Felony penalties
Under current law, crimes punishable by imprisonment of more than one year
are felonies. Virtually every felony created in the criminal code is put in one of six
classes (Class A, B, BC, C, D, or E), and each class has a specific maximum term of
imprisonment and a maximum fine. Class A felonies are punishable by life
imprisonment. For other classified felonies committed on or after December 31,
1999, the maximum terms of imprisonment are as follows: - See PDF for table PDF
Except for Class A and Class B felonies, which are not punishable by a fine, each
classified felony has a maximum fine of $10,000.

This bill does the following with respect to criminal offenses and penalties for
1. New felony classes. The bill expands the number of felony classes from six
to nine and, except for Class A and Class B felonies, creates new maximum terms of
imprisonment and new maximum fines, as follows: - See PDF for table PDF
2. Classification of felonies. The bill places felony offenses classified under
current law into the new felony classes, with the exception of a few classified felony
offenses that are reduced to misdemeanor offenses. In addition, the bill places
unclassified felony offenses (including all felonies created outside of the criminal
code) into the new felony classes, with the exception of certain unclassified felony
offenses that are reduced to misdemeanor offenses and offenses that are felonies only
because of the application of a penalty enhancer.
As a general rule, the bill places a felony offense into a felony class based on the
maximum amount of time that a person committing the offense before December 31,
1999, could serve in prison before being released on parole under the mandatory
release law (see below, item 1 under The structure of felony sentences, item 1).
However, in some cases a felony is placed in a higher or lower felony class than the
one based on the mandatory release date for a maximum sentence for an offence
committed before December 31, 1999. For those felony offenses that are reduced to
misdemeanor offenses under the bill, the new penalty for the offense is a fine of not
more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than nine months or both.
3. Changes in property offenses. Under current law, the penalties for certain
property offenses in the criminal code (such as theft, criminal damage to property,
receiving stolen property, issuing worthless checks, and various kinds of fraud) are
based on the value of the property stolen or damaged. Before the enactment of 2001
Wisconsin Act 16
, the threshold between misdemeanor and felony penalties for most
of these crimes was $1,000. Thus, if the value of the property involved was $1,000
or less, the crime was a misdemeanor, and if the value of the property involved was
more than $1,000 the crime was a felony. For some crimes, the severity of the felony
penalties also depends on the dollar value of the property involved. Thus, before the
enactment of Act 16, if a person committed the offense of theft and the value of the
property involved was more than $1,000 but not more than $2,500, the person was

guilty of a Class E felony. If the value of the property involved exceeded $2,500, the
person was guilty of a Class C felony. Act 16, however, set the threshold between
misdemeanors and felonies for most property offenses in the criminal code that are
based on the dollar value of the property involved at $2,500.
This bill restores the thresholds between misdemeanors and felonies for
criminal code property offenses that are based on the dollar value of the property
involved to their pre-Act 16 levels.
The bill also assigns new classifications for these property offenses based on the
value of the property involved. To illustrate, under the bill, theft is penalized as
follows: - See PDF for table PDF
4. Felony murder. Under current law, a person commits felony murder if he or
she causes the death of another while committing or attempting to commit certain
felonies (such as sexual assault, arson or armed robbery). If a person commits felony
murder, the maximum period of imprisonment for the felony the person committed
or attempted to commit is increased by not more 20 years. This bill provides that the
maximum period of imprisonment for the felony the person committed or attempted
to commit is increased by not more 15 years.
5. Changes to the crime of carjacking. Under current law, a person is guilty of
carjacking if he or she intentionally takes any vehicle without the consent of the
owner while possessing a dangerous weapon and by using or threatening the use of
force or the weapon against another. This bill classifies every carjacking offense,
including an offense resulting in a person's death (currently a Class A felony), as a
Class C felony and adds carjacking to the list of offenses subject to the felony murder
statute (see item 4 above, Felony murder).
6. Increase in certain misdemeanor penalties. The bill increases penalties for
a few misdemeanor offenses by classifying them as felony offenses. The
misdemeanor offenses that are changed to felony offenses by the bill (and the
classification into which the offense is placed) are as follows:
A) Stalking (Class I felony).
B) Criminal damage to railroad property (Class I felony).
C) Possession of a firearm in a school zone (Class I felony).
D) Discharge of a firearm in a school zone (Class G felony).
7. Elimination of certain minimum penalty provisions. Current law requires
a court to impose a minimum sentence of imprisonment in certain cases. In other
cases current law specifies a minimum sentence of imprisonment but also allows a
court, in the exercise of its discretion, to impose a lesser sentence of imprisonment
or no imprisonment at all (a presumptive minimum prison sentence). For the most
part, this bill eliminates both mandatory and presumptive minimum prison

sentences for felony offenses. The bill, however, does not eliminate mandatory prison
sentence requirements for Class A felonies, which carry a mandatory sentence of life
imprisonment (see below, Sentences of life imprisonment), nor does it change the
persistent repeater penalty enhancers (often called the "three strikes, you're out"
and "two strikes, you're out" laws), which require a sentence of life imprisonment
without possibility of release. It also does not change the requirement that a person
be given a minimum sentence of imprisonment if he or she is convicted of a repeat
serious sex crime or a repeat violent crime, although the bill provides that, instead
of a minimum sentence of five years, the court must impose a bifurcated sentence
that includes a minimum term of confinement in prison of three years and six months
(see below, The structure of felony sentences, item 2, for a description of
bifurcated sentences). In addition, the bill does not change the minimum mandatory
sentence of six months for fifth and subsequent offenses of operating a motor vehicle
while intoxicated.
8. Elimination of mandatory consecutive sentences. Under current law, a court
sentencing a person convicted of a crime generally may provide that any sentence
imposed run concurrent with or consecutive to any other sentence imposed at the
same time or any sentence imposed previously. However, a court must impose a
consecutive sentence if the person was convicted of certain escape offenses,
possession or discharge of a firearm in a school zone, using or possessing a handgun
and an armor-piercing bullet while committing another crime, or violating
conditions of lifetime supervision by committing another crime. This bill eliminates
the requirement that consecutive sentences be imposed in these cases. The bill also
imposes new requirements relating to bifurcated sentences and sentences imposed
under current law that are ordered to run consecutively to each other (see below, The
structure of felony sentences
, item 3-C).
Penalty enhancers
Current law contains various penalty enhancers if the crime is committed
under certain circumstances. For instance, current law provides penalty enhancers
for committing a crime using a dangerous weapon or committing a crime against a
victim chosen because of his or her race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation,
national origin, or ancestry (the "hate crime" enhancer). Current law also provides
for penalty enhancers that may be triggered by the defendant's status at the time he
or she committed the crime. For instance, current law provides a penalty enhancer
for habitual criminals and for persons responsible for the welfare of a child who
commit certain crimes against the child.
The bill retains the current penalty enhancers for: habitual criminals; using a
dangerous weapon in the commission of a crime; committing a violent crime in a
school zone; committing certain domestic abuse offenses within 72 hours after an
arrest for a domestic abuse incident; committing a "hate crime"; distributing a
controlled substance to a person under the age of 17; and distributing a controlled
substance within 1,000 feet of a school, park, correctional institution, or certain other
facilities. The bill eliminates the remaining penalty enhancers and instead includes
them in a list of aggravating factors that a court must consider when sentencing a

In addition, under current law, if a person violates certain prohibitions relating
to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and, at the time of the offense, a child
under the age of 16 is in the vehicle, the penalties for the offense double. This bill
retains this penalty enhancer for most of the offenses involving operating a motor
vehicle while intoxicated, but the bill eliminates the enhancer for the crimes of
homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle and injury by intoxicated use of a vehicle.
The structure of felony sentences (other than life sentences)
1. The structure of prison sentences for felony offenses committed before
December 31, 1999.
If a person is sentenced to prison for a felony committed before
December 31, 1999, the person will usually have three possible ways of being
released from prison on parole: discretionary parole granted by the parole
commission (for which a person is usually eligible after serving 25% of the sentence
or six months, whichever is greater); mandatory release on parole (usually granted
automatically after the person serves two-thirds of the sentence); or special action
parole release by the secretary of corrections (a program designed to relieve prison
crowding). However, the person could be subject to more restrictive discretionary
parole eligibility provisions or to restrictions on mandatory release under certain
circumstances (for example, if the person has one or more prior convictions for
certain serious felonies).
2. The structure of prison sentences for felony offenses committed on or after
December 31, 1999.
Under 1997 Wisconsin Act 283, if a court chooses to sentence a
felony offender to a term of imprisonment in state prison for a felony committed on
or after December 31, 1999, the court must do so by imposing a bifurcated sentence
that includes a term of confinement in prison followed by a term of community
supervision (called "extended supervision"). The offender is not eligible for parole.
A bifurcated sentence imposed under 1997 Wisconsin Act 283 must be structured as
A) The total length of the bifurcated sentence may not exceed the maximum
term of imprisonment allowable for the felony.
B) The court must set the term of confinement in prison portion of the sentence
to be at least one year but not more than 40 years for a Class B felony, 20 years for
a Class BC felony, ten years for a Class C felony, five years for a Class D felony, or
two years for a Class E felony. If the person is being sentenced to prison for a felony
that is not in one of these classes, the term of confinement in prison portion of the
sentence must be at least one year but not more than 75% of the total length of the
bifurcated sentence.
C) The term of extended supervision must equal at least 25% of the length of
the term of confinement in prison. There is no limit on the length of the term of
extended supervision, other than the limit that results from the requirements that
the term of confinement in prison portion of a bifurcated sentence be at least one year
and that the total bifurcated sentence not exceed the maximum term of
imprisonment specified by law for the crime.
During the term of extended supervision, the person is subject to supervision
by DOC and is subject to conditions set by both the court and DOC. If a person
violates a condition of, or DOC rule related to, extended supervision, the person's

extended supervision may be revoked in an administrative proceeding and the
person may be returned to serve a period of time in prison.
3. The changes made by this bill. This bill makes the following changes relating
to the imposition of bifurcated sentences:
A) The bill establishes new maximum terms of confinement in prison for all
felony classes, except for Class A and Class B. The bill also limits the amount of
extended supervision that a court can impose for classified felonies. The maximum
term of confinement in prison and the maximum term of extended supervision for
each classified felony (other than Class A felonies) is as follows: - See PDF for table PDF
B) When a court is imposing a bifurcated sentence it must consider any
advisory sentencing guidelines for the offense adopted by the sentencing commission
(see below, Sentencing commission) or, if the sentencing commission has not
adopted guidelines for the offense, the temporary advisory guidelines adopted by the
criminal penalties study committee (created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 283). In
addition, the bill requires the sentencing court to consider the protection of the
public, the gravity of the offense, and the rehabilitative needs of the defendant, along
with any applicable mitigating and aggravating circumstances. The bill includes a
partial list of aggravating circumstances that a court must consider, which
incorporates the provisions of current penalty enhancers eliminated by the bill (see
above, Penalty enhancers). The bill also generally requires the court to state the
reasons for its sentencing decision in open court and on the record.
C) When a court imposes a bifurcated sentence on a person who is also subject
to a prison sentence for a crime committed before December 31, 1999 (an
indeterminate sentence), the court must specify all of the following: 1) whether the
confinement in prison portion of the bifurcated sentence is to run concurrent with or
consecutively to the imprisonment portion of the indeterminate sentence; and 2)
whether the period of parole under the indeterminate sentence is to run concurrent
with or consecutively to the term of extended supervision portion of the bifurcated
sentence. The court must make the same specifications when imposing an
indeterminate sentence on a person who is also subject to a bifurcated sentence.
D) The bill allows DOC to take custody of a person who is on extended
supervision in order to investigate an alleged violation of a condition of extended

supervision. If a person on extended supervision admits that he or she has violated
a condition or rule of extended supervision, DOC may confine the person for not more
than 90 days in a DOC regional detention facility or, with the consent of the sheriff,
in a county jail.
E) The bill changes the procedure for revoking extended supervision by
requiring that a court determine how long to send a person back to prison after his
or her extended supervision is revoked. DOC or the administrative law judge who
made the revocation decision must make a recommendation to the court concerning
the amount of time for which the person should be returned to prison. The court then
reviews the recommendation and makes the final decision as to the amount of time
for which the person is returned to prison.
F) DOC or a person on extended supervision may petition a court to modify the
conditions of extended supervision set by the court. The court may hold a hearing
on a petition to modify extended supervision and may grant the petition if it
determines that the requested modification would meet the needs of DOC and the
public and would be consistent with the objectives of the person's bifurcated
G) Older prisoners who have been given a bifurcated sentence may petition the
sentencing court for a modification of the terms of the sentence if they are 65 years
of age or older and have served at least five years of the term of confinement in prison
portion of their bifurcated sentence or are 60 years of age or older and have served
at least ten years of the term of confinement in prison portion of the bifurcated
sentence. The prisoner files a petition with the prison's program review committee,
which may then refer the petition to the sentencing court if it finds that the public
interest would be served by a modification of the prisoner's bifurcated sentence. If
a petition is referred to a sentencing court, the court must determine whether the
public interest would be served by a modification of the prisoner's bifurcated
sentence. The victim of the prisoner's crime has a right to provide a statement
concerning the modification of the sentence.
If the court decides that the public interest would be served by such a
modification, the court must modify the sentence by: 1) reducing the term of
confinement in prison portion of the sentence to a number that provides for the
release of the prisoner to extended supervision; and 2) increasing the term of
extended supervision of the prisoner by the same number, so that the total length of
the bifurcated sentence does not change.
H) A prisoner who has been given a bifurcated sentence and who has a terminal
condition (defined as an incurable condition caused by injury, disease, or illness, as
a result of which the person has a medical prognosis that his or her life expectancy
is 6 months or less) may petition the sentencing court for a modification of the terms
of the sentence. The conditions under which and the manner by which a court may
modify a bifurcated sentence for such a person are identical to those that are
described in the second and third paragraphs of item 3-G, except that the prisoner
must submit affidavits from two physicians setting forth a diagnosis that the
prisoner has a terminal condition.

I) If a misdemeanor offender may be sentenced to prison because of the
application of a sentence enhancer and the court decides to sentence the person to
prison, the court must impose a bifurcated sentence. In sentencing a person to prison
in such a case, the term of confinement in prison portion of the sentence may not
constitute more than 75% of the total bifurcated sentence.
Sentences of life imprisonment
Currently, if a person is sentenced to life imprisonment for an offense
committed before December 31, 1999, the person usually must serve 20 years minus
time calculated under the mandatory release formula before he or she is eligible for
release on parole. If the person does not receive extensions due to violations of prison
rules, he or she reaches parole eligibility after serving 13 years, four months.
However, a court may set a parole eligibility date for a person serving a life sentence
that is later than the usual parole eligibility date or may provide that the person is
not eligible for parole. No person serving a life sentence of any kind is entitled to
mandatory release on parole.
If a person is sentenced to life imprisonment for a crime committed on or after
December 31, 1999, he or she is not eligible for parole. Instead, the court who is
sentencing the person to life imprisonment must do one of the following: 1) provide
that the person is eligible for release to extended supervision after serving 20 years;
2) set a date on which the person becomes eligible for extended supervision, as long
as that date requires the person to serve at least 20 years; or 3) provide that the
person is not eligible for extended supervision. If the court provides that the person
is eligible for extended supervision, the person may petition the sentencing court for
release to extended supervision on or after the extended supervision eligibility date.
A person sentenced to life imprisonment who is released to extended supervision is
on extended supervision for the remainder of his or her life and, like a person on
extended supervision under a bifurcated sentence (see above, The structure of
felony sentences
, item 2-C), may have his or her extended supervision revoked in
an administrative proceeding and be returned to prison if he or she violates a
condition of extended supervision or a rule promulgated by DOC relating to extended
supervision. A person returned to prison after a revocation of extended supervision
may not petition for rerelease to extended supervision until he or she has served a
period of time back in prison. The time period, which must be at least five years, is
determined by an administrative law judge or, if the person waived a revocation
hearing, by DOC.
This bill changes the procedures regarding revocation of extended supervision
for a person serving a life sentence in the same way that it does for a person serving
a bifurcated sentence. (See above, The structure of felony sentences, items 3-D
and 3-E.) The only difference is that when extended supervision of a person serving
a life sentence is revoked, the recommendation by DOC or an administrative law
judge and the court's final decision concerning the amount of time for which the
person should be returned to prison must provide for the person to be returned to
prison for at least five years.

Sentencing commission
This bill creates a sentencing commission that must study sentencing practices
throughout the state. Using the information it obtains, the sentencing commission
must adopt advisory sentencing guidelines for judges when imposing sentences for
felonies committed on or after the effective date of the changes made in this bill
regarding felony classifications. The sentencing commission must also assist the
legislature in assessing the cost of changes in statutes affecting criminal sentencing
and provide information regarding sentencing to judges, lawyers, state agencies, and
the legislature. The sentencing commission is abolished on December 31, 2007.
Joint review committee on criminal penalties
This bill creates a joint review committee on criminal penalties to review
proposed legislation that creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing
crime. The joint review committee is comprised of one majority party member and
one minority party member from each house of the legislature, the attorney general
or his or her designee, the secretary of corrections or his or her designee, the state
public defender or his or her designee, two reserve judges, and two members of the
public appointed by the governor, one of whom must have law enforcement
experience in this state and one of whom must be an elected county official.
Under the bill, when a bill that is introduced in either house of the legislature
proposes to create a new crime or revise a penalty for an existing crime, a standing
committee to which the bill is referred may not vote on whether to recommend the
bill for passage and the bill may not be passed by the house in which it is introduced
before the joint review committee submits a report on the bill or, if a report is
requested by the speaker of the assembly or the presiding officer of the senate, before
the 30th day after the report is requested, whichever is earlier. The report must
address such issues as the costs that are likely to be incurred or saved if the bill is
enacted, the consistency of penalties proposed in the bill with existing criminal
penalties, and whether acts prohibited under the bill are prohibited under existing
criminal statutes.
Finally, the bill requires the joint review committee to recommend standards
and procedures to be used by a court to modify a bifurcated sentence and to propose
legislation to implement those recommendations.
Law enforcement training
Under current law, no person may be appointed permanently as a law
enforcement or tribal law enforcement officer unless he or she first completes law
enforcement training approved by the law enforcement standards board and has
been certified by the board as being qualified to be a law enforcement or tribal law
enforcement officer. This bill requires that, as of January 1, 2003, the training
include training on responding to acts of terrorism.
Primary and secondary education
Under current law, the state determines how much general school aid to
appropriate to pay two-thirds of statewide school costs (two-thirds funding). This

bill provides that certain referendum-approved debt service is not aided, thus
lowering the amount of aid needed to meet two-thirds funding.
Under the current three-tiered school aid formula, the first tier of support is
for costs shared between the state and school district up to a primary cost ceiling of
$1,000 per pupil. The state's share at this level is calculated using a guaranteed
property valuation of $2,000,000 per pupil. Every school district is guaranteed no
less in general aid than this primary aid amount. This bill reduces this primary
guarantee to $1,930,000.
Current law generally limits the increase in the total amount of revenue per
pupil that a school district may receive from general school aids and property taxes
in a school year to the amount of revenue increase allowed per pupil in the previous
school year increased by the percentage change in the consumer price index. This
bill replaces the inflation-based adjustment with a flat $210 per pupil increase for
the revenue limit calculated for the 2002-03 school year, although the bill allows a
school board to override this change by a two-thirds vote. The bill directs DPI to
encourage school districts to accommodate this reduction in the revenue limit
increase without negatively affecting their instructional programs.
Current law requires each school board and charter school that operates high
school grades to administer a high school graduation examination to all 11th and
12th grade pupils beginning in the 2002-03 school year. This bill delays
implementation of the examination until the 2004-05 school year.
Higher education
This bill prohibits the UW board of regents from increasing the average tuition
charged a resident undergraduate in the 2002-03 academic year compared to the
average tuition charged a resident undergraduate in the 2001-02 academic year by
more than 10% without first obtaining the approval of JCF and DOA.
This bill appropriates moneys from the utility public benefits fund for paying
a portion of the energy costs of the UW System in fiscal year 2001-02 and fiscal year
2002-03. The bill also prohibits the UW board of regents from spending a portion
of its general purpose revenue funding for energy costs in fiscal year 2001-02 and
fiscal year 2002-03 without the approval of DOA.
Currently, the rate of the property tax levied by a technical college district board
is limited to 1.5 mills. This bill provides that the amount of that levy is limited to
the lesser of the amount generated by a levy rate of 1.5 mills or the amount levied
in the previous year increased by the rate of inflation. If a district board's limit is the
latter, it may exceed this limit (but not the 1.5 mill rate limit) if it obtains the
approval of the district electors at a referendum.
The bill also limits the increase in fees charged technical college students in the
2002-03 school year to 10%.
Under current law, the technical college system board awards a $500 grant to
each recent high school graduate who enrolls in the system and maintains a 2.0 grade
point average. This bill eliminates this grant program.
Instead, the bill directs the board to pay a student's tuition and fees at a
technical college if the student has been terminated or laid off from employment, has

been referred to the technical college by a local work force development board, and
has maintained a 2.0 grade point average.
Current law authorizes the technical college system board to establish and
supervise training programs in fire prevention and protection. This bill requires the
programs to include training in responding to acts of terrorism.
Other educational and cultural agencies
This bill eliminates funding for the Milwaukee Public Museum effective July
1, 2002.
Current law requires a person to pay a supplemental title fee when the person
applies for a certificate of title for a new motor vehicle or for a certificate of title after
a transfer of ownership of a used motor vehicle. The supplemental title fees are
deposited into the transportation fund. On each October 1, an amount equal to the
amount of the supplemental title fees collected during the previous fiscal year is
transferred from the general fund to the environmental fund.
This bill reduces the amount of the transfer from the general fund to the
environmental fund by $555,000 per fiscal year beginning in fiscal year 2002-03.
health and human services
Under current law, DHFS must award grants to community health centers that
provide primary health care and social services to low-income persons. This bill
eliminates the grants to community health centers on July 1, 2002.
This bill expands training requirements for initial licensure or licensure
renewal as emergency medical technicians or initial certification or certification
renewal as first responders to require that, as of January 1, 2003, applicants
satisfactorily complete training for response to acts of terrorism.
Beginning in 2004, JCF annually must transfer to the tobacco control fund from
the permanent endowment fund the lesser of $25,000,000 or 8.5% of the market
value of the investments in the permanent endowment fund. Beginning in 2004, this
bill annually transfers from the general fund to the tobacco control fund an amount
equal to $25,000,000 less the amount transferred to the tobacco control fund by JCF
from the permanent endowment fund in that year.
Under current law, DHFS provides financial assistance for the treatment of
kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, and hemophilia. This bill permits DHFS to provide
this financial assistance only if the person has first applied for assistance under all
other state-funded health care assistance programs for which the person may be
Current law requires that the financial assistance for the treatment of kidney
disease be equal to the allowable charges for that treatment under the federal
medicare program. This bill eliminates that requirement. The bill also provides that
if the amounts appropriated for this financial assistance are insufficient to assist all
eligible persons, DHFS may establish waiting lists and may assign priorities to
persons on those waiting lists.

Medical assistance
This bill requires the secretary of health and family services to create a
prescription drug prior authorization committee to advise DHFS on issues related
to prior authorization decisions concerning prescription drugs for medical assistance
Mental illness and developmental disabilities
This bill appropriates moneys from the utility public benefits fund for paying
a portion of the energy costs of DHFS in fiscal year 2002-03. The bill also prohibits
DHFS from spending a portion of its general purpose revenue funding for energy
costs in fiscal year 2002-03 without the approval of the secretary of administration.
Other health and human services
Under current law, DHFS may confine a person who has been found to be
sexually violent in an institution, after which the person may petition the court to
order his or her supervised release. If the person is a serious child sex offender, the
court, when deciding whether he or she should be placed on supervised release, may
consider what arrangements are available to ensure that the person has access to
and will participate in antiandrogen treatment or other necessary treatment,
although the court may not base a decision to release a sexually violent person who
is a child sex offender on the person's suitability or willingness to undergo the
treatment. If the court finds that the person is appropriate for supervised release,
DHFS and the social services department of the county in which the person will
reside must prepare a plan -- which the court must approve -- that identifies the
person's needs for treatment and services, including antiandrogen treatment. This
bill eliminates the antiandrogen treatment program.
local government
Under current law, shared revenue (which includes payments under the shared
revenue program, the public utility distribution program, the county mandate relief
program, the expenditure restraint program, and the small municipality shared
revenue program) is paid from the general fund. This bill reduces the total amount
of shared revenue payments in 2002 and 2003 and eliminates shared revenue
beginning in 2004.
Under the bill, in 2002 and 2003, DOR determines the shared revenue
payments to be paid to each municipality and county in that year. DOR then reduces
those payments by subtracting an amount based on the municipality's or county's
population, so that the total amount of the reduction to all the payments in each year
is $350,000,000.