeavors.
AJR86: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the 60th anniversary of the Civil Air Patrol.
AJR87: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commemorating the United States Military Academy at West Point on its bicentennial anniversary.
AJR88: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming May 17, 18, and 19, 2002, Syttende Mai Weekend.
AJR89: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: declaring February African-American History and Cultural Heritage Month.
AJR90: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: policy of executive branch consultation with tribal governments.
AJR91: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state recognition of the sovereign status of federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands.
AJR92: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the mighty 8th Air Force.
AJR93: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of former Wisconsin Congressman Henry S. Reuss.
AJR94: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing Harley-Davidson, Inc., for being selected by Forbes Magazine as Company of the Year.
AJR95: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging Congress to establish September 11 as National Fire Fighters/Police Officers Day.
AJR96: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the retirement of Cliff Miller.
AJR97: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending the Wisconsin 4-H youth development program.
AJR98: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing and thanking all who served as members of the Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission for their hard work and dedication.
AJR99: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: strongly urging the U.S. senate to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
AJR100: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Wisconsin School for the Deaf Sesquicentennial.
AJR101: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending the Wisconsin Elks Association on its 100th anniversary.
AJR102: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congratulating and commending the University of Wisconsin Men's Basketball Team on its 2001-2002 Big Ten Conference Championship.
AJR103: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the retirement of John D. Powell.
AJR104: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the legislature to reduce property taxes on principal dwellings owned and occupied by residents of this state (first consideration).
AJR105: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: memorializing Congress to pass House Resolution 1717, to require department of veterans affairs pharmacies to dispense medications to veterans for prescriptions written by private practitioners.
AJR106: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Reino A. Perala.
AJR107: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging Congress and the President to reduce the risks of a nuclear holocaust.
AR1: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notifying the senate and the governor that the 2001-2002 assembly is organized.
AR2: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing the assembly committee structure and names for the 2001-2002 legislative session.
AR3: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the assembly rules.
AR4: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Coach Al McGuire.
AR5: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: declaring February African-American History and Cultural Heritage Month.
AR6: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: celebrating February 6, 2001, as Ronald Reagan Day in the state of Wisconsin.
AR7: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: calling upon the U.S. Congress to investigate the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty.
AR8: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: assembly confirmation of nominations for appointment.
AR9: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending and congratulating Ron Wolf for his service and thanking him for his contribution to the Green Bay Packers and the people of Wisconsin.
AR10: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: veto review procedure.
AR11: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limitation on campaign depository account balances.
AR12: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the ending time of the daily sessions of the assembly.
AR13: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring public hearings on proposals.
AR14: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: special-interest fiscal estimates.
AR15: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the veto review process.
AR16: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: unanimous consent requests.
AR17: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reporting of campaign contributions before the executive budget bill is passed.
AR18: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the legislative reference bureau to include delayed effective dates in certain drafts.
AR19: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the number of assembly employees assigned to each member.
AR20: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the assignment of duties and responsibilities of press spokesperson to an assembly employee.
AR21: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: preparation of additional local fiscal estimates by the legislative fiscal bureau.
AR22: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibitions on campaign contributions before the executive budget bill is passed.
AR23: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting campaign contributions between January 1 of each odd-numbered year and June 1 of the next even-numbered year.
AR24: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: assembly confirmation of the governor's appointment of Senator Margaret A. Farrow as lieutenant governor.
AR25: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and community service of Leo Frigo.
AR26: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a special order of business for Thursday, March 8, 2001.
AR27: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending Jason Wildfong for his devoted service to the nation and this state.
AR28: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the amount that the assembly may spend for contracted services in the redistricting of congressional and legislative districts.
AR29: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Michael Joyce.
AR30: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life, military service, and sacrifice of Marc Ian Nieto, of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
AR31: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Professor Joel Carl Welty.
AR32: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Jim Besson, mayor of Greenfield.
AR33: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending the La Crosse Logan High School baseball team, their accomplishments this season, and victory in the WIAA Division 1 baseball tournament final.
AR34: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau.
AR35: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging increased awareness of Adhesion Related Disorder.
AR36: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging Congress to enact the Steel Revitalization Act of 2001.
AR37: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supporting President Bush's efforts to extend unemployment insurance benefits and urging support of a universal extension of unemployment insurance benefits to cover all 50 states and all workers.
AR38: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authorization by the joint committee on legislative organization for 12 assembly positions.
AR39: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming November 12 of each year as Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Day in Wisconsin.
AR40: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a special order of business for Wednesday, October 17, 2001.
AR41: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the assignment of employees to the assembly majority party.
AR42: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: memorializing Congress to enact the Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act of 2001.
AR43: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the life and achievements of Jesselyn Marie Karbon and the efforts of her mother, Rosemarie Rose.
AR44: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supporting an initiative seeking a just and peaceful resolution of the situation in Cyprus.
AR45: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring members of the Wisconsin assembly who are military veterans and those who continue to serve the military while holding a public office.
AR46: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: petitioning the President of the United States and the U.S. Congress to enact legislation that would define the political status options available to the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico and authorize a plebiscite to provide an opportunity for Puerto Ricans to make an informed decision regarding the island's future political status.
AR47: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: celebrating February 6, 2002, as Ronald Reagan Day in the state of Wisconsin.
AR48: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commemorating the United States Military Academy at West Point on its bicentennial anniversary.
AR49: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the payment by the assembly of legal fees for any legal work related to preparation of a request or for presentation or defense of a request for prior restraint of the media.
AR50: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: committee votes in the presence of the committee.
AR51: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: review before the payment by the assembly of legal fees for representatives to the assembly, assembly employees, and assembly committees.
AR52: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requesting the U.S. Congress not to attempt to repeal or rescind any of the tax relief legislation passed by the U.S. Congress in May 2001.
AR53: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending and congratulating the cities of Madison and Milwaukee for reaching the status of union cities.
AR54: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a special order of business for Monday, March 4, 2002.
AR55: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supporting a women's health platform that recognizes serious inequities in the health prevention and treatment of women and calls for the elimination of these inequities to improve the health status of women in this state.
AR56: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: urging authorization of funding for modernization of lock and dam infrastructure on the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers' Inland Waterways Transportation System.
AR57: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending the Wisconsin Elks Association on its 100th anniversary.
AR58: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing the week beginning the first week in April as Public Health Awareness Week.
SB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring pharmacies and pharmacists, as a condition of medical assistance participation, to charge elderly persons for prescription drugs no more than specific amounts; specifying requirements for rebate agreements between the department of health and family services and drug manufacturers; requiring the department of health and family services to seek a waiver to provide medical assistance eligibility to certain persons for purposes of a prescription drug benefit; requiring the exercise of rule-making authority; making appropriations; and providing penalties.
SB2: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the scope of regulation and reporting of information by nonresident registrants under the campaign finance law.
SB3: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the appointment of the secretary of natural resources.
SB4: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing a school district's revenue limit by the amount spent to initiate a school breakfast or school lunch program and requiring a report on pupil nourishment.
SB5: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reimbursement of emergency response teams and granting rule-making authority.
SB6: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: lamps emitting a flashing red or white light on bicycles and motor bicycles.
SB7: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the filing of certain forms related to a tax incremental financing district.
SB8: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a sales tax and use tax exemption for clothing and shoes.
SB9: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revising the Uniform Commercial Code Secured Transactions and related statutes and granting rule-making authority.
SB10: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: motorists approaching certain authorized emergency vehicles or tow trucks stopped near a highway and providing a penalty.
SB11: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: intoxicating-liquor pouring devices and providing a penalty.
SB12: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the inclusion of an individual's social security number on certain documents issued or used by the state.
SB13: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creditable military service under the Wisconsin retirement system.
SB14: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: apprenticeship training and making appropriations.
SB15: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the denial, revocation, suspension, withholding, or restriction of approvals issued under chapter 29 of the statutes based on the failure of the approval applicants or approval holders to provide social security numbers.
SB16: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sales tax on sales of lists.
SB17: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the priority of a wage claim lien.
SB18: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for the badger care health care program and making appropriations.
SB19: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring headlights and other required lamps on vehicles to be lighted while windshield wipers are being used and providing a penalty.
SB20: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: universal service fund surcharges on customer bills by telecommunications providers.
SB21: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: universal service fund surcharges on customer bills by commercial mobile radio service providers.
SB22: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a civil action for the recovery of damages for sexual assault to a child.
SB23: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: operation and costs of municipal cable television systems.
SB24: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain state agencies or any city, village, town, or county from using the word "Squaw" in the name of a public place, highway, or geographic feature.
SB25: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of ethnic names, nicknames, logos and mascots by school boards, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
SB26: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exposing a child to harmful material.
SB27: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting sales of U.S. flags and state flags from the sales tax and the use tax.
SB28: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: relinquishing custody of a newborn child and granting rule-making authority.
SB29: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: low-speed vehicles, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
SB30: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: renaming the women's minimum security correctional facility at Union Grove, Racine County.
SB31: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: basing certain urban mass transit operating assistance payments on projected operating expenses.
SB32: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating recovery for persons injured while involved in a felony.
SB33: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a state minimum wage, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
SB34: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: classifying certain teachers employed by the state as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin retirement system.
SB35: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transferring toll-free calls to pay-per-call services or international numbers, creating certain disclosure and reporting requirements, and providing a penalty.
SB36: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting from taxation certain amounts of pension income received by an individual.
SB37: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: water quality certification for wetlands.
SB38: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the speed limit at certain intersections marked with school crossing signs and providing a penalty.
SB39: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing a "Class A" licensee to provide wine free of charge for consumption on the licensee's premises.
SB40: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain telephone solicitations, requiring the registration of telephone solicitors, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing penalties.
SB41: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of caller identification blocking services by telephone solicitors.
SB42: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collective bargaining dispute settlement procedures for members of a police department employed by a city, village, or town having a population of less than 2,500.
SB43: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: nonmoving traffic violations involving rented or leased motor vehicles.
SB44: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authority of the department of natural resources to regulate high capacity wells.
SB45: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the hunting of the bird that is the symbol of peace for this state.
SB46: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: executive participating employee status under the Wisconsin retirement system for certain court commissioners.
SB47: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: enforcement of motor vehicle safety belt violations and providing a penalty.
SB48: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an optional holiday for state employees to observe the birthday of Cesar E. Chavez.
SB49: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an office of public intervenor in the department of justice and making an appropriation.
SB50: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limitations on state appropriations from general purpose revenue.
SB51: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring certain cemetery authorities to provide for burials during each season.
SB52: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: contracts with persons who take depositions.
SB53: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proceeds from the sale of forest products at Badger Army Ammunition Plant and making an appropriation.
SB54: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: discharges of dredged or fill material into nonfederal wetlands.
SB55: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2001 legislature.
SB56: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: following snowplows and providing a penalty.
SB57: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a permit authorizing the operation upon a highway of a specialized hauling rig that exceeds statutory size and weight limits.
SB58: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of snowmobile rail crossings.
SB59: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authority of a court to suspend a person's operating privilege for violations of ordinances unrelated to the operation of a motor vehicle or for failing to pay a penalty for such a violation.
SB60: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authority of a court to suspend a juvenile's operating privilege for violations of ordinances unrelated to the operation of a motor vehicle or for failing to pay a penalty for such a violation.
SB61: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: granting high school diplomas posthumously to veterans.
SB62: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: campaign financing, lobbying regulation, designations for the Wisconsin election campaign fund by individuals filing state income tax returns, income and franchise tax deductions for certain business expenses related to lobbying, creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain campaign contributions, composition and staffing of the elections board, providing exemptions from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
SB63: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: division of municipalities into wards; redistricting of supervisory and aldermanic districts; election districts in 1st class city school systems; recording of certain municipal annexations; the effective date of certain annexation and detachment actions; and making an appropriation.
SB64: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: shared revenue payments for former utility property.
SB65: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax and use tax exemption on tangible personal property used in the business of farming.
SB66: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: certain applicants for preference points under the cumulative preference system for issuing Class A bear hunting licenses.
SB67: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring public service commission approval of mergers, consolidations, and certain other transactions involving telecommunications utilities.
SB68: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: appointment of students to the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
SB69: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state aid for special education and school age parents programs.
SB70: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring law enforcement officers to report traffic violations and accidents involving any foreign diplomat to the federal department of state.
SB71: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: uniform fees chargeable for certified duplicate health care records and X-ray reports and referral of X-rays and granting rule-making authority.
SB72: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the state superintendent of public instruction to award grants for family involvement in education projects and making appropriations.
SB73: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating school district revenue limits and making an appropriation.
SB74: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: excusing persons from jury service.
SB75: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fees charged by notary publics.
SB76: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for small businesses that pay a guarantee fee.
SB77: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the department of workforce development to submit to the governor, the joint committee on finance, the department of administration, and certain standing committees a statewide plan for providing employment and support services to low-income, noncustodial parents.
SB78: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the licensure of child welfare agencies and the classification of an educational institution as a private school.
SB79: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: making an appropriation for the tuition, Wisconsin higher education, and Lawton minority undergraduate grant programs.
SB80: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating emergency detention under the fifth standard of dangerousness, eliminating termination of involuntary civil commitments under the fifth standard of dangerousness, permitting only petitions approved by the attorney general to be filed for involuntary civil commitment under the fifth standard of dangerousness, and providing access by the corporation counsel to court records and treatment records of persons receiving services for mental illness, developmental disabilities, alcoholism or drug dependence.
SB81: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the private employer health care coverage program and making an appropriation.
SB82: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: participation in the programming of a youth report center as a condition of a juvenile disposition, sanction, deferred prosecution agreement, or consent decree.
SB83: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the payment of costs of persons in jails.
SB84: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: payday loan providers and providing a penalty.
SB85: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permits for the possession or use of certain fireworks, sales of fireworks to certain organizations and groups, liability for the use of illegally sold fireworks, and the authority of district attorneys to enforce laws relating to fireworks.
SB86: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: time limits for a police and fire commission or another governing body to render a decision related to the suspension of a law enforcement officer or firefighter.
SB87: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: termination of a tenancy if notice given regarding drug or criminal gang activity.
SB88: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: receiverships for public nuisance.
SB89: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting a parent who has physical placement of a child from taking the child to certain foreign counties without the agreement of the other parent.
SB90: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: crediting military service for certain participants in the Wisconsin retirement system who retired before March 9, 1984, due to layoff, and making an appropriation.
SB91: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: federal waivers to waive certain work requirements under the food stamp program.
SB92: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notice to a victim of the right to make a statement at sentencing or disposition.
SB93: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales and taste samples of fruit-based intoxicating liquor for consumption on or off the premises where manufactured or rectified.
SB94: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for food pantries, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
SB95: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the right to discovery in implied consent cases involving drunk driving.
SB96: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulation of social workers, advanced practice social workers, independent social workers, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, and art, music, and dance therapists, insurance coverage for services provided by clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
SB97: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: issuance of bonus deer hunting permits to certain farm owners who are engaged in the production of maple syrup.
SB98: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the property tax exemption for property owned by the Young Men's Christian Association.
SB99: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory operating privilege suspension for certain firearms offenses and bomb scares involving school premises.
SB100: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school conference and activities leave.
SB101: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: residency requirements for persons who wish to take an examination for the position of deputy sheriff.
SB102: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the prohibition against underage persons entering or being on any premises operating under an alcohol beverage license.
SB103: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: jurisdiction in divorces.
SB104: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: campaign financing, providing exemptions from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, making appropriations and providing penalties.
SB104: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: campaign financing, providing exemptions from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, making appropriations and providing penalties.
SB105: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: payments to ethanol producers and making an appropriation.
SB106: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expressing child support as a fixed sum, requiring child support payers annually to furnish copies of tax returns, and providing for annual adjustments in child support.
SB107: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: membership of the dentistry examining board.
SB108: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensing perfusionists, creating a perfusionists examining council, and granting rule-making authority.
SB109: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating the investments of personal representatives, trustees, conservators, and guardians of the estate; and providing rules for allocations between principal and income for trusts and estates.
SB110: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: polling hours, time off from work for service as an election official, training of election officials, voting by felons and immigrants, requiring studies and recommendations with regard to voter registration and multilingual voting needs, establishing satellite stations for purposes of conducting voter registration and absentee voting, and granting rule-making authority.
SB110: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: polling hours, time off from work for service as an election official, training of election officials, voting by felons and immigrants, requiring studies and recommendations with regard to voter registration and multilingual voting needs, establishing satellite stations for purposes of conducting voter registration and absentee voting, and granting rule-making authority.
SB111: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: classifying county jailers as protective occupation participants for the purposes of the Wisconsin retirement system.
SB112: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the biennial fee for certification of an adult day care center as a provider of medical assistance.