2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
January 25, 2001 - Introduced by Representatives Jensen and Freese,
cosponsored by Senators Chvala and Risser. Referred to Committee on Rules.
AJR15,2,7 1To repeal joint rule 7 (4) (d), joint rule 74 (2) (a) to (f), joint rule 82 (1) (g) and joint
2rule 83 (4) (b); to renumber and amend joint rule 3 and joint rule 83 (4) (a);
3to amend joint rule 1, joint rule 2, joint rule 5, joint rule 6, joint rule 7 (intro.),
4(1), (2) and (4) (intro.) and (a) to (c), joint rule 11 (1) and (2) (a), (c) and (d), joint
5rule 12 (1) and (2) (g), joint rule 14, joint rule 21, joint rule 22, joint rule 23, joint
6rule 27, joint rule 31 (1) (a), (c) and (d), (3) and (4), joint rule 32 (title), (1) (intro.),
7(b), (d) and (g) and (3), joint rule 33, joint rule 34, joint rule 35, joint rule 41 (3)
8(a) to (g), joint rule 42 (1) (a) and (2) to (4), joint rule 43, joint rule 44 (title) and
9(2) (a), joint rule 45, joint rule 46, joint rule 47, joint rule 49, joint rule 51 (intro.)
10and (2), joint rule 52 (intro.), (1) (c) and (d) 4. and (e), (4) (intro.), (5) (intro.), (a)
11and (b), (6) and (7), joint rule 53 (1) and (2) (f) and (m), joint rule 54, joint rule
1255, joint rule 56 (title), (1), (2) and (3) (b), joint rule 57 (2) (intro.) and (b), joint
13rule 59, joint rule 60 (title) and (1), joint rule 62, joint rule 63, joint rule 64 (1)
14(intro.), (a) and (b), joint rule 66 (2), joint rule 71, joint rule 72, joint rule 74 (1)
15and (2) (intro.), joint rule 75 (1) to (3), joint rule 76, joint rule 77 (1), joint rule

178, joint rule 79 (2), (3) and (5), joint rule 81 (1) (a) to (c), (2) (a) and (c), (3) (b)
2and (4), joint rule 82 (intro.), (1) (c) and (e), (2) and (4), joint rule 83 (1) to (3) and
3(5), joint rule 84 (1) to (4), joint rule 85, joint rule 86, joint rule 87 (1), (2) and
4(3) (a) and (c) 1., joint rule chapter 10 (title), joint rule 91, joint rule 92, joint rule
597 and joint rule 98 (2) (a); and to create joint rule 3 (2), joint rule 3 (3), joint
6rule 10, joint rule 11 (3), joint rule 12 (3), joint rule 50, joint rule 51 (4), joint rule
754 (2m), joint rule 81m and joint rule 99; relating to: the joint rules.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Joint Rules 1, 2, 3 (1) (a) to (d), 5, 6, 7 (intro.), (1), and (2), 11 (2) (a), (c), and (d),
12 (2) (g), 14, 21, 22, 23, 27, 31 (1) (a), (c), and (d), (3), and (4), 32 (title), (1) (intro.),
(b), (d), and (g) and (3), 33, 34, 35, 41 (3) (b), 42 (1) (a), (3), and (4), 44 (title) and (2)
(a), 46 (2), 47, 49, 51 (intro.), 52 (intro.), (1) (c) and (d) 4., (4) (intro.), (5) (intro.), (a),
and (b), (6), and (7), 53 (1) and (2) (f) and (m), 54, 55, 56 (title), (1), (2), and (3) (b),
57 (2) (intro.) and (b), 59, 60 (title) and (1), 62, 63, 64 (1) (intro.), (a) and (b), 66 (2),
71, 72, 74 (1), 75 (1) to (3), 76, 77 (1), 78, 79 (2), (3), and (5), 81 (1) (a) to (c), (2) (a) and
(c), (3) (b), and (4), 82 (intro.), (1) (c) and (e), (2), and (4), 83 (1) to (3), (4) (a), and (5),
84 (1) to (4), 85, 86, 87 (1), (2), and (3) (a) and (c) 1., chapter 10 (title), 91, 92, 97 and
98 (2) (a)
: The rules are amended to: 1) change the spelling of "employe" to
"employee," to make the same change as was made in the statutes by 1999 Wisconsin
Act 185
, section 193; insert the serial comma after the next-to-last word in a series
of three or more words to conform the rules to a change in statute drafting style made
last session; change the reference to committees to reflect their new names; and
modernize other language; 2) change wording so that the joint rules speak as of the
time that they are applied, not as of the time that they were drafted; 3) update the
joint rules for changes made in the statutes, session schedule, or the assembly or
senate rules; 4) clarify that bills are introduced, but other legislation and motions are
offered; and 5) make clarifying changes, which are intended to conform the rules to
practice or the constitution, or eliminate ambiguity.
Some of these rules are also amended in the manner described below.
Joint Rule 3 (1) (intro.): This joint resolution requires that at least one member
from each house be a member of the minority party. If one or more members of the
minority party voted with the majority, only a member of the minority party who
voted with the majority may be a member of the committee of conference.
Joint Rule 3 (1) (a) and (2): This joint resolution requires a committee of
conference to meet on the call of either cochairperson.
Joint Rule 3 (3): This joint resolution provides that a report of a committee of
conference may not be amended and may not be divided.

Joint Rule 7: The rule is amended to permit certificates under joint rule 7 for
the purpose of extending the commendations, condolences, or congratulations of the
legislature to a particular group, or organization, not just to a particular person. It
is also amended to permit the format of the certificate to be changed by the chief
Joint Rule 10: The rule is created to state the general rule from the constitution
that each house may determine the rules of its own proceedings and punish for
contempt and disorderly behavior, as provided under section 8 of article IV of the
Joint Rule 11 (3): The rule is created to state the exception to the general rule
from the constitution requiring a majority to take action, that a majority of those
present, even though a smaller number than a majority of the current membership
is present, may adjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent
members in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide, as
provided under section 7 of article IV of the constitution.
Joint Rule 12 (1): The rule is amended to provide an exception to the general
rule that all questions are decided by a majority of a quorum. The current rule
provides that the exception applies when a higher total vote is required by the
constitution. This joint resolution provides that the exception also applies if a
different vote is required by the constitution, by law, or by legislative rule.
Joint Rule 12 (3): The rule is created to state the exception to the general rule
from the constitution requiring a majority to take action, that one-sixth of the
members present of either house are necessary to require that the yeas and nays of
the members of that house on any question be entered on the journal, as provided
under section 20 of article IV of the constitution.
Joint Rules 41 (3) (a) to (g), 42 (2) and (4), 43, 45 (1) and (2), 46, 47, 48, and 50:
Under current statutes and joint rules, any bill making an appropriation and any bill
increasing or decreasing existing appropriations or state or general local
government fiscal liability or revenues must, before any vote is taken thereon by
either house of the legislature if the bill is not referred to a standing committee, or
before any public hearing is held before any standing committee or, if no public
hearing is held, before any vote is taken by the committee, incorporate a reliable
estimate of the anticipated change in appropriation authority or state or general
local government fiscal liability or revenues under the bill, including to the extent
possible a projection of such changes in future biennia.
These rules require that all transmissions of documents in the fiscal estimate
process be transmitted electronically, rather than in paper form. A presiding officer,
however, may permit a primary author to transmit a request for a supplemental
fiscal estimate by other means, and the president of the senate and the speaker of
the assembly acting jointly may permit the transmittal in paper form at any time.
These rules require that any legislative fiscal bureau memorandum on a bill
referred to the joint committee on a finance, other than a budget bill, that the
committee orders to be inserted in the bill jacket envelope, be transmitted
electronically to all legislators.

These rules also eliminate the requirement that fiscal estimates be signed by
a responsible official of the agency preparing the fiscal estimate.
Joint Rules 44 (2) (a), 54 (1), (2), and (2m), and 79 (2): The changes authorize
the legislative reference bureau to enter into a written agreement with a chief clerk
to have the chief clerk, when the house is in session, receive on the floor of the house
copies of drafts of proposals and amendments transmitted electronically by the LRB
and place the proposals in jacket envelopes and attach jacket cover sheets (stripes)
to amendment drafts. To use the procedure, a member must request the electronic
transmittal and waive confidentiality of the draft.
Joint Rule 51 (2) and (4): The parallel statute to joint rule 51, relating to
drafting privileges at the legislative reference bureau, was changed in the 1997
session to remove drafting privileges from those agencies of Wisconsin state
government that are not created in certain chapters of the statutes. This rule is
changed to conform to that change in the statutes.
Joint Rule 52 (1) (e): This joint rule provides that the executive budget bill does
not have a long, detailed relating clause. This provision is changed to also apply to
other lengthy bills that encompass multiple subjects and that are to be introduced
at the request of the governor or the committee on organization of either house.
Joint Rule 81m: The rule is created to require the session schedule to provide
for a limited-business floorperiod after the last general-business floorperiod
scheduled by the session schedule for the spring of the even-numbered year and
before the veto review session in that year. The limited-business floorperiod is
limited to action on revisor's correction or revisor's revision bills; reconciliation bills
introduced by the organization committee of either house that resolve conflicts
between mutually inconsistent acts of the legislative session and proposals recalled
for further legislative action under joint rule 60 (2); bills introduced by the joint
committee on employment relations for the ratification of state employee collective
bargaining contracts; and matters the purposes of which are allowed under joint rule
Joint Rule 83 (4) (b): The rule is repealed to delete the requirement that any
bill or joint resolution not yet agreed to by both houses at the conclusion of the last
general-business floorperiod is not adversely disposed of if the bill or joint resolution
has been passed by one house and concurred in, as amended, by the other house, and
that those proposals are considered at the veto review session.
Joint Rule 99: The rule creates definitions for the joint rules based on the
definitions from Assembly Rule 95, modified to work with both houses.
AJR15,4,1 1Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That:
AJR15, s. 1 2Section 1. Joint rule 1 is amended to read:
AJR15,5,33 Joint Rule 1. Joint convention. Whenever there shall be is a joint convention
4of the 2 houses, the president of the senate shall preside over such the joint

1convention, if present, and the speaker of the assembly shall preside if the president
2is not present,
and the chief clerk of the assembly shall act as clerk thereof, assisted
3by the chief clerk of the senate.
AJR15, s. 2 4Section 2. Joint rule 2 is amended to read:
AJR15,5,115 Joint Rule 2. Receding from position on amendment. Whenever an
6amendment has been nonconcurred in by the other house, any member may move
7to recede from such the amendment. If the motion prevails such the amendment
8shall thereby be reconsidered and rejected and the bill or amendment to which said
9the amendment had been adopted by the house shall thereby be passed or concurred
10in, as the case may be, so that no further action shall be is not required thereon in
11either house.
AJR15, s. 3 12Section 3. Joint rule 3 is renumbered joint rule 3 (1) and amended to read:
AJR15,5,2013 Joint Rule 3 (1) In all cases of disagreement between the senate and assembly
14on amendments, adopted by either house to a bill or joint resolution passed by the
15other house, a committee of conference consisting of 3 members from each house may
16be requested by either house, and the other house shall appoint a similar committee.
17At least one member from each house shall be a member of the minority party. If one
18or more members of the minority party voted with the majority, only a member of the
19minority party who voted with the majority may be a member of the committee of
AJR15,6,721 (a) The usual manner of procedure is as follows: If a bill of one house has been
22amended and passed by the other house, and has been returned to the house of origin
23and that the house of origin has refused to concur in an amendment, such the house
24of origin may appoint a committee of conference and notify the other house, which
25shall appoint a committee of conference unless it votes to recede from its amendment.

1Such committees shall be appointed by the presiding officer, but senate committees
2shall be confirmed as are standing committees
as provided in the rules of each house.
3The joint committee shall, at a convenient hour agreed upon, meet and state to each
4other, verbally orally or in writing, the reasons of their respective houses for or
5against the disagreement, and confer thereon, and shall report to their respective
6houses any agreement they arrive at by the vote of at least 2 a majority of the
7members of the committee representing each house.
AJR15,6,128 (b) When the committee of conference committee has reached agreement the
9report shall be first presented, if a senate bill or joint resolution, to the assembly and,
10if an assembly bill or joint resolution, to the senate. The vote by each house to adopt
11approve the conference report constitutes final action on the proposal and may not
12be reconsidered.
AJR15,6,1613 (c) Approval of the conference report by a roll call vote in each house sufficient
14to constitute final passage of the proposal shall be final passage of the bill or final
15adoption and concurrence in the
joint resolution in the form and with the changes
16proposed by the report.
AJR15,6,2017 (d) If the committee of conference committee is unable to agree, another
18committee of conference committee consisting of new members may be appointed as
19provided in the rules of each house
and may proceed to further consideration of the
20proposal or of amendments thereto.
AJR15, s. 4 21Section 4. Joint rule 3 (2) is created to read:
AJR15,6,2322 Joint Rule 3 (2) A committee of conference shall meet on the call of either
AJR15, s. 5 24Section 5. Joint rule 3 (3) is created to read:
1Joint Rule 3 (3) A report of a committee of conference may not be amended and
2may not be divided.
AJR15, s. 6 3Section 6. Joint rule 5 is amended to read:
AJR15,7,104 Joint Rule 5. Bill recalled from governor. Any bill may be recalled by joint
5resolution from the governor for further consideration and shall, after having been
6actually returned to the house where it originated, be deemed to be before said the
7house for its action thereon and. The bill may be reconsidered or otherwise acted
8upon without any reconsideration or other action thereon being first had in the other
9house. Any action taken shall then be messaged to the other house for its
AJR15, s. 7 11Section 7. Joint rule 6 is amended to read:
AJR15,7,1412 Joint Rule 6. Measure Proposal recalled from other house. The recall of
13a measure proposal from outside the jurisdiction of the house requires the adoption
14of and concurrence in
a joint resolution recalling the proposal.
AJR15, s. 8 15Section 8. Joint rule 7 (intro.), (1), (2) and (4) (intro.) and (a) to (c) are amended
16to read:
AJR15,7,2117 Joint Rule 7. Citations by the legislature. (intro.) For the purpose of
18extending the commendations, condolences, or congratulations of the legislature to
19a particular person, group, or organization, or to recognize a particular event or
20occasion, there may be issued a "citation by the legislature.". The approval of such
21the citations shall in each house be governed by the rules of that house.
AJR15,8,322 (1) Citations may be used in place of resolutions for commendations,
23congratulations, or condolences to past or present state officials or other public
24figures, groups, or organizations, or to give recognition to an important event or
25occasion. Citations may not be used for procedural matters nor or in place of

1resolutions memorializing the U.S. congress Congress, but only if appropriate to
2express the feeling of one house or of both houses of the legislature with reference
3to a person or to an event or occasion.
AJR15,8,54 (2) Citations may not be used for matters of a an inappropriate, controversial,
5or partisan political nature.
AJR15,8,96 (4) (intro.) The chief clerks of the 2 houses shall cooperate with the legislative
7reference bureau in designing
design a worksheet format for citations under this
8rule. This worksheet shall contain spaces for the following information, which
9incorporates the following requirements
AJR15,8,10 10(a) The short title of the citation.
AJR15,8,1511 (b) The signature of the sponsor in the house of origin and, if the citation is to
12be issued by the entire legislature rather than by one house only, the signature of the
13cosponsor from the 2nd house.
Citations shall contain the State Seal and signature
14blocks for the president of the senate, the speaker of the assembly, and the chief clerk
15of the house of origin.
AJR15,8,1816 (c) The full text of the citation. Because a citation is to be presented on an 8-1/2
17inch by 11 inch form, artistically designed and suitable for framing, the full text of
18the citation shall not exceed 15 typewritten lines of 70 characters each.
AJR15, s. 9 19Section 9. Joint rule 7 (4) (d) is repealed.
AJR15, s. 10 20Section 10. Joint rule 10 is created to read:
AJR15,8,2321 Joint Rule 10. Each house determines its rules. Each house may determine
22the rules of its own proceedings and punish for contempt and disorderly behavior, as
23provided under section 8 of article IV of the constitution.
AJR15, s. 11 24Section 11. Joint rule 11 (1) and (2) (a), (c) and (d) are amended to read:
1Joint Rule 11 (1) Unless a different and higher vote quorum is required by the
2state constitution for a specific action, a majority of the current membership
3constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, as provided under section 7 of
4article IV of the constitution
AJR15,9,55 (2) (a) Imposes, continues, or renews a tax.
AJR15,9,66 (c) Makes, continues, or renews an appropriation of public or trust money.
AJR15,9,77 (d) Releases, discharges, or commutes a claim or demand of the state.
AJR15, s. 12 8Section 12. Joint rule 11 (3) is created to read:
AJR15,9,139 Joint Rule 11 (3) A majority of those present, even though a smaller number
10than a majority of the current membership is present, may adjourn from day to day,
11and may compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such
12penalties as each house may provide, as provided under section 7 of article IV of the
AJR15, s. 13 14Section 13. Joint rule 12 (1) and (2) (g) are amended to read:
AJR15,9,1715 Joint Rule 12 (1) Unless a different and higher total vote is required by the state
16constitution, by law, or by legislative rule, for a specific action, all questions are
17decided by a majority of a quorum.
AJR15,9,1918 (2) (g) A majority of all the representatives members elected to the assembly
19is necessary to vote an impeachment under section 1 of article VII of the constitution.
AJR15, s. 14 20Section 14. Joint rule 12 (3) is created to read:
AJR15,9,2421 Joint Rule 12 (3) One-sixth of the members present of either house are
22necessary to require that the yeas and nays of the members of that house on any
23question be entered on the journal, as provided under section 20 of article IV of the
AJR15, s. 15 25Section 15. Joint rule 14 is amended to read:
1Joint Rule 14. Stationery; reproduction of legislative documents. (1) All
2stationery purchased for the legislature shall be let by contract to the lowest
3responsible bidder, as provided under section 25 of article IV of the constitution.
AJR15,10,124 (2) Each house of the legislature may have publications and other matter
5reproduced in the manner provided by the rules of each house or the joint rules. In
6addition, the legislature or either house thereof may provide by rule, and the joint
7committee on legislative organization may provide by motion with the ayes and noes
8recorded in its minutes, for reproduction of materials for the legislature in any form,
9manner, or amount which in the judgment of the legislature, the house, or the joint
10committee best serves the interests of the people of the state, except that where there
11is a contract for reproduction with which such the reproduction would conflict, the
12contract shall continue continues to govern until it expires.
AJR15,10,1813 (3) For any legislative document originating in one house of the legislature and
14to be reproduced for both houses of the legislature, the joint committee on legislative
15organization shall determine the number of copies routinely to be reproduced unless
16otherwise provided by law or, joint rule, or resolution but the chief clerks of the senate
17and assembly, acting jointly, may authorize the reproduction of additional copies if
18warranted by the anticipated requests.
AJR15, s. 16 19Section 16. Joint rule 21 is amended to read:
AJR15,11,620 Joint Rule 21. Joint hearings of standing committees. The chairpersons
21of corresponding committees of both houses or committees having corresponding
22proposals referred to them shall arrange joint hearings of their committees to
23consider such the proposals if, in their judgment, the business of the legislature and
24the convenience of the members and the public, who are interested in such the
25proposals, will be promoted thereby. The proposals to be considered, the time and

1place of the hearings, who presides at the hearings, and any other matters
2convenient to the hearings may be agreed upon by the chairpersons. Joint hearings
3may also be arranged to consider a proposal introduced in only one house which will
4require consideration in both houses. Such The joint hearings shall take the place
5of separate hearings, and shall be final unless the house where the proposal is
6pending orders a further hearing before its own committee.
AJR15, s. 17 7Section 17. Joint rule 22 is amended to read:
AJR15,11,118 Joint Rule 22. Cochairpersons of joint committees. All standing or special
9joint committees shall have a senate and an assembly cochairperson. Any meeting
10of a joint committee shall be chaired by the cochairperson from the house which that
11referred the business then before the joint committee.
AJR15, s. 18 12Section 18. Joint rule 23 is amended to read:
AJR15,11,1613 Joint Rule 23. Joint committee on legislative organization. (1) There is
14created a joint committee on legislative organization consisting of the speaker of the
15assembly, the president of the senate, the majority and minority leader of each house,
16and the assistant majority and minority leader of each house.
AJR15,11,2117 (2) The committee shall have such the powers and responsibilities as are
18conferred upon it by statute or by the joint rules and may take appropriate action
19thereunder. The committee shall recommend to the houses any action it considers
20likely to more closely coordinate the work of the 2 houses or to save expenses or
21increase the efficiency of the legislature.
AJR15, s. 19 22Section 19. Joint rule 27 is amended to read: