SB328,14,1110 (b) Subject to par. (c), within 21 days after receiving an application under sub.
11(7), a sheriff shall do one of the following:
SB328,14,1312 1. Authorize the department of transportation in writing to issue a license to
13carry a concealed weapon under s. 85.57.
SB328,14,1614 2. Deny the application if the applicant fails to qualify under the criteria
15specified in sub. (3). If the sheriff denies the application, he or she shall inform the
16applicant in writing, stating the ground for denial.
SB328,14,2217 (c) A sheriff may not authorize the department of transportation to issue a
18license under par. (b) 1. until 7 days, subject to extension under sub. (9g) (b) 3. c., have
19elapsed from the time that the sheriff has received a confirmation number regarding
20the firearms restrictions record search under sub. (9g) (b) 1. from the department,
21unless the department has notified the sheriff that its search does not indicate that
22the applicant does not qualify for a license under sub. (3) (a) or (b).
SB328,15,2 23(9g) Firearms restrictions record searches. (a) A sheriff shall request the
24department to conduct a firearms restrictions record search by calling the
25department, using a toll-free telephone number provided by the department, and

1providing the department with the name, date of birth, gender, and race of the
SB328,15,43 (b) On receiving a request under par. (a), the department shall conduct a
4firearms restrictions record search using the following procedure:
SB328,15,65 1. The department shall provide the sheriff with a confirmation number
6confirming the receipt of the information under par. (a).
SB328,15,107 2. The department shall conduct the firearms restrictions record search
8regarding the applicant. In conducting a search under this subdivision, the
9department shall use the transaction information for management of enforcement
10system and the national crime information center system.
SB328,15,1311 3. The department shall notify the sheriff, either during the initial telephone
12call or as soon thereafter as practicable, of the results of the firearms restrictions
13record search as follows:
SB328,15,1714 a. If the search indicates that the applicant does not qualify for a license under
15sub. (3) (a) or (b), the department shall provide the sheriff with a unique nonapproval
16number. The department shall disclose to the sheriff the reason the applicant does
17not qualify for a license under sub. (3) (a) or (b).
SB328,15,2018 b. If the search does not indicate that the applicant does not qualify for a license
19under sub. (3) (a) or (b), the department shall provide the sheriff with a unique
20approval number.
SB328,16,221 c. If the search indicates a criminal charge without a recorded disposition, the
22deadline under sub. (9) (c) is extended to the end of the 3rd complete working day
23commencing after the day on which the department learns of that charge. The
24department shall notify the sheriff of the extension as soon as practicable. During
25the extended period, the department shall make every reasonable effort to determine

1the disposition of the charge and notify the sheriff of the results as soon as
SB328,16,53 (c) The department shall charge a sheriff a fee of $8 for each firearms
4restrictions record search that the sheriff requests under par. (a). The sheriff shall
5collect the fee from the applicant.
SB328,16,106 (d) A sheriff shall maintain the original record of all completed application
7forms and a record of all confirmation numbers and corresponding approval or
8nonapproval numbers that he or she receives regarding firearms restrictions record
9searches under this subsection. The sheriff shall mail a duplicate copy of each
10completed application form to the department.
SB328,16,2311 (e) 1. The department shall check each duplicate application form received
12under par. (d) against the information recorded by the department regarding the
13corresponding request for a firearms restrictions record search under this
14subsection. If the department previously provided a unique approval number
15regarding the request and nothing in the duplicate completed application form
16indicates that the applicant does not qualify for a license under sub. (3) (a) or (b), the
17department shall, except as provided in subd. 2., destroy all records regarding that
18firearms restrictions record search within 30 days after receiving the duplicate form.
19If the department previously provided a unique approval number regarding the
20request and the duplicate completed application form indicates that the applicant
21does not qualify for a license under sub. (3) (a) or (b), the department shall
22immediately notify the sheriff who authorized the issuance of the license, and the
23sheriff shall revoke the license.
SB328,17,324 2. The department may maintain records necessary to administer this
25subsection and, for a period of not more than 3 years after the department issues a

1unique approval number, a log of dates of requests for firearms restrictions record
2searches under this subsection together with confirmation numbers and unique
3approval and nonapproval numbers corresponding to those dates.
SB328,17,10 4(10) Exemption from background check. Notwithstanding sub. (9) (a), a
5sheriff shall authorize the department of transportation to issue a license under s.
685.57 to any individual who is currently employed and who has undergone weapons
7training as a condition of his or her employment without requesting the background
8checks required under sub. (9) (a) upon verifying, using procedures established by
9rule by the department, the truthfulness of the information provided by the
10individual regarding his or her employment and weapons training.
SB328,17,14 11(10q) Rules regarding verifying employment and identity. (a) The
12department shall promulgate rules establishing procedures for sheriffs to use in
13verifying that an applicant meets the requirements of sub. (3) (c) or is an individual
14described in sub. (10).
SB328,17,1815 (b) In consultation with the department of transportation, the department of
16justice shall promulgate rules establishing procedures for the department of
17transportation to use in verifying the identity of a person requesting the issuance of
18a license to carry a concealed weapon under s. 85.57.
SB328,17,24 19(11) Licensee information. (a) A sheriff who authorizes the department of
20transportation to issue an individual a license to carry a concealed weapon under s.
2185.57 shall, within 5 days after notifying the department of transportation of that
22authorization, notify the department of justice of the authorization and provide the
23department of justice with the information required on the form under sub. (5)
24(intro.) concerning the individual.
1(am) The department shall maintain a computerized record listing the names
2of all individuals whose applications under this section have been approved or who
3have been issued a license under s. 85.57 along with the information concerning each
4individual that is provided to the department by a sheriff under par. (a) or by the
5department of transportation under s. 85.57 (3) (b).
SB328,18,86 (c) The department and any sheriff shall provide information concerning a
7specific licensee to a law enforcement agency if the law enforcement agency is
8requesting the information for any of the following purposes:
SB328,18,109 1. To confirm that a license produced by an individual at the request of a law
10enforcement officer is valid.
SB328,18,1311 2. To confirm that the individual holds a valid license under this section, if the
12individual is carrying a concealed weapon but is not carrying a license issued under
13this section and claims to hold a valid license issued under this section.
SB328,18,1514 3. To investigate whether an individual intentionally falsely swore under sub.
SB328,18,19 16(12) Updated information. No later than 30 days after changing his or her
17address, a licensee shall inform the sheriff of the county that issued the license of his
18or her new address. The sheriff shall provide the individual's new address to the
19department for inclusion in the list under sub. (11) (am).
SB328,18,24 20(13) Lost or destroyed license. Upon losing his or her license or if his or her
21license is destroyed, a licensee may submit to the sheriff of the county that issued the
22license a notarized statement that his or her license has been lost or destroyed. The
23sheriff shall authorize the department of transportation to reissue the license under
24s. 85.57 (5) upon receiving the notarized statement.
1(14) License revocation. (a) A sheriff shall revoke a license that the
2department of transportation issued under s. 85.57 if the licensee no longer meets
3all of the criteria specified in sub. (3).
SB328,19,74 (b) If a sheriff revokes a license under this section, the revocation shall take
5effect immediately. Upon revoking an individual's license, the sheriff shall send the
6individual notice of the revocation by certified mail within one day after the
7revocation or suspension.
SB328,19,138 (c) Within 30 days after receiving a notice under par. (b), an individual whose
9license has been revoked shall deliver the license document personally or by certified
10mail to the sheriff. If a licensee becomes ineligible to possess a concealed weapon
11because he or she no longer meets the requirements of sub. (3) but does not receive
12a notice under par. (b), he or she shall, within 30 days after becoming ineligible,
13deliver the license document personally or by certified mail to the sheriff.
SB328,19,14 14(14m) Appeals. (a) In this subsection:
SB328,19,1815 1. "Action," with respect to a sheriff, means any refusal by the sheriff to
16authorize the department to issue a license under s. 85.57 or any revocation by the
17sheriff of a license issued under s. 85.57. "Action," with respect to the department,
18means any act or failure to act by the department.
SB328,19,1919 2. "Department" means the department of transportation.
SB328,19,2320 (am) A person aggrieved by any action by a sheriff under this section may
21appeal directly to the circuit court of the sheriff's county. A person aggrieved by any
22action of the department under s. 85.57 may appeal directly to the circuit court of the
23county in which the relevant department office is located.
SB328,20,724 (b) To begin an appeal under this subsection, the aggrieved person shall file a
25petition for review with the clerk of the applicable circuit court within 30 days after

1the date of the sheriff's or the department's action or, if applicable, within 30 days
2after the date of the notice provided to the person under sub. (9) (b) 2. The petition
3shall state the substance of the sheriff's or the department's action that the person
4is appealing from and the grounds upon which the person believes the sheriff's or the
5department's action to be improper. The petition may include a copy of any records
6or documents that are relevant to the grounds upon which the person believes the
7sheriff's or the department's action to be improper.
SB328,20,108 (c) A copy of the petition shall be served upon the sheriff or the department
9either personally or by registered or certified mail within 5 days after the person files
10his or her petition under par. (b).
SB328,20,1511 (d) The sheriff or the department shall file an answer within 15 days after being
12served with the petition under par. (c). The answer shall include a brief statement
13of the actions taken by the sheriff or the department, and a copy of any documents
14or records on which the sheriff or the department based his or her action shall be
15included with the answer when filed.
SB328,20,2216 (e) The court shall review the petition, the answer, and any records or
17documents submitted with the petition or the answer. The review under this
18paragraph shall be conducted by the court without a jury and shall be confined to the
19petition, the answer, and any records or documents submitted with the petition or
20the answer, except that in cases of alleged irregularities in procedure by the sheriff
21or the department the court may take testimony that the court determines is
SB328,20,2423 (f) The court shall affirm the sheriff's or the department's action unless the
24court finds any of the following:
11. That the sheriff or the department failed to follow procedure prescribed
2under this section.
SB328,21,43 2. That the sheriff or the department erroneously interpreted a provision of law
4and a correct interpretation compels a different action.
SB328,21,65 3. That the sheriff's or the department's action depends on a finding of fact that
6is not supported by substantial evidence in the record.
SB328,21,87 (g) The court's decision shall provide whatever relief is appropriate regardless
8of the original form of the petition.
SB328,21,10 9(15) Duration of license. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a license issued
10under s. 85.57 is permanent unless the license is revoked under sub. (9g) (e) 1. or (14).
SB328,21,1211 (b) A license issued under s. 85.57 is void if the individual to whom the license
12was issued does not meet the requirements of sub. (3).
SB328,21,14 13(16) Prohibited activity. A licensee may not carry a concealed weapon in a
14place in which the carrying of a weapon is prohibited by federal law.
SB328,21,16 15(17) Penalties. (a) A licensee who violates sub. (2g) (b) may be required to
16forfeit not more than $25.
SB328,21,1917 (b) Any person who intentionally falsely swears under sub. (6) shall be fined
18not less than $500 nor more than $10,000 and may be imprisoned for not more than
199 months.
SB328,21,2120 (c) Any person who intentionally violates the requirements of sub. (14) (c) may
21be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both.
SB328,21,23 22(18) Access to records. Records created or kept under this section by the
23department or a sheriff are not subject to access under s. 19.35.
SB328, s. 7 24Section 7. 227.01 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
1227.01 (5) "License" includes all or any part of an agency permit, certificate,
2approval, registration, charter or similar form of permission required by law, except
3a motor vehicle operator's license issued under ch. 343, a vehicle registration
4certificate issued under ch. 341, a license required primarily for revenue purposes,
5a hunting or fishing approval or a similar license where issuance is merely a
6ministerial act, a license to carry a concealed weapon issued under s. 85.57, or an
7authorization under s. 175.50 for the issuance of a license to carry a concealed
SB328, s. 8 9Section 8. 301.046 (3) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB328,22,1010 301.046 (3) (cm) The prisoner is not awaiting execution under a death sentence.
SB328, s. 9 11Section 9. 301.048 (2) (am) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,22,1512 301.048 (2) (am) 2. He or she is a prisoner serving a felony sentence for a felony
13that is
not punishable by death or life imprisonment and the department directs him
14or her to participate in the program. This subdivision does not apply to a prisoner
15serving a bifurcated sentence imposed under s. 973.01.
SB328, s. 10 16Section 10. 301.048 (2) (bm) 1. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,22,2317 301.048 (2) (bm) 1. a. A crime specified in s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05,
18940.06, 940.08, 940.09, 940.10, 940.19 (3), (4), or (5), 940.195 (3), (4), or (5), 940.20,
19940.201, 940.203, 940.21, 940.225 (1) to (3), 940.23, 940.285 (2) (a) 1. or 2., 940.29,
20940.295 (3) (b) 1g., 1m., 1r., 2., or 3., 940.31, 940.43 (1) to (3), 940.45 (1) to (3), 941.20
21(2) or (3), 941.26, 941.30, 941.327, 943.01 (2) (c), 943.011, 943.013, 943.02, 943.04,
22943.06, 943.10 (2), 943.23 (1g), (1m), or (1r), 943.30, 943.32, 946.43, 947.015 947.07,
23948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, 948.03, 948.04, 948.05, 948.06, 948.07, 948.08, or 948.30.
SB328, s. 11 24Section 11. 302.11 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1302.11 (1) The warden or superintendent shall keep a record of the conduct of
2each inmate, specifying each infraction of the rules. Except as provided in subs. (1g),
3(1m), (1q), (1w), (1z), (7), and (10), each inmate is entitled to mandatory release on
4parole by the department. The mandatory release date is established at two-thirds
5of the sentence. Any calculations under this subsection or sub. (1q) (b) or (2) (b)
6resulting in fractions of a day shall be rounded in the inmate's favor to a whole day.
SB328, s. 12 7Section 12. 302.11 (1w) of the statutes is created to read:
SB328,23,98 302.11 (1w) An inmate awaiting execution under a death sentence is not
9entitled to mandatory release on parole under this section.
SB328, s. 13 10Section 13. 303.065 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,23,1311 303.065 (1) (b) 2. A person serving a life sentence under s. 939.62 (2m) (c) or
12973.014 (1) (c) or (1g) (a) 3., or awaiting execution under a death sentence, may not
13be considered for work release.
SB328, s. 14 14Section 14. 304.02 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,23,1815 304.02 (5) Notwithstanding subs. (1) to (3), a prisoner who is serving a life
16sentence under s. 939.62 (2m) (c) or 973.014 (1) (c) or (1g), or who is awaiting
17execution under a death sentence,
is not eligible for release to parole supervision
18under this section.
SB328, s. 15 19Section 15. 304.06 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,24,920 304.06 (1) (b) Except as provided in sub. (1m) or (1t) or s. 302.045 (3), 961.49
21(2), 973.01 (6), or 973.0135, the parole commission may parole an inmate of the
22Wisconsin state prisons or any felon or any person serving at least one year or more
23in a county house of correction or a county reforestation camp organized under s.
24303.07, when he or she has served 25% of the sentence imposed for the offense, or 6
25months, whichever is greater. Except as provided in s. 939.62 (2m) (c) or 973.014 (1)

1(b) or (c), (1g), or (2), the parole commission may parole an inmate serving a life term
2when he or she has served 20 years, as modified by the formula under s. 302.11 (1)
3and subject to extension under s. 302.11 (1q) and (2), if applicable. The person
4serving the life term shall be given credit for time served prior to sentencing under
5s. 973.155, including good time under s. 973.155 (4). The secretary may grant special
6action parole releases under s. 304.02. The department or the parole commission
7shall not provide any convicted offender or other person sentenced to the
8department's custody any parole eligibility or evaluation until the person has been
9confined at least 60 days following sentencing.
SB328, s. 16 10Section 16. 304.06 (1t) of the statutes is created to read:
SB328,24,1211 304.06 (1t) The parole commission may not parole an inmate who is sentenced
12to death under s. 973.0145.
SB328, s. 17 13Section 17. 304.071 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,24,1614 304.071 (2) If a prisoner is not eligible ineligible for parole under s. 304.06 (1t),
15939.62 (2m) (c), 961.49 (2), 973.01 (6), 973.014 (1) (c) or (1g), or 973.032 (5), he or she
16is not eligible for parole under this section.
SB328, s. 18 17Section 18. 440.26 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,24,2318 440.26 (3m) Rules concerning dangerous weapons. The department shall
19promulgate rules relating to the carrying of dangerous weapons by a person who
20holds a license or permit issued under this section or who is employed by a person
21licensed under this section. The rules shall allow the person to carry a concealed
22weapon as permitted under s. 175.50 if the person is licensed to do so under s. 85.57
shall meet the minimum requirements specified in 15 USC 5902 (b).
SB328, s. 19 24Section 19. 895.035 (4a) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
1895.035 (4a) (a) 2. An act resulting in a violation of s. 943.01, 943.02, 943.03,
2943.05, 943.06, or 947.015 947.07.
SB328, s. 20 3Section 20. 939.22 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB328,25,54 939.22 (7) "Crime punishable by death or life imprisonment" means a crime for
5which one or more of the possible penalties is death or life imprisonment.
SB328, s. 21 6Section 21. 939.22 (18m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB328,25,117 939.22 (18m) "Intent to terrorize" means intent to influence the policy of a
8governmental unit by intimidation or coercion, to punish a governmental unit for a
9prior policy decision, to affect the conduct of a governmental unit by homicide or
10kidnapping, or to intimidate or coerce a civilian population. In this subsection,
11"governmental unit" has the meaning given in s. 939.648 (1).
SB328, s. 22 12Section 22. 939.30 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,25,1613 939.30 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2) and ss. 947.09, 948.35, and 961.455,
14whoever, with intent that a felony be committed, advises another to commit that
15crime under circumstances that indicate unequivocally that he or she has the intent
16is guilty of a Class D felony.
SB328, s. 23 17Section 23. 939.30 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,25,2018 939.30 (2) For a solicitation to commit a crime for which the penalty is that is
19punishable by death or
life imprisonment, the actor is guilty of a Class C felony. For
20a solicitation to commit a Class E felony, the actor is guilty of a Class E felony.
SB328, s. 24 21Section 24. 939.31 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,26,3 22939.31 Conspiracy. Except as provided in ss. 940.43 (4), 940.45 (4), and
23961.41 (1x), whoever, with intent that a crime be committed, agrees or combines with
24another for the purpose of committing that crime may, if one or more of the parties
25to the conspiracy does do an act to effect its object, be fined or imprisoned or both not

1to exceed the maximum provided for the completed crime; except that for a
2conspiracy to commit a crime for which the penalty is that is punishable by death or
3life imprisonment, the actor is guilty of a Class B felony.
SB328, s. 25 4Section 25. 939.32 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB328,26,65 939.32 (1) (a) Whoever attempts to commit a crime for which the penalty is that
6is punishable by death or
life imprisonment is guilty of a Class B felony.
SB328, s. 26 7Section 26. 939.60 of the statutes is amended to read: