Note: Replaces disfavored terms, inserts specific references, and divides long
provision for improved readability.
AB938, s. 37 15Section 37. 71.55 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,19,2116 71.55 (3) Forms to be provided by department. In administering this
17subchapter, the department of revenue shall make available suitable forms with
18instructions for claimants, including a form which that may be included with, or as
19a part of, the individual income tax blank form. In preparing homestead credit forms,
20the department of revenue shall provide a space for identification of the county and
21city, village or town in which the claimant resides.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms.
AB938, s. 38 22Section 38. 73.03 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
173.03 (5) To collect annually from all town, city, village, county, and other public
2officers information as to regarding the assessment of property, and such any other
3information as that may be needful necessary in the work of the department, in such
4the form and upon such blanks as forms that the department shall prescribe; and it
5shall be the duty of all
. All public officers so called upon to fill out shall properly
6complete and return promptly return to the department all blanks so transmitted.
7forms received from the department under this subsection.
AB938,20,9 8(5g) To examine all town, village, city, and county records for such any purposes
9as that are deemed needful considered necessary by the department.
AB938,20,12 10(5r) To publish annually the information collected under subs. (5) and (5g),
11with such any compilations, analyses , or recommendations as may be deemed
that the department determines are necessary.
Note: Subdivides provision to make each individual direction a separate
subsection, replaces disfavored terms, inserts specific references, and reorders text for
more logical placement.
AB938, s. 39 13Section 39. 73.10 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 73.10 (2) (a) 1. (intro.)
14and amended to read:
AB938,20,1615 73.10 (2) (a) 1. (intro.) The department shall collect annually from all town, city,
16village, county, and other public officers, information as to the all of following:
AB938,20,18 17a. Information regarding the collection of taxes, receipts from licenses, and
18other sources,.
AB938,20,20 19b. Information regarding the expenditure of public funds for all purposes, and
AB938,20,22 21c. Any other information as that is needed considered necessary by the
12. Information collected under subd. 1. shall be in such form and upon such
2blanks as
on forms prescribed by the department prescribes, including but not
3limited to the
that include any requirements under par. (b). All public officers so
4called upon
requested to provide information under subd. 1. shall fill out properly
5complete and return promptly return to the department all blanks so forms
6transmitted. to them by the department.
AB938,21,12 73. The department shall examine all town, village, city, county, and other public
8records for such purposes as that the department deems considers necessary. The
9department shall publish annually the information collected under this paragraph,
10with such any compilations, analyses , or recommendations as are deemed that the
11department determines are
necessary. The department shall disseminate
12information concerning local government accounting, auditing, and fiscal matters.
Note: Subdivides long provision for improved readability, replaces disfavored
terms, inserts specific references, and reorders text for more logical placement.
AB938, s. 40 13Section 40. 73.10 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 73.10 (2) (b) 1. (intro.)
14and amended to read:
AB938,21,1615 73.10 (2) (b) 1. (intro.) The department may require by rule that all of the
AB938,21,18 17a. That the information it needs under par. (a) be submitted as annual financial
18statements, notes to the financial statements, and supporting schedules, that.
AB938,21,21 19b. That the statements, notes, and schedules under subd. 1. a. conform to
20generally accepted accounting principles promulgated by the governmental
21accounting standards board or its successor bodies and that.
AB938,21,23 22c. That the statements, notes, and schedules under subd. 1. a. be audited in
23accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
12. Notwithstanding s. 227.01 (13) (j), a rule promulgated under this paragraph
2is subject to the requirements of ch. 227.
Note: Subdivides long provision for improved readability and adds a clarifying
term and cross-references.
AB938, s. 41 3Section 41. 76.28 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,22,174 76.28 (7) Reports Statements. Every light, heat, and power company shall, on
5or before March 1 in each year, make and return to the department, in the form and
6upon the blanks forms that the department prescribes, a true statement of the
7operation of its the company's business during the preceding calendar year, including
8provision of the "amount shown in the account plus leased property" for purposes of
9the payment to municipalities and counties under s. 79.04. That The statement shall
10be certified by the president and treasurer of the company or 2 of the company's
11principal officers. For sufficient reason shown, the department may, upon written
12request, allow any further time for making and filing the report statement that it
the department considers necessary but not to exceed 30 days. If any company
14fails to file that report the statement within the time prescribed or as extended under
15this subsection, the department shall add to the taxes due from that company $25,
16and no company may contest the imposition of that penalty in any action or
Note: Replaces disfavored terms and replaces "report" with "statement" for
internal consistency.
AB938, s. 42 18Section 42. 76.48 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,23,819 76.48 (2) Every electric cooperative shall on or before March 15 in each year
20make and return to the department of revenue, in the form and upon the blanks
21forms that the department prescribes and furnishes, a true statement of the gross
22receipts from the operation of its the cooperative's business during the preceding

1calendar year together with such other information that the department requires to
2enforce this section. The statement shall be verified by the president and treasurer
3of the electric cooperative making the return. Upon written request, the department
4may grant an extension of not to exceed 30 days within which to file for filing the
5return, not to exceed 30 days. If any electric cooperative fails to file the return within
6the time prescribed by law, or as extended by the department, the department shall
7add to the taxes due from the electric cooperative $25, and the electric cooperative
8may not contest the imposition of that penalty in any action or proceeding.
Note: Replaces disfavored term.
AB938, s. 43 9Section 43. 86.03 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,23,1310 86.03 (5) Mutilation of trees. It shall be unlawful for any person to injure,
11mutilate, cut down, or destroy any shade tree growing on or within any street or
12highway in any incorporated village in this state, unless express permission so to do
13be first so has been granted by the village's board of trustees of such village.
Note: By definition, under s. 990.01 (45), village means an incorporated village.
A more specific term is inserted and text is reordered and modernized to improve
readability and conformity with current style.
AB938, s. 44 14Section 44. 93.07 (21) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,24,815 93.07 (21) Statistics. To compile at least once in 2 years statistics relating to
16the dairy industry in this state, and for such that purpose may forward to the owner
17or manager of any creamery, cheese factory, or condensary, or to any other person
18dealing in or manufacturing dairy products, blanks forms calling for specific
19information relating to such the dairy industry, and in. In the case of cheese
20factories, the information called for shall show include the number of pounds each
21of American, Swiss, limburger and brick cheese made in each factory. These blanks
22A person subject to this subsection shall, within 60 days from the receipt thereof, be

1be filled out and returned
of the forms from the department, complete and return the
to the department and all. All questions thereon propounded and all
3information required by such blanks the forms shall be answered and furnished, so
4far as it is within the power of such the person completing the form to answer the
or furnish the same, shall be answered and furnished information. The
6department may take other necessary steps to secure full and complete information
7and statistics relating to the dairy industry, and to promote the welfare of that the
Note: Replaces disfavored terms and reorders text to improve readability.
AB938, s. 45 9Section 45. 93.23 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 93.23 (1) (a) 1. (intro.)
10and amended to read:
AB938,24,1711 93.23 (1) (a) 1. (intro.) To each county, and any such organized agricultural
12society, association, or board in the state that complies with the requirements of this
, 95% of the first $8,000 actually paid in net premiums and 70% of all net
14premiums paid in excess of $8,000 at its annual fair upon livestock, articles of
15production, educational exhibits, agricultural implements and tools, domestic
16manufactures, mechanical implements, and productions ; but no one, subject to all
17of the following:
AB938,24,19 18a. No single premium so paid shall exceed the sum of $35 to a single person,
19or $75 for any town or other group premium.
AB938,24,23 20b. No fair, association, or board shall receive state aid unless its premium list,
21entry fees, and charges conform to uniform premium lists and other rules established
22under subd. 2., both as to premiums offered, amounts to be paid, entry fees to be
23charged, and all other charges for exhibiting.
Note: As originally adopted in ch. 14 of the laws of 1917, "such organized
agricultural society, association, or board" referred to a society, association, or board that

complied with the conditions of that statute, as described in the introductory paragraph
of that statute. The introductory language was recreated in ch. 67 of the laws of 1931 to
read substantially the same as the current s. 93.23 (1) (intro.) and left the remaining
"such" in s. 93.23 (1) (a) not referring to anything. That "such" is replaced here to reflect
the intent of the provision as originally drafted. Disfavored terms are replaced, specific
references are inserted, and the provision is subdivided for improved readability and
conformity with current style.
AB938, s. 46 1Section 46. 93.23 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,25,182 93.23 (1) (e) Not later than 30 days after the close of the fair each year the
3county clerk, or the person appointed therefor to file the statements under this
by the county board, agricultural society, association , or board claiming
5state aid, shall file with the department, on blanks forms provided by it the
, an itemized statement verified on oath, showing net premiums actually
7paid or to be paid at the preceding fair, which premiums must correspond with
8uniform premium lists and other requirements under par. (a). This report The
shall also include a statement that at such the fair all gambling devices
10whatsoever, the sale of intoxicating liquors, excepting fermented malt beverages,
11and exhibitions of immoral character were prohibited and excluded from the
12fairgrounds and all adjacent grounds under their the authority or control; and on of
13the county board, agricultural society, association, or board claiming state aid. On

14or before December 31 of the year in which the fair is held, the person filing the
15statements under this paragraph
shall furnish the department a statement of
16receipts and disbursements, attendance, and such any other information as that the
17department requires. Upon receipt of the required report, each fair shall be paid
18100%, or the prorated percentage, of the aid due the preceding year.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms and inserts specific references.
AB938, s. 47 19Section 47. 93.23 (1) (j) of the statutes is renumbered 93.23 (1) (j) 1. and
20amended to read:
193.23 (1) (j) 1. To Subject to subds. 2. to 5., to each county, and any such
2organized agricultural society, association, or board in the state that complies with
3the requirements of this section
, for the purpose of encouraging and fostering the
4breeding, development, and improvement of standard bred horses in this state, 50%
5of each purse of $400 and 50% of each purse of $500 paid by it to the owners of the
6successful contestants in a 2-year-old trot, 2-year-old pace, 3-year-old trot and
73-year-old pace.
AB938,26,10 82. Any such organization described in subd. 1. may stage any or all of said the
9events described in subd. 1. but shall not receive state aid for more than one each of
10said the events described in subd. 1. in any calendar year.
AB938,26,18 113. No colt shall be eligible to enter or start therein in any event described in
12subd. 1.
unless the colt is owned by one or more duly qualified electors of this state
13or the colt has trained continuously within the state for not less than 60 days prior
14to June 15 of the year in which the event is contested. No 2-year-old or 3-year-old
15colt shall be eligible to enter or start therein in any event described in subd. 1., unless
16the colt is owned, raised, and trained by one or more duly qualified electors of this
17state, and unless it is the foal of a mare owned at the time of foaling by one or more
18qualified electors of this state. Required
AB938,27,10 194. The required number of entries and starters in any event described in subd.1.
20shall be 6 to enter and 4 to start. An owner may enter any number of colts but shall
21not be allowed to start more than 2 colts in the same event. Entry fees for each colt
22shall not exceed 2% of the purse and shall be payable on or before a closing date to
23be fixed by the organization staging the event. The organization may, at its option,
24increase any such the purse and may also add the entrance money to the purse and
25divide such the added sums among the starters as it sees fit. Money divisions and

1conditions other than those herein prescribed in this paragraph shall be uniform
2throughout the state and shall be fixed annually for the next succeeding year by a
3joint resolution adopted by the boards of directors of the Wisconsin breeders Breeders
4and harness horse association Harness Horse Association and Wisconsin association
5Association of fairs Fairs, and certified to the department on or before December 31
6in each year. If the boards of directors of said associations the Wisconsin Breeders
7and Harness Horse Association and Wisconsin Association of Fairs
fail in any year
8to adopt and certify said the resolution as aforesaid, then such required under this
9subdivision, the
money divisions and conditions for the next succeeding year shall
10be fixed by the department.
AB938,27,18 115. On or before December 31 in each year, the county clerk, or the person
12therefor appointed to file the statement under this subdivision by the society,
13association, or board claiming state aid, shall file with the department, on blanks
14forms provided by it the department, a statement, verified on oath, showing a true
15and correct summary of the results of each colt event, the name and address of, and
16the amount paid to, the owner of each colt, and that the event was in all things
17conducted as herein provided in this paragraph. Thereupon, state aid shall be
18certified and paid as provided by par. (f).
Note: As originally adopted in ch. 14 of the laws of 1917, "such organized
agricultural society, association, or board" referred to a society, association, or board that
complied with the conditions of that statute, as described in the introductory paragraph
of that statute. The introductory language was recreated in ch. 67 of the laws of 1931 to
read substantially the same as the current s. 93.23 (1) (intro.) and left the remaining
"such" in s. 93.23 (1) (a) not referring to anything. That "such" is replaced here to reflect
the intent of the provision as originally drafted. Disfavored terms are replaced, specific
references are inserted, and the provision is subdivided for improved readability and
conformity with current style.
AB938, s. 48 19Section 48. 94.66 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
194.66 (3) Application for license shall be made upon blanks forms furnished
2upon request by the department and shall state the applicant's name and business
3address, the exact location of places of manufacture of the applicant's products, a
4description of the products which that are to be sold, and such any other information
5as that the department may require requires. An application may be amended upon
6written notice from the applicant.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms.
AB938, s. 49 7Section 49. 102.11 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 102.11 (1) (a) 2. b. and amended to read:
AB938,28,169 102.11 (1) (a) 2. b. If at the time of the injury the employee is working on part
10time for the day, the employee's daily earnings shall be arrived at by dividing the
11amount received, or to be received by the employee for such part-time service for the
12day, by the number of hours and fractional hours of such the part-time service, and
13multiplying the result by the number of hours of the normal full-time working day
14established by the employer for the employment involved. The words "part time for
15the day" shall apply to Saturday half days and all other days upon which the
16employee works less than normal full-time working hours.
Note: The stricken definition is moved to a separate provision, in accordance with
current style, in the next section of this bill. Replaces disfavored terms.
AB938, s. 50 17Section 50. 102.11 (1) (a) 2. a. of the statutes is created to read:
AB938,28,2018 102.11 (1) (a) 2. a. In this subdivision, "part time for the day" means Saturday
19half days and any other day during which an employee works less than the normal
20full-time working hours established by the employer.
Note: Moves definition to a separate provision consistent with current style, and
adds "established by the employer," consistent with 2001 Wis. Act 37.
AB938, s. 51 21Section 51. 102.33 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1102.33 (1) The department shall print and furnish free to any employer or
2employee such any blank forms as it shall deem requisite that the department
3considers necessary
to facilitate efficient administration of this chapter; it. The
shall keep such any record books or records as it shall deem required
5that the department considers necessary for the proper and efficient administration
6of this chapter.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms and inserts specific references.
AB938, s. 52 7Section 52. 103.25 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,29,158 103.25 (3) The form and requisites of street trade permits shall be the same as
9those specified for child labor permits in s. 103.73, except as provided in sub. (3m)
10and except that the permits may be issued on special street trade permit blanks of
11forms, in a form determined by the department. Each minor for whom a street trade
12permit is issued shall be provided by the department or the permit officer issuing the
13permit with a street trade identification card of, in a form determined by the
14department. He or she The minor shall carry the identification card while engaged
15in street trade employment and shall not transfer it to any other person.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms and inserts specific reference.
AB938, s. 53 16Section 53. 103.73 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,29,1817 103.73 (2) The permits provided under s. 103.70 shall be issued upon blanks
18forms furnished by the department.
Note: Replaces disfavored term.
AB938, s. 54 19Section 54. 105.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,30,4 20105.10 Inquisition Department inquiries. Any employment agent
21receiving from the department any blanks forms calling for information required by
22it the department to carry into effect administer this chapter and rules promulgated

1thereunder under this chapter, with directions to fill the same complete the form,
2shall cause the same form to be properly filled out completed so as to answer fully
3and correctly each question and. The completed form shall be returned to the
4department at its office within the period fixed by the department.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms, modernizes title, subdivides long sentence, and
inserts specific references.
AB938, s. 55 5Section 55. 118.16 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,30,126 118.16 (3) All private schools shall keep a record containing the information
7required under ss. 115.30 (2) and 120.18. The record shall be open to the inspection
8of school attendance officers at all reasonable times. When called upon by any school
9attendance officer, the school shall furnish, on blanks forms supplied by the school
10attendance officer, such the information required under ss. 115.30 (2) and 120.18 in
11regard to any child between the ages of 6 and 18 who is a resident of the school district
12or who claims or is claimed to be in attendance at the school.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms and inserts specific reference.
AB938, s. 56 13Section 56. 132.16 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is created to read:
AB938,30,1414 132.16 (1) (intro.) In this section:
AB938, s. 57 15Section 57. 132.16 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 132.16 (1) (a) and
16amended to read:
AB938,31,217 132.16 (1) (a) Any "Organization" means any association, lodge, order,
18fraternal society, beneficial association, or fraternal and beneficial society or
19association,; historical, military, or veterans' organization,; labor union ,;
20foundation,; federation, ; or any other society, organization, or association, degree,
21branch, subordinate lodge, or auxiliary thereof, whether incorporated or
22unincorporated, the principles and activities of which are not repugnant to the

1constitution and laws of the United States or of this state , may register, in the office
2of the secretary of state, a facsimile, duplicate, or description of its
AB938,31,4 3(b) "Identifying information" means an organization's name, badge, motto,
4button, decoration, charm, emblem, rosette or other insignia, and.
AB938,31,8 5(1m) Any organization may register, in the office of the secretary of state, a
6facsimile, duplicate, or description of any of the organization's identifying
7information and
may, by reregistration, alter or cancel the same organization's
8identifying information
AB938, s. 58 9Section 58. 132.16 (2) to (8) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB938,31,2310 132.16 (2) Application for such registration, alteration, or cancellation, or
11reregistration under sub. (1m)
shall be made by the organization's chief officer or
12officers of said association, lodge, order, fraternal society, beneficial association, or
13fraternal and beneficial society or associations, historical, military, or veterans'
14organization, labor union, foundation, federation, or any other society, organization,
15or association, degree, branch, subordinate lodge, or auxiliary thereof,
upon blanks
16to be
forms provided by the secretary of state ; and such. The registration shall be for
17the use, benefit, and on behalf of all associations, degrees, branches, subordinate
18lodges, and auxiliaries of said association, lodge, order, fraternal society, beneficial
19association, or fraternal and beneficial society or association, historical, military, or
20veterans' organization, labor union, foundation, federation, or any other society,
21organization, or association, degree, branch, subordinate lodge, or auxiliary thereof,

22the organization and the organization's current and future individual members and
23those hereafter to become members thereof,
throughout this state.
1(3) The secretary of state shall keep a properly indexed file of such registration
2all registrations under this section, which shall also show any altered or canceled
alterations or cancelations by reregistration.
AB938,32,13 4(4) No registration or reregistration shall be granted, or alteration permitted,
5to any association, lodge, order, fraternal society, beneficial association, or fraternal
6and beneficial society or association, historical, military, or veterans' organization,
7labor union, foundation, federation, or any other society, organization, or association,
8degree, branch, subordinate lodge, or auxiliary thereof, having a name, badge, motto,
9button, decoration, charm, emblem, rosette, or other insignia,
for any identifying
similar to, imitating, or so nearly resembling as to be calculated to
11deceive, any other name, badge, button, decoration, charm, emblem, rosette, or other
12insignia whatsoever,
identifying information already registered pursuant to the
13provisions of
under this section.
AB938,32,16 14(5) Upon granting registration as aforesaid under this section, the secretary
15of state shall issue his or her certificate to the petitioners, setting forth the fact of
16such the registration.
AB938,32,22 17(6) The fees of the secretary of state for registration , alteration, and
18cancellation of insignia
or reregistration under this section, searches made by the
19secretary of state, and certificates issued by the secretary of state , pursuant to under
20this section, shall be the same as provided by law for similar services. The fees
21collected under this section shall be paid by the secretary of state into the state
AB938,33,6 23(7) Any person who shall wilfully wear, exhibit, display, print, or use, willfully
24wears, exhibits, displays, prints, or uses
for any purpose, the badge, motto, button,
25decoration, charm, emblem, rosette, or other insignia
any identifying information of

1any such association or organization, herein mentioned, duly registered hereunder
2under this section, unless he or she shall be is entitled to use and wear the same do
under the organizations' constitution and bylaws, rules, and regulations of such
4association and organization, shall be
, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon
5conviction, shall be punished
punishable by a fine not exceeding $100, and, in default
6of payment, may be committed to jail for a period of not to exceed 60 days.
AB938,33,9 7(8) The provisions of this This section shall does not apply to any fraternal
8society whose membership shall be is composed of students attending any public or
9private school in the state.