In testimony whereof, the secretary has hereunto affixed the secretary's
6signature and the official seal of the department, at its office in the city of Madison,
7Wisconsin, this .... day of ...., .... (year)
State of Wisconsin
9Department of Natural Resources.
By .... ....
SB476, s. 7
7. 23.10 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) The department
of natural resources shall furnish to each
13conservation warden at the time of the warden's appointment, a pocket identification
14folder in form and substance as follows:
A a leather-covered folder, size when folded,
153 by 4 inches; on one of the inner sides thereof shall be securely fastened a photograph
16of such appointee to be furnished by the appointee, and partly on the photograph and
17partly on the margin of such folder shall be an impression of the seal of the
of natural resources; such appointee shall also affix the appointee's
19signature below the photograph on such folder; on the other inner side of such folder
20shall be securely fastened a miniature true copy of the commission issued to such
21appointee, which shall be signed by the secretary. The appointee shall carry the
22identification folder on his or her person at all times that the appointee is on official
23duty, and the appointee shall on demand exhibit the same to any person to whom the
24appointee may represent himself or herself as a conservation warden. The cost of
25such identification folder shall be charged to the appropriation for the department.
SB476, s. 8
8. 23.13 of the statutes is amended to read:
223.13 Governor to be informed. The board of commissioners of public lands
3and the department
of natural resources shall furnish to the governor upon the
4governor's request a copy of any paper, document
, or record in their respective offices
5and give the governor orally such information as the governor may call for.
SB476, s. 9
9. 23.15 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
723.15 (title)
Sale of state-owned lands under the jurisdiction of the
8department of natural resources.
SB476, s. 10
10. 23.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The natural resources board may sell, at public or private sale, lands
11and structures owned by the state under the jurisdiction of the department
of natural
12resources when the natural resources board determines that said lands are no longer
13necessary for the state's use for conservation purposes and, if real property, the real
14property is not the subject of a petition under s. 16.375 (2).
Note: Sections 2 to 10 of the draft change current references to "department of
natural resources" in ch. 23 to "department". This is because the definition of department
of natural resources, placed at the beginning of ch. 23 by this draft, refers to the
department of natural resources as the "department" in chs. 23 through 29.
SB476, s. 11
11. 24.01 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1624.01 Definitions and classification. (intro.) In
chs. 23 to 29 this chapter,
17unless the context requires otherwise or unless otherwise defined:
SB476, s. 12
12. 24.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) "Board" means the board of commissioners of public lands
, except that
20this definition does not apply to ch. 25.
SB476, s. 13
13. 24.01 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 23.05 (1).
SB476, s. 14
14. 24.01 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 23.05 (2).
SB476, s. 15
15. 24.01 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 23.05 (3).
SB476, s. 16
16. 24.01 (11) of the statutes is renumbered 23.05 (4).
Note: Sections 13 to 16 renumber definitions which are currently located in ch. 24,
stats., and place them in ch. 23, stats. Under current law, these definitions are placed at
the beginning of ch. 24. However, because these definitions apply to chs. 23 and 24 and
26 to 29, they are more appropriately placed at the beginning of ch. 23.
SB476, s. 17
17. 24.03 of the statutes is amended to read:
324.03 Escheats. The board
of commissioners of public lands shall, whenever
4it shall have reason to believe that any lands have escheated to the state for defect
5of heirs, cause due inquiry to be made to ascertain the rights of the state, and the
6attorney general shall bring any suit or action or take any requisite proceeding
7necessary to protect and secure the rights of the state. The board may either take
8possession of, or cause to be sued for and recovered as aforesaid when necessary, any
9real estate believed to have escheated to the state, or may proceed directly to sell all
10the right, title
, and interest of the state therein, without first obtaining possession
11thereof and without establishing title thereto by action.
SB476, s. 18
18. 24.251 of the statutes is amended to read:
1324.251 Patents, issuance; county may record. Whenever it shall appear
14to the board
of commissioners of public lands that all the conditions relating to the
15issuance of patents have been complied with, the board may issue patents, and the
16county board of any county may cause such patents to be recorded in the county and
17pay the cost of such recording.
SB476, s. 19
19. 24.28 of the statutes is amended to read:
1924.28 Forfeiture. In the case of the nonpayment of interest when due
20according to the terms of the certificate of sale, or of any taxes
, which before said
21annual interest is paid shall have been returned to the board
of commissioners of
22public lands by the county treasurer as due and unpaid upon such land, or of the
23principal when required by the board, such certificate shall become void from the
1time of such failure, and the purchaser, the purchaser's heirs and assigns, shall
2forfeit all right and interest in the lands described in such certificate; and the board
3may take immediate possession thereof and may resell the same as hereinafter
SB476, s. 20
20. 24.341 of the statutes is amended to read:
624.341 Offset to refund on void sales. Whenever any claim shall be made
7under s. 24.34, the board
of commissioners of public lands shall make an
8investigation and determination, and offset the value of the use of said land, property
9removed therefrom
, and the damage or injury thereto by such claimant, together
10with interest thereon, against the amounts actually paid to the state and to any other
11persons on account of the purchase, possession, use, damage
, or injury to such lands
12by said claimants. The refund or payment to be made under s. 24.34 shall in no case
13be more than the excess, if any, of the amounts paid out by such claimant with
14interest over such offset.
SB476, s. 21
21. 24.39 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The board
of commissioners of public lands may grant leases of parts
17or parcels of any public lands except state park lands and state forest lands
;. The
18board may grant easements
, or leases to enter upon any of said lands
, to flow the
, or to prospect for and to dig and remove therefrom ore, minerals
, and other
20deposits, and
to sell therefrom such timber as the board shall find necessary to
21prevent future loss or damage. All sales of standing live timber shall be on a selective
22cutting basis in line with federal forest practices. Such easements, leases, licenses
, 23and sales shall be made only for a full and fair consideration paid or to be paid to the
24state, the amount and terms whereof shall be fixed by said board, and such
25easements, leases, licenses
, and sales shall conform to the requirements, so far as
1applicable, prescribed by ch. 26 for the exercise by the department
of natural
2resources of similar powers affecting state park lands and state forest lands.
SB476, s. 22
22. 24.39 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) In negotiating for such leases, licenses
, or sales, and in exercising the
5other powers conferred by this section
, the board
of commissioners of public lands 6shall, so far as it finds it desirable and practicable, request and make proper use of
7such services and information as the department
of natural resources may be able
8to furnish.
SB476, s. 23
23. 24.39 (4) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (a) (intro.) Subject to pars. (c) and (d) the board
of commissioners of
11public lands may:
SB476, s. 24
24. 24.39 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (c) No leases under par. (a) may be executed without a prior finding
14of the department
of natural resources under s. 30.11 (5) that any proposed physical
15change in the area contemplated as the result of the execution of any term lease is
16consistent with the public interest in the navigable waters involved.
SB476, s. 25
25. 24.39 (4) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (e) Such lease shall be for a term not to exceed 50 years
, and shall
19include therein any and all conditions and terms the board
of commissioners of public
20lands believes to be necessary in the public interest. A lessee or the lessee's heirs,
, or assigns of a lease
which that has reached the end of its term shall have
22first opportunity to contract with the board
of commissioners of public lands for a new
SB476, s. 26
26. 24.39 (4) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (f) A municipality may sublease rights leased to it under par. (a) 1.
2or 2. to corporations or private persons. A municipality may also make physical
3improvements on and above the bottoms to which rights were leased from the board
4of commissioners of public lands and may sublease these improvements to
5corporations or private persons. Any subleases under this paragraph shall be
6consistent with this subsection and with whatever standards or restrictions the
of natural resources, acting under s. 30.11 (5), may have found at the
8time of execution of the original lease by the board
of commissioners of public lands 9to the municipality.
SB476, s. 27
27. 24.39 (4) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (i) All leases entered into by the board
of commissioners of public
12lands under this subsection and s. 30.11 shall be deemed to be subject to this section
13and any other applicable laws of this state or of the United States.
SB476, s. 28
28. 24.53 of the statutes is amended to read:
1524.53 Investigate land claims; deduct expenses. The board
16commissioners of public lands shall investigate the rights of the state to school lands,
17normal school lands, university lands
, and agricultural college lands. The expenses
18incurred in making these investigations and taking necessary steps to protect
19common school lands, normal school lands, university lands
, and agricultural college
20lands and timber on those lands, as well as the expense of necessary surveys, records,
, and sales, upon the approval of the board, shall be deducted from the
22gross receipts of the fund to which the proceeds from the sale of the land or timber
23will be added.
SB476, s. 29
29. 24.54 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The department of administration shall provide an office for the
2board. The board shall conveniently arrange and preserve in that office all records,
3books, reports, surveys, maps, field notes, plats
, and other papers pertaining to the
4public lands owned by the state, including all public lands that have been or shall
5be received from the United States or any officer of the United States. The board may
6perfect the records, books, reports, surveys, maps, field notes, plats
, and other papers
7when incomplete, and cause copies of those documents to be made when from injury,
8loss, use
, or accident it shall become necessary. Any copy, when certified to be a
9correct copy by the executive secretary of the board under the executive secretary's
10signature and the official seal of the office to have been made for any of the causes
11specified in this subsection, shall have the same force and effect in all courts and
12places as the original. Any copy from the original records, books, reports, surveys,
13maps, field notes, plats
, or other papers, or from any record or paper required by law
14to be kept in the office, or any copy from a certified copy of one of those documents,
15when certified by the executive secretary of the board or any member of the board
16of commissioners of public lands under the official seal of the board, shall be received
17in evidence with the same effect as the original.
Note: In Sections 17 to 29, references to the "department of natural resources",
"board of commissioners of public lands", or both, which appear in the statutes affected
in those Sections, are deleted and are replaced with the terms "department" and "board",
respectively. This change is made because department of natural resources is referred
to as the "department" in the definition of the DNR at the beginning of ch. 23, and the term
"board of commissioners of public lands" is also referred to as the "board" in the definition
of the board of commissioners of public lands in s. 24.01 (2), stats.
SB476, s. 30
30. 25.156 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) The members of the board shall promulgate rules restricting the
20executive director, executive assistant to the executive director, internal auditor,
21chief investment officer, chief financial officer, chief legal counsel, chief risk officer,
1investment directors
, and employees from having financial interest, directly or
2indirectly, in firms or corporations providing services to the
department board and
3governing the receipt of gifts or favors therefrom, and also governing personal
4investments of all employees including the executive director, executive assistant to
5the executive director, internal auditor, chief investment officer, chief financial
6officer, chief legal counsel, chief risk officer
, and investment directors to prevent
7conflicts of interest.
SB476, s. 31
31. 25.29 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) Except as provided in ss. 25.293 and 25.295, all moneys accruing
10to the state for or in behalf of the department
of natural resources under chs. 26, 27,
1128, 29
, and 350, subchs. I and VI of ch. 77
, and ss. 23.09 to 23.31, 23.325 to 23.42,
1223.50 to 23.99, 30.50 to 30.55, 70.58, 71.10 (5)
, and 71.30 (10), including grants
13received from the federal government or any of its agencies except as otherwise
14provided by law.
SB476, s. 32
32. 25.29 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) License fees and other state moneys collected by each field employee
17of the department
of natural resources shall be remitted to the department
of natural
18resources within one month after receipt together with a report of the number of
19licenses issued and details covering the type and the amount of money remitted.
(3) Funds accruing to the conservation fund from license fees paid by
23hunters and from sport and recreation fishing license fees shall not be diverted for
24any other purpose than the administration of the department
of natural resources
1when it is exercising its responsibilities that are specific to the management of the
2fish and wildlife resources of this state.
SB476, s. 34
34. 25.29 (3m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (a) The total amount that the department
of natural resources may
5expend for a given fiscal year from the fish and wildlife account of the conservation
6fund for administrative costs may not exceed 16% of the expenditures from that
7account for that fiscal year.
SB476, s. 35
35. 25.29 (3m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (b) For purposes of par. (a), administrative costs consist of the costs
10incurred in the administration of the department
of natural resources and its
11divisions and in providing support services for the
department . department.
(4m) No moneys that accrue to the state for or in behalf of the department
15of natural resources under ch. 29 may be expended or paid for the enforcement of the
16treaty-based, off-reservation rights to fish held by members of federally recognized
17American Indian tribes or bands domiciled in Wisconsin.
SB476, s. 37
37. 25.29 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (a) Eight percent of the tax levied under s. 70.58 or of the funds
20provided for in lieu of the levy shall be used to acquire and develop forests of the state
21for the purposes or capable of providing the benefits described under s. 28.04 (2)
22within areas approved by the department
of natural resources and the governor and
23located within the region composed of Manitowoc, Calumet, Winnebago, Sheboygan,
24Fond du Lac, Ozaukee, Washington, Dodge, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Jefferson,
25Racine, Kenosha, Walworth, Rock
, and Outagamie counties.
SB476, s. 38
38. 25.29 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (b) An additional 4% of the tax levied under s. 70.58 or of the funds
3provided in lieu of the levy shall be used to purchase forests for the state for the
4purposes or capable of providing the benefits described under s. 28.04 (2) within
5areas approved by the department
of natural resources and the governor and located
6within the region specified under par. (a).
Note: Sections 31 to 38 change the reference in ch. 25 from "department" to
"department of natural resources". This is because this draft makes the definition of
department of natural resources, in ch. 23 under this draft, inapplicable to ch. 25.
Therefore, the entire term "department of natural resources" must be used when it is
mentioned in ch. 25.
SB476, s. 39
39. 26.01 of the statutes is repealed.
Note: This Section repeals the definition of department of natural resources in ch.
26. This is because in Section 1 of the draft, the definition of "department of natural
resources" placed in ch. 23 is also made applicable to ch. 26.
SB476, s. 40
40. 26.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
926.10 Reports by the department to the board of commissioners of
10public lands. The department shall report monthly to the board of commissioners
11of public lands all trespasses committed, all materials seized, all sales made
, and all
12moneys received under ss.
26.01 26.03 to 26.09.
Note: This Section deletes a reference to s. 26.01, stats., since this section is
repealed in this draft.
SB476, s. 41
41. 27.011 of the statutes is amended to read:
1427.011 Copper Culture Mounds State Park. The department
of natural
15resources shall accept a grant of lands in the city of Oconto, Oconto
county County,
16and shall develop and maintain it as a state park to be known as Copper Culture
17Mounds State Park.
Note: This Section deletes the reference to "department of natural resources" in
ch. 27 and replaces it with "department". The definition of "department of natural
resources" at the beginning of ch. 23, in which it is referred to as "the department", is
applicable to ch. 27.
SB476, s. 42
42. 27.016 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) Annually, on or before January 1, the department shall review all
3applications received under this section in the previous year and shall make the
4grants that it approves from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (1) (eq). If insufficient
5funds are available to pay all approved grants, the
natural resources board shall
6prorate the available funds among the applicants in proportion to the approved grant
Note: In this Section, the term "natural resources" modifies "board". This is
necessary because in ch. 27, the term "board" refers to the board of commissioners of
public lands, not the board of natural resources.
SB476, s. 43
43. 28.005 of the statutes is repealed.
Note: This Section repeals the definition of "department of natural resources" in
ch. 28. This is because, under Section 1, the definition of "department of natural
resources" created in ch. 23 applies to ch. 28.
SB476, s. 44
44. 29.601 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) Use of pesticides. The department
of natural resources, after public
11hearing, may promulgate rules governing the use of any pesticide
, which it finds is
12a serious hazard to wild animals other than those it is intended to control, and the
13making of reports about the pesticide. In promulgating the rules, the department
14to the extent relevant shall consider the need for pesticides to protect the well-being
15of the general public. "Pesticide" has the meaning given in s. 94.67.
Note: This Section deletes the reference to "department of natural resources" and
replaces it with "department". The definition of "department of natural resources" at the
beginning of ch. 23, in which it is referred to as "the department", is applicable to ch. 29.
SB476, s. 45
45. 84.28 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) The department may administer a program for the construction,
, and marking of roads, including fire roads, service areas, trailer or
19vehicle parking stalls or parking areas
, and other facilities consistent with highway
20construction and for the marking of scenic routes in the state parks, state forests, the
1lower Wisconsin state riverway as defined under s. 30.40 (15), state fish hatcheries,
2other public used areas under the jurisdiction of the department of natural
, and other public lands as defined in
ch. 24 s. 23.05 (2), for highways or fire
4roads leading from the most convenient state trunk highways to such lands, and for
5the relocation and construction of state trunk highways in or near state parks when
6required in the interests of public safety. Within the limitations and for the purposes
7of this section, work may be performed by or under the supervision or authority or
8with the approval of the department, upon the request for such work filed by the
9department of natural resources as to the lower Wisconsin state riverway, as defined
10in s. 30.40 (15), or as to state park or forest lands, or by the board of commissioners
11of the public lands as to other classes of public lands. Outside the lower Wisconsin
12state riverway, as defined in s. 30.40 (15), and outside the limits of the park, state
, and public land areas, direct connections to the most convenient state trunk
14highway may be built or maintained under this section. Roads in unincorporated
15areas within 5 miles of the boundaries of the Horicon national wildlife refuge or the
16Horicon marsh wildlife area may be built or maintained under this section upon
17request of the town board, if the department of transportation certifies that such
18roads are or will be used by a substantial number of visitors to such area. Costs
19incurred under this section shall be the responsibility of the department of natural
20resources, commissioners of public lands
, or town board, as appropriate.
SB476, s. 46
46. 95.21 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (f) "Warden" has the meaning designated under s.
24.01 (11) 23.05 (4).
SB476, s. 47
47. 347.06 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: