2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
January 22, 2002 - Introduced by Senators Hansen, A. Lasee, Jauch, Plache,
Baumgart, Robson, Wirch, Erpenbach, Breske, M. Meyer, Burke,
Grobschmidt, Moen, Decker, Shibilski, George, Moore, Risser
and Chvala,
cosponsored by Representatives Hundertmark and Turner. Referred to
Committee on Labor and Agriculture.
SB395,1,7 1An Act to repeal 108.142 (1e), 108.143 and 108.18 (3s); to amend 20.445 (1) (nc),
2108.05 (7) (a) 1., 108.06 (1), 108.06 (1), 108.06 (2) (c), 108.06 (2) (c), 108.06 (2)
3(cm), 108.06 (2) (cm), 108.06 (6) (intro.), 108.06 (6) (intro.) and 108.161 (3e); to
108.142 (1e), 108.143 and 108.18 (3s) of the statutes; and to affect 2001
5Wisconsin Act 35
, section 72 (1) (b); relating to: temporary supplemental
6unemployment insurance benefits and certain other changes to the
7unemployment insurance law.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Currently, under a state program, "Wisconsin supplemental benefits" are
provided to certain unemployment insurance claimants who would otherwise not be
eligible to receive more than 26 full weeks of benefits in a benefit year (period during
which a claimant's benefits are payable). Under this program, a claimant may
potentially receive up to a total of 34 full weeks of benefits based on a benefit year
that includes one or more weeks in a Wisconsin supplemental benefit period. A
Wisconsin supplemental benefit period occurs when this state's rate of insured
unemployment reaches a specified level. Also currently, under a federal program,
"extended benefits" are provided to certain claimants who would otherwise not be
eligible to receive more than 26 or 34 full weeks of benefits based on a benefit year.
Under this program, a claimant may potentially receive up to a total of 39 full weeks

of benefits based on a benefit year that includes one or more weeks in an extended
benefit period. An extended benefit period occurs when the rate of insured
unemployment in the United States or in this state reaches a specified level, which
is generally higher than the level required for a Wisconsin supplemental benefit
period to occur. In order to receive Wisconsin supplemental benefits or extended
benefits, a claimant must have earned a specified amount of wages (or certain
amounts treated as wages) during his or her base period (qualifying work period
during which benefit rights accrue). The cost of Wisconsin supplemental benefits is
paid for entirely by employers in this state. Fifty percent of the cost of extended
benefits is funded by federal taxes paid by employers and 50% of the cost of extended
benefits is paid for by employers in this state. If an employer is subject to a
requirement to pay regular contributions (taxes), which is applicable to all
employers except most public, nonprofit, and Indian tribal employers, any costs of
Wisconsin supplemental or extended benefits are charged to the individual accounts
of the employer or employers of the claimants. If an employer is not subject to a
contribution requirement, these costs are charged directly to that employer.
This bill creates a new type of benefits called "temporary supplemental
benefits" which are payable to certain claimants who are partially or totally
unemployed during the period beginning on March 3, 2002, and ending on December
28, 2002. To be eligible to receive temporary supplemental benefits, a claimant must
be partially or totally unemployed at the time that the benefits are claimed, must
have received all regular benefits that were potentially payable to the claimant, and
must meet other requirements generally imposed upon claimants for regular
benefits. Under the bill, temporary supplemental benefits are potentially payable
in an amount equal to eight times a claimant's weekly benefit rate, but may not
exceed an amount equal to 50% of the total regular benefits that were potentially
payable to a claimant during his or her most recent benefit year. A claimant who
meets other requirements need not have earned any specified amounts of wages or
other amounts treated as wages in order to receive the full amount of temporary
supplemental benefits that is potentially payable to the claimant. The cost of
temporary supplemental benefits is paid for by employers in this state. However, the
bill provides that if an employer is subject to a contribution requirement the cost is
not chargeable to the employer's individual account but is instead chargeable to the
balancing account of the unemployment reserve fund, which is supported by all
employers that are subject to a contribution requirement. If an employer is not
subject to a contribution requirement, this cost is charged directly to the employer
or employers of the claimants.
The bill also provides that Wisconsin supplemental benefits are not payable to
any claimant for weeks of unemployment beginning before January 26, 2003. In
addition, the bill provides that temporary supplemental benefits are not payable to
any claimant for any week in which they would otherwise be payable if the claimant
receives extended benefits or other unemployment insurance benefits funded in
whole or in part by the federal government for that week or for any other week during
the time period that the claimant would otherwise qualify to receive temporary
supplemental benefits.

Currently, contributions are payable by employers under four schedules which
establish contribution rates based on an employer's claims (layoff) experience. The
schedule that applies for a given year depends on the cash balance in the
unemployment reserve fund on June 30 of the preceding year, with higher rates in
effect when the balance in the fund is lower. This bill prohibits any change in the
contribution schedules from taking effect for the 2003 calendar year regardless of the
balance in the unemployment reserve fund on June 30, 2002.
The bill also precludes the council on unemployment insurance and the
department of workforce development from recommending to the legislature any
reallocation of certain federal financial assistance provided to this state for any
purpose other than benefit payments in the 2002 calendar year. In addition, the bill
modifies current law to limit the exemption of social security payments from any
required offset against unemployment insurance benefit payments to those social
security payments that are based in whole or in part on taxes paid by the claimant.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB395, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.445 (1) (nc) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB395,3,82 20.445 (1) (nc) Unemployment insurance administration; special federal
All moneys received from the federal government under section 903 of the
4federal Social Security Act, as amended, as authorized by the governor under s.
for federal fiscal years 2000, and 2001 and the first $2,389,107 of the moneys
6received from the federal government under that act for federal fiscal year
2002, as
7authorized by the governor under s. 16.54,
to be used for administration of
8unemployment insurance.
SB395, s. 2 9Section 2. 108.05 (7) (a) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB395,4,411 108.05 (7) (a) 1. "Pension payment" means a pension, retirement, annuity, or
12other similar payment made to a claimant, based on the previous work of that
13claimant, whether or not payable on a periodic basis, from a governmental or other

1retirement system maintained or contributed to by an employer from which that
2claimant has base period wages, other than a payment received under the federal
3Social Security Act (42 USC 301 et seq.) that is based in whole or in part upon taxes
4paid by the claimant
SB395, s. 3 5Section 3. 108.06 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB395,4,156 108.06 (1) Except as provided in sub. (6) and ss. 108.141 and, 108.142, and
, no claimant may receive total benefits based on employment in a base
8period greater than 26 times the claimant's weekly benefit rate under s. 108.05 (1)
9or 40% of the claimant's base period wages, whichever is lower. Except as provided
10in sub. (6) and ss. 108.141 and, 108.142 , and 108.143, if a claimant's base period
11wages are reduced or canceled under s. 108.04 (5), (7), (8) (a) or (18), or suspended
12under s. 108.04 (1) (f), (10) (a), or (17), the claimant may not receive total benefits
13based on employment in a base period greater than 26 times the claimant's weekly
14benefit rate under s. 108.05 (1) or 40% of the base period wages not reduced, canceled
15or suspended which were paid or payable to the claimant, whichever is lower.
SB395, s. 4 16Section 4 . 108.06 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act .... (this
17act), is amended to read:
SB395,5,218 108.06 (1) Except as provided in sub. (6) and ss. 108.141, and 108.142, and
, no claimant may receive total benefits based on employment in a base
20period greater than 26 times the claimant's weekly benefit rate under s. 108.05 (1)
21or 40% of the claimant's base period wages, whichever is lower. Except as provided
22in sub. (6) and ss. 108.141, and 108.142, and 108.143, if a claimant's base period
23wages are reduced or canceled under s. 108.04 (5) or (18), or suspended under s.
24108.04 (1) (f), (10) (a), or (17), the claimant may not receive total benefits based on
25employment in a base period greater than 26 times the claimant's weekly benefit rate

1under s. 108.05 (1) or 40% of the base period wages not reduced, canceled or
2suspended which were paid or payable to the claimant, whichever is lower.
SB395, s. 5 3Section 5. 108.06 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB395,5,64 108.06 (2) (c) No benefits are payable to a claimant for any week of
5unemployment not occurring during the claimant's benefit year except under ss.
6108.141 and, 108.142, and 108.143.
SB395, s. 6 7Section 6 . 108.06 (2) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act ....
8(this act), is amended to read:
SB395,5,119 108.06 (2) (c) No benefits are payable to a claimant for any week of
10unemployment not occurring during the claimant's benefit year except under ss.
11108.141, and 108.142, and 108.143.
SB395, s. 7 12Section 7. 108.06 (2) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB395,5,1613 108.06 (2) (cm) If an employee qualifies to receive benefits using the base period
14described in s. 108.02 (4) (b), the wages used to compute the employee's benefit
15entitlement are not available for use in any subsequent benefit computation for the
16same employee, except under s. 108.141 or, 108.142, or 108.143.
SB395, s. 8 17Section 8 . 108.06 (2) (cm) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
18.... (this act), is amended to read:
SB395,5,2219 108.06 (2) (cm) If an employee qualifies to receive benefits using the base period
20described in s. 108.02 (4) (b), the wages used to compute the employee's benefit
21entitlement are not available for use in any subsequent benefit computation for the
22same employee, except under s. 108.141, or 108.142, or 108.143.
SB395, s. 9 23Section 9. 108.06 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB395,6,824 108.06 (6) (intro.) If a claimant has established a benefit year prior to the
25effective date of any increase in the maximum weekly benefit rate provided under

1s. 108.05 (1), the claimant has not exhausted his or her total benefit entitlement
2under sub. (1) for that benefit year on that effective date, and the claimant was
3entitled to receive the maximum weekly benefit rate under s. 108.05 (1) that was in
4effect prior to that effective date, the limitation on the total benefits authorized to
5be paid to a claimant under sub. (1) does not apply to that claimant in that benefit
6year. Unless s. 108.141 or, 108.142 , or 108.143 applies, the claimant's remaining
7benefit entitlement in that benefit year for the period beginning on that effective date
8shall be computed by:
SB395, s. 10 9Section 10 . 108.06 (6) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin
10Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
SB395,6,2011 108.06 (6) (intro.) If a claimant has established a benefit year prior to the
12effective date of any increase in the maximum weekly benefit rate provided under
13s. 108.05 (1), the claimant has not exhausted his or her total benefit entitlement
14under sub. (1) for that benefit year on that effective date, and the claimant was
15entitled to receive the maximum weekly benefit rate under s. 108.05 (1) that was in
16effect prior to that effective date, the limitation on the total benefits authorized to
17be paid to a claimant under sub. (1) does not apply to that claimant in that benefit
18year. Unless s. 108.141, or 108.142 , or 108.143 applies, the claimant's remaining
19benefit entitlement in that benefit year for the period beginning on that effective date
20shall be computed by:
SB395, s. 11 21Section 11. 108.142 (1e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB395,6,2322 108.142 (1e) Suspension. No Wisconsin supplemental benefits may be paid for
23any week of unemployment beginning earlier than January 26, 2003.
SB395, s. 12 24Section 12 . 108.142 (1e) of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin Act ....
25(this act), is repealed.
SB395, s. 13
1Section 13. 108.143 of the statutes is created to read:
SB395,7,3 2108.143 Temporary supplemental benefits. (1) Definitions. In this
SB395,7,94 (a) "Eligibility period" means the period consisting of the weeks in an
5individual's benefit year that begin in a temporary supplemental benefit period and,
6if an individual's benefit year ends within a temporary supplemental benefit period,
7any week thereafter that begins in a temporary supplemental benefit period in which
8an individual would have remaining benefit entitlement under this section if the
9week had begun in the individual's benefit year.
SB395,7,1110 (b) "Exhaustee" means an individual who, with respect to any week of
11unemployment in his or her eligibility period:
SB395,7,1612 1. Has received, prior to that week, in his or her benefit year which includes
13that week, all of the regular benefits that were potentially payable to that individual
14under state or federal law, including dependents' allowances, or is precluded from
15receiving regular benefits by reason of the law of another state which meets the
16requirement of 26 USC 3304 (a) (7);
SB395,7,2017 2. Lacks sufficient base period wages under s. 108.04 (4) (a) or employment or
18other work under s. 108.04 (4) (c) to establish a benefit year under s. 108.06
19subsequent to a benefit year which expired prior to that week, and in the temporary
20supplemental benefit period which includes that week;
SB395,8,221 3. Has no right to unemployment assistance under the Railroad
22Unemployment Insurance Act or other federal laws as are specified in regulations
23of the federal department of labor, and has not received and is not applying for
24unemployment insurance under the laws of Canada, unless the individual is

1applying for that insurance and the appropriate Canadian agency finally determines
2that he or she is not entitled to that insurance; and
SB395,8,73 4. Is not eligible to receive for that week and was not eligible to receive for any
4earlier week in his or her eligibility period extended benefits under s. 108.141 or
5other supplemental unemployment assistance funded in whole or in part by the
6federal government that is determined by the secretary of workforce development to
7serve as an unemployment insurance benefit program.
SB395,8,128 (c) "Regular benefits" means unemployment insurance benefits payable to an
9individual under state law or federal law, including benefits payable to federal
10civilian employees and to ex-servicemen under 5 USC ch. 85, other than extended
11benefits under s. 108.141, federal supplemental compensation, and Wisconsin
12supplemental benefits under s. 108.142.
SB395,8,1413 (d) "State law" means the unemployment insurance law of any state, approved
14by the federal secretary of labor under 26 USC 3304.
SB395,8,1615 (e) "Temporary supplemental benefit period" means the period beginning on
16March 3, 2002, and ending on December 28, 2002.
SB395,8,1817 (f) "Temporary supplemental benefits" means benefits payable to an individual
18under this section for weeks of unemployment in his or her eligibility period.
SB395,8,22 19(2) Eligibility requirements for temporary supplemental benefits. An
20individual is eligible to receive temporary supplemental benefits for any week of
21unemployment beginning on or after March 3, 2002, and ending on or before
22December 28, 2002, if:
SB395,8,2323 (a) That week is in the individual's eligibility period;
SB395,8,2524 (b) The individual established a benefit year which began on or after March 11,
1(c) The individual is an exhaustee; and
SB395,9,32 (d) The individual is not disqualified and has satisfied the other requirements
3of this chapter for the payment of regular benefits.
SB395,9,7 4(3) Receipt of regular benefits. For purposes of this section, an individual
5is considered to have received all regular benefits that were available to the
6individual in his or her benefit year which includes any week of unemployment in
7his or her eligibility period notwithstanding that:
SB395,9,108 (a) The individual may subsequently be determined to be entitled to additional
9regular benefits as a result of a pending appeal under s. 108.09 or 108.10 which were
10not included in the determination or decision under appeal; or
SB395,9,1211 (b) The individual is precluded from receiving regular benefits by reason of a
12seasonal limitation in the law of another state.